They are just ants after all!

In response to Han Xiao's taunt, Ruotuo Dragon King's scarlet pupils flashed with piercing madness, and at the same time he raised his right front paw and struck it down hard.


The explosion caused by the impact echoed in the empty space, and the violent shock wave once again rolled up the billowing smoke and dust, covering Han Xiao's entire body.'s really quite exciting!

Just when Gan Yu and others were about to rush forward, Han Xiao's voice came out from the smoke, stopping their progress.

As the smoke dissipated, everyone could clearly see the scene of the confrontation between the two.

Ruotuo Dragon King's right front paw is only about half a meter away from Han Xiao's head, but this half-meter distance has become a natural chasm between the two.

The reason why this happens is also very simple.

The doll girl holding a giant shield appeared above his head at some point, and used the shield made by the master craftsman Kunjun to block the blow of Dragon King Ruotuo.

Yes, you read that right.

The weapons held in the hands of the Seven Elements Doll all come from the hands of the newly born master craftsman Kun Jun.

There was no other way, but Han Xiao got a lot of extremely precious ores from Zhongli, and also collected some precious minerals from other worlds from the chat group. These were extremely valuable to Kunjun, who had just been promoted to become a master craftsman. Big temptation.

So a long time ago, he used these minerals as gifts to ask the other party to forge a set of weapons.

Of course Kunjun was very happy to get these minerals. After all, Han Xiao gave so many minerals that a mere seven weapons didn't cost much at all.

Ever since, the weapon named [Qiyao Series] by the other party came into being.

Although the seven weapons have different formats, they have the same effect as the Qianyan series. Using the seven weapons together will produce a special energy field, which can greatly enhance the user's ability.

Of course, each weapon has special effects, so I won’t go into details. You just need to know that the weapons of the [Qiyao series] are upgraded versions of the Qianyan series.

Turn your attention back to the underground space.

Han Xiao moved her fingers slightly to block the slap of Ruotuo Dragon King's front paws, and the other six doll girls appeared in groups of two and two at the same time in front of the opponent's three thick thighs.


The next moment, the sounds of several sharp cold lights streaking across the flesh were heard at the same time, and the three legs of Ruotuo Dragon King spurted blood instantly.

There was just a roar, and the opponent's huge body fell to the ground with a strong tremor.

Ah this!

Seeing the seven puppets released by Han Xiao knocking down Ruotuo Dragon King to the ground with clear division of labor, Ying's little mouth couldn't help but grow bigger, and she turned her gaze to Gan Yu and Shen He who were also a little surprised:

Gan Yu...Are all your civil servants in Liyue so fierce?

Although most of the Liyue Seven Stars that Yingmei knows now have the eyes of God, and their skills are not bad, Han Xiao is obviously a bit of a supermodel!

This was the second time that her knowledge had been broken.

The first time the opponent fired two non-radioactive 'nuclear explosions', which directly shattered the demon god Osel, Ying could barely accept it.

Even though the style of painting is somewhat different from that of Teyvat, it can still be explained by Han Xiao's strong 'scientific research' ability.

But this time...the opponent relied on his own strength to suppress Ruotuo Dragon King head-on.

Even though Ruotuo Dragon King's combat effectiveness has been greatly reduced due to wear and tear, he is still a demon-level existence!

With such exaggerated fighting power, he is still a civil servant in Liyue?

Yingmei just feels that the world is changing too fast, and she can't accept it. are thinking too much.

Then why is Han Xiao so strong?

...Can I say that I don't know either!

Hearing Yingmei ask in a surprised tone, Gan Yu didn't know how to answer for a moment.

This is also the first time she has seen her junior brother take action in person, okay!

To be honest, not only Yingmei was shocked, but even Gan Yu himself was extremely shocked by this.

She even felt that even Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng didn't know that her little apprentice had become such a ghost.

I feel like we are a bit redundant.

Yingmei, who did not get an accurate response from Gan Yu, did not continue to ask, but said in a faint tone.

No...I'm afraid not, please watch carefully!

At this moment, Shen He, who had been silent and observing the battlefield, suddenly interrupted the conversation between the two.

After hearing Shen He's words, Ying and Gan Yu turned to look at the battlefield at the same time.

It turned out that at some point, the fallen Ruotuo Dragon King stood up again, and the previous scratches disappeared without a trace.

Today, we have to settle all the old grudges!

Han Xiao's attack completely aroused its ferocity, and with a roar, the elements in the entire space quickly became chaotic.

The elements in the atmosphere quickly condensed into elemental power visible to the naked eye and flew towards the Ruotuo Dragon King, and quickly submerged into its body.

Senior Sister Gan Yu!

Sensing Ruotuo Dragon King's move, Han Xiao quickly distanced herself from him and at the same time opened her mouth to call Gan Yu and others.

Ying, it's our turn to take action!

For the King of Rocks!

Hearing Han Xiao's call, Gan Yu, who was standing in the distance, flipped his right hand, and the cold ice element instantly fell from the sky, covering the entire space.

After doing all this, she opened her bow and nocked an arrow, and the huge ice element condensed directly on the bow string into a long arrow, aiming directly at Dragon King Ruotuo.

Chapter 580 Han Xiao: Calm down! (Happy New Year’s Eve!)

At the same time as Gan Yu took action, Shen He held a gun in his right hand and quickly drew a spell in the void with his left hand like a sword finger.

Fu Jun's true form!

In an instant, a huge ice storm swept towards Ruotuo Dragon King with a huge roar.

Seeing this, Ying kicked the ground with her right foot fiercely, and with the help of the frost arrow shot by Gan Yu as a cover, she rushed to the front of Ruotuo Dragon King like another sharp arrow, and then jumped directly onto the opponent in three steps. 's back.

Holding the hilt of the sword tightly with both hands, he stabbed Xia Ming Zhaoshuang into Ruo Tuo Dragon King's body.


Ruotuo Dragon King, who had no time to react, was hit by three powerful attacks in succession. His huge body suddenly stepped back, and the dragon's head was raised high and he let out an angry roar.

Well done!

Seeing that the Yingmei trio had briefly suppressed the Ruotuo Dragon King, Han Xiao took out the huge syringe from the space while controlling seven puppets to assist several people in their continuous attacks.

This is where you are buried!

The continuous attacks made the Ruotuo Dragon King become more ferocious, and with a crazy roar, it began to stamp on the ground crazily.

The huge shock wave directly knocked the Yingmei on her back away. If Han Xiao's puppet hadn't helped, she would have been severely injured.

Get out of the way!

Gan Yujiao shouted, and then quickly distanced herself from Dragon King Ruotuo.

The others did not dare to neglect and left one after another.

Hanxiao, what is this in your hand?

With the help of the doll, Ying flew back to Han Xiao. As soon as she landed, she noticed the huge syringe in the other person's hand and asked hurriedly.


Super Sedative·Dragon King Ultimate Exclusive Edition!


Seeing Ying's confused expression, the corners of Han Xiao's mouth raised slightly:

To put it simply, it is something that can quickly calm down Ruoduo Dragon King. However, since it is the first time to use it, the specific effect cannot be guaranteed.

I know what a sedative is!

After hearing Han Xiao's explanation, Ying looked at the other party with a speechless face, and her tone also seemed a bit resentful:

I mean, since you have something like this that can calm down Ruoduo Dragon King, why do you still anger him?

Of course I do it for a reason.

what reason?

Ying frowned, not quite understanding what Han Xiao meant.

What is the reason why the other party takes the lead in irritating the other party and then takes out the sedative?

Facing Yingmei, who was frowning and looking puzzled, Han Xiao was about to explain, but suddenly noticed the changes on the field, and immediately changed the subject:

Here... here comes the reason for my waiting!

? ? ?

With full of confusion, Yingmei followed Han Xiao's gaze and looked toward the center of the field.

I saw Ruotuo Dragon King, who was stamping on the ground crazily, stopped at some point, and one after another black energy was pouring into the opponent's body from all directions.


The moment she saw the black smoke, Yingmei couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. She felt a chill coming from the bottom of her heart, and countless goosebumps appeared on the skin all over her body.

What the hell is that?

The Dragon King Ruotuo is fleeing from his evil thoughts!

Han Xiao squinted her eyes to observe the rising momentum of Dragon King Ruotuo, and slowly explained to her:

Ying, you don't think that your previous performance is the full strength of Dragon King Ruotuo, right?

you mean?

Before the Dragon King Ruotuo suffered wear and tear, he had the same strength as the emperor.

If it weren't for the wear and tear and the evil thoughts escaping from the seal, if you want to deal with the Ruotuo Dragon King, we should be able to defeat each other unless you regain all your strength and we join forces.

Looking at the human look in Ruotuo Dragon King's scarlet eyes, Han Xiao said quickly:

The reason why I didn't use sedatives at the beginning was because the evil thoughts of King Ruotuo were still escaping.

If I don't find out the evil thoughts hidden by the other party, even if I use a sedative, the other party will still break through the seal again because of the evil thoughts.

I see!

After listening to Han Xiao's explanation, Yingmei immediately understood why the other party did not use sedatives at the beginning.

Co-author Han Xiao wants to solve the problem of Dragon King Ruotuo once and for all!

The rest of the battle depends on you. I need to find the right moment to inject the sedative into the opponent's body.


Hearing Han Xiao's instructions, Yingmei nodded and once again carried Xia Ming Zhaoshuang and rushed towards Ruotuo Dragon King.

Ruotuo Dragon King, who had returned with evil thoughts, had regained some consciousness at this time. Looking at Yingmei, Gan Yu and Shen He who were surrounding him, he immediately let out a sneer:

The wrath of the earth can be calmed down and turned into powder for me!

In an instant, thunder roared.

Raging waves also appeared in this underground space at the same time.

Follow the law!

The epitome of wind and snow!

Go with the wind!

Facing the double attack of thunder and water, Yingmei stood on tiptoes and rose into the air. The strong wind element entangled between her feet, and along with the kick, it turned into a seven-meter-high phoenix dragon scroll that rushed towards her. The huge waves rolled back.

At the same time, Gan Yu and Shen He joined forces again, and the huge waves that appeared out of thin air turned into solid ice in an instant, hitting the flashing thunder light.


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