After all, no matter what the reason is, Mr. Little Lucky Grass King, you really haven't guided us in the past five hundred years, have you?

That's not what your character would say.

Nasida couldn't help but glance at Elhaysen, her eyes full of surprise.

Don't you always think that over-reliance on gods is not a good thing?

Gods are higher-level life forms to humans. I can rationally view the relationship between the two, but it does not mean that everyone in Sumeru is like this.

In response to the little Lucky Grass King's question, Elhaysen just shrugged and said words that seemed extremely disrespectful to outsiders.

Because he found that the other party did not seem to care about his transgression, this also made him bolder to criticize the Order.

Today's Sumeru people have lost too much of their ability to think for themselves, which in my opinion is not a good thing.

The Void System is indeed a very good tool. I believe that when King Daci Shu originally created it, he also intended to use it as a tool for Xumi people to use in their studies.

It is a pity that the current Teaching Council has once again turned the void system into a helper that kills human beings' thirst for knowledge.

you are right.

After listening to Elhaysen's thoughts, Nasida was very satisfied. She was really happy that there were still people in Sumeru who looked at the void system and gods so rationally.

But let's get back to the point.

Although she was very satisfied with Alhaysen's rational view, Nasida did not forget that she came today to persuade the other party to become her helper.

You are actually right. In my opinion, I am not as smart as the Great Ci Tree King, and I cannot become a competent grass god at all.

That's why I've never resisted.

If resurrection from the dead can really summon the Great Merciful Tree King back, maybe I won't object, but the problem is that this project of the Teaching Council is likely to bring great disaster to Xumi.


This time it was Elhaysen's turn to be confused.

From a certain point of view, the Little Lucky Grass King is not opposed to the resurrection of the Great Ci Tree King. It can even be said that he has some inferiority complex and thinks that he is not worthy of the position of Grass God.

Over at the Teaching Council, Azar was working on the project of resurrecting the Great Cishu King.

According to what Little Lucky Grass King said, there is no need for the other party to come forward and let him interfere with the Jiaolingyuan project.

Have you never doubted the reason why the Great Cishu King passed away five hundred years ago?

And why, with the death of the Great Merciful Tree King, did the Dead Realm and Demon Scale Disease appear in Sumeru at the same time?

You mean all this is related to the death of King Daci Shu?

Yes, there is only one reason in the final analysis, and that is that the World Tree is contaminated.

Chapter 521: The Blessing of the Grass God

I guess you should know the knowledge that no one can understand hidden deep within the Order.

Isn't that the knowledge of the gods?

Realizing the meaning of Nasida's words, Elhaysen couldn't help but look at the small bird carrying Nasida's consciousness in surprise.

Over the years, the sages of the Imperial Academy have believed that the undecipherable knowledge left behind after the death of King Daci Shu was knowledge belonging to the gods.

Even he himself thinks so.

Who would have thought that the incomprehensible knowledge in the mouth of Little Lucky Grass King was not the knowledge of gods, but something terrible.

Yes, those are the forbidden knowledge that caused the World Tree to fall into pollution.

Seeing Elhaysen's surprised expression, Nasida couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Not to mention Elhaysen, she was also very shocked when she learned the news.

It can be said that if it weren't for Han Xiao, I'm afraid Nasida would still not know that the knowledge hidden by the great sages of the Order Academy was the 'culprit' that caused the pollution of the World Tree.

As mentioned before, when Han Xiao was preparing to go to Xumi to carry out the heroic spirit transformation project, Uncle Zhongli showed up to tell him what happened in Xumi five hundred years ago, and explained in detail that the cause of the death of King Daci Tree was due to a sudden outbreak. caused by pollution.

Due to the extremely important issue of pollution, King Daci Shu did not tell any sages about it, so even the great sages at that time did not know the true cause of death of their god.

At that time, Nasida had just been born, so she naturally didn't know the inside story.

It wasn't until Han Xiao came to Xumi that she learned the real cause of death of the Great Ci Tree King from the other party.

Maybe this is the benefit of living a long life, knowing a little bit about everything?

emmm, just kidding.

Precisely because she knew that the Great Merciful Tree King died of the pollution that suddenly broke out in Sumeru five hundred years ago, Nasida possessed her consciousness and searched for information for a long time in the Wisdom Palace, the largest library in Sumeru, and finally found the Many scattered clues.

Pulling the clues together, she found herself reaching a shocking conclusion.

Demonic scale disease had already appeared in the desert area of ​​​​Sumiru long ago. This may be because it was quickly solved. There are very few records in this area, and ordinary people do not care about it.

But after receiving additional clues from Han Xiao, Nasida came up with her own ideas.

There was indeed a disease similar to Demon Scale in the desert area. In order to solve the pollution problem, not only the Red King sacrificed his life, but even the Daci Tree King also paid an extremely painful price.

Combined with the explanation brought by Morax through Han Xiao, there is still pollution in the soul fragments of the Great Mercy Tree King.

This can also explain why King Daci Shu died in a dark disaster five hundred years ago.

Perhaps it was because of the problem of Kanria that the pollution broke out again, which caused the death of the Great Mercy Tree King in Sumeru, which had not yet recovered from his injuries.

In other words, the real cause of death of King Daci Tree was the pollution of forbidden knowledge, and the pollution still exists in the fragments of his soul?

Yes, this should be the truth why the World Tree has been withering, because the pollution has not been removed from it.

Nasida nodded, and then explained in a heavy tone:

So after I learned that the Imperial Academy was preparing to resurrect King Daci Shu, I tried my best to stop them.

After all, if the pollution on the Great Merciful Tree King breaks out again, Xumi may have to repeat the scene five hundred years ago.


Hearing the words from the Little Lucky Grass King himself that Xumi might fall into chaos like it did five hundred years ago, Elhaysen couldn't help but clicked his tongue and felt troubled in his heart.

Although he had planned to work with Tinari and Senor to solve the problem of the Order House before, why did the situation become more and more serious?

Maybe Xumi will fall directly into the scene five hundred years ago?

Thinking of this, Elhaysen sighed helplessly, and then looked at the small bird in front of him that carried Nasida's consciousness.

Where are Azar and the others now?

There's only one last step left, but it's a long step.


When he heard that Azar's preparations had reached the final step, Elhaysen almost cursed, but after hearing Nasida's explanation, he quickly suppressed the eagerness in his heart and asked.

Sorry, I can't go into details.

Nasida shook her head. There were some things she couldn't say yet, otherwise Elhaysen wouldn't be able to be the one to break the situation.

Before Elhaysen could speak, the small bird carrying Nasida's consciousness suddenly flew up, and then an extremely brilliant light burst out from all over her body.

The light split into two light pillars, one large and one small, in mid-air, and the large light pillar sank directly into Elhaysen's body.

As for the smaller ray of light, it fell into the void terminal placed by the opponent.

After all this was done, Nasida spoke again, but this time her voice was a little weaker than before.

I have modified your Void Terminal. The controller in the hands of the Great Sage will not be able to actually control your Void Terminal and will only give it false feedback.

At the same time, I give you the blessing from the Grass God in the name of the Little Lucky Grass King.

Alhaysen, you have to remember that false dreams will eventually wake up one day, and use your rational eyes to see through the fog of the world.

As Nasida's voice gradually became ethereal, silence slowly returned to the room, leaving Elhaysen in a daze.

Dream? Is there still blessing in the fog?

Looking down at his unchanged hands, Elhaysen couldn't help but raise his hands to cover his forehead.

Do these gods know the priorities of things?

At this point, you still want to be the Riddler for him!


On the other side, Han Xiao, who had finished preparing the experimental equipment and was waiting for the start of the dream project, rarely had any free time.

While he was alone in the room sorting out the next arrangements, Nasida's voice came to his ears.

Mr. Hanxiao, I have given the blessing of Alhaisen Grass God and given him the qualification to awaken the two of them. I have basically exhausted my power now.

I probably won't be able to contact you in the next period of time. The rest is up to you.

After saying that, Nasida's voice disappeared.

Have you completed the blessing?

Hearing Nasida's words, Han Xiao was startled for a moment, and then the corners of her mouth could not help but turn up slightly.

It really kept him waiting for a long time.

But to be honest, this is his first time playing a 'villain' role, and I don't know if he can play it well.

I hope the acting skills Ah Jin taught him were effective.

Chapter 522: Elhaysen got the Grass God Card plug-in

Although I was a bit complaining that the little Lucky Grass King disappeared mid-sentence, but considering that the resurrected Great Mercy Tree King with pollution is likely to bring a devastating blow to Sumeru and even the entire Teyvat Continent.

Even the calm and rational Elhaysen felt urgent in his heart at this moment.

It’s true that he doesn’t like to be in the limelight and prefers a quiet and low-key life.

But now we really can't tolerate his hypocrisy. If this continues, even the land of Xumi will be gone. Where can we live a peaceful life?

Inside the ley lines!

So Elhaysen quickly got up and left his home, debugging his void terminal as he walked.

According to Little Lucky Grass King, the other party had modified his void terminal, so he had to get familiar with it first to avoid problems later.


The moment he opened the Void Terminal, Elhaysen let out a surprised sound.

Because in his void terminal, he actually saw a lot of content that he had never seen before.

Among them are the secret instructions issued by the great sage Azar to some people.

Did Little Lucky Grass King open a 'permission backdoor' for me in the void system?

After realizing that this function was very practical, Elhaysen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, okay, their Sumeru Riddler God is pretty reliable.

With this authority, at least a lot of information can be obtained in subsequent actions, which greatly saves the difficulty and time of obtaining the opponent's movements.

After simply sighing in his heart, Elhaysen couldn't wait to find the news about Sano in the void terminal.

Soon, he discovered that the great sage Azar had been using the void system to calculate the behavioral analysis model of Xumi, the gale discipline officer, a long time ago.

He was obviously working for the Order Council, but he was always on guard against him by the great sage.

It's really miserable.

Regarding the situation of Sano being constantly monitored by his own people, Elhaysen could only give the other party a miserable word.

Of course, misfortune came to pass, and now this behavioral analysis model has helped him a lot.


Zen garden.

This is the research place of the Sheng Lun School.

Tinari, is it really okay for us to come here?

Standing in a transparent artificial greenhouse, Sano frowned and looked at the students from the Biophysics School who walked by outside from time to time, his face full of doubts.

He had already heard from the other party about Tinari being hunted down in Sumeru City before.

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