Dotore, I'm afraid you will be disappointed.

The rich Pantalone suddenly turned to look at Dr. Dotore, with a cold smile in his words.

Xumi is not stable lately.

Oh, it seems like something happened that I don't know about?

Doctor Dotore raised his eyebrows, but did not doubt the truth or falsehood of the other party's words.

After all, the North Country Bank has opened throughout the entire Teyvat continent. Except for Liyue, which was hit hard recently and chose to withdraw, the other six countries are still developing very rapidly, and the information is naturally very well-informed.

I don't know much about the specific situation, but according to the news, there has been a lot of turmoil at the top level of Xumi recently. look very young today.

Just as the rich man finished speaking, the girl on the side, Columbia, suddenly asked Dotore.

The slice of your heyday went to Sumeru?

Haha... It seems that my experiment has encountered obstacles!

The rich man and the girl's inquiries one after another gave Dotore a not-so-pleasant feeling, and it was obvious that his experiment on blasphemy might not go as planned.

It's okay if you don't worry about the materials used to make the slices.


Hearing this, the eyes under Dotore's mask shrank slightly. Although the girl Columbia was slightly inferior to him in strength, she far surpassed him in other talents, such as prophecy.

The one who went to Xumi to conduct blasphemous experiments was a slice of his heyday.

He didn't think that a little Lucky Grass King imprisoned by the Great Sage could stop him. Why would Columbia not be optimistic about his action this time?

Is it possible that Xumi has demon-level combat power?

Combined with the information provided by Pantalone, Dotore vaguely felt that his experiment in Xumi this time might not achieve the desired results.

The fact is indeed as he suspected, an unprecedented event is happening in Xumi at this time.


Teaching Order.

Facing the strange looks of many people, Desiya pressed Tinari, whose hands were tied behind his back, and walked toward the place where the Great Sage was escorted by several soldiers.

Soon, they met the great sage Azar who had been waiting for a long time.

What a surprise, it would be someone like you who caught Tinari!

Looking at Desiya who was holding down Tinari and walking in front of him, Azar's eyes were full of scrutiny, and even though the words in his mouth were deliberately restrained, he still looked so arrogant.

I just happened to know the order of His Excellency the Great Sage from Mr. Asfad, and happened to meet Tinari who came to Humayi's house for help.

Desiya resisted the thought of punching the opponent hard, and twitched the corners of her mouth as she spoke the lines she had prepared in advance.


Didn't I leave this matter to Alhaysen? Did I give them any orders?

Azar was a little confused at first, but then he checked the void and found that this matter had happened a long time ago, and didn't think much about it.

Perhaps he gave the order because he was still worried about Elhaysen at that time.

Chapter 539 ‘Weak’ Dina Zedei

Why, is Master Azar planning to deny his account?

Seeing that there was still some slight doubt in Azar's eyes, Desiya didn't know whether the news fabricated by Alhaysen was reliable or not. She quickly folded her arms and sneered, distracting the other person's attention.

Sure enough, when he heard the 'mockery' from someone he had never looked at, Azar decisively threw away the last doubt in his heart and looked at Disiya with a rather arrogant expression:

Hmph...I know rewards and punishments clearly!

Although you did not participate in the thirty-man group's employment mission, since you captured Tinari, tell me what reward you want!

What can the Gilded Brigade ask for? Naturally, it's Mora, a big-money Mora.


Seeing that Desiya's request was not what he expected, Azar showed a rather contemptuous smile on his face and at the same time called his subordinates.

Lord Azar!

Go and get 100 million molas for her.


The Great Sage is indeed quite cheerful, so I'll leave him to you.

Hearing Azar agree to his request so simply, Desiya's face also showed the greedy smile that mercenaries often put on their faces.

Then she left Tinali where she was, and followed Uday out of the madrasa.

After Disiya and Uday left, Azar turned his attention to Tinali, who had remained silent.

Tinari of the Biophysics School, do you know your sin?

Lord Great Sage...

After hearing Azar's words, Tinari, who had remained silent, slowly raised his head, his eyes full of sharp looks:

I'm really curious about what crime I committed that would have led the Order to arrest me privately. And even if I committed a crime, it would be the disciplinary agency that would come forward.

Are you doing this for personal use of some public tools?

Smooth talker!

The great sage Azar immediately snorted coldly, and then shouted loudly:

You secretly sent someone to spy on important information from the Order. Don't you know you're wrong?

This is a serious crime of stealing state secrets and treason!

Lord Azar, don't you think your remarks are extremely ridiculous?

Seeing the great sage Azar put on a certain hat when he came up, Tinari couldn't help but reveal a mocking smile.

Then where is my mentor, the sage Nafis? Don't talk about secret research, it will only make me laugh.

Treason, are you also pursuing your own ulterior motives in treating my teacher Nafis, one of the six great sages, in this way?

You! Someone come!

Hearing Tinari's unceremonious sarcasm, Azhar was furious and immediately called the guards with a wave of his hand.

After hearing the great sage's order, another group of guards with spears quickly came to the teaching courtyard.

Put him in a solitary cell to await trial!

Yes, Lord Azar!

Watching Tinari being escorted to the solitary room by the guards, Azar felt that the anger in his heart had subsided a lot, and at the same time he felt a little more proud.

So what if the Sheng Lun sect is the largest among the six major sects in Xumi? It’s not just under his control.


On the other side, Tinari waited for a moment after being put into a solitary room by the guards. After confirming that no one was around, he put the void terminal modified by Elhaysen on his left ear.

[Elhaysen, can you hear me? ]

[The signal is okay, it seems my skills are pretty good. ]

Soon, the news about Elhaysen appeared in front of Tinari.

[Did Azar doubt you? ]

[Desia performed very well. Azar was a little skeptical at first, but soon chose to believe that holding power for a long time made him much more arrogant, and he did not even confiscate my Void Terminal. ]

[Hmph, he is confident that he can control the void system. That's fine. The other party's arrogant attitude is more beneficial to us. ]

[Indeed, I will contact Mr. Little Lucky Grass King next as planned. The outside matters will depend on you! ]

[Don’t worry, leave it to us! ]

After the Void Terminal no longer displayed Elhaysen's message, Tinari cut off communication with the other party. Then he opened his elemental vision and began to search for the best place in the confinement room away from the Jingshan Palace signal.

With the help of elemental vision, he quickly found his target location behind the trunk of a big tree.

Then Tinari began to use the void terminal to try to transmit the signal into the Jingshan Palace area.


The next day.

Elhaysen's home.

Tinari has begun to use the void system to penetrate the barrier of Jingshan Palace. It is estimated that it will take a day or two to complete.

Elhaysen briefly described Tinari's progress to Seno and others, and then turned his attention to Nilu.

Miss Nilu, let's see your performance next. I hope you can successfully attract the attention of the scholars of the Order Academy.

Well, I'll try my best!

Nilu nodded vigorously, then turned and left the living room. She was going to the Grand Bazaar to bring all the performance props, and then headed to the entrance of the Order.

After the other party left, Elhaysen turned to look at Seno:

Seno, Desiya and I will use false news to deceive the guards and get rid of them. As for the task of sneaking into the Order Academy to capture the Great Sage, I will leave it to you.

I have been waiting for this day of trial for a long time.

After hearing Elhaysen's instructions, a cruel smile appeared on Seno's cold face.


At this moment, Dina Zedei, who had been an audience member, suddenly raised his hand and interrupted Elhaysen.

Seeing everyone's eyes looking at her in unison, Dina Zedai lowered her head in embarrassment and whispered:

I wonder if you need mercenary help?

Miss Dina Zedai, what do you mean?

I used the pocket money I saved to hire a large number of Gilded Brigades. They can help you create chaos in Xumi City.

Ah this...

As Dinazedai finished speaking, everyone looked at her with a bit of surprise, especially Disiya.

After all, none of them expected that Dina Zedei, who looked weak and weak, would be so steady and ruthless in her attacks.

Seeing everyone's strange looks, Dina Zedai quickly explained:

Don't worry, I didn't hire a gilded brigade like the Eye of Akhmal, which has great ill will towards Sumeru City. I chose people who don't usually have a very good reputation, but haven't made any big mistakes. Mercenary.

As expected of the eldest daughter of the famous Humayi family in Xumi, she has a family background after all!

Different from the surprise of Seno and others, Elhaysen also showed an expression of appreciation while being surprised.

This young lady, who seems to be weak and weak, is not bad at what she does.

Chapter 540: Nacida’s Regret

In that case, please ask Miss Dina Zedai to send those mercenaries near the Grand Bazaar.

With the mercenaries of the Gilded Brigade who could be used as scapegoats at any time, Alhaysen unceremoniously arranged them near the Grand Bazaar as bait.

Not only would this attract more guards, it would also make it easier for him and Desiya to escape afterwards. It really killed two birds with one stone.


Dina Zedei nodded, she was not surprised at all by Elhaysen's arrangement of treating the mercenaries as 'abandoned sons'.


What's wrong, Desiya?

Nothing... I just feel like I got to know you again.

Disiya looked at Dina Zedai after she was freed from the magic scale disease. Although her face was a bit paler than normal, her energy seemed to be somewhat active.

Maybe this is her true character, which she has always suppressed because of the magic scale disease?

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