As long as Keli doesn't throw bombs around, I won't put you in solitary confinement.

Okay! Brother Abedo is the best!

Hearing that Brother Abedo not only refused to confine her, but also wanted someone to play with her, Keli's face immediately turned cloudy, and her body smashed into Abedo's arms like a small cannonball.

So that's what happened.

Han Xiao, who was approached by Abedo early in the morning, learned that Keli planned to go out to fry fish. He glanced at Keli, who was standing next to Abedo with his head lowered, and immediately laughed.

He knew that the Spark Knight of Mondstadt was a ruthless person who could stay in the solitary room for twenty days a month. How could he give up such a good opportunity to go out and play.

Don't worry, Teacher Abedo, I will take care of this little thing for you right away.

I'm really troubling you, Han Xiao.

Abedo nodded apologetically to Han Xiao, then patted Keli's little head to signal the other party to speak.

I'm sorry, brother Hanxiao, but Keli has caused trouble for you.

It's okay, it's okay. If Xiao Keli likes fried fish, then she also likes to eat fish.

Well, the seabass in Mondstadt is very delicious. Even mom agrees with Kelly's idea!

That's it, then little Keli can eat Liyue's boiled black back bass, it's also delicious.


Of course it's true. Brother Hanxiao doesn't lie.

Han Xiao smiled and chatted with Keli for a few words, then turned to look at Albedo.

How about this, Teacher Abedo, how about I ask Mr. Jiang Xue from Wangshu Inn to accompany Keli. His fishing skills are very good. How about we go to Wangshu Inn to eat in the evening?

Ah, is it Uncle Jiang Xue?

Before Abedo could speak, Keli on the side shouted in surprise:

Keli read in her mother's book that Uncle Jiang Xue smashed her mother's shell necklace into pieces, and her mother even paid for the medical expenses.

Turns out to be an acquaintance of Ms. Alice.

Abedo raised his eyebrows in surprise, but after thinking about it, he felt that Han Xiao's arrangement was good.

He knows how to fish and is an acquaintance of Keli's mother.

It is indeed a good choice to take care of Kelly.

Thinking of this, Abedo thanked Han Xiao again:

Thank you very much.

This little thing is nothing.

Han Xiao repeatedly waved her hand to signal Abedo not to be so polite.

At the same time, I was also mourning for Jiang Xue deep in my heart.

I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang Xue.

I sent you a small Alice in the hope that it wouldn't cause you PTSD.

Soon, Jiang Xue, who was fishing beside Wangshu Inn, got the news from Yan Xiao.

What did you say, Alice's daughter?

In an instant, Jiang Xue's hand holding the fishing rod shook, and the fishing rod fell into the water with a splat. However, he did not pay attention, and instead put on a mask of pain on his face.

The shadow that Alice brought to him was so great that when he mentioned the Duduk fishing rod that Alice invented for him, he felt shuddering.

Then it's not a fishing rod. How can a fishing rod be poked into the water to discharge electricity!

Chapter 48 We are friends

Although Jiang Xue wanted to resist, it was a pity that he was staying at Wangshu Inn and had three meals a day here, so he already owed a lot.

So even though Jiang Xue was very reluctant, she could only hold her nose and accept the task in the end.

Isn't she just Alice's daughter? There's nothing to be afraid of with a little baby of just a few years old.

Well, here we wish Mr. Jiang Xue the best and hope that his fishing skills will not be suddenly updated.

After sending Keli away, Han Xiao and Abedo also talked about business.

Han Xiao, in your letter, your idea was to learn alchemy from me, right?

Yes, Teacher Abedo, I really want to learn alchemy.

Okay, I want to see the extent of your current self-study first.

Perhaps because of the slight apology Keli brought, Abedo did not refuse.

In the letters exchanged between the two, Han Xiao said that he was self-taught in alchemy, and Albedo planned to see to what extent the other party had learned alchemy on his own and whether he had any talent.

After all, alchemy is also a skill that requires a lot of talent.

Like granulated sugar and Timaeus.

Timaeus's talent is quite good among ordinary people, but compared with sugar, it is just a piece of cake.

Albedo himself said that if Timaeus studied for another twenty years, he could switch to the current teaching materials of Granulated Sugar.

One can imagine the huge difference between being talented in the field of alchemy and being less talented.

Teacher Abedo, please come with me. I had a temporary laboratory set up yesterday.

Seeing that Abedo planned to see his talent, Han Xiao was unambiguous and led him directly to the simple laboratory that was just built yesterday.

Han Xiao herself is not worried about whether she has alchemy talent.

What he wants now is technology and systematic teaching materials.

Even if he doesn't have any talent, he still has the chat group to back him up.

Han Xiao and the others in the group had not just been fencing and bickering for more than a month. They also discovered that perhaps because they traveled to different worlds, the talents of several people in the group were different.

Just like Han Xiao in the world of One Piece, he is very talented in physical arts and can master the Six Styles and Haki at a mere captain level.

Even if he was able to learn the Six Styles and Haki because of Vegapunk, being able to learn and being able to master them are two different things.

There is also Han Xiao from the Jiji World. His original physical talent is terrible, and his talent is more focused on puppet technology.

Don't look at Jixiao's talk about the many taboo dolls at the night party, but how many people at his age can actually make human-shaped taboo dolls.

To put it simply, Han Xiao is like opening countless trumpets when playing a game, and each trumpet has a different method of adding points.

Some are all physical, some are all spiritual.

So Han Xiao wasn't worried at all that she didn't have the talent for alchemy.

One day, Han Xiao, who was full of alchemy talent, came to the Baobuqi chat group.

After bringing Albedo to the laboratory, Han Xiao was not afraid of the stage. He directly picked up the prepared materials and started the experiment in front of him.

However, Han Xiao didn't see it, and Abedo's expression became a little weird as he moved.

The Eye of God on the chest lit up at some point, secretly forming a wall of elements in front of the two of them.


The secretaries who were working suddenly heard a loud noise and ran out of the house.

As soon as they went out, they saw black smoke billowing into the sky not far away.

what happened?

I don't know, it seemed like it exploded.

Hey, isn't that house the laboratory that Master Hanxiao asked to build before? Who built it? The quality is so poor?

It's impossible, we added cement to the building materials!

Just as everyone was talking about it, a coughing sound came from the accident site.


Han Xiao coughed and dusted himself off, looked up at the roof where a big hole had been blown out, and turned to look at Albedo with some embarrassment.

Thank you, Teacher Abedo, for your help. I made a mistake just now.

Maybe the people below sent me the wrong materials.

Looking at the terrible scene in front of him, even though Han Xiao knew that he had a chat group to back him up, talent was not a problem, but the key was that Abedo didn't know.

The first time they met Abedo wanted to see his talent, but Han Xiao turned around and ordered the house.

If you don't explain this alchemy clearly, I'm afraid you won't be able to learn it.

No, it's not a matter of material.

Abedo shook his head and looked carefully up and down, left and right, making even the thick-skinned Han Xiao feel uneasy.

After sorting out his somewhat messy thoughts, Abedo slowly said:

You are actually very talented.

Huh? Teacher Abedo, please stop comforting me. It was just a small mistake. I will show you again right away.

No, no, no, I'm not trying to comfort you. You are really talented.

Seeing that Han Xiao didn't believe it, Abedo shook his head repeatedly to show that he really wasn't lying.

Your talent is very strong, really, as strong as Keli.

It was the direction of development of this talent that caught me off guard.

Abedo thought to himself.

To be honest, among the people Albedo knew, Master Reindot and Ms. Alice were ranked first in alchemy level.

Next is sugar and coli.

Sugar is better because of her comprehensive talent, while Keli is extremely outstanding in the field of explosion, even surpassing Sugar.

As for Timaeus, Albedo's evaluation was that he could be an alchemist, but he might not be able to become a master alchemist.

Abedo originally thought that Keli was already the only king in the field of blasting, but he never expected that Liyue also had a genius like Han Xiao who was not inferior to Keli.

Although the materials appear to be normal, they can cause small-scale explosions.

Today is an eye-opener!

But this also made Abedo feel a little embarrassed.

You said you don't want to teach Han Xiao alchemy. The other party's talent is very strong, but it's not as comprehensive as Sugar.

But if he had to teach him, he was afraid of teaching another Keli.

By then, the relationship between Mondstadt and Liyue will be ruined by Albedo.

As strong as Keli...

After listening to Abedo's words, Han Xiao felt bad all over.

The co-author is just like Ah Jin said, is he really going to become a potential bomber in Liyue?

Although explosions are art, what he wants to learn is the alchemy of creation, the kind that can create humans.

Do you think this will work?

After struggling for a long time, Abedo took out a large pile of teaching materials from the space provided by the Eye of God and handed them to Han Xiao.

These are the study materials I use to teach Sugar. You can study on your own.

Let's make an agreement first. From now on, you can just call me Abedo, no need to add teacher.

The textbook is a gift from me as a friend.

Ah this.

Han Xiao blankly took the textbook handed over by Abedo, thought about it for a while, and thanked her:

Thank you then, Abedo.

You're welcome, we are friends.

Abedo said categorically, leaving no room for the other party to refute.

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