These mercenaries, who had obtained Mora and were usually very courageous, soon caused riots in Xumi City.

Fortunately, they also knew the bottom line and did not do anything harmful.

Some people may ask, are these people not afraid of being caught? Do they dare to take this kind of job?

emmm, there is no way.

The mercenaries said that their employer Dina Zedei gave too many molas, and they dared to risk causing riots in Xumi City.

While the mercenaries were making a big fuss in Xumi City, Seno also saw the opportunity and deliberately left traces in front of some Xumi guards.

How's it going?

In a secret room rented by Dinazedai, Alhaysen asked quickly as he watched Seno jump in from the window just now.

Everything goes well. The Holy Orders should have discovered that I am the main messenger behind this riot, and they will probably send someone to suppress it soon.

Very good, you take a rest first, and after the guards are dispatched, you sneak into the teaching compound, capture Azar and force him to release the little Lucky Grass King!


Seno nodded, sat directly on the floor, closed his eyes and fell into a state of rest.

After ending the conversation with Seno, Elhaysen turned to look at Disia, who had taken out a big sword at some point:

When the Order sends out guards to suppress the mercenaries, they will flee to the Grand Bazaar.

Miss Desiya, what happens next depends on us!

I've been waiting impatiently for a long time!

Hearing Elhaysen's instructions, Desia smiled wildly.

After being a bodyguard for so long, my body has long been a little rusty, so this time I can really stretch my muscles.

Not to mention that the scene this time is so big, it’s really exciting!

By the way, how is the situation over there in Tinari?

When he saw Desiya getting ready for a big fight, Seno, who was resting with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Elhaysen.

Don't worry, Tinari's side is going more smoothly than we predicted. Not only did he contact the Little Lucky Grass King, he also found Abatui and the imprisoned sage Nafis of the Sangonist Sect.

Recalling the message he received from Tinari in the void terminal, the corners of Elhaysen's mouth rose slightly.

Chapter 542: The test of Tinari and others

Let’s go back to two days before Operation Elhaysen began.

When Tinari was sent to the solitary room of the Order by Alhaysen, the first thing he did was to find a way to contact the little Lucky Grass King.

Fortunately, this went very smoothly.

In less than a day, Tinari passed through all the obstacles and sent the signal into the Jingshan Palace to contact the Little Lucky Grass King.

Later, he successfully escaped from the confinement room with the help of Little Lucky Grass King, and under the guidance of the other party, he found Abatuyi and his mentor Nafis who were imprisoned deeper.

By the way, when Sage Nafis saw Abatui, he was startled at first, and then his face was full of surprise.

Then the other party told a long story like Tinari.

Only then did he understand all the causes behind the various events that had occurred in Xumi in recent times.

It turns out that a long time ago, a mysterious person contacted the Order Academy through Dolly and sent a summary report of the Heroic Spiritualization Plan.

After receiving this report, the great sage Azar decisively summoned the remaining sages to discuss the matter.

During this period, the sage Nafis and the sages of the Karma Sect were imprisoned because they did not agree to implement this plan.

He didn't know what happened next.

However, Sage Nafis didn't know it, but Abatui knew it very well, so he filled in the subsequent developments for his mentor.

After the great sage Azar imprisoned Nafis and the sages of the Cause Theory Sect, the remaining sages all agreed with each other's ideas.

So they got in touch with the mysterious man and proposed to see the experimental sample to confirm that the plan was real and effective before they could reach cooperation with the other party.

Then, he was awakened from death and returned to the human world.

So the identity of that mysterious man is Romani Solomon who is following you?

After listening to Abatui's story, Tinari was the first to react, not that he finally figured out the ins and outs of everything, but to focus on the identity of the 'mysterious man'.

Yes, it's him.

Abatuyi nodded and admitted that Han Xiao, who was traveling with him, was the 'mastermind' behind all this.

Sigh... Abatuyi, do you know the consequences of doing this?

The sage Nafes on the side looked at his 'resurrected' student with complicated eyes.

Although it is indeed good news that the other party has returned to the human world again, he did trigger the series of events in Xumi.

Teacher, this is a life-saving grace!

Faced with the complicated look in his mentor's eyes, Abatuyi responded gently and said nothing more.

In fact, he didn't need to explain that much.

After all, Han Xiao brought him back to the world from the kingdom of death. Based on this alone, Abatuyi could not repay his kindness.

Let him pass this matter, mentor.

Seeing that the atmosphere between Abatui and his mentor Nafis was quite strange, Tinari quickly stood up and calmed down a bit, and also explained the purpose of their next actions:

Elhaysen is ready to take action. Our goal now is to cooperate with the other party and go straight to Azar's office, take control of the void system, and publish their crimes in the void.

Whether it is using the void system to control the brains of Sumeru people, or imprisoning the little Lucky Grass King, etc., it is enough to ruin the reputation of Azar and others.

After confirming Tinari's plan, Nafis said nothing, and Abatui also remained silent.

But while Nafis and the others were waiting for Elhaysen's action order, he quietly distanced himself from a few people and contacted Han Xiao through the communicator in the metal frame.

Mr. Roman, why don't you let me tell my mentors that there is an alliance between you and Little Lucky Grass King?

Are you curious about this?

Soon, Han Xiao's somewhat frivolous teasing came to his ears.

Really curious.

Seeing that Tinari was arranging for his mentor and other imprisoned scholars to have a good rest, Abatui slowly retreated into a dark and deserted corner, and admitted without hesitation that he was indeed very confused.

Obviously Hanxiao and Tinari's goal is to rescue the imprisoned Little Lucky Grass King, why does the other party still let themselves conceal his identity.

Wouldn't it be better to unite the two?

Do you know that Senior Tinari and the others have regarded you as the mastermind behind this incident?

Isn't that what I am?


For a moment, Abatuyi was speechless when faced with Han Xiao's rhetorical question.

Because he discovered that from a certain perspective, the other party seemed to be the mastermind behind the scenes.

But Abatuyi soon reacted and said quickly:

But now that you are regarded as a 'villain', don't you want to clarify this?

I just want them to realize that.

Soon, Han Xiao said something that shocked and confused Abatuyi.


This is a test, a test for Tinari and Alhaysen.


What kind of test is this?

You just need to keep silent about this matter, follow Tinari and watch him handle it. You will understand when the time comes.

Unfortunately, before Abatuyi could continue to ask, Han Xiao on the other end of the contact dropped a word and hung up the communication.

In the end, although I don’t quite understand why the other party pretended to be a ‘villain’ to give Tinari and the others a test.

But I guess Little Lucky Grass King also agreed, so Abatui finally chose to follow Han Xiao’s suggestion.

This is why when he explained the situation to Tinari and others, he intentionally or unintentionally missed certain things.

But now it seems to be pretty good?

Looking at Tinari, who was always seriously waiting for news from Elhaysen, Abatuyi suddenly felt a sense of joy in his heart.

This feeling of being drunk alone and awake alone is really fascinating!


Back to real time.


Just after Elhaysen described the situation in Tinari to Senor, news of Nilu came from his void terminal.

[Mr. Elhaysen, the guards of the Apostolic Order have been dispatched in full force, and the mercenaries are converging on the Grand Bazaar as planned. ]

[After the guards enter, send people to block the exit of the Grand Bazaar, and then go to the entrance of the Holy Order to cause chaos. ]

After replying to Nilu with the next step of instructions, Elhaysen looked at the excited Disiya:

Desia, let's go!


The next moment, Elhaysen and Disiya quickly disappeared into the room and went straight to the Grand Bazaar.

Then it's me next!

Looking at the two people leaving, Sainuo, who was sitting on the floor, suddenly opened his eyes in the direction of the Order.

Chapter 543: King of the Great Ci Tree

[Guard team 1, lost contact. ]

[Second Guards, lost contact. ]

Following the fate of Elhaysen and Desiya, a series of rather unfavorable news came from Azar's void terminal.

Damn it, why are these hired guards so useless?

Looking at the series of dazzling lost contact in the void terminal, the expression on the face of the great sage Azar was not to mention how ugly it was.

Elhaysen, Xeno!

He never expected that Elhaysen would betray the Order and even get involved with Seno.

Just when Azar was about to continue dispatching people to round up Elhaysen and the others, a blood-red prompt suddenly popped up in the void terminal.

The content in the prompt made his expression change even more.

[Little Lucky Grass King has escaped from Jingshan Palace. ]

No, I fell into a trap!

The first time he saw the prompt popping up in the void terminal, Azar realized that he might have fallen into Elhaysen's plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

Thinking of this, he quickly led the few remaining guards straight to Jingshan Palace.

Soon, Azar and his party arrived at Jingshan Palace.

You guys stay here and guard!


After giving the instructions, the great sage Azar walked into the Jingshan Palace alone.

Passing through the long and narrow corridor, he soon came to the area where the little Lucky Grass King was imprisoned.

Isn't this still there? What's going on?

When looking at the little Lucky Grass King who was still trapped inside the device, the great sage Azar was completely confused.

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