Just when Han Xiao was feeling worried, Dragon King Ruotuo, who should have fallen into a deep sleep, suddenly opened his eyes, and then a feeble voice came out.

Good guy!

Ruotuo Dragon King's sudden opening of his eyes startled Han Xiao. The dose of sedative that could bring down thousands of elephants didn't even knock him down?

Should the resistance be set so high?

Caught off guard, Han Xiao didn't have time to think too much, so she immediately took out the sedative and planned to give the other party another shot.


Boy, one more shot and I'm going to fall asleep completely!

Seeing Han Xiao's actions, Ruotuo Dragon King quickly spoke out to try to stop him, but his voice still sounded weak, possibly due to the influence of sedatives.


Hearing Ruotuo Dragon King's words, Han Xiao stopped his movements, and at the same time signaled to Gan Yu and others who heard the noise in the distance and were about to get up, that there was no need to panic.

Your Excellency Dragon King, what are you...

With the help of the power you sent into my body, I woke up temporarily.

Is it just temporary?

Han Xiao, who was originally surprised by Dragon King Ruotuo's sudden awakening, immediately pulled down the corner of her mouth again, with a slightly disappointed expression on her face.

I'm surprised you were able to wake me up temporarily!

Seeing that Han Xiao seemed dissatisfied, Dragon King Ruotuo opened his eyes with a rather human exclamation.

To be honest, Ruoduo Dragon King was fully aware of his situation, and the wear and tear was so difficult that even Morax was helpless.

Han Xiao's ability can actually wake him up, even for a short moment, which is powerful enough.

Boy, the blood in your body is very familiar. What is your name?

Your Majesty the Dragon King, my name is Han Xiao!

The Han family is good at forging?


Haha... fate is really unpredictable!

When he learned that Han Xiao was born in the Han family, which was famous for its casting, Dragon King Ruotuo suddenly laughed out loud.

Originally he thought he would never wake up again, but he didn't expect that he would be awakened by someone with magical power a thousand years later.

And this man came from his preferred blacksmith family.

Fate, it really gives people a surprise every now and then.

After lamenting the uncertainty of fate, Ruotuo Dragon King quickly talked to Han Xiao about business:

Boys from the Han family, it seems like my evil thoughts have caused you trouble again, right?

It's hard to say it's any trouble...

Don't worry about my feelings. After the wear and tear, I will probably hate Morax and Liyue Port.

Forget it, Han Xiao, stop sending your power and seal me!

Your Excellency Dragon King, you...?

Hearing Ruotuo Dragon King's request, Han Xiao couldn't help but be startled, with a surprised look in her eyes.

Seemingly sensing Han Xiao's confusion, Ruotuo Dragon King also gave his own explanation:

Although your power can eliminate the wear and tear, the wear and tear in my body is too serious, and I can't heal it if I continue.

It's better to continue sealing me while I'm awake, so as to prevent evil thoughts from appearing again and causing trouble to Liyue.

As he spoke, Ruotuo Dragon King's scarlet pupils showed a hint of sadness.

After all... Liyue is the home that Morax and I protect together!

I see.

After a moment of silence, Han Xiao nodded heavily, and left his right hand from Ruotuo Dragon King's body, stopping the flow of power.

I will do it according to the wishes of His Excellency the Dragon King, but please believe me, you will be able to get rid of the wear and tear completely soon!

Really...that's really exciting!

As a burst of magic circles lit up, Ruotuo Dragon King's pupils slowly closed.

Chapter 583: Prepare to start the cold night of observation (Happy New Year!)

Han Xiao, what happened just now?

It wasn't until he saw Ruotuo Dragon King falling asleep again that Gan Yu led Yingmei and others to Han Xiao and asked him what happened before.

Your Excellency the Dragon King unexpectedly woke up.

Regarding Gan Yu's inquiry, Han Xiao did not hide anything and briefly recounted the conversation between him and Dragon King Ruotuo.

This is the Dragon King who once conquered the world with the emperor!

After listening to Han Xiao's story, Gan Yu was excited but also a little sad.

I am excited because even if the true consciousness of Ruotuo Dragon King has been sealed by the emperor for thousands of years, he still cares about Liyue's safety, and is even willing to proclaim himself.

In the same way, the Dragon King is obviously the emperor's comrade-in-arms, and he also loves Liyue deeply, but he has to choose to seal himself due to wear and tear.

Yingmei and Shen He couldn't help but be silent.

Anyway, let's go back first.

Han Xiao sighed slightly, and then spoke to comfort Gan Yu.

We will discuss this matter later. I will try to find a way to rescue the Dragon King.


In the Qunyu Pavilion.

Is this what happened?

No wonder you didn't look happy after coming out of Fulongshu.

In the huge living room, after hearing Han Xiao's and the others' experiences, Ning Guang couldn't help but sigh.

The comrades and friends around the emperor must have loved Liyue as deeply as Dragon King Ruotuo!

The Dragon King is like this.

Master Yixiao Tianzhen, who once fought tooth and nail to hold up Tianheng Mountain, is like this.

The same is true for the Yasha clan who died on the battlefield.

It is because of their sacrifice of life that Liyue is now prosperous.

Ning Guang, the seal under the Fulong Tree has been reinforced by Senior Sister Gan Yu.

Hearing Ning Guang's sigh, Han Xiao was silent for a moment and then got down to business:

Although the seal has been re-strengthened, since His Excellency Dragon King's evil thoughts can escape once, there may be a possibility of escaping the seal a second time.

Next, you may need to send more people to guard Fulongshu strictly.

Don't worry, I will let the alchemists set up a defensive array here and send the Qianyan Army to garrison it.

As soon as he got down to business, Ningguang put away his sigh and nodded seriously.

She was very moved by Ruotuo Dragon King's choice to seal himself for Liyue.

But it is precisely because of this that Ningguang pays more attention to the seal issue and strives to prevent his evil thoughts from escaping from the seal and harming Liyue.

Then I'll leave the rest to you.

Now that Ningguang chose to take over the matter, Han Xiao felt relieved.

After all, he still believed in the other party's methods and abilities.

After he and Ningguang briefly determined the follow-up handling of the matter, Han Xiao turned his attention to Yingmei and Paimon:

Ying, thank you for your help this time.

It's nothing, I didn't contribute much anyway.

In response to Han Xiao's thanks, Ying waved her hands to indicate that he didn't need to be so polite.

This time she only acted together with Shen He and the others to contain the Dragon King Ruotuo for a while, but it really didn't help much.

Rather, this action deepened her impression of Liyue.

The Sea Lantern Festival is coming soon, I hope you have a good time in Liyue!

Since they were all old friends, Han Xiao didn't mention any rewards or anything like that to Yingmei.

However, he had already prepared a gift for him in his heart and planned to give it to him during the Lantern Festival.

Hey, we came back just for the Lantern Festival!

When Han Xiao mentioned the Sea Lantern Festival, Paimon immediately said excitedly:

There will definitely be a lot of delicious food by then. I can't wait when I think about it!

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but smile.

The somewhat dull atmosphere in the living room was relieved by little Paimon's cheerful words.


After taking the Qunyu Pavilion back to Guili City, Ningguang didn't make any further stops and returned to Liyue Port with Gan Yu and Shen He.

She still had to wrap up the next things at Fulongshu, and at the same time she was also busy arranging many matters for the Sea Lantern Festival.

It was not easy to be out for several days this time, especially since she also took Gan Yu, a superman who worked overtime, with her.

If we continue to stay in Guili City for a few more days, it is estimated that the General Affairs Department and Yuehai Pavilion will be completely paralyzed.

After sending Ningguang away, Ying and Paimon also chose to say goodbye. They planned to rest for a few days and then attend the Sea of ​​Lantern Festival in the best spirit.

Soon, Han Xiao, who was alone, went straight back to her home.

As soon as he sat down on the sofa, he opened the chat group and took a look at Han Xiao in the mysterious world.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Quiexiao, are you here?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: I'm here!

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: What have you been busy with lately?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Same as usual, collecting extraordinary materials and figuring out how to trick the Sequence Six formula from the Witch Church.

[World of Ingenuity·Hanxiao]: Wait a minute! I remember that Sequence 6 of the Assassin Path seems to be the Witch of Joy, right?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Well, you remembered correctly, she is indeed the Witch of Joy.

[World of Ingenuity·Hanxiao]: Tsk, tsk, I'm very curious about how you will play this sequence then!

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Jixiao, please stop being so evil.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: It's okay. I have been mentally prepared since I became a witch. I have kept many maids in Backlund.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Good guy, you have been prepared for this.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Speaking of which, are you ready to switch to the hunter path in sequence four? I remember that Ke Miao will have the red priest card in his hand by then.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: I have this plan, and the great melee caused by the Fool's arrival will be enough for me to complete the war sweeping the continent and gain enough victory.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: That's right. There is no war more terrifying than the true gods' melee. But as long as you stand in line to defeat meow, the goddesses of the night will be your thighs. I guarantee that you will actually complete the ceremony of becoming a god.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Your Crooked Tower ability is too strong. It seems Yuanxiao still has questions to ask Guixiao!

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: I almost forgot, Yuanxiao, what do you want to ask the newcomer?

[Genshin Impact Han Xiao]: I just want to ask if Gui Xiao is okay recently, and I plan to ask him to start a live broadcast.

As soon as these words came out, the entire chat group fell silent for a moment.

Then the group instantly became more lively.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: Did I hear you correctly, Yuanxiao? Are you planning to observe the mysterious world now?

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