The next moment, the ice cubes that hit the lightning exploded suddenly, and all of them hit Ruotuo Dragon King.

Humph, what a small trick!

Ruotuo Dragon King shook his body to shake off the ice, and then looked fiercely at Gan Yu, who was the most familiar to him among the others:

Little Qilin, I haven't seen you for a thousand years, but you dare to attack me!

Your Majesty the Dragon King, if you are willing to give up and leave the seal, Gan Yu is willing to bear the burden and apologize.


Hearing Gan Yu's advice, Ruotuo Dragon King became furious and let out bursts of violent roars:

Morax sealed my hatred for thousands of years, and I will definitely let him repay it!

In this case, please forgive your sins, Mr. Dragon King. Gan Yu will not let you leave the seal even half a step!

Seeing that he could not persuade Ruotuo Dragon King, Gan Yu immediately opened his bow and set an arrow, and the cold frost arrows were shot out continuously, forming an icy line in the air.

At the same time, Shen He also waved Calamity Calamity and Yingmei stopped Ruotuo Dragon King in place.

Seeing the two people scurrying back and forth flexibly in front of him, and at the same time being constantly hit by frost arrows, Ruotuo Dragon King lost his patience and planned to kill them together with the little Qilin he was familiar with.

You have experienced this wrath that has lasted for thousands of years!

Sorry, you should keep this anger to yourself!

A joking voice suddenly reached Ruotuo Dragon King's ears. Before he could react, Han Xiao's figure suddenly appeared on his back, holding a huge syringe in both hands and pricking it hard.

Take a kick from me to calm down!

Chapter 581 The Sleeping Dragon King Ruotuo (Happy New Year’s Eve!)

The needle made of elemental metal lived up to Han Xiao's expectations and successfully penetrated Ruotuo Dragon King's skin and penetrated into his body.

Seeing this, he quickly pressed his whole body weight on the ejector, and with the sound of gurgling, a large amount of sedative solution quickly disappeared into the syringe.


Realizing that something was wrong, Dragon King Ruotu immediately cursed angrily, and just as he was about to make a counterattack, a strong wave of sleepiness suddenly hit him, causing him to fall into a state of sluggishness.


Seeing the super sedative·Dragon King Ultimate Edition taking effect in Ruotuo Dragon King's body at an extremely fast speed, although he was a little surprised at the speed of its effect, Han Xiao did not give up this perfect opportunity.

He once again took out a dozen bottles of super sedative·Dragon King Ultimate Edition from the space, and then pulled out the syringe at lightning speed and sucked the sedative into the syringe.

After doing all this, Han Xiao immediately gave Ruotuo Dragon King another injection.

I will not die!

In front of a sedative that was enough to put thousands of elephants, Ruotuo Dragon King roared for the last time with some unwillingness, and then fell to the ground with a bang.


Seeing Ruotuo Dragon King collapse to the ground, Gan Yu slowly put down the Amos Bow in his hand and asked carefully.

Well, it's over for now!

Very good!

After receiving Han Xiao's affirmation, Gan Yu collapsed on the ground in a duck-sitting posture with a pop, as if he had collapsed.

Thinking about it, in the battle against the Dragon King Ruotuo, she not only used her magical power to bless Shen He and Yingmei, but she also kept shooting frost arrows at extremely fast speeds.

Even Gan Yu, a half-immortal beast, couldn't bear this kind of intense consumption.

What should we do next?

Yingmei held Xia Ming Zhaoshuang in her right hand, walked slowly to Gan Yu and sat down, and at the same time looked at Han Xiao who was standing in front of Ruotuo Dragon King.

Although she was not injured in this battle, this high-intensity and flexible positioning style of play was very draining on her spirit.

Just take a rest first and then strengthen the seal. I have to make some arrangements for the follow-up.

After hearing Han Xiao's suggestion, Shen He put away the disaster and walked to Gan Yu and Ying. He grabbed their right hands with both hands and pulled them up. Then he helped them go to the place where Paimeng was hiding in the distance. Location.

As for the center of the entire field, only Han Xiao and Dragon King Ruotuo who had been injected with a large dose of sedatives were left.

After Gan Yu and the others were a little far away, Han Xiao put her right hand against Ruotuo Dragon King's huge body.


The next moment, a faint blue power appeared in his hand.


As soon as the power of power was sent into the body of Dragon King Ruotuo, Han Xiao couldn't help but frown and subconsciously clicked his tongue.

Without him, the wear and tear in the other party's body is actually accumulated more thickly than Zhongli's. If he wants to completely solve the wear and tear in the other party, he cannot do it with his current strength.

Even though Han Xiao had realized that the wear and tear in Ruotuo Dragon King's body could not be solved in a short time, he still instilled his own power into the opponent's body and took the initiative to offset the wear and tear.

However, this feeling is probably similar to scraping a stone wall with a metal spoon.

It can scrape off some powder, but not much for the entire wall.

Just when Han Xiao put one hand on Ruotuo Dragon King's body to inject power into it to offset the wear and tear, in a corner of the underground space, Gan Yu and others were sitting together to recover their strength.

What is Han Xiao doing?

After confirming that there was no danger, Paimon floated behind Yingmei, staring at Han Xiao in the distance with curiosity on his face.

I don't know, but it should be to prevent Ruotuo Dragon King from waking up.

After hearing Paimon's inquiry, Yingmei, who sat with her legs crossed on the ground to rest, slowly opened her eyes, thought for a while and then gave her own guess.

Regarding this battle with Ruotuo Dragon King, what she, Gan Yu and Shen He did was very simple.

To put it bluntly, it was just to restrain the Ruotuo Dragon King while he was irritated, and then give Han Xiao the opportunity to inject a super sedative.

After all, after seeing his evil thoughts returning to his body, Ruotuo Dragon King was about to show off his power, but was knocked unconscious by a needle.

If it weren't for the guarantee that the injection would hit in one hit, Yingmei even felt that the other party could handle it with her own strength.

Oh, but I saw that you guys fought quite easily, didn't you?

After hearing Ying's explanation, Paimon reached out and scratched his hair, with a look of confusion on his face.

It was clear that they had the upper hand in the battle just now, but Dragon King Ruotuo didn't seem to be as powerful as the legend said.

Not like that little Paimon.

Gan Yu, who had regained a little energy, took up the topic.

Your Majesty the Dragon King has suffered too much wear and tear, and his strength has been reduced to ten percent. In addition, we are fighting inside the emperor's seal against an opponent who is not particularly sane.

With one weakening after another, we can barely deal with His Majesty the Dragon King.

Gan Yu's words were not deceptive.

If it were the former Ruotuo Dragon King, the opponent could mobilize the power of the earth with just a few movements, and they might not even be able to get close.

Moreover, the opponent can also transform into a human form and will not use his body as a target for them to attack wantonly.

It can be said that among the few people present, Han Xiao is probably the only one who can fight against Ruotuo Dragon King in his heyday.

Of course, Gan Yu didn't know that Yingmei was not in her prime.

So Dragon King Ruotuo is so powerful!

After listening to Gan Yu's explanation, Paimeng realized that what they encountered was just an incomplete version of the Dragon King Ruotuo.

But then, there was a touch of shock on her little face:

Speaking of which, this is the first time I know that Han Xiao is so powerful!


The young girl on the side couldn't help but echoed the sentence.

Even though the Ruotuo Dragon King was weak, the opponent could still burst out with a power that was close to the level of a demon god.

Even when she was not in her prime, she could only choose to deal with the opponent under Gan Yu's Qilin blessing.

But what about Hanxiao?

He was actually able to suppress Ruotuo Dragon King.

This fighting power really refreshed Yingmei's understanding of Liyue's seven stars.

Not only you, Shen He and I didn't expect it either.

In response to Ying and Paimon's sighs, Gan Yu's beautiful face also showed some helplessness. Even Shen He on the side opened his eyes, with a strange luster flashing in his eyes.

Demon god level combat power!

If it hadn't been for the problem with Ruotuo Dragon King's seal this time, they probably wouldn't have known that Han Xiao, who was famous for his inventions and government affairs in Liyue, would have such a strong fighting power.

Chapter 582 Gan Yu: Han Xiao is cheating! (Happy New Year!)

In fact, there was one thing Gan Yu didn't say, which was that Han Xiao's growth rate was really puzzling.

Shen He stayed in Jueyunjian all year round and rarely came down to Liyue Port. Yingmei was a foreigner, so they didn't know Han Xiao's situation as well as he did.

That's right...

Gan Yu had a deep impression of Han Xiao a long time ago.

After all, when the other party was a child, she especially liked to rush up to hug her thighs with Hu Tao, and she often scratched the stockings on her legs.

During that time, Gan Yu had to be alert all the time when walking on the road, for fear that two monkeys would appear out of nowhere and hang on her.

Later, as time passed, one of the two once noisy children became the seventy-seventh generation leader of the Rebirth Hall.

The other one successfully established himself in Liyue by virtue of his own ability and became an industry leader.

Originally, Gan Yu thought that the intersection between them would slowly fade away as time went by.

What she never expected was that a crisis in the layered rock abyss would bring Han Xiaozhan, who was usually a quiet person, to prominence.

After that, the other party got out of control. While his talents were exposed, he stepped into the position of Liyue Qixing step by step. He was also accepted as a disciple by Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, becoming her nominal superior and junior brother.

When he met Han Xiao again, Gan Yu seemed to regard him as a stranger on the surface, but in fact, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The child who liked to reward his own thighs has now become a gentle and gentle young man in Yushu Linfeng.

Ahem... I digressed, let's get back to the topic!

Precisely because Gan Yu knew Han Xiao when he was very young, she knew very well that before Han Xiao became Tianshu Star, the opponent had never had the Eye of God, and his strength was only slightly stronger than that of ordinary people.

It has only been a long time since Han Xiao became Tianshu Star, and it only took about three years to fully calculate.

Three years!

In just three years, Han Xiao's martial arts level soared from just a little stronger than ordinary people to the level of a demon god.

What exactly happened to make the other party undergo such earth-shaking changes?

Mingming Hanxiao has basically been staying in Guili City for the past three years, and he has never been seen running around.

Is it possible that my strength can increase even if I stay at home?

This is simply unreasonable!


Han Xiao, who was treating the wear and tear of Dragon King Ruotuo, didn't know that Yingmei and the others were discussing her, which even aroused doubts in Gan Yu's heart.

But even if he knew, he didn't care, let alone explain.

Mainly, Han Xiao is really not easy to explain. Does he have to tell Gan Yu that his growth in strength is purely due to cheating?

Moreover, it involves some things outside the world. Without Zhongli's permission, he would not make any extraneous matters.


Feeling that the power of his own power could not penetrate the thick worn barrier in Ruotuo Dragon King's body, Han Xiao's brows were furrowed, and the expression on his face was not very pretty.

Although he had been mentally prepared before coming, the wear and tear inside the other party's body was too serious, even worse than the condition inside Zhongli's body.

It is impossible to contain the wear and tear in Ruotuo Dragon King's body just by myself now.


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