[Original God·Hanxiao]: Yeah.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Don't we all agree to postpone the observation of the mysterious world? Why did you suddenly change your attention?

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: It seems that a lot of things have happened around you recently?

[Original God·Hanxiao]: That's true.

Chapter 584: The Heart-beating Strange Night (Happy New Year!)

Faced with the doubts of the group of friends, Han Xiao quickly told the details of her encounter with Dragon King Ruotuo.

It must be said that the other party's act of dedication touched him.

Since becoming the Demon God, Han Xiao, who has touched the top level of Teyvat Continent, can be said that except for the awakening of Tianli, few people can threaten his safety.

Without danger, Han Xiao's ambition to improve herself would inevitably weaken a lot.

It's not that he doesn't improve, it just means that the speed of improvement has slowed down.

Coupled with the fact that Zhongli's condition gradually improved after regular wear and tear elimination, Han Xiao did not go out of his way to improve his power.

It wasn't until this trip to Fulongshu that his power was of little use in the face of the wear and tear in Ruotuo Dragon King's body that he felt a little annoyed.

On the way back from the Qun Yu Pavilion, Han Xiao sometimes thought, if his power transformed earlier and became stronger, would he be able to solve the wear and tear problem in Ruotuo Dragon King's body?

Instead of watching the other person fall into a deep sleep through self-sealing.

Now there is a world in the chat group where you can observe the manifestation of authority, which is enough for the flower of your heart to continue to transform.

So he planned to try to observe the mysterious world.

Of course, Han Xiao is also very aware that the mysterious world is more dangerous, but he is not a reckless person without a little bit of assurance.

Regarding the safety of this observation, Han Xiao felt that her safety could still be guaranteed.

The first is that he himself has reached the state of controlling power.

Looking at all the worlds, beings who can control power are always strong no matter where they are, and Han Xiao has power transformed under the multiverse system, and his status is also quite high.

It is true that the knowledge of the secret world is poisonous, but judging from the content recorded in the book, it seems that it has not yet risen to the level of diversity, so he thinks that he should be able to withstand the secret knowledge.

In addition to this, the other thing that gave Han Xiao the confidence to observe the mysterious world was naturally the existence of the chat group.

Although this 'Golden Finger' used to look like a crotchless person who was desperate for money, the fact that he can connect all the worlds is enough to prove that his status is definitely not low.

At least the link to the mysterious world did not contaminate the group members.

With two reasons in hand, Han Xiao naturally had a lot of confidence in observing the mysterious world.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: From what you said, it seems to be true.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: The status of the chat group is very high, I can guarantee this.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: Oh, Xixiao, what did you find?

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: It's not that I discovered something, but that the super boss around me can detect that there is something extremely high in my soul.

[One Piece·Han Xiao]: Good guy, let's not talk about whether the chat group is high-ranking or not. Xi Xiao, is your boss there so awesome?

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: You're underestimating people, don't forget that my side is in a multiverse that is constantly expanding, and the top combat power is not considered weak even in all the worlds, okay?

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: That's not the point. Since the big boss in Xixiao's serious chat group has a high status, there should be no hidden dangers in Yuanxiao's observation of the mysterious world.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: As long as there are no hidden dangers, how are you going to observe Yuanxiao? I'll just start the live broadcast?

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Yeah.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: Wait a minute, I think this is not efficient. It is better to directly observe the core source of the mysterious world. This should be the most rewarding observation method.

[World of Warcraft·Han Xiao]: Uh... The only source of essence I can think of is the Source Castle. You Xiao, are you planning to let Wei Xiao start a live broadcast when the Tarot Club is held?

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: If this scares Ke Meow, it will be a lot of fun. I don't think it's appropriate.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: No, I understand You Xiao's plan! He wants Wei Xiao to go to Banxi.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: Wait a minute... It seems that the source of the witch and hunter's corresponding source [City of Disaster] is sealed in the Western Continent, but it has already affected Bansi Port.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: And one more thing, the city behind the door of Banxi Port may be the embodiment of the erosion of [City of Disaster].

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Quiexiao himself is a witch, which means that no matter whether he becomes a hunter or not in the future, he will need this source of essence.

[Ingenious World·Han Xiao]: Yes, You Xiao! If you are flexible enough in thinking, you can achieve multiple things with one move!

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: Don't forget that what we card guys are best at is chain reactions!

[Secret·Hanxiao]: You guys are really thinking too far, I'm just a Sequence Seven!

[Secret·Hanxiao]: You want me to die by directly letting me come into contact with the source of essence needed to break through the past?

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Have you learned the Flower of Heart?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: I learned it.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Then tell me, whoever thinks you are sequence seven is a real fool!

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Don't worry, with the personal suppression of the chat group, observing the aura of the Banxi area [City of Disaster] is not a particularly dangerous thing, and it is also good for you.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Indeed, the power system of the mysterious world is too twisted. You might as well transform the Flower of Heart into power as soon as possible and wash away the extraordinary characteristics of you.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: It just so happens that you joined the group late, and the number of worlds you have accumulated to observe is too small. If you are able to observe [City of Disaster] at close range, the phenomenon of manifest power, I guess your heart flower should be able to directly absorb it. Sufficient nutrients for transformation.”

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: As long as you transform into powers, not only will you not be in danger of going crazy, but your status and strength will be considered an angel, and you will reach heaven in one step, girl!

[Secret·Hanxiao]: ...Okay, isn't it Banxi Port? I'll go there!

Perhaps the temptation told in the group was too great, and Han Xiao from the mysterious world was also moved by the talk, and directly agreed to the request to go to Bansi Port.

Han Xiao was quite satisfied with this.

After observing the manifestation of power, he and himself in the mysterious world can benefit. This is really an excellent choice!

On the other side, a mysterious world.

After closing the chat group, the beautiful girl with long black hair slowly stood up, walked out of her room and came to the living room.

Miss Leticia!

Seeing the girl come to the living room, a cute maid who was only in her teens quickly came to her side, ready to wait for her instructions.

Tina, come with me to buy a boat ticket.

Chapter 585 Albedo on vacation

Perhaps because of the temptation to wash away her extraordinary characteristics and reach the sky in one step, Leticia...that is, Han Xiao from the mysterious world made the decision to take a boat to Bansi as soon as she closed the chat group.

Fortunately, the slutty Emperor Russell pointed out the skill points of Steam a long time ago. I believe that it won’t be long before everyone in the chat group can observe with their own eyes the powerful [City of Disaster].

His eyes returned to the continent of Teyvat.

After learning that Gui Xiao had set off for Banxi, Han Xiao temporarily suppressed the matter in her heart and turned her energy back to the alchemy workshop.

Since Ningguang is going to hold a sea lantern festival covering the entire Liyue area this time, he and Abedo naturally have to ensure the props for it.

Soon, Mingyun Town, which received the task, began large-scale production of live broadcast projectors, and the demand quota was completed in less than three days.

Inside the alchemy workshop.

Han Xiao and Abedo were standing opposite each other, with a metal instrument about the size of a football placed on the experimental table between them.

It's finally done!

Looking at the not particularly large metal instruments on the experimental table, Han Xiao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although he had happily agreed to Ningguang's offer before, it was still quite difficult to achieve simultaneous broadcast in the entire Liyue area.

For example, a series of big issues such as signal, distribution, modulation and so on.

Fortunately, Han Xiao and Abedo learned a lot about electricity, communications and other aspects when they were studying telephones and mobile phones.

After the two people's tinkering, this [Queqiao 1.0], which integrates signal amplification, multi-channel microwave distribution system, FM microwave relay and other functions, was finally successfully born in their hands.

He was finally able to fulfill the requirements given by Ning Guang.

It was quite an experience.

Compared to Han Xiao's relief, Albedo seemed much more relaxed.

The development of [Queqiao 1.0] not only perfectly realized the function of one-to-many synchronization of pictures and sounds without delay, but also brought him more inspiration.

Han Xiao, the technical difficulty of the TV you mentioned before has been solved!

Hey, it seems to be true!

As soon as Abedo said these words, Han Xiao's eyes suddenly lit up.

Now that they can simultaneously transmit images and sounds to the entire territory of Liyue, doesn't it mean that TV has no more difficulties?

Do you need me to make a prototype of the TV in the next few days?

At the thought of being able to study a new topic, Abedo couldn't help but feel itchy, and his usually expressionless face gained an expression of eagerness to try.

There is no way, it seems that the only things that can change the expression of our son of chalk are the research on various new topics and red and blue.

no, I'm fine!

Seeing Abe's face full of excitement, Han Xiao quickly waved his hand to indicate that there was no need to be so anxious.

You've been busy all year. Now that the Lantern Festival is coming, you'd better enjoy the festive atmosphere first.

As for the TV issue, we can just wait until after the Hai Lantern Festival to start.

Sea Lantern Festival... is a festival held by Liyue to welcome the new year.

When Han Xiao mentioned the Hai Lantern Festival, Abedo, who is rich in knowledge, quickly thought of the definition of the Liyue Hai Lantern Festival in his mind.

Yes, saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new is the meaning of the Hailantern Festival. It is also the most important festival in Liyue.

...Okay, let's discuss the development of TV after the Lantern Festival.

Considering the importance of the Hai Lantern Festival to the people of Liyue, Abedo also gave Han Xiao a lot of face and simply agreed to postpone the research.

Suddenly he seemed to remember something, and quickly changed the subject and said:

By the way, Hanxiao, during the Hai Lantern Festival in Liyue, there is a custom of family reunion, right?

That's right.

Then can I bring Keli over for the holidays?

No problem at all!

Hearing that Abedo wanted to bring Keli to Liyue for the Lantern Festival, Han Xiao agreed without hesitation.

As a 'boss', he is still very sympathetic to the employee Abedo.

Moreover, Han Xiao and Keli had a good relationship, and he hadn't seen this lively and cute little sunshine for a long time.

So Abedo wanted to bring Keli to Liyue to celebrate the Lantern Festival, and Han Xiao naturally welcomed him with both hands.

Okay, I'll call Kelly later.



Without the danger of the Wind Demon Dragon, coupled with the close cooperation with Guili City this year, the economic environment of the entire Mondstadt City has been completely restored.

However, the busyness of the West Wind Knights has not only not been relieved, but has also increased a lot.

emmm, how should I put it, it’s actually the same old problem as before.

In the office of the acting leader of the Knights of the West Wind.

Qin was sitting at her desk working, and next to her was a pile of documents dozens of centimeters thick.

Qin, it's time for you to take a break for yourself and give your body a good rest.

Seeing Qin working at her desk day and night, Lisa closed the book in her hand and said with some disdain.

Many things need to be dealt with in a timely manner, and delay will have a greater impact.

After hearing Lisa's persuasion, Qintou replied without raising his head.

Tsk tsk...

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