Chapter 49 Han Xiao’s alchemy products

By the time Han Xiao sent someone to fill the hole in the roof of the temporary laboratory, it was already afternoon.

Abedo also proposed to take a look at Han Xiao's hands-on ability.

Han Xiao did not refuse, and simply disposed of the parts according to Abedo's request.

Your hands-on skills are better than I thought.

Seeing the bionic sheep made by Han Xiao using the alchemy materials he provided, Abedo applauded repeatedly, with a hint of admiration on his face.

This hands-on ability is really strong.

Excellent. I used to make clay dolls, so I have a bit of a foundation.

Hearing Abedo's praise, Han Xiao finally felt a little happier.

Although his alchemy talent may have been in the wrong direction, at least his practical ability was recognized by the other party.

But yes, Han Xiao was born as a puppet, and her hands-on skills are not bad.

I also learned the robot world’s own puppet technology in the chat group, and it’s not too much to make a bionic sheep.

Han Xiao, I think it would be very helpful for you to learn the mechanism technique again.

Perhaps he felt that it was not good for Han Xiao to invite him over so enthusiastically and to be so perfunctory. Abedo thought about it and gave his own suggestions.

He suggested that Han Xiao learn some mechanism skills while learning alchemy. Taking the path of alchemy mechanism is also a good development direction.

Yeah I'll think about it.

Hearing Abedo's thoughts, Han Xiao also nodded.

If he has the chance, he can also try the mechanism technique, but it depends on whether he can find the woman.

Go out and try your work?

Looking at the bionic work on the table that was no different from an ordinary sheep, Albedo also wanted to see how far Han Xiao's first alchemy work could go.


Han Xiao's eyes lit up, and Abedo's proposal hit his heart.

Although it was completed under the guidance of Albedo, this was his first alchemical work.

Of course I want to give it a try.

With that said, Han Xiao picked up the bionic sheep and went with Albedo to an open space outside.

After looking around and finding no one, Han Xiao placed the bionic sheep on the ground and put the elemental core handed over by Albedo into the slot on the body of the bionic sheep.

Then he and Abedo retreated to a distance and waited quietly.


With a low starting sound, the bionic sheep's eyes glowed, and then its limbs began to move slowly.

It's not bad, a little sluggish in terms of operation, but the idea is interesting.

Especially the idea of ​​elemental circuits, even I benefited a lot.

Seeing him wandering around, and occasionally imitating real sheep eating grass, Albedo gave his own evaluation from the perspective of an alchemist.

Abedo had to admit that maybe Han Xiao's alchemy talent was a bit crooked, but at least he was very bold in his thinking and was indeed an alchemy 'talent'.

However, Han Xiao didn't care about Albedo's praise at this time, and his eyes were all on the bionic sheep.

This is the first puppet he made by combining alchemy and puppet technology.

Even just a beast form is enough to make Han Xiao feel excited.

Being able to make a doll means that not only is his combat power improved, but he will also be able to make his own wife in the future.

Then try the last step.

Under Abedo's probing eyes, Han Xiao took out a wooden board inlaid with a small piece of elemental fragment from his arms.

This is?

I want to see if I can control it.

Saying that, Han Xiao suddenly pressed his thumb on the element fragment.


The next moment, dust was flying and sand was splashing everywhere.

Everyone saw a large fireball about five meters high.

When the dust and smoke cleared, and looking at the big crater in front of him, Abedo couldn't help scratching his head and looked at Han Xiao speechlessly:

You put a detonator on the circuit?

Well, Self-Exploding Sheep No. 1 is very good and meets my expectations.

Han Xiao nodded with satisfaction and put the 'remote control' back in her hand.

The ‘Heart of Eve’ of Self-Exploding Sheep No. 1 is actually Han Xiao’s locally degraded version using the magic puppet machine provided by Albedo.

It has a certain self-recovery ability and the most important elemental circuit ability.

As for the aspects of self-awareness, wisdom, and biological reality contained in the real Eve’s Heart, there is currently no way to imitate it.

But Han Xiao was very confident. After he finished studying the teaching materials sent by Abedo, he might be able to try to solve it.

Interesting, did you think of doing this just to cope with not having the Eye of God?

There are factors in this aspect. After all, you still have to have some strength to resist, right?

It's a good idea, at least it seems feasible to me.

Abedo reached out and pinched his chin, thought carefully and then gave his opinion.

In his opinion, Han Xiao’s design of ‘Self-Exploding Sheep No. 1’ was somewhat similar to Alice’s suggestion to transform Amber’s Count Rabbit.

To put it simply, the Count Rabbit in Amber's hand is just a bomb toy, the kind that explodes when thrown.

Han Xiao's 'Self-Exploding Sheep No. 1' is no different from an ordinary sheep at ordinary times. At critical moments, it can be controlled to explode violently.

No, it's more than that.

Abedo immediately rejected his previous judgment.

In addition to explosion, the 'Self-Explosive Sheep No. 1' can completely change the elemental circuit and become a wind-blade sheep, fire-breathing sheep, etc.

“It’s not enough to have what you have now, you need to improve.”

Yeah, it's just a tool now.

Han Xiao sighed slightly, he understood what Abedo meant.

The current ‘Self-Exploding Sheep No. 1’ is actually a projectile that releases various elements.

It's not at all up to the level of Jiji World Dolls.

It's a pity that he knows Lei Qianqi now and others don't know him. It would be nice if he could ask the skirmishers how they made it.

You are very powerful now.

Seeing that Han Xiao was a little depressed, Abedo walked to him, reached out and patted the other person's shoulder to comfort him.

Maybe you can solve the remaining problems if you learn more about alchemy.

I hope so.

After arranging for people to clean the place, it was evening.

Han Xiao and Abedo came to Wangshu Inn together. As soon as they walked to the door, they saw little Keli flying into Abedo's arms.

Brother Abedo, uncle Jiang Xue is a super good man. He gave Keli a Duduke fishing rod made by her mother.

As long as you press the button, the fish will float on the water.

When Jiang Xue, who had just walked over, heard this, her face suddenly became quite embarrassed, and she quickly looked around.

There is no way, my hand is not going well today, so I can't catch any fish.

In order not to disappoint Keli, he took out the Duduke fishing rod made by Alice in a fit of anger.

In an instant, fishing turns into electric fish.

After hearing Keli's description, look at Jiang Xue's performance at this time.

Han Xiao walked to Jiang Xue, put her hands on his shoulders, and looked at him very seriously:

Mr. Jiang Xue, according to the new regulations formulated by lawyer Yan Fei, electrofishing is illegal.

Chapter 50 Verbal Confrontation

Do you think it's interesting to scare me?

In the private room of Wangshu Inn, Jiang Xue looked at Han Xiao with complaints.

Do you think it's easy for him?

The last time he received Alice, he was frightened.

Now he was asked to take care of Alice's daughter Keli. When he couldn't catch any fish, he even saw him taking out a bomb from his schoolbag.

If I hadn't taken out the Duduke fishing rod in time, I might have felt the impact of the bomb again.

As a result, when he saw Han Xiao, he said that electrofishing was illegal.

You really think the sword in my hand is unhappy, don't you?

It's a joke, don't be angry, the maximum fine is 10,000 molas.

Isn't this still illegal?

Ah, brother Hanxiao, there is a fine for electrofishing, but Keli only has 50 moras.

Keli, who was eating with a spoon, raised her head when she heard the conversation between Han Xiao and Jiang Xue, with rice grains still stuck to the corner of her mouth, and asked with a worried look on her face.

It's okay, it's okay. Don't worry, little Keli. Brother Hanxiao is just joking.

The regulations haven't been promulgated yet.

Seeing that Keli seemed to be frightened, Han Xiao hurriedly told the truth about the matter. The regulations were true, but they had not been issued yet.

Then don't worry Keli.

On this side, Abedo also opened his mouth to thank Jiang Xue:

Mr. Jiang Xue, please take care of Keli today.

No, no, no, I have nothing to do anyway, so I just want to help.

After sitting for a while, Jiang Xue saw that Han Xiao and Abedo seemed to have something to talk about, so she stood up and left.

After Jiang Xue left, Han Xiao and the three of them were left in the private room.

Han Xiao, although your alchemy talent is a bit scientific, your ideas are very broad. I hope you can continue to study.

Don't worry I will.

Maybe it's a bit bad of me to say that, though.

Abedo pondered for a moment, then glanced at Keli before continuing:

I think you can share your explosive experiences with Kelido.

Hey, does Brother Hanxiao also study explosive formulas?

Before Han Xiao could speak, Keli looked at Abedo and Han Xiao with surprise on her face, her big eyes flashing brightly.

It was obvious that she had been intrigued by Abedo's words.

Well, I do have a few recipes that I accidentally came up with before. If Xiao Keli wants to take a look at them, I will write them down.

Wow, that's great, thank you, Brother Hanxiao.

Keli also has many recipes. Brother Hanxiao, do you want to see them?

Okay, thank you, Xiao Keli.

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