It is clear that Little Lucky Grass King has not escaped, why does the Void Terminal show that the other party has escaped?

What a funny scene I saw, Azar!

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly came from behind him.

Looking back following the voice, Azar was shocked to find that Sano had appeared behind him at some point.


Even great sages will become blind once they see the message displayed in the void system.

Here come...guards!

Stop shouting, it's useless.

Sano crossed his arms on his chest and looked at Azar with a look like a clown:

Scholars were all attracted by the movement caused by Nilu outside the door. At this time, there was no one in the Imperial Academy.

As for the few guards you left behind, they were also taken care of by Tinari.

Seno...have you been waiting for this opportunity?

Finding himself alone, the great sage Azar turned around and looked at Seno, who was standing high with his arms folded.

Although Void predicted that you would come back to confront me again, I did not expect such a scene. I was careless.

I would rather admit that it was my mistake than talk about the void problem. You are still the same as before.

Seeing that the great sage Azar was still so stubborn, Seno was too lazy to argue with him anymore. As a light flashed in his hand, the red sand staff appeared out of thin air in his hand.

Azar, let's capture him without mercy!

Hmph, do you want me to confess my guilt in front of you, Judge Dafeng?

No... it's a confession before God.

Seno slowly moved towards Azar, and the spear tip of the Red Sand Battle scratched the ground and left tiny cracks.

You said I have no position to judge you. Now, how about in the name of God!


The next moment, purple thunder flooded the entire Jingshan Palace.


The series of changes that occurred in the Teaching Academy did not affect the underground testing ground where Han Xiao was located.

However, there were some surprises in the underground testing site at this time.

All the scholars who participated in the heroic spirit summoning experiment fell to the ground at this time, including Setale, the assistant sent by Azar, and everyone fell into a coma.

In the huge experimental site, Han Xiao was left standing alone in front of the instrument.

As for why this is the case, the answer is simple.

When Han Xiao injected power into the instrument, a huge energy shock suddenly spread around him with him as the center.

In just a moment, the other scholars participating in the experiment were hit by this energy wave and fell directly into a coma.

It's really surprising.

In a dim space of consciousness, Han Xiao stood opposite another figure, and behind them was a huge tree.

I thought it would be Buel standing in front of me.

As a ray of moonlight descended, the figure slowly revealed its true form, and it turned out to be the appearance of the Little Lucky Grass King.

It's just that compared to Nasida, the one in front of me has a bit more wisdom and vicissitudes in her eyes.

Are you the Great Ci Tree King?

Looking at the face similar to Nasida's, Han Xiao softly revealed the other person's identity.

it's me.

Seeing that the other party admitted that he was the Great Ci Tree King, Han Xiao couldn't help but sigh.

I originally thought it would take some time to find your consciousness sleeping in the earth's veins, but I never expected that you still retain a relatively complete consciousness.

Maybe it's because I have a symbiotic relationship with World Tree.

Hearing Han Xiao's sigh, the Nasida-like Great Merciful Tree King smiled tenderly and briefly described his connection with the World Tree.

Then, she stared at Han Xiao for a long time, and then asked in an uncertain tone:

Should I call you Romani Solomon, or should I call you Hanxiao the Adventer?

Just call me Hanxiao.

Han Xiao had already been mentally prepared for King Daci Shu to see through his identity, so when the other party asked, he calmly told his real name.

Are you a Morax child?

...Well, that's right.

What an amazing skill.

Regarding Han Xiao's ability to find the place where his consciousness was, King Daci Shu couldn't help but admire Han Xiao's skills.

You must know that according to her calculations, if you want to board the boat of consciousness and find her, you need at least two hearts of gods to output energy together.

Unexpectedly, the other party did it with only one God's Heart.

Morax, you are as lucky as ever.

After sighing for a while in his heart, the Daci Tree King looked at Han Xiao again:

So Mr. Hanxiao, why did you find me this time? Hidden knowledge, or the World Tree?

Of course it's to resurrect you.

...Are you kidding me?

When he heard the words spoken from Han Xiao's mouth, the Nasida-like Great Cishu King was immediately stunned.


How long had she slept? When was Teyvat born with the resurrection technology?

And is this really possible?

I'm standing in front of you. Do you think you're joking?

Seeing that the Daci Tree King was a little shocked, in this space composed of consciousness, Han Xiao directly transmitted all the contents of the heroic spirit transformation plan to the other party through his consciousness.

Chapter 544: Outside the Real World

Your plan contains knowledge from outside the world...

After reading through all the contents of the Heroic Spirit Transformation Plan transmitted by Han Xiao, the Nasida-like Great Ci Tree King couldn't help but frown.

As the incarnation of the World Tree, the amount of knowledge mastered by the Great Merciful Tree King definitely belongs to the top existence in Teyvat. Even the ancient Zhongli is slightly inferior in this regard.

There is no way, who made the World Tree itself record all the knowledge on the Teyvat continent, which is very similar to the so-called Akasha record in Han Xiao's previous life.

So after reading the contents of the Heroic Spiritualization Plan, King Daci Shu naturally discovered some knowledge in it that did not belong to the Teyvat continent.

Yes, the core knowledge of this plan comes from outside the world.

Hearing the question from the Daci Tree King, Han Xiao did not deny it, and quite simply admitted that his 'resurrection technology' came from outside the world.

After all, facing an existence that was almost equivalent to a database becoming a spirit, he couldn't hide it even if he wanted to, so he might as well admit it directly.

That's weird!

After reading the techniques recorded in the Heroic Spirit Transformation Plan over and over again, King Daci Shu was filled with doubts.

It's not that she can't understand the Heroic Spirit Transformation Plan.

In fact, it was just the opposite. It was precisely because King Daci Shu understood the mystery that she felt even more puzzled.

Resurrection from the dead, or resurrection technology, no matter which world it is in, is taboo knowledge that touches the law of life and death.

It stands to reason that the resurrection technology provided by Han Xiao is more taboo than the technology obtained by the Red King.

But the question arises here, why is Han Xiao's resurrection technology not contaminated from other worlds, while Chi Wang's slightly inferior technology has greatly contaminated Teyvat.

This is unreasonable!

The confused King Dacishu couldn't help but turn his gaze to Han Xiao and asked the doubts in his heart:

This is obviously a forbidden technology, so why didn't it cause pollution to Teyvat?

...Uh, I don't know.

Regarding the question of King Daci Shu, Han Xiao said that he didn’t know either.

When he first came up with this technology, he didn't know that World Tree was contaminated by forbidden knowledge from outside the world.

After knowing it, this technology has been recognized by Zhongli and can be used.

So Han Xiao has never thought about this reason.

Thinking about it now, this is indeed a very puzzling place.

It is also knowledge from outside the world, and the level of epistemological taboos in Han Xiao's hands may even be higher than the knowledge obtained by the Red King.

However, the fact is that the knowledge in his hand is fine, and something is wrong with the Red King.

After thinking about it, there may be only one explanation.

Han Xiao, who had been thinking for a long time, said with a slightly uncertain tone:

Maybe it's because my knowledge comes from outside the world?


What is the explanation?

Upon hearing Han Xiao's hypothesis, King Daci Shu was stunned for a moment, and then he felt confused about whether to laugh or cry.

Didn't she already believe that this knowledge came from outside the world at the beginning, and that the other party was confused?

However, when he saw Han Xiao looking at him solemnly, the Daci Tree King suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Is it possible that the other party is serious?

A thought couldn't help but flash through the mind of King Daci Shu. Following this line of reasoning, she definitely seemed to understand the meaning of Han Xiao's words.

You mean outside this world, not that world?

That's what I thought.

Han Xiao nodded. If we take the continent of Teyvat as an example, the knowledge contained in the heroic spirit transformation technology is indeed outside the world.

However, the core knowledge of heroic spirit transformation technology comes from the world of Xingyue.

Compared with the tree-sea system multiverse, it also comes from outside the world and is the product of another universe.

The energy in the tree sea system itself is 'poisonous', such as collapse, abyss and other manifestations of power, which are highly corrosive.

Therefore, the forbidden knowledge obtained by the Red King will pollute the World Tree.

But for the Shuhai system, the knowledge outside the world that Han Xiao obtained was truly knowledge outside the world.

The two are essentially different, so one is contaminated and the other is not.

The reason why Han Xiao dared to speculate like this is that there is another very important proof, that is, the alchemy of World of Warcraft that he learned was not contaminated.

To be more precise, even outside the world outside the Sea of ​​Trees system, some knowledge that does not contain energy operations is still free of pollution.

The witch Alice brought knowledge about idols from other worlds to Teyvat, and there was no problem either.

Knowledge from a truly different world?

Although Han Xiao did not tell all his conjectures, the clever Daci Shu King had already understood the meaning of the other party's words.

The origin of the taboo knowledge obtained by the Red King was completely different from the knowledge in Han Xiao's hands, hence the difference.

After figuring this out, King Daci Shu felt relieved and quietly removed the means he had planned to use to trap Han Xiao.

It seems that now we can finally have a good chat.

Feeling that the 'malice' in the surrounding space against her was gradually dissipating, Han Xiao just breathed a sigh of relief.

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