It's much easier for our fleet to distinguish the weather because of you!

So we are all brothers, you can stay as long as you want!

Thank you very much, Sister!

Listening to Beidou's hearty laughter, Maplehara Manyo's face also showed a faint smile.

By the way, eldest sister, there is something else I want to ask you.

What's the matter? Tell me.

We've been staying in Daizuma for a long time, right? Why are we still anchored at the port? If this continues, can we still make it in time for the Shanghai Lantern Festival?

Oh~ this is the matter!

Regarding Maplehara Manyo's doubts, Beidou suddenly let out a sigh, and then explained the reason to the other party.

The Eighth Palace Secretary of the Narukami Grand Shrine sent me a message specifically. It seems that he wants to send the eldest lady of your shrine's family as an envoy to Xumi and Liyue, so he asked me to take her with him.

The eldest lady of the socialist family...Kamizato Ayaka?

Yes, that's her.

Chapter 566: Ning Guang’s Thoughts on the Sea of ​​Lantern Festival

Han Xiao didn't know that Dao's wife had already sent someone to go out to sea on Beidou's ship, and the final destination was Guili City where he was.

At this moment, Han Xiao was talking on the phone with Ning Guang in the office of Kuixing Tower.

It seems your slack period is over?


Hearing Ning Guang's slightly smiling teasing on the phone, Han Xiao suddenly looked helpless:

I have said that during this period, I am studying for the next stage of Liyue's development. Why do you all think that I am in a period of slacking off!

Haha... Of course the impression you left on us in the past was too profound.

Regarding Han Xiao's complaint, Ningguang's reply was in a matter-of-fact tone.

She naturally believed that Han Xiao was studying for Liyue's development, but she even believed that the other party had concluded that the salty fish syndrome had recurred.

There was nothing I could do about it. Before taking up the position of Tianshu Star, Han Xiao's behavior was really too much.

It is easy to change a country but hard to change its nature.

Han Xiao's attitude towards life was too salty, which made Ningguang and the others subconsciously think that he was messing around again.


In this regard, Han Xiao could only express her helpless mood with a sigh, and then quickly skipped the topic:

Forget it, why did you call me to see me, Ningguang?

I'm here to discuss the Sea Lantern Festival with you.

Sea Lantern Festival?

Knowing that Ningguang came to discuss the issue of holding the Sea Lantern Festival, Han Xiao couldn't help but raise her eyebrows:

Will the Hai Lantern Festival be held in Liyue Port this year?

It's natural. Could it be that you are still in Guili City where there are not many people?


Han Xiao, who was stabbed hard by the condensed light on the 'sore spot', couldn't help but clicked her tongue, and there was a bit of resentment in her tone:

Didn't I give my power in Liyue Port to Senior Sister Gan Yu? You should discuss it with her!

Oh, I hear you don't plan to hold the Sea Lantern Festival in Guili City this year?

In the Qunyu Pavilion, the cigarette rod that was rotating suddenly stopped. Ningguang, who could vaguely hear Han Xiao's thoughts, asked in surprise.

Haha... Guilicheng's population of one million may seem like a lot, but in fact, nearly 80% of our relatives from our hometown are in Liyue Port and other places.

What's the point of holding the Sea Lantern Festival with one or two hundred thousand people? It's a waste of money.

Regarding Ning Guang's doubts, Han Xiao also expressed his opinion.

If you were to ask him if he wanted to hold the Sea Lantern Festival in Guili City, of course he would.

But the real problem is there, what can he do without anyone!

In other words, most of the current residents of Guili City were formerly miners in the Stratayan Abyss, and most of their relatives are in Liyue Port.

It's fine on weekdays, but for important festivals like the Hai Lantern Festival in Liyue, they will naturally choose to take their wives and children back to Liyue Port to reunite with their parents and brothers.

In this regard, Han Xiao could only say that the time when Guili City was established was still too short, and the number of people who chose to put down their families here was far less than the permanent population.

Today's Guili City is more like a super-large mobile camp. This is also a problem that cannot be ignored in the early stages of new city development. The residents' sense of belonging has not yet been condensed.

Perhaps only in the next ten or eight years, when the next generation grows up, can Guili City get rid of this situation of being dependent on Liyue Port.

Then you don't want to listen to my advice?

Knowing that Han Xiao decided to give up holding the Sea Lantern Festival in Guili City for this reason, a flash of surprise flashed in Ningguang's eyes, and then a smile appeared on his face.

If so, then Han Xiao would probably agree with her idea.

Oh, if you have any suggestions, please tell me!

Han Xiao suddenly became energetic and asked quickly.

You must know that he had already planned to take everyone back to Liyue Port to celebrate the Sea Lantern Festival this year. Unexpectedly, the other party seemed to have other ideas.

Do you still remember what you did in order to punish those restless people of salt?

Of course I remember this, why are you talking about this?

Hearing Ningguang talk about the Salt of the Earth archaeological live broadcast that shocked Liyue, how could Han Xiao forget it.


live streaming! ?

Han Xiao was suddenly stunned, and then instantly understood Ningguang's plan.

Ningguang, do you mean to use live broadcast to let the two cities jointly hold the Sea Lantern Festival?

It's not particularly accurate, but the general idea is correct.

Seeing that Han Xiao had guessed what he was thinking, Ning Guang readily revealed his plan.

After the other party held an unprecedented real-time archaeological event through live broadcast, she became interested in the projector that could transmit images over long distances, and planned to build one to play with.

But later, as Han Xiao took out a series of inventions such as electric cars, electric lights, and steel steamships, Ning Guang, who got busy, forgot about this matter.

Until recently, the Lantern Festival is approaching.

Since this is the first Sea Lantern Festival since the Emperor ‘let go’ of Liyue, one can imagine how much Ning Guang attaches importance to this Sea Lantern Festival.

She wanted to use the Hai Lantern Festival to show the other six nations a united and strong Liyue.

Therefore, Ningguang was very dissatisfied with the Hai Lantern Festival planning plan submitted by the General Affairs Department, which was basically the same as in previous years.

It was at this time that she thought from the depths of her memory about the projector that Han Xiao had taken out during the public archaeological live broadcast event that could remotely display images and sounds in real time.

At the same time, an inspiration also sprouted in Ning Guang's mind.

That is to use the function of the remote live broadcast projector so that everyone can see the Hai Lantern Festival party scene at the first time.

Not only Guili City where Han Xiao is located, but also Qiaoying Village, Qingce Village and other places, as long as there are villages in Liyue, she wants to include them.

Good guy!

Could this be the live broadcast of the Liyue Hailantern Festival Party?

After hearing Ningguang's thoughts on this Lantern Festival, Han Xiao couldn't help but give him high praise:

As expected of you, Ningguang, this idea is so grand!

I, Hanxiao, will follow this plan!

Then you have to produce a sufficient number of remote live projectors as soon as possible.

Han Xiao agreed without hesitation, which made Ningguang feel slightly relieved. After all, if her idea was to be realized, the most important thing was the remote live broadcast projector in the opponent's hand.

Don't worry, I guarantee that all Liyue villages will have live broadcast equipment set up during the Hai Lantern Festival.

Speaking of which, can we guarantee the signal problem?

No problem. When the time comes, I will ask Abedo to design another small device, and then ask Keqing to lead people to install it on the signal tower to serve as a live broadcast relay station.

Well, I don't understand the technical issues, as long as you are sure there are no problems.

Afterwards, Ningguang and Han Xiao had a heated discussion about the Hai Lantern Festival party.

Keqing, who is still leading her engineering team to lay telephone lines in Liyue, doesn't know that she will soon have another job.

Chapter 567: No, Ke Qing is cursing people

So the result of your discussion with that woman Ningguang is to change the model of the Sea Lantern Festival and hold a large-scale fireworks show for the whole of Liyue?

Yes, Ningguang and I agree that this is a great opportunity to unite the hearts of the people of Liyue. In addition, the conditions are now mature. Wouldn't it be good to change the pattern of the Hailantern Festival in previous years?

good, very good!

On the other side of the phone, Keqing, who was standing on the construction site, was holding the phone tightly with one hand, and the expression on her face was slightly distorted.

But have you ever considered my feelings!

Although from Qixing's point of view, she fully agreed with Ningguang's suggestion.

But there is only one key question, why did this job fall to her again?

“Do you know that I won’t be able to finish the work I’m doing now until next year!”'s just an external device installed on the original base station. It doesn't take much time.

Then I really thank you!

After hearing Han Xiao's 'justification', Ke Qing's breathing suddenly became heavier, and her slightly sloping chest couldn't help but have huge fluctuations in height.

It’s true that she is what many of her subordinates call a ‘workaholic’, but those tasks are all carried out with careful plans.

Ke Qingke didn't like this kind of sudden disruption to the originally planned work content at all.

Just like now, it took a long time to travel all over Liyue to build base stations. However, before the construction was completed, we had to travel all over Liyue again because of the problem of laying phone lines.

Now seeing that this job will have to wait until next year to be completely completed, it would be better for Han Xiao and Ning to immediately throw out a 'Sea Lantern Festival Live Broadcast Party', which would require another trip to Liyue.

Running back and forth throughout Liyue three times, what’s special is that everyone will feel like their mentality is exploding!

Not to mention people like Ke Qing who don't like to waste time.

In her opinion, if Ningguang and Han Xiao could make an accurate plan early, she and the engineering team would not have to go around Liyue three times. The time spent on the road could be used to handle other official duties!

Ahem...accidents are all accidents!

Han Xiao subconsciously laughed a few times at Ke Qing's angry 'accusation'.

never mind!

Hearing Han Xiao's awkward laughter, Ke Qing on the other end of the phone sighed tiredly:

As long as you don't continue to do things like this that waste a lot of time on the road for me.

Um... maybe one more time?


Keqing was suddenly startled, and an ominous premonition suddenly surged in her heart. She quickly asked on her phone:

Have you done something wrong again?

Can't you hope for me to be better?

Don't change the subject for me, tell me what you plan to do next!

...Albedo and I are studying a theory and will soon be able to master the knowledge. Wait until then.

You and your engineering team may need to make another trip to Liyue.

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