Seeing Uday making a fuss, Azar showed a proud smile on his face.

In the entire teaching academy, the person he couldn't see through the most was Alhaysen.

That's why he deliberately visited him to issue the task of arresting Tinari, just to see the other party's reaction.

Once he realizes that Elhaysen is lying, he can arrest him on the spot.

However, what makes Azar feel regretful is that Elhaysen really did not get involved with Tinari, which is really disappointing.


While the great sage Azar felt disappointed, Elhaysen, who was at home, also fell into deep doubts.

Chapter 519 Elhaysen’s bold guess (Happy New Year’s Day!)

Elhaysen had actually been prepared for the great sage Azar to come to him. After all, many people had seen Tinari walk into his office before.

He couldn't deny this.

So a long time ago, Elhaysen had prepared how to deal with the question of the great sage Azar.

However, the reality exceeded his expectation.

The great sage Azar did bring someone to ask him about Tinari, but when he told the story he had made in his heart, the other party chose to believe it without any doubt.

Elhaysen clearly knew that there were many loopholes in his rhetoric, and he was even prepared for how to respond to Azar's follow-up questions.

But the result was really puzzling to Alhaysen.

Why did the great sage Azar believe his not-so-perfect explanation so easily?

In doubt, Elhaysen couldn't help but cast his gaze to the void terminal placed aside.

Could it

Looking at the green light flashing void terminal in his hand, Elhaysen couldn't help but whisper to himself.

In his opinion, the great sage Azar's trust in him was probably inseparable from this thing.

Because since the emergence of the Void Terminal, people's curiosity has gradually been eliminated. They firmly believe in the information in the Void and often do not doubt it.

If the great sage Azar could be made to believe his imperfect words so simply, then only Void Terminal could do it.

It's on earth is this done?

Because I tampered with the records in the void.

Just as Elhaysen was puzzled, an ethereal and waxy female child's voice suddenly sounded in his ears.


The sudden sound startled Alhaysen, who stood up from his chair and kept scanning every corner of his home.

Soon, he saw a small sparrow appearing on the window sill at some point.

Is that the sound you made?

Looking at the only creature that did not belong to his home, Elhaysen asked with some uncertainty.

it's me.

The next moment, the little bird nodded under his gaze, and then made the same sound as before.

Who are you...

Elhaysen squinted his eyes and looked at the little tuanque. He put one hand behind his back and a one-handed sword appeared out of thin air in his hand. He was obviously ready to take action if he disagreed.

You really can't guess it, Elhaysen?

What does she mean?

Hearing the other party's rhetorical question, Elhaysen was a little confused at first.

But soon, his smart brain started to follow the other party's prompts.

You can possess your own consciousness in small animals, modify the records of the void, and help you deal with the crisis brought by the great sage Azar.

If there are still many people who can do the last one, then the first two are not something that most people can do.

While Elhaysen was thinking, the little bird on the window sill did not speak, but looked at each other quietly, as if waiting for something.

I...tsk, this guess is really a bit crazy.

After a long time, Elhaysen suddenly muttered to himself, then suddenly raised his head to look at the little bird on the window sill, and asked in a tentative tone:

The only control terminal of the void system is in the hands of the great sage Azar. It can directly control the void system without him, and it can also possess the consciousness of animals., it should be you.

You are the Little Lucky Grass King!

That's right, just call me Nasida.

Seeing that Alhaysen had guessed her identity, Nasida's words became more smiley, obviously she was very satisfied with the other person's intelligence.

It's really an honor.

After hearing that the other party admitted that he was the second-generation grass god of Xumi, the Little Lucky Grass King, Elhaysen calmed down a lot, and his tone became calmer.

Not at all as honored as he said.

It seems you don't care much about my appearance?

No, I'm actually curious.

Elhaysen shook his head. Although the expression on his face was still calm, there was indeed a bit more confusion in his words that was different from usual.

After all, Mr. Grass God, you seem to have rarely appeared in front of the Sumeru people in the past five hundred years. You suddenly appeared in front of me today. Naturally, I am still very curious.

If I say that I was imprisoned in Jingshan Palace by Azar, so I haven't shown my face for five hundred years, I wonder if this answer can help you clear up your confusion?

The Little Lucky Grass King was imprisoned by the Great Sage Azar?

Hearing Nasida's unabashed words, Elhaysen raised his eyebrows subconsciously.

This answer was something he didn't expect.

But after thinking about it, he felt that this explanation seemed reasonable.

As the secretary of the Order, Elhaysen has access to many secrets within the Order. Judging from his understanding of the great sage Azar, it does not seem to be particularly unusual for him to commit such a treasonous act. .

At the same time, this can also explain why there has been little news about Little Lucky Grass King in the past five hundred years.

Reaching out and stroking his chin, Elhaysen pondered for a long time before asking again:

Lord Grass God, since you can possess your consciousness into animals, why haven't I heard from you in the past five hundred years?

That's because I've never been able to find a safe opportunity before.

Regarding Elhaysen's doubts, Nasida patiently explained her difficulties.

Although Nasida herself can possess the consciousness of animals as Alhaysen said, this can indeed avoid the eyes of the Order.

Logically speaking, there should not be any news at all in the past five hundred years.

But the truth is naturally not that simple.

Over the past five hundred years, the great sages of all generations have watched her very closely. Once her consciousness leaves the Jingshan Palace, the other party will easily find that something is wrong.

Leaving the cage with consciousness rashly will not only fail to save yourself, but may even arouse the vigilance of the great sage.

That's it...

Elhaysen showed understanding and agreement at first, but then the conversation changed:

Then why are you so bold now to possess your consciousness?

You even risk being discovered and tampering with the void to help me avoid Azar's suspicion?

That's because Azar and the others are currently conducting a terrible experiment, and their supervision on me has been relaxed a lot, so I have the opportunity to use my ability to possess consciousness.

As for why I help you modify the records in the void system, the reason is very simple.

With that said, the little bird carrying Nasida's consciousness flapped its wings and flew to Elhaysen.

I need your help, Elhaysen.

Chapter 520: Resurrection Project

My help?

Yes, Elhaysen, there are very few people in the entire Sumeru territory who can help me, and you are the best among them.

The praise from the gods is not bad at all.

After hearing Nasida comment that she was the best among the most trustworthy people in Sumeru, Elhaysen folded his hands in front of his chest and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

But Mr. Grass God, if you have observed me, you should know it very well.

I don't like to put myself in a leader's position. That's what you should say to Xeno or Tinari.

It seems that you have noticed the abnormality in the Order Academy?

Nasida didn't pay attention to Alhaysen's excuse, but instead noticed another meaning hidden in the other person's words.


Seeing that Little Lucky Grass King had guessed it, Elhaysen did not hide anything and directly told Seno and Tinari's findings as well as his own speculations.

First, Tinari noticed that all the information about Abatui had been deleted by the void. Sensing something was wrong, he quickly rushed to Sumeru to seek help from himself and Seno.

Later, because of Tinari's testimony, Elhaysen and Seno accidentally discovered that Abatuyi, who had been dead for a long time, appeared again.

After realizing that the Ecclesiastical Council was probably conducting research on 'resurrection from the dead', Seno chose to face the great sage Azar directly. He directly submitted an application, hoping that several sages would accept the investigation of the disciplinary agency.

However, Sainuo's application report was directly and unceremoniously rejected by the great sage, and he left a declaration that the disciplinary agency has no right to judge the sage.

Seno, who understood that there was nothing he could do, decisively chose to escape from the disciplinary agency, and then hid himself, intending to find clues about the mistakes of the Order from the dark.

As for Elhaysen himself, he did not take action after discovering that something was wrong and continued to work in the teaching compound as usual.

The only action he took was to help Tinari escape from the pursuit of the Order and send him into the darkness so that he could join Seno.

And he himself began to clean up the flaws left before, until today the great sage Azar came to visit.

Although the three people acted in different ways, they all reached a consensus on the anomalies in the Order House.

That is the great sage Azar and the others who are working on a project to resurrect the gods from the dead.

You guessed it right, it is indeed the case.

After listening to Elhaysen's speculation, Nasida couldn't help but sigh. It turned out that Han Xiao had begun to pave the way for the contract between the two a long time ago and involved all three people she was optimistic about.

He is worthy of being Liyue's contemporary Tianshu Star, and his eyes alone are not weak.

Not to mention that the other party also possesses all kinds of strange abilities and technologies, as well as powerful means of governance.

Tsk... The more I think about it, the more I envy Senior Morax.

The ‘card’ in the opponent’s hand is really great!

Then the question comes, Mr. Little Lucky Grass King.

Nasida's sigh in her heart was not clear to Elhaysen. He chuckled softly after hearing the other party confirming his judgment:

Abatui's resurrection from the dead should be a technology brought by an outsider named Romani Solomon.

Oh, how come you see it?

It's very simple. If Azar had such ability, he must have implemented this plan long ago, right?

That's true.

That's the problem. Mr. Little Lucky Grass King, please allow me to say something disrespectful.

Okay, please say it.

The little bird carrying Nasida's consciousness nodded her little head slightly, signaling Elhaysen to continue speaking. She also wanted to hear what the disrespectful words in the other party's mouth were.

Abatuyi can come back to life, which means that Mr. Romani Solomon does have the technology to resurrect the dead.

In that case, the resurrection of the Great Merciful Tree King must be a good thing for Xumi, right?

As he said that, Elhaysen's eyes fell on the little tuanque, and there was a hint of complexity in his tone:

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