Then how much do you understand now?

Han Xiao somewhat understood Abedo's statement that he was tired from watching.

After all, the other party has been exposed to alchemy and other Teyvat's black technologies since he was a child. This knowledge system without any extraordinary power caused an obvious conflict with his own knowledge system.

If Albedo hadn't been handed over to Alice by Reindot later and learned some basics from the Witch Returner, I'm afraid it would have been even more difficult for him to learn than it is now.

On the other hand, Han Xiao was different. He had received this kind of education in his previous life. At most, he was a little unfamiliar without contact in these years. After watching it for a month or two, all the previous feelings were restored.

About 40%!

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Abedo was silent for a moment, and then said a number that was not too high.

Not bad, much faster than Master Liuyun's progress!

Regarding the fact that Abedo did not understand all the knowledge in the book, Han Xiao already felt very good, at least much better than his cheap master who had read the book for more than two months but still couldn't understand it clearly.

emmm, how should I say...

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun is still at the point where he knows every word in the book, but after connecting them together, he doesn't understand at all.

Well... After all, I Love Invention has been immersed in the art of mechanism for thousands of years, so it is normal that it is difficult to change the mindset at once.

After asking about Abedo's latest study progress, Han Xiao did not forget to explain the reason for his visit to the alchemy workshop:

You should work harder during this period to understand the knowledge in the book as quickly as possible. I plan to start this topic after the Hai Lantern Festival.

So fast?

Hearing that Han Xiao planned to start developing the Teyvat version of the Internet after the Hai Lantern Festival, Abedo was stunned, then frowned and asked worriedly:

Isn't it a little too hasty?

In his opinion, currently only Han Xiao and Aunt Alice can fully grasp the theoretical knowledge of the Internet. He and Zhenjun Liuyun Jiufeng can only say that they have a partial understanding of it.

As for why Abedo thought Alice would master it, it was because the other party had also had such an idea at the beginning, but for some reason it was ignored and nothing happened.

That won't happen!

Regarding Abedo's concerns, Han Xiao repeatedly waved his hands to indicate that Albedo didn't need to worry, and he didn't expect to get it right in one step.

Who makes Han Xiao not plan to use Xumi's method to run the Heart of the Grass God? After all, the hidden dangers of doing so are too great.

So as long as this research and development can create the basic prototype of the Internet, he will be satisfied.

In this case, you can give it a try.

Hearing Han Xiao's goal, Abedo was slightly relieved. He was afraid that the other party wanted to realize all the functions he had mentioned at one go.


After confirming the research and development project of the Teyvat version of the Internet with Abedo, Han Xiao's life returned to its usual comfort.

And on the other side is Inazuma.

Narukami Taisha Shrine.

Yae Shenzi was giving his final instructions to Ayaka, the god who came to say goodbye:

It seems you are ready?

Yes, Lord Palace Secretary.

Do you know the purpose of your trip to sea this time, Linghua?


Kamisato Ayaka nodded quite solemnly, and then said:

Take a boat to Xumi to investigate the specific details of the full moon incident, and then take a detour to observe the changes in Liyue after the reform.

Yes, and also wrong.

? ? ?

Yae Shenzi stretched out his hand, shook his fingers, and said with a smile:

It's been a few days since the full moon incident. You won't be able to find any useful information when you go to Xumi, so you can just do business.

Hearing Yae Kamiko's explanation, Kamisato Ayaka's little face was filled with surprise.

Isn't it said that going to Xumi is an order from the General? Why does it feel like the Palace Secretary doesn't care at all?

Then why...

Before Kamisato Ayaka could speak, Yae Kamiko waved her hand to interrupt her question:

Going to Xumi is an order from the General, but the reality is that it will be at least a month before you arrive in Xumi, and even if you search, you won't be able to find any useful clues.

So you only need to go to Xumi to show your face. Liyue is the main target of your trip.



The Eightfold God nodded slightly, and then explained in detail to the confused Kamisato Ayaka:

Although due to the efforts of the travelers, the general lifted the national lockdown order and the eye hunting order, Inazuma's current situation is still full of problems, especially the economic aspect, which is unprecedentedly bad.

Master Palace Secretary, do you want me to go to Liyue to expand overseas trade?

Kamisato Ayaka suddenly understood and seemed to understand the other party's plan.

The response is very quick!

Seeing that Kamisato Ayaka guessed his idea correctly, Yae Kamiko also showed a look of satisfaction in the corners of his eyes.

According to previous intelligence, the new generation of Tianshu Star in Liyue has carried out reforms since they came to power.

In just about two years, a Guili City was built in Guiliyuan, which can accommodate a million people, and it also brought the entire Liyue into a period of rapid development.

So the focus of your trip this time is Guili City, or Liyue, the new Tianshu Star.

Chapter 565: Rice Wife Matters

Liyue’s new Tianshu star?

Listening to Yae Shenzi talking about Han Xiao's contribution in Liyue based on the information, Ayaka Kamisato's thoughts began to wander and drifted directly to Liyue.

Liyue is the country with the longest history among the Seven Kingdoms.

What is the country where the Rock King is like?

There is also the new Tianshu star that the palace minister said has brought great changes to Liyue.

What kind of person is he?

Regarding Han Xiao, the agency did not get much information due to the national lockdown. Kamisato Ayaka had only vaguely heard of such a person before, but it was not very clear what the other person did.

So when I heard the Eightfold God Son commenting that the new Tianshu Star had made a great contribution to Liyue, he was not too old at the same time.

Naturally, she became quite curious about this 'peer' whom she had yet to meet.

Kamisato Ayaka's somewhat distracted posture naturally caught Yae Kamiko's eyes, but instead of being angry, she had a faint smile on her lips.

Just when Kamisato Ayaka was thinking a lot, she suddenly found that there was no sound in her ears, and she suddenly woke up.

Looking at Yae Shenzi, who was looking at him with a smile on his face, Ayaka Kamisato's little face suddenly turned red, and she quickly bowed to him:

I'm very sorry, Miyaji-sama, Ayaka...

no problem, no problem!

Before Kamisato Ayaka could finish speaking, Yae Kamiko waved her hand with an unchanging smile, indicating that the other party did not need to be so nervous.

It seems that you are curious about the recent reforms in Liyue?

um, yes.

Seeing what Yae Kamiko said, Kamisato Ayaka nodded in embarrassment.

I was also embarrassed to say that I was actually curious about the Tianshu star who promoted Liyue's reform.

Yae Shenzi simply did not elaborate on this matter. After awakening Ayaka Kamisato, she took out a prepared letter and a beautifully wrapped gift box from her sleeves and handed them into the other party's hands.

This is?

Seeing the envelope and gift box handed over by Yae Kamiko, Kamisato Ayaka couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Because she saw Sister Gan Yu's beautiful handwriting on the surface of the envelope, it was obviously a letter written by Lord Gong Si himself.

Is the Master of the Eightfold Palace so powerful? He has acquaintances in Liyue?

And he seems to be the elder of Lord Palace Secretary?

Sister Gan Yu from Yue Hai Pavilion is my friend. She is a very gentle elder. This is a letter and gift I wrote to sister Gan Yu. You can just take it over for me.

Don't worry about unfamiliar places when you go to Liyue this time. If you encounter trouble then, just go to Sister Gan Yu and she will take care of you.

I understand, Mr. Palace Secretary.

After taking the letter and gift box, Kamisato Ayaka carefully put them into her God's Eye space.

After seeing the other party putting things away, Yae Shenzi immediately continued to speak:

Linghua, Captain Beidou of the Southern Cross Fleet in Liyue is currently docking the ship at the port of the outlying island.

I have sent people to take care of it. This time you take her ship to Liyue.

I understand, Mr. Palace Secretary!

Then the two continued to talk here, and then Ayaka Kamisato said goodbye to the Eightfold Divine Son, left Shadow Mountain, and prepared to set off towards the outlying island.

Watching Kamisato Ayaka's back going down the mountain, Yae Kamiko stood there and thought for a while before turning around and walking into the shrine, grabbing some three-color dumplings and light novels and heading towards the castle tower.

Some plans still need to be made known to her.


Outlying islands.

Although the national lockdown order has been lifted, the port at this time still seems quite deserted, with only a few ships anchored here.

Of course, the most conspicuous among them is naturally the flagship of the Southern Cross Fleet, that is, the Death Omen Star, the vehicle of the fleet leader Beidou.

Yo, Manyo!

On the deck of the Death Omen, Beidou, who had just come out of the cabin, immediately saw Maplehara Manyo who was sitting near the side of the ship looking in the direction of Inazuma, and then said hello carelessly:

Daozuke's national lockdown order and eye hunting order have been lifted. I heard from brothers that your wanted order has also been revoked. Why don't you get off the ship and have a look?

“The scenery changes without much thought.”

Hearing Beidou's voice, Maplehara Manyo sighed softly.

Whether it was the lifting of the national lockdown order, the hunting order, or his own wanted order, these did not bring him much relief, but instead made him feel more melancholy.

Beidou walked to Maplehara Manyo's side and stood side by side. One eye outside the eye patch looked at the remote island in the distance and asked softly:

Have you gone to pay homage to your friend?


Maplehara Manyo nodded. After receiving the news that General Raiden ordered to contact the Eye Hunting Order and the Locking Kingdom Order, he went to his friend's grave to pay homage and left the dim Eye of God behind. Got there.

After all, my wish to relight the Eyes of the Friendly God has come true.

But what Maplehara Manyo didn't expect was that the person who finally lit it up would be himself.

Now that your wanted order has been revoked, what are you going to do next? Go back and inherit the Fengyuan family?

The elder sister is joking.

After hearing Beidou's words, Maplehara Manyo immediately shook his head:

The Maplehara family was doomed to decline when my father and I did not fully inherit the craftsmanship inherited from the next generation.

And I'm used to a wandering life. The life of a noble is not suitable for me.

Immediately, Maplehara Manyo turned around and looked up at Beidou beside him, and said solemnly:

So in the coming days, please ask Big Sister Beidou to continue to take in me, a ronin.

Hahaha, no problem!

Seeing that Maplehara Manyo didn't intend to leave the Death Omen Star, Beidou immediately burst into laughter and kept slapping the opponent's shoulder with one hand.

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