Yes, Master!

After receiving the order, the final ninja disappeared into the shadows again, leaving Kamisato Ayato sitting alone at his desk and deep in thought.


Xumi went to the winter ship.

Dr. Dottore was standing in front of a machine with a very Canrian style, reaching out to adjust the instrument.

Since Zhidong collected information about the appearance of long-distance communication devices in Liyue, he took a fancy to this extremely convenient communication method and copied it.

Since he had not systematically studied electricity, Dr. Dotore was unable to reproduce it at first. It was the Harlequin who was born in Canrea who learned about it and helped him build this machine that could make long-distance calls.

Although the principle may be different from that in Liyue, long-distance communication is still possible.

Soon, as the machine was debugged, the doctor sent back the news of his failure in Sumeru. It didn't take long for the slightly aged voice of the clown Piero to come out of the machine:

So your experiment failed?

Well, now there are two demon gods in Xumi, and the grass god's heart has also been cut off. My experiment has completely failed.

You failed to get the Heart of the Grass God back. Is there something wrong?

At the other end of the machine, in the cold palace of Winter, the Harlequin Piero was slightly surprised when he heard the news.

He had never underestimated the doctor's ability, but he never expected that the doctor would stumble in Xumi territory.

Could it be that the newly resurrected Great Ci Tree King and Little Lucky Grass King teamed up to scheme against Dotore?

Meet a guy who hides deeply.

Thinking of the demon god who arrived in the form of a doll and was not included in the intelligence records of the Fools, Dr. Dottore's eyes darkened, and he slowly looked towards the scene where Piero the Harlequin himself first met him.

An unknown demon?

After listening to Dotore's story, Piero the Harlequin couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

There are currently only a few demon gods in Teyvat who are relatively intact. Where did this demon god come from that even the fools don’t know the details of?

Not only that, I also brought back information that should be able to offset the failure of this operation.

As if he noticed that the Harlequin was surprised by the news, the corners of Dotore's mouth slowly rose.

What information?

Have you ever seen the third power that is equivalent to the power of the light world and the power of the abyss?

Dotore...are you sure you're not joking?

In the cold palace of Winter, as the doctor finished speaking, Piero the Harlequin's expression changed instantly, and he subconsciously looked at the Ice Queen on the throne.

As a survivor of Kanrea, he naturally knew more secrets, and at the same time he was a little confused about it.

The power of the light realm was once the original power of Teyvat in ancient times, and its status was quite high. However, due to the arrival of the First Throne and the emergence of the power of the human realm, it slowly evolved into various relatively mild elements now.

Now Dotore actually said that he encountered a third force...

Teyvat itself has three powers: the human world, the light world, and the virtual world (abyss).

Could it be that Sky Island woke up early?

No...not right!

Harlequin Piero quickly rejected his speculation in his mind. If Sky Island had awakened, then the maintainers of heavenly principles should have been dispatched by this time.

After all, the resurrection of King Xumi Daci Shu obviously violates the rules of Teyvat Continent, and they will definitely be hit in winter.

So could it be that what Dotore encountered was a fourth unknown force that was different from these three forces?

Chapter 560: The Fools Heading to Liyue

Pierro, Dotore.

Just when Harlequin was still thinking hard about what kind of power Datore had seen, the Ice Queen, who had always been like a sculpture on the throne, suddenly spoke and broke the silence.

Queen. X2

Hearing the Ice God's voice, Piero turned around and bowed respectfully.

At the other end of the machine, Dotore's voice also sounded at the same time.

This is the end of the Xumi matter. There is no need to worry about it anymore.

Dotore, if you still want to start experiments, go to another country.

I obey your orders, Your Majesty the Queen.

On the other side of the instrument, Dotore was also respectful for a rare moment.

Well, it’s normal if you think about it.

Not only did Ice God not blame him for the failure in Xumi, he also allowed the other party to continue experiments in other countries.

This kind of peerless ‘good boss’ is almost impossible to find even with a lantern.

After cutting off the contact with Dr. Dotore, only the Ice God and the Harlequin Piero were left in the entire palace.

Only then did the Ice Queen continue to speak:

Send someone to Liyue, Piero.

Queen, could it be that the master of that power is in Liyue?


Seeing the Ice God nodding his head and admitting this, the clown Piero was not happy but worried, why was he in Liyue!

Your Majesty the Queen, Rosalin signed a contract with Morax during her lifetime for the Fools to completely withdraw from Liyue.

Blatantly violating the contract, how should we deal with the wrath of that warrior god?

Although his own strength is comparable to that of gods, he is just an ordinary demon.

Even Piero didn't want to face a top demon god like Zhongli who won the ruling position by killing demon gods.

After all, if he could defeat the opponent, Kanria would not have been destroyed in the first place.

It doesn't matter, Rosalin has died, and the contract will naturally expire.

Ah this...

Hearing the words spoken by the Ice Queen in a cold voice, even the mature and steady Harlequin Piero almost lost his image.

Is Her Majesty the Queen really joking?

Why do you feel that Her Majesty the Queen is in a very good mood today?

Before the Harlequin Piero could react, the Ice God's words struck him again:

Just choose one from Colombia, Sandone or Arecino.

Why are all the girls chosen?

Perhaps it was the Ice Queen's unusual performance today that even Piero the Harlequin could not help but be led to distorted thinking.

Fortunately, he quickly reacted and returned to normal:

Queen, Sandone and Arecino all have their own missions and I'm afraid they won't be able to escape.

As for Columbia, she has no mission, but her behavior is too ignorant. It may be difficult to complete your orders.

The priority of the mission has been changed, giving priority to the mission dispatched to Liyue.

Seeing that Harlequin Piero seemed to have something to say, the Ice Queen immediately spoke and settled the matter:

Just do it, Piero.

This...obeys your order, Her Majesty the Queen!

Hearing the unquestionable tone in the Ice God's tone, Piero the Harlequin had no choice but to bow down and accept this seemingly weird order.

As the other party left, the Ice God sat alone on the throne and stared at the empty hall. There was a hint of warmth in his cold tone:

King Daci Shu, you are really lucky...

Why, I am so...envious.


The Harlequin Piero who walked out of the Winter Palace quickly ordered his men to call the three Colombians to his office.

Pierro, I am taking care of the children, why are you calling me here all of a sudden?

Excuse me from my research!

Huh huh huh~

The first time he saw the Harlequin, the servant Arecino was the first to question him with dissatisfaction, followed closely by the puppet Sandone.

As for the girl Columbia who is still humming?

She still hasn't figured out what happened.

The Queen has given an order to change the priority of the mission. Choose one of the three of you to go to Liyue.


Arecino and Sandone glanced at each other subconsciously, only to find that the other's eyes were equally full of confusion.

Didn't we Zhidong completely withdraw from Liyue because of the contract? Wouldn't it be a violation of the contract to go now?

We are just withdrawing but not severing diplomatic relations. The diplomatic and consulates are still operating!

Piero the Harlequin gave his explanation quite calmly, and at the same time he did not forget to add:

And the person who signed the contract was Rosalin. She fell in the land of Inazuma. Without the person who signed the contract, the contract will naturally have no effect.

This word play...

After hearing what the Harlequin said, Arecino couldn't help but cover his forehead with his hands.

Are we really afraid that we will be beaten half to death by Morax if we play this kind of word-based game?

Thinking of this, she quickly opened her mouth and chose to give up:

Sorry Piero, I still have to look after the children.

My research has reached a critical juncture, and now all my efforts in escaping are in vain!

Seeing Arecino trying to escape, Sandone's face changed drastically, and she hurriedly followed behind and refused.


The two candidates in his mind rejected them directly, and the clown Piero also showed a troubled look on his face.

Sensing that there might be a secret behind this incident, Sandone did not want to get involved in this muddy water.

When she saw from the corner of her eye a young girl named Columbia, who was still humming to herself and had not yet understood the situation, her inspiration suddenly burst out.

I think Colombia is the best candidate!

While speaking, Sandone did not forget to wink at Arecino.

...Yes, Sandonne and I are weak. If Morax gets angry, only Columbia can save her life from the other party.

Arecino, who received Sandone's void message, reacted instantly and pushed the girl Colombia out in an almost self-deprecating manner.

Sorry, I'll leave this muddy water to you, girl!

Almost at the same time, the same words flashed through Sandone and Arecino's minds.


A bunch of little foxes!

Seeing the two men who looked like ghosts, the clown was speechless for a moment. He could only turn his head to look at the girl Columbia who was humming and immersed in her own world.

Columbia, what do you think?

Send me to Liyue?


Okay, I have no objection.

The girl Columbia, who was brought back to reality by the clown, tilted her head and thought about it, and then happily agreed.

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