Not long after Han Xiao and Dotore left, a ranger noticed something strange here and reported the incident directly to Tinari who was patrolling not far away.

Soon, a group of armed rangers, led by Tinari, arrived at the scene of the incident.

After arriving at the scene of the incident and taking a look at the surroundings, he looked at the ranger on the side.

What's going on with those Fool soldiers?

After hearing Tinari's inquiry, a doctor responsible for treating the Fools quickly reported the situation.

After examination, they all suffered a strong impact and fell into a coma. Their bodies are not serious and they can recover after sleeping.

Well, we'll turn them into a city later.

He ordered the rangers to tie up the hands and feet of the fools and wait for the city to be transformed into a city. Then Tinari searched the scene carefully by himself, trying to see if there were any missing traces.

Soon, he found some clues among the messy footprints.

At that time, besides these fools and soldiers, there should be two people here, and they left in opposite directions.

But they saw no one else on the way here, and it seemed that the only one who could do this was Romani Solomon.

It seems that the other party and the Fools had a brief battle.

After thinking about it, Tinari subconsciously took out the void terminal and was about to put on his ears to send a message to Elhaysen.

The next second, he reacted.

The void system has been completely shut down, and the terminal has become a decoration.

Chapter 558: The Yae Fox whose mentality has collapsed

After the meeting with Dr. Dotore, Xumi's affairs came to an end.

The Heart of the Grass God finally fell into Han Xiao's hands, and the Fools probably also stopped their plans to start in Xumi.

After all, there are two demon gods in Sumeru now. Even an arrogant and arrogant person like Dotore would not think that he can fight one against two.

Emmm, from a certain perspective, Xumi has made a lot of money this time.

Although the incident of the great sage Azar caused some turmoil in the Order Council, for Mond, Liyue and Inazuma, the damage suffered by Xumi can be said to be negligible.

The only troublesome things may be the internal problems of the void system shutting down and the desert people.

Of course, apart from Xumi making a lot of money, Han Xiao and Dr. Han Xiao also seemed to be losing money.

The two of them got the coveted Heart of the Grass God alone, and they spent almost no resources but only a little energy. It is not an exaggeration to say that it was a free prostitution.

As for the other one, although he lost the opportunity to start a large-scale experiment, he also learned that the power of the third extremely high level is not inferior to the power of the light world and the power of the abyss, which is a big gain.

It can be said that in this Xumi drama, all three of them are beneficiaries. The only difference lies in the size of the benefit.

Some people may ask, are there no losers in this ‘big drama’?

The answer is actually yes.

That is our gun brother, Raiden Guobeng classmate.

Not only did he become a defector from the Fools, his agreed plan to become a god was gone, the Thundergod's heart was also kidnapped by Dotore in the name of research, and the other party even left him in Xumiru.

In the Jingshan Palace, the stragglers picked up by the Great Ci Tree King and the Little Lucky Grass King were as quiet as ever, and the whole person was in an explosive state of mind.

Because he is the one who really loses in this 'big drama'.


Rice wife on the other side.

After several days of traveling, Kamisato Ayaka arrived at Narukami Taisha Shrine after receiving the news, and met the Yae Godson who had been waiting for a long time.

Master Palace Secretary, I wonder why you called me here in such a hurry?

As soon as he saw Yae Shenzi, Kamisato Ayaka couldn't wait to ask him his questions.

Thanks to the efforts of the travelers, Inazuma's national lockdown order and eye hunting order were finally abolished by the shogun. However, nearly two years of blockade has severely reduced the entire Inazuma national power.

Not to mention that Tianling Shouxing and Kanding Shouxing were punished by the General for colluding with the fools and maliciously accepting bribes.

Now the only people supporting the operation of the entire Inazuma are Kujo Sora and Samobu.

Her brother Kamisato Ayato has been very busy lately.

In order to share some of the pressure for his brother, after a series of arguments, Kamisato Ayaka also came to the front desk and officially participated in the state affairs running Inazuma.

So she is actually very busy now.

However, considering that Yae Kamiko was a relative of the Shogun and the Palace Secretary of Narukami Taisha Shrine, Kamisato Ayaka put down the work at hand and came all the way to Narukami Taisha Shrine.

Long time no see, Ayaka.

Because they had collaborated in private before, Yae Kamiko and Kamisato Ayaka were familiar with each other, so they called her very close.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Yae Shenzi revealed his purpose of specially inviting the other party this time:

You must have seen the moon that suddenly appeared over Sumeru two days ago, right?

It's natural, why do you ask me that?

Hearing Yae Shenzi's inquiry, Kamisato Ayaka was a little puzzled.

Of course she could see such a huge spectacle clearly, not just her, but many people including Toma, Hayao, her brother, etc. also saw it.

Why would the other party ask her such a knowing question?

My old friend came out of Issin Pure Land to give me an order when the incident happened.

Narukami-sama is also very concerned about this matter?

Knowing that Raikage was also attracted by the moon two days ago, the expression on Kamisato Ayaka's face became solemn.

If she had regarded the scene as a spectacle at first, she no longer thought so at all.

Even Narukami-sama paid great attention to the sudden appearance of the moon, indicating that there was a secret behind it that she didn't know.

Yes, Kage is very concerned about it and even asked me to let you, Ayaka, go to Xumi specially!

Seeing the serious look on Kamisato Ayaka's face, Yae Kamiko took the opportunity to speak out the instructions given by Raikage.

I...go to Xumi?

Hearing Yae Kamiko relaying the instructions given by Raikage, Kamisato Ayaka Sakura's lips opened slightly, and her light blue pupils as clear as lake water showed a look of astonishment.

What secret was hidden behind that wonderful scene? Even Narukami-sama wanted to send Ina-sama out when she was in dire straits.

Yes, it's you.

Seeing the surprised look on Kamisato Ayaka's face, Yae Kamiko nodded with a smile on his face.

Today, you are the only rice wife who can meet all the conditions for being sent to Xumi as an envoy.

Master Gong Si, can't you do it too?

No, the Great Ceremony of Shenying has just ended, and there are still some small ones in some places that need me to host. I can't get away for the time being.

This...I understand!

After only thinking for a moment, Kamisato Ayaka agreed.

Although I don’t quite understand why Narukami-sama attaches so much importance to the wonders that happened in Sumeru, if she can handle this matter, the status of the society will be more stable.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime good thing for her brother and her.

As long as you agree.

After hearing that the other party agreed to send Sumeru as an envoy, Yae Shenzi nodded with satisfaction at first, and then seemed to have thought of something and quickly added.

I almost forgot. When you come back from Xumi, remember to take a detour to Liyue.

What do you mean, Lord Palace Secretary?


Regarding Kamisato Ayaka's doubts, Yae Kamiko stood up and walked to the window, staring at the sacred cherry tree in the shrine, and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Ayaka, you should know that in order to pursue eternity, my old friend gave up advancing with the times and giving up external exchanges. All industries of Inazuma have suffered an unprecedented blow.

But the outside world has undergone earth-shaking changes during this period, especially the changes in Liyue are changing with each passing day.

It can be said that we are really out of touch with the Teyvat continent. If this continues, will Ina Wife really have a future?

As he told Inazuma's current situation one by one, Yae Shenzi couldn't help but feel a little resentful towards his own god.

There was no way she could help it. After reading the information the spies brought back from Liyue, even she, who had always been optimistic, felt a little overwhelmed.

After all, Liyue has built large steel ships that can travel on the sea, but now they can't even guarantee the livelihood of their people.

This sense of disparity is really difficult for Yaegashi, who prides himself on wisdom and beauty, to accept it.

Chapter 559 Conversations everywhere

When you are on a mission to Xumi, you also need to take a diversion to Liyue?

In Kamisato Yashiki, Kamisato Ayato, who had just finished approving an official document, heard the news brought back by Kamisato Ayaka who had just returned from Narukami Taisha Shrine. He immediately raised his head and looked at his little sister in surprise.

Is this what the Eighth Palace Secretary ordered?

Well, this is the general's order.

Facing Kamisato Ayato, Kamisato Ayaka nodded slightly and told her brother everything about her conversation with Yae Kamiko.

It turns out it's because of the vision in the sky of Xumi two days ago.

After listening to Kamisato Ayaka's narration, a glimmer of understanding flashed in Kamisato Ayato's eyes.

Although he had privately guessed that there must be something complicated behind that vision, he never expected that even Narukami-sama would take it so seriously.

That is to say, Inazuma's talents are now withered, the appointment and execution of diplomacy has been cleaned from top to bottom, and Yae Shenzi also has to deal with the evil spirits in various places.

Otherwise, I'm afraid this matter wouldn't have happened to my little sister.


Seeing that Ayato Kamisato fell silent after hearing the news, Ayaka Kamisato felt slightly uneasy. Could there be some other explanation behind this mission?

...It's okay, that's a good thing.

Kamisato Ayato, who was interrupted from his thoughts, saw a slightly nervous look on his little sister's face and quickly comforted her with a smile.

It's just a long way to go to Xumi. This is your first time traveling far away, Linghua, so I'm a little uneasy.

Really, brother, I am no longer a child!

Hearing that Ayato Kamisato was worried about suffering hardship due to the long journey, Ayaka Kamisato glared at her brother angrily.

Yes, Ayaka, you are already a big girl.

Seeing his little sister staring at him like an angry hamster, the smile on Kamisato Ayato's face became more obvious.

Hmph...I'm going back to prepare my luggage first!

It's your first time traveling far away. I'm afraid you don't know what to bring. Remember to ask Thomas to help you organize it.

Know it!

Looking at Kamisato Ayaka's leaving back, the smile on Kamisato Ayato's face disappeared instantly, and her pair of autumn-like eyes suddenly became deep.

He lowered his head, pulled out a piece of information about Liyue from the desk full of documents, and read it.

On a mission to Xumi... he transferred to Liyue.

With the eldest daughter of a shrine priest showing up like this, what on earth does the fox at Narukami Taisha want to do?

After reading the information, Ayato Kamisato vaguely grasped some clues in his mind. Unfortunately, these clues were too scattered and could not be connected at all.

But what he can be sure of is that in addition to Narukami-sama's order, Yaeguji definitely has his own little thoughts in this matter.

I don't know if the fox's thoughts are good or bad. She Fengxing finally got through it, but he really can't stand the other party's tossing.

Thinking of this, Ayato Kamisato reached out and tapped lightly on the table a few times.

Master of the family!

With the sound of knocking, a ninja suddenly appeared from the shadows and knelt on one knee in front of Kamisato Ayato.

Linghua is going on a mission to Xumi and Liyue this time. It's her first trip and the journey is long. Let Zaoyu accompany her.

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