That's it, Columbia, pack up and get ready to go to Liyue.

Although he was not satisfied with the final candidate, the other two refused to get involved in the matter and jointly recommended the girl, so Piero had no choice but to agree.

Sigh...send a smarter adjutant to follow you.

Chapter 561 Return to Liyue

The resurrection of the Great Merciful Tree King not only brought great changes to Sumeru, but also caused shocks in many countries.

High-level officials from many countries held an emergency meeting on the day of the incident and sent their men to Xumi to investigate the 'Full Moon Sky Incident'.

For example, the Fontaine Tribunal, Liyue Seven Stars (Hanxiao is keeping it secret), and the West Wind Knights are all privately investigating the cause of this incident.

As for the small group of people at the top of Teyvat Continent, they allowed those below to send people to Sumeru, and at the same time, they directly or indirectly led these people to Liyue.

Among them, the most representative ones are Yae Shenzi who indirectly guided Ayaka Kamisato to Liyue, and Piero the Harlequin who directly sent the girl Colombia there.

It can be said that just as Han Xiao was heading towards Liyue, there were several small teams on the Teyvat continent setting off towards Liyue in unison.


Since the Xumi incident was all over, and the Fool Executives had been sent away by Han Xiao, he did not continue to choose to walk on his legs.

Instead, he used his space transfer ability to cross the Huachengguo area and directly entered the underground passage connecting Xumi and the Liyue Rock Abyss.

Although this tunnel is a bit long, narrow and winding for ordinary people, it is not a problem at all for Han Xiao. With just a few flashes of space, he passed through this tunnel and entered the realm of Liyue.

It’s finally back!

When Han Xiao emerged from the dark tunnel and appeared under the cinnabar cliff, looking at the familiar mine in front of him, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

In order to obtain the Heart of the Grass God needed for Liyue's subsequent development, he actually stayed abroad for a while this time.

Although Han Xiao's body still stayed in Guili City and never left, considering the importance of the Grass God's Heart, he basically focused on Xumi during this period, and the number of times he appeared in Kuixing Tower was relatively few. .

Usually I go there every few days to check in, and then go back to my home to study.

Xingqiu, who didn't understand what was going on, thought that Han Xiao was suffering from the salted fish syndrome that he had suffered for many years after seeing Guili City completely on the right track.

In fact, this is why our second young master wrongly accused Han Xiao.

The books he read were all basic Internet knowledge acquired from other Han Xiaos in the chat group, especially those in modern times.

The purpose is that after the Heart of the Grass God is in place, a 'local area network' that can adapt to the existence of the Teyvat continent can be immediately created.

Ahem, let’s get back to business.

After standing at the foot of the cinnabar cliff to express his emotions, Han Xiao did not choose to return to Guili City immediately, but took a special detour to Qiaoying Village in the northwest of Liyue.

Then he showed up once more in front of the fools in Fengdan Realm, and finally passed through the stone gate secretly from the ruins of Mondwind Dragon, and returned to Liyue territory after more than ten days.

Fortunately, Han Xiao himself relied on space flash to travel the whole way, otherwise it would have taken at least half a year to complete the circle like this.

The reason why he traveled in such a big circle is also very simple, mainly to disturb the eyes of the fools.

After all, Han Xiao was still a little afraid of the doctor. No one knew whether the other party would secretly send spies to investigate his route.

Taking more detours is not a problem at all for someone like him who has mastered spatial abilities.


Night falls on Teyvat.

The street lights on the roadside of Guilicheng lit up one after another, making the whole city brightly lit.

Even at night, the vendors on the street did not stop doing business, and there was still an endless stream of pedestrians on the roadside.

It's really a lively and prosperous scene.

It can be said that after two years of uninterrupted development, Guili City has now taken the shape of a 'city that never sleeps'.

In this extremely noisy scene, the doll Han Xiao finally completed his mission and appeared out of thin air in the alchemy chamber of Han Xiao's home.

Han Xiao, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately regained consciousness, and then placed the fallen puppet body on the experimental table aside, waiting for subsequent maintenance. He immediately took the Heart of the Grass God in his hand and examined it carefully. .

Don't look at it, it's the real thing.

A second person's voice suddenly came from the secret room, but Han Xiao didn't mean to be frightened at all. Instead, she turned around helplessly and looked at the figure who appeared behind her:

Mr. Zhongli, can we go through the door next time?

The speed of walking through the door is too slow, it's not like you can't feel it.

The person who appeared behind Han Xiao was naturally the old man Zhongli. After all, the fluctuation caused by the puppet Han Xiao entering the city could be hidden from other people in Guili City, but it could not be hidden from him, the devil.

So when he found out that Han Xiao's doll had returned to Guili City, he knew that the other party had obtained the Heart of the Grass God, so he chose to visit in person.


Facing the righteous Zhongli, Han Xiao couldn't help but fell silent.

Maybe this is the disadvantage of being familiar with each other, the other party takes pleasure in scaring you!

emmm, how should I put it?

There are actually quite a few people in Liyue who know Zhongli's true identity, but they are either immortals or gods.

Apart from this, only Abedo, Yingmei and Han Xiao himself know.

Among these people, whether they are immortals like Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun or local residents of Teyvat like Abedo, they all habitually retain their reverence for the gods.

Therefore, the only people who can truly face Zhongli with an equal attitude are the playful Wendy, the traveler Yingmei from another world, and our protagonist Han Xiao.

Among the three of them, Han Xiao was the most courageous.

After all, he had the influence of his previous life. His attitude toward Zhongli was only respect for Zhongli who had worked so hard to protect Liyue for so many years, and he didn't have much fear of his identity as a god.

That's why we can see that Han Xiao often uses some reasons that have to be accepted to 'trap' Zhongli in a fancy way.

If this is placed on other people, it would be called arrogance.

As for Zhongli, he didn't think there was anything offensive about Han Xiao. At most, he thought this unlucky kid was too annoying and made his retirement life in his later years uneasy.

Therefore, they will 'retaliate' against the other party in some small places and change their mentality.

Mr. Zhongli, do you have anything to give me when you come here this time?

After a moment of silence, Han Xiao asked the other party why he was here.

It's not a big deal. Seeing that you have returned to Liyue, I wanted to ask you about your experience in Xumi.

Upon hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Zhongli simply stated his purpose.

It was while drinking tea and admiring the moon that he noticed the return of the puppet Hanxiao, so he came to ask about some details of the other party's resurrection of the Great Ci Tree King.

Although Zhongli didn't plan to come back from the dead in Liyue, he certainly wanted to hear how his old friend was doing when he returned.

Chapter 562 Zhongli: It’s broken, the pig is going to be thrown away

So that's it. This generation of great sage Azar was completely overthrown by the alliance of the little Lucky Grass King. You also played the villain for once, which is quite interesting.

In the living room, after listening to Han Xiao's story about his experience in Xumi, Zhongli held the teacup in both hands and took a sip of hot tea, and casually gave an interesting comment.

At the same time, he was also happy that his colleague who had been trapped for five hundred years could wake up.

But the Great Ci Tree King and the Little Lucky Grass King didn't choose to punish Azar severely?

Yeah, it seems like they don't intend to execute each other.

Han Xiao, who was sitting in front of Zhongli, shrugged helplessly, apparently feeling that the two grass gods' methods of dealing with rebellion were too light.

If it were him who had to deal with this, Azar would probably have gone to the mountains to feed the wolves.

Not too surprising.

Unlike Han Xiao, Zhong Li had already expected this. Although the former King of the Great Ci Tree was harsh externally, he was kind-hearted internally.

This is especially true for the Little Lucky Grass King who inherited its essence. It can only be said that the ‘maternal love component’ carried by the incarnation of the World Tree is too strong.

After making some brief comments, Zhongli looked at Han Xiao with interest:

Hanxiao, do you know something?

what do you know?

This time you are famous throughout the entire Teyvat continent.


Han Xiao couldn't help but be stunned, feeling a little baffled.

what's the situation?

When did I become famous throughout the continent of Teyvat? seems you don't know?

Mr. Zhongli, can you tell me what's going on?

Sensing the smile in Zhongli's eyes, Han Xiao couldn't help but feel a little fuzzy in her heart, always feeling that something bad was going to happen to her.

You made quite a fuss when you resurrected the Great Ci Tree King!

As he said that, Zhongli clicked his tongue twice in Han Xiao's straight eyes, and then told him what happened in the sky above Xumi that day.

A full moon appears strangely in the sky above Sumeru. This has been a hotly discussed topic among the people of several countries in Teyvat Continent recently.

Mr. Zhongli, are you saying that everyone saw what happened in Xumi?


Ah this...

Han Xiao's whole body went numb after hearing Zhong Li's story.


Is there so much noise about resurrecting the Great Ci Tree King?

He thought that the scene at that time covered the entire Sumeru, and the entire Tiwat continent could see it?

Obviously there was no splash at all when Abatui was resurrected!

Although Han Xiao also knew that the news of resurrecting the Demon God might be quite big, but judging from the actual situation, was this news a bit too much?

Seeing Han Xiao, an unlucky child, stunned by the sudden news, Zhongli added with a good heart:

By the way, all the demon-god-level people in Teyvat Continent are currently very interested in you.

Does that mean my disguise didn't work?

Hearing Zhongli's kind-hearted addition, Han Xiao slowly raised her right hand and pointed her fingers at herself.

You can't say that, the effect is still a little bit.

Zhong Li shook his head directly. Han Xiao's puppet skills were pretty good. At least they were not much worse than Dao Wife's skills as an 'autistic otaku', or even better.

Therefore, regarding the events that occurred in Sumeru, ordinary people in the Teyvat continent only knew that a moon appeared abnormally in the sky above Sumeru, but they knew nothing about the specific situation.

For those with relatively higher status, such as the high-level people in power in various countries, such as the Knights of the West Wind, the Seven Stars, and the Three Principles, they get slightly more situations.

However, we only know that the incident in Xumi was a riot caused by a Fontaine named Romani Solomon. The details will depend on their intelligence capabilities.

However, further up, that is, the existence of the Seven Gods and other demon gods, Han Xiao's identity is like a firefly in the dark, which makes him stand out.

After all, in the eyes of these powerful people, it is quite easy to see through the identity of a doll.

When Han Xiao made plans to resurrect the Great Mercy Tree King in Xumi, these people naturally saw through his puppet incarnation, and many of them guessed his true identity.

If Zhongli hadn't come forward and fired a rock gun each as a warning, I'm afraid these people would have found Han Xiao himself.

Speaking of this, Zhongli, who was usually stoic, couldn't help but show a bit of 'gloating' on his face and said:

In the next period of time, it is estimated that many people will come to our door. You may be very busy.

Although Zhongli gave Yanqiang warning to those who coveted Hanxiao, he also knew that these people would not give up so easily.

After all, the Demon God War that swept across the entire continent was too brutal, and many people lost their loved ones and friends in it.

Seeing the deceased King Daci Shu return to the earth again, except that he himself accepted the concept of orderly life and death in the Rebirth Hall, he had no idea of ​​resurrecting his old friends.

The rest of the people will probably never give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Therefore, even if they couldn't stand up to Zhongli's warning, they would probably instruct their men to approach Han Xiao.

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