It has to be said that Han Xiao was also moved by Abedo's suggestion.

If others don't know, he doesn't know.

Keli's explosive formula iteration speed is quite fast.

If his 'Self-Exploding Sheep No. 1' could use Keli's formula, its power would be doubled.

Well, from a certain perspective, Yun Jin was right.

Hanxiao itself has a potential explosive factor.

After Keli finished eating, Han Xiao and Abedo took Keli for a walk after dinner and talked at the same time.

By the way, Han Xiao, I came here this time with Captain Qin's instructions.

Oh, tell me.

Seeing Abedo mentioning business, Han Xiao also became serious.

Captain Qin has learned that Liyue is going to build a new city in Liyue, and he wants to talk to you about the business issues between Mondstadt and Liyue.

In addition, I happened to be coming to your place, so Captain Qin left the matter to me.

So that's what happened.

Hearing that Abedo was talking about trade issues between the two countries, Han Xiao suddenly understood.

Liyue and Mondstadt are adjacent to each other, so they naturally pay more attention to the affairs of the new city than other countries, so there is nothing wrong with sending people to inquire.

What do you think of Captain Qin?

I probably want to ask you what responsibilities the new city has.

Although Abedo doesn't like to deal with these things, it doesn't mean that he doesn't understand. He naturally knows Qin's plan.

The new city assumes some functions as a commercial operation center.

That means you will build a commodity warehouse in the new city?


Can Mondstadt also have its own warehouse in the new city?

Yes, but you have to pay certain fees, such as renting land, warehouse safety maintenance, etc.

After listening to Han Xiao's introduction, Abedo fell into deep thought.

Keli, who was led by the two of them, was confused. It was really difficult to understand what the adults said.

She didn't understand what Brother Abedo and Brother Hanxiao were saying at all.

Do you sell the formula of that embankment material?

Not for sale, only finished products.

I can work it out backwards.

I know, but one more day to sell is one more day to sell.

There were quick questions and answers between Abedo and Han Xiao, and their words were a bit sharper, but both of them seemed to enjoy this verbal exchange, and their eyes became brighter and brighter.

I can upgrade this material, reduce the cost, and ensure that no one can copy the core formula.

Sorry, we are already in iterative production.

I'm the one who should say sorry. You underestimated the alchemist's ability.

I never dare to underestimate anyone's ability. Your own resources are not enough.

Abedo was stunned for a moment, then reacted:

The material contains minerals!


Han Xiao couldn't help but clicked her tongue, he accidentally let it slip.

There was no way, Abedo's own ability was like a mountain, so he subconsciously used raw materials to counterattack, but the other party discovered the problem.

Seeing this, Abedo knew that he had guessed correctly, and for the first time a smile appeared on his face in front of Han Xiao.

Friends are friends, and now the two of them stand from the perspective of Mond and Liyue, and naturally they want to fight for the interests of their country.

He won the verbal confrontation.

The recipe can be shared, but we need your technical support here.

Seeing that the negotiation was at a disadvantage, Han Xiao rolled his eyes and tried to get back into the game.

I can work for you for a year, and the rent of the Mondstadt warehouse will be reduced by 50%.

One year is too little. Five years is too little. During this period, the warehouse rent will be reduced by 70%.

No, five years is too long. I still have to supervise Longji Snow Mountain.

How about four years, but you'll need to teach the school I built.

I can have people build a large alchemy workshop in Mingyun Town, and station the Qianyan Army to monitor the movements of the snowy mountains for you.

In order to retain Abedo, a technical talent and the gold medal lecturer of his scheduled alchemy course, Han Xiao also worked hard.

What kind of residential area and tourist area will be established in Yaoguangtan, Mingyun Town?

No more, no more.

With Abedo as the alchemy teacher, what else do you need a bicycle?

Han Xiao is not greedy, let alone sugar. As long as Abedo can teach a few alchemy apprentices of Timaeus level, then he will make a profit.

Moreover, even if the term is up, aren’t there still honorary professors, doctoral supervisors, etc.

He has plenty of means to let Abedo take a few more students to further their studies.

I promised to teach the school for three years. The rent of the Mondstadt warehouse will be fully reduced during my tenure, and will be reduced by 30% after three years.

The workshops in Mingyun Town and the garrison of Qianyan Army must also be carried out simultaneously, and Snow Mountain must be monitored.

This is my bottom line.

make a deal!

Chapter 51: Finally a new person arrives

I feel like something's wrong?

When the three of them returned to the temporary camp, Abedokli went back to her room to rest, then turned to look at Han Xiao.

On the way back, he kept thinking about why Han Xiao didn't continue bargaining.

After thinking for a long time, the more Abedo thought about it, the more he felt that there might be a trap in this direction of the school, and he might have been tricked.

We have all agreed. The contract has been made. Anyone who breaks his promise shall be punished by eating rocks.

Han Xiao raised her eyebrows.

Did he have a trick? How is that possible? Not at all.

Is it a problem if I send a few of the students you taught before to study with you three years later?

no problem!

Oh, you said that a year later Mondstadt will be hit by a dragon plague for half a year, and trade routes will be cut off?

Hahaha, that's Mond's own problem, what does it have to do with me.

I still know the consequences of not completing the contract.

Abedo shrugged. He just felt that Han Xiao, who could quickly confront him mentally, could not agree to his request so easily.

It's a pity that the other party is very tight-lipped and has no intention of revealing anything.

Now that we've finished talking about the business, when will we go back and talk to Captain Qin?

I have sent someone to send the news back soon. Captain Qin may come to sign a contract with you in person.

Okay, then I'll be waiting for you.

After bidding farewell to Albedo, Han Xiao returned to the office and immediately summoned Xu Wan.

Xu Wan, how long will it take to complete the construction of the river embankment and the new city?

The river embankment span is very long. It originally took at least more than ten years. With new materials, it can be completely completed in about a few years.

As for the main building of the new city, it should take less than a year.

Okay, I understand, you go down first.

After Xu Wan left, Han Xiao looked at the city planning map on the table and began to think.

According to his memory.

During the Sixteen Kingdoms period, Helian Bobo mobilized 100,000 people to build Tongwan City, which took six years to complete.

The Forbidden City employed nearly one million people and took fourteen years to build.

To be honest, Xu Wan told him that the main part of the city could be built in just one year, which made Han Xiao feel that the speed was really not slow.

But he still felt that one year was too long.

The embankments may continue to be built, but the new urban areas must be built at a faster pace, ideally within half a year or so.

Only in this way can Abedo be squeezed to the greatest extent and begin to share the pressure on Liyue Port.

Today's Liyue is not the same as before. They now have efficient building materials like cement.

Half a year, half a year.

Tapping her index finger on the table, Han Xiao kept mumbling the time.

Finally, he made up his mind to spend half a year repairing the inner city first, and the outer city could be used and built at the same time.

If you really can't finish it, the worst thing you can do is go to Zhongli shamelessly.

In the next ten days, Han Xiao dealt with work while learning alchemy under the guidance of Albedo.

Abedo sent the news back to Mondstadt, and Qin also responded to the letter. In the letter, Qin handed over the power to sign the contract to Abedo.

Therefore, the previous agreement has come into effect.

In the next three years, Albedo was temporarily owned by Mondstadt and Liyue.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: “Brothers, it’s the second month!”

[Original God·Hanxiao]: It should be today.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Yes, I have been paying attention to the chat group today. The chat group started searching three hours ago. It will probably be soon.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Hanxiao]: I'm so looking forward to it and so excited. Finally, I'm not the youngest anymore.


While talking, the voice that Han Xiao and the others wanted to hear finally sounded in the chat group.

[My technology is also shocking. Join the group chat]

Finally, there was a newcomer, and Han Xiao and the others suddenly became happy.

There are new people, which means they can become stronger again.

But before they could say anything, the new guy started sending out a series of words in the group.

[My technology is also shocking]: I'm sorry, something's wrong. What's your name?

[My technology is also shocking]: Gan, are you all Hanxiao?

[My technology is also shocking]: Me too!

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: The big guys are coming out to deal with the newbie.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: The newcomer understands too quickly, and we were caught off guard.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Hey, let me tell you about the situation in the group first...

While Hai Xiao was explaining the situation in the group to the newcomers, Han Xiao became very interested in the world where the newcomers lived.

World of Warcraft, a game he played from the 1960s to the 1980s.

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