After all, I am also the next heir of the Humayi family. I have learned the education I should have.

Seemingly understanding that there was some contrast in her eyes, Dina Zedai smiled slightly and turned back into the gentle girl she was before.

Does Disiya hate me like this?

That's not true.

Disia shrugged. She was a mercenary who lived a life of licking blood. She just used others to achieve her own goals. This mere method did not scare her.

And after reacting, Disiya also felt that it was good for Dina Zedai to have this method. The struggle between famous nobles was more secretive but not without danger.

In the past, Dina Zedei was not involved because of the magic scale disease. Now that her body has recovered, she will embark on this path sooner or later.

If the other party has no means at all, that is really worrying.

Without further ado, Alhaysen, let's go!

After briefly explaining the matter, Desiya turned around and extended an invitation to Elhaysen.

Okay, everyone is ready. This should be our most critical step and there must be no room for error.


Underground testing ground.

In the spacious testing site, all the instruments originally used for dream experiments have been dismantled, and many scholars participating in the experiments are installing new instruments that will be used for summoning heroic spirits.

We are watching the busy people in the corner where the protagonist Han Xiao is standing, and Nasida's voice can be heard in his ears:

There have been some weak signals in Jingshan Palace. It should be Tinari contacting me.

The speed of action is quite fast.

What are you going to do next?

Seeing that Han Xiao just sighed slightly without any reaction on his face, Nasida couldn't help but be curious about what the other party planned next.

Isn't Abatui also being imprisoned near the Order House? I will let him find a chance to meet Tinari.

So you, the 'villain', are planning to show up?

Roughly the same.

Han Xiao in the corner held her hands on her chest and leaned against the wall. While looking at the instruments that were about to be assembled, she explained in a very light voice:

After Abatui and Tinari meet, let them rescue Nafis.

Anyway, the other party is also one of the six sages. After Azar's fall, he can help you, Miss Nasida, take over the Order Academy faster.

Sigh... It would be great if you were not Liyue's Seven Stars.

Hearing that Han Xiaolian had selected candidates to help her quickly take over the Order Academy after the fall of Azar, there was a little regret in Nasida's voice.

During the time she got to know Han Xiao, he left a very deep impression on her, whether it was his knowledge, governance methods or long-term strategic vision.

It can be said that Han Xiao's performance is no less than that of several great sages who have made great contributions to Xumi in the history of the Order.

This is what Nasida regrets the most.

If Han Xiao was not Liyue's Seven Stars, she would definitely invite him to become her first sage.

It's a pity that she just borrowed this 'SSR', and the other party was the card in the hand of senior Morax.

Alas... It’s another day of envy and jealousy.

Elhaysen's performance isn't bad either.

Han Xiao was naturally very happy about Nasida's praise.

Come to think of it, if a god is 'praising' you, why don't you feel happy about it?

Of course, while feeling secretly happy, he also did not forget to perform a wave of courtesy and compliment the characters in the other camp.

Moreover, Elhaysen's own abilities are not bad and he deserves to be praised.

Elhaysen is good...

Hearing Han Xiao's evaluation of Elhaysen, Nasida, who was far away in the Jingshan Palace, nodded in agreement.

The other party's plan this time was completed under the supervision of her and Han Xiao, and their thinking ability and methods were very good.

But the next second, she changed the topic and said rather distressedly:

It's a pity that his character is always an issue.

Nasida finally figured out that Alhaysen was actually a 'salted fish'. If this incident hadn't caused turmoil in Sumeru, the other party might not have been willing to get involved.

When the incident is over, Elhaysen may return to his position as secretary and perform a series of tricks to survive.

That's a problem.

After this period of observation, Han Xiao also understood that Elhaysen did not like trouble. It was indeed a troublesome problem, but he was not completely helpless.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly, and a sly smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

As a scholar, Elhaysen must also be pursuing knowledge. Miss Nasida can try to use this aspect to catch him.

Thank you for the advice, I'll try it.

After listening to Han Xiao's ideas, Nasida felt that this seemed to be a good method, and it might allow Alhaysen to continue to shine in the future.

Then after the other party gets used to it, he will not be able to retreat from his position as a sage.


At this moment, the crisp sound of high heels hitting the ground caused the two to stop talking.

I'm leaving now, I'll contact you then.

After simply saying a few words, Nasida cut off the 'phone' and quickly disappeared.

Han Xiao calmly turned her gaze to the source of the sound and saw Setale walking towards her.

Mr. Romani, the instruments have been assembled.

After arriving at Han Xiao's side, Setale briefly reported on the current progress.

Very well, get ready and we are about to start the experiment.

Han Xiao nodded first, then pretended to be curious and asked Setale:

The experiment has reached the final stage. Wouldn't Lord Azar come to see it in person?

The Great Sage will come later.

Chapter 541 The turmoil begins

Coming later?

Hearing Setale's answer, Han Xiao secretly smiled in her heart.

Elhaysen and the others have already started taking action, and Azar may not be able to come if he waits.

Then let's start the experiment.

Wait, you plan to start the experiment now?

Hearing this, Setale couldn't help but frowned. She didn't expect that the other party was planning to start the experiment before the great sage Azar came to the testing site.

The ley lines will enter their most active period soon. If you miss this time, you will have to wait for a while.

Han Xiao did not directly answer Setale's inquiry, but instead explained the reason for starting the experiment now.

Well, I wish you good luck with your experiment.

Han Xiao's explanation was reasonable, and Setale did not stop the other party, but agreed to the other party's request.

After getting Setale's consent, Han Xiao walked out of the corner and came to the center of the test site.

At this time, a huge magic circle has been carved on the ground in the center of the test site, and it is also surrounded by various instruments.

How is the instrument debugging?

Arriving at the center of the testing site, Han Xiao directly summoned the leaders of these scholars and asked them about the progress of the experiment.

Mr. Romani, all the instruments have been debugged and are operating normally. The experiment can be started at any time.


After hearing the report, Han Xiao simply said yes, then took out a loudspeaker and said to everyone in the underground test site:

Everyone, the final experiment is about to begin. From today on, you will become an indelible mark in the history of Xumi!

It must be said that Han Xiao's words were full of deception. After listening to his words, all the scholars showed excitement on their faces.

Leave your name in history!

This is an achievement that many talented scholars are unable to achieve, but now that they can actually achieve it, it is no wonder that these scholars are excited.

Seeing that everyone's emotions were stirred up by him, Han Xiao nodded with satisfaction, and then announced loudly:

The heroic summoning experiment has officially begun!

Following his order, all the scholars participating in the experiment put all their energy into their work.

Start the energy device...The energy output is normal!

Transmission is stable!

The ley lines have entered the active stage and are ready to release directional anchor points!

When all the instruments were in operation, Han Xiao stood in front of the instruments in front of the huge magic circle in the center of the test site, and the blue power was continuously poured into the instruments with his hands.


Teaching Order.

In the Great Sage's office, Azar suddenly received a message from the Void Terminal.

Hey, the experiment started early?

Seeing the news from Setale, he was slightly surprised. Han Xiao started the experiment without waiting for him this time?

I can't miss this.

Thinking that the Great Ci Tree King was about to return to the world, Azar couldn't sit still. How could he miss such a historic scene!

Lord Azar, it's not good!

Just when he was about to get up and go to the underground testing ground, the door to the Great Sage's office was suddenly pushed open with a bang.

Then Uday stumbled in, shouting.

How unbecoming is it to yell and scream like that!

Seeing that the other party broke into his office regardless of etiquette, Azar frowned and scolded him rather dissatisfiedly.

In response to Azar's scolding, Uday did not feel as afraid as before, but continued to say in a panic:

Lord Azar, there have been many riots involving the Gilded Brigade in Xumi City!

Someone also saw the figure of former Gale Disciplinary Officer Seno!

Judging from the void system, this is a premeditated 'rebellion'!


After hearing what Uday reported, Azar's face turned gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and spat out the name of the former Gale Disciplinary Officer.

This guy actually caused me so much trouble at such an important juncture.

Really looking for death!

Thinking of this, he immediately issued an order to the void system.

[All guards, go to Xumi City to suppress the rebellion. Be sure to capture the leader, Seno, the former Gale Disciplinary who betrayed the Order! ]

Soon, the guards of the Teaching Academy received this order, and all the guards rushed out to Xumi City.


Let’s turn the clock back a little to an earlier time.

While Han Xiao was in the underground testing ground preparing for the summoning ceremony, Elhaysen also started their actions.

Thanks to the mercenaries hired by Dina Zedai as pawns, the operation went very smoothly.

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