This is why Zhongli said that the other party was busy next time.

In other words, I am now a favorite in the eyes of the top people in the entire continent?

After listening to Zhongli's story, Han Xiao calmed down and put down his right hand, positioning himself thoughtfully.

That's right, and it's a piece of cake worthy of everyone's covetousness.

Zhong Li nodded, indicating that Han Xiao was very accurate in his positioning.


Hearing this, Han Xiao couldn't help but clicked her tongue. This news was really a bit disturbing.

However, he was not afraid even though his head was big and his head was big.

After all, we are all demon-god-level people, so it’s hard to say who will win or lose in a fight!

And sent people to get close to him...

Thinking of this, Han Xiao couldn't help but reveal a strange smile:

Mr. Zhongli, who do you think those people will send?

If all the people here are beautiful girls, it would actually be pretty good, right?

As soon as these words came out, Zhongli's eyes suddenly froze, and a bad premonition emerged from the bottom of his heart.

not good!

If you don't take some precautions, your pigs may be lured away by cabbage from foreign countries!

Uh...Mr. Zhongli?

Seeing Zhongli's suddenly serious face, Han Xiao swallowed what she was going to say and at the same time cautiously opened her mouth to test:

What's wrong with you?

...Nothing, I just thought of some bad things.

Zhong Li waved his hand to Han Xiao, and the expression on his face returned to calm.

But he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this time the girls in Liyue have a match.

Volume 7·New Internet Era


Chapter 563 Three people chewing books

The pigs that had finally been fattened were coveted by other vegetable farmers, and they even planned to use the juicy cabbage to lure them away.

Our Liyue vegetable farmer, old man Zhongli, felt extremely depressed.

Obviously the pak choi in my own field are not bad, but why can't any one of them tie up the other?

Now that we are well, we have to compete with other countries on the same stage.

It’s really not powerful!


Although Zhongli was feeling terrible about what might happen next in Liyue, Han Xiao seemed very relaxed.

During this period of time in Xumi, he not only has to be busy doing experiments, but also guides Elhaysen and his party to solve the troubles in the Order Academy.

The process is really tiring.

Now that everything is finally over, I can relax a bit.

So the next day, after a good night's sleep, Han Xiao showed up early in Kuixing Tower and watched government affairs in the office for the first time in a long time.

But before he could finish reading the two documents, the door to the office was knocked open with a bang, and then a voice of extreme resentment followed the figure into the room.

Oh, that's strange!

The person who opened the office door was Xingqiu, who appeared to be the secretary in Guilicheng, but was actually doing the top job.

When he learned that Han Xiao was coming to work, he rushed over as soon as possible.

And when he saw Han Xiao, who was punching in and leaving every few days during this period, sitting behind his desk handling official duties, Xingqiu couldn't help but feel weird:

Why did Young Master Han remember that he was at work in Kuixing Tower today?

Don't you usually just punch in and leave? How come... your conscience found out?

I said you don't care.

Listening to Xingqiu's resentful words in his ears, Han Xiao put down the documents in his hands and raised his head, looking at the other party with a mixture of laughter and tears:

I just rested for a while. It's like I don't care about anything.

Still taking some rest.

He pulled one over and sat across from Han Xiao. Xingqiu crossed his hands on his chest and glared at him in displeasure:

The Sea Lantern Festival will be here in a while. This is the busiest time of the year. It would be best for you, old man, to just go and rest!

I'm telling you, if you continue like this, you will be beaten with a sack, you know!

Okay, okay, thank you Master Xingqiu for your advice. I'm back now.

It's good to know!

Seeing Han Xiao 'begging for mercy', Xingqiu felt a lot more comfortable, and then got down to business:

Tell me, you are sitting at home reading a book during this period. Are you thinking about something big?


Hearing Xingqiu's question, Han Xiao immediately raised her eyebrows and looked at him in surprise:

Okay, Xingqiu, how did you know I was preparing to cause trouble?

Hmph, I don't know you yet!

In response, Xingqiu hummed twice quite proudly.

As Han Xiao has been playing with Han Xiao since he was a child, he still doesn't know the other person's character.

As Xingqiu said, the Liyue Sea Lantern Festival is approaching, and this is the busiest time of the year.

Even though Han Xiao behaves extremely 'lazy' on weekdays, the other party is not the kind of person who doesn't prioritize things.

Being able to make Han Xiao choose to 'display' when Guili City is so busy, this only shows that in the eyes of the other party, there are more important things than the Hailantern Festival waiting for him to deal with.

Considering that Han Xiao and Abedo have developed many inventions to promote the development of Guili City, the other party has been sitting at home reading a book during this period.

Xingqiu figured that this young boy of his was holding back another big job, and it was very likely that it would be a big job that would once again change the existing structure of Guili City.

That's why he didn't choose to disturb Han Xiao's reading and kept waiting for the opportunity.

Now, since Hanxiao ended reading and returned to normal state, Xingqiu naturally wanted to know what kind of big job the other party was planning.

You guessed it right!

After listening to Xingqiu's analysis, Han Xiao immediately gave him a thumbs up to show that his analysis was very correct.

However, before Xingqiu could be happy, his conversation changed.

But I can't tell you yet.

Ha, why?

Because there is no real object yet!

Facing Xingqiu's doubts, Han Xiao simply spread her hands with a look of helplessness on her face.

I just came back from Xumi, and I haven’t mastered the Heart of the Grass God yet!

And although he had read a lot of basic knowledge about the Internet during this period, after all, this was knowledge from the outside world, and it could only be applied after some localization in Teyvat.

These all take time to study.

Then when will I know?

Xingqiu couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when he learned that Han Xiao had only completed an idea and there was no concrete object yet, but he soon cheered up and asked his family with excitement.

After all, something that Han Xiao spent so long conceiving of is definitely more significant than the electric cars that are changing the way Liyue travels today.

Well... at least we have to wait until after the Lantern Festival.

Hearing Xingqiu's inquiry, Han Xiao pondered for a moment, and then gave the other party a rough time.

Then I'll be waiting for your good news!

After having an approximate time, Xingqiu did not continue to ask questions, and left the office without saying a word.


The next day.

It wasn't until three o'clock in the morning that Han Xiao got up from the bed, washed up, walked out of the house and went to the Wanmintang branch for a meal.

During this period, he did not forget to chat with Xiang Ling for a few words, and learned about her plans for this year's Hai Lantern Festival.

According to Xiang Ling, their Wanmin Hall will still spend the Hai Lantern Festival in Liyue Port this year, and Guilicheng may close its doors early and reopen after the Hai Lantern Festival.

This made Han Xiao a little depressed.

After all, the development time of Guili City is still too short. Only a small number of people choose to settle here, and most of them will return to Liyue Port for the festival.

This year's Hai Lantern Festival, Guilicheng will probably be a lot deserted.

Perhaps after a few more years of development and more people coming to settle in Guili City, it will become a lot more lively.

With thoughts about future development, Han Xiao said goodbye to Xiang Ling after eating, and went straight to the alchemy workshop, where she found Abedo who was reading a book.

emmm, you read that right, Albedo is also reading.

Han Xiao had explained the idea of ​​building a Teyvat version of the Internet to the other party before getting the Heart of the Grass God.

However, since there were no conditions at the time, both he and Abedo put the matter aside for the time being.

It wasn't until Han Xiao set off for Xumi that he told the other party that they should pay attention to this subject that had been shelved.

Therefore, while Hanxiao was reading at home and learning basic knowledge about the Internet, Abedo also put down the subject in his hand and picked up the book.

In addition, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, like Abedo, received a ‘gift package’ of books from Han Xiao.

Chapter 564: The Purpose of the Eightfold Son of God

Yo, Albedo!

After walking into the alchemy workshop, Han Xiao saw Albedo who was reading a book and immediately raised his right hand to say hello.


Hearing Han Xiao's voice, Abedo closed the heavy hardcover book in his hand, then raised his head and looked at him:

Hanxiao, have you finished reading your book?

I've almost seen the theory. How about you? Is there anything you don't understand?

The knowledge is too new and it is a little difficult to read.

Abedo tilted his head and gave his opinion.

Ever since the two of them were chatting about Liyue's future, Han Xiao mentioned something about the application of the Internet and it was firmly remembered in his mind.

It's a pity that the other party believes that the research and development of the Internet is meaningless before Guilicheng has a certain foundation, so this topic has been put on hold.

Abedo originally thought that Han Xiao would have to wait at least several years before starting research on the Internet.

Unexpectedly, the other party suddenly came to his door a few days ago and threw him a pile of books and told him that these were the knowledge needed to build the Internet.

So during this period, Abedo, like Han Xiao, stopped most of the subjects and devoted himself to reading about the basic principles of the Internet.

However, as he himself said, the knowledge in these books is completely different from the knowledge on the Teyvat continent. It is a completely new knowledge system.

Fortunately, Abedo had studied physics knowledge such as electricity before, and he had some understanding of this new knowledge system, but he could barely understand it.

But after all, this knowledge is another knowledge system, and Abedo feels quite tired.

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