Seeing that Han Xiao had said so much, Naxida couldn't help but ask tentatively.

Although Han Xiao's reasons are not a loss for Xumi in the long run, if the other party is allowed to continue to impose conditions, who knows what he will say.

And one last one!

Han Xiao, who saw that he had touched Nasida's bottom line, did not hesitate to express his last question:

But this is not a requirement, it should be said to be a supplementary clause of the contract.

Additional terms? Please tell me!

The Great Sage Azar once described to me, Miss Nasida, that you are the original terminal of the void system. I wonder if he is right?

It's not wrong to describe it that way.

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Nasida nodded slightly and admitted this very frankly.

Her consciousness is always connected to the void and can theoretically enter the mind of anyone wearing a void terminal.

In addition, the core of the void system is the Heart of the Grass God, so it is not unreasonable to be called the original void terminal.

very good...

Seeing that Nasida didn't hide anything, Han Xiao nodded with satisfaction, and then asked:

Then Miss Nasida, can you tell me that after you cut off the connection with the Heart of God, do you still have the ability to control the void system?

I haven't thought about this. Are you worried that I have a backdoor in the void system?

Hearing this, Nasida finally understood what Han Xiao had been worried about.


Now that everything was said, Han Xiao answered with certainty.

Why did he go all out to get the Heart of the Grass God? Naturally, it was to use it as the core of building the Teyvat version of the Internet.

If Nasida's consciousness has always been connected to the void system, wouldn't it mean that there will be an administrator with the highest authority on the Internet at that time.

This was unacceptable to Han Xiao.

If that's the case, you can rest assured.

After learning about Han Xiao's concerns, Nasida didn't mind much about the other party's speculation about her, and directly expressed her conclusion.

But according to my judgment, when I cut off the connection with the Heart of God, my own consciousness will also be disconnected from the Void Terminal.

Of course, if you're still worried, maybe I have an answer here that will satisfy you.

what is the answer?

Hearing Nasida's words, Han Xiao couldn't help but ask a question. After all, he couldn't be 100% assured of Nasida's guarantee.

I found that your power can block my ability. I don't know if you are satisfied with this answer.

Can my power still do this?

This is good news.

Han Xiao raised his eyebrows subconsciously. If his ability could act like a 'firewall', then he would be quite satisfied with the answer.

If you are still not convinced about this, we can also add it to the contract as a supplementary clause.

Before Han Xiao could speak, Nasida continued:

And I don't think Mr. Hanxiao, you will use the void system directly like Xumi. I wonder if my guess is correct?


Hearing Nasida's question, Han Xiao nodded.

Sumeru's way of using the void system is really a bit too 'rough', and he completely treats all Sumeru people as 'broilers'.

Although this is indeed convenient to some extent, it is still too harmful.

He didn't want to bring this kind of harm to the people of Liyue.

According to Han Xiao's plan, he wanted to use the Grass God's Heart as a 'database' for accessing information, and then use mechanical equipment to derive Internet functions on this basis.

This method may not be as convenient and fast as the void system, but it also fundamentally eliminates harm to the human body.

There is actually such a way to use it!

The little bird carrying Nasida's consciousness subconsciously opened its beak and spread its wings slightly. It was obviously shocked by Han Xiao's thoughts.

But soon, she came back to her senses and couldn't help but praise.

Originally, Nacida chose to trade the Heart of God to Han Xiao, with the idea of ​​​​cutting off the void system.

After all, what the Teaching Council has done by using the Void System has endangered the personal safety of all Sumeru people.

Now it seems that if it is Han Xiao's 'new void system', it is a very good way of operation.

Chapter 518: Confused Elhaysen

It seems that you are very interested in this way of using me?


Nasida did not deny Han Xiao's question.

As she said before, she originally planned to shut down the void system completely after everything was over to prevent people like the great sage Azar from using the void system from appearing again.

At the same time, it can also free all the people of Sumeru from dependence on the void system.

But Han Xiao's plan made Nasida see new possibilities.

A possibility to turn the void system into a tool that truly serves mankind instead of harming it.

If possible, I hope Mr. Jie Shi Hanxiao can help Xumi build a new void system. No, maybe it won't be called a void system by then.

But according to the deal, the Grass God's Heart will be given to me. Can you really build the Void System again after losing the God's Heart?

Hearing Nasida's words, Han Xiao couldn't help but be curious.

The Internet system he plans to build requires the heart of God as the core of the database to be realized. How can Nasida, who has lost the heart of God, realize her plan?

Although losing the Heart of God is indeed a bit tricky for me, I am symbiotic with the World Tree and use my power and part of my consciousness as the core to carry data. This can still be done.

Actually, there are benefits to doing this, Mr. Hanxiao.

What's the benefit?

In order to maintain the new version of the void system, this is equivalent to adding a certain burden to me. I am afraid that I will not be able to break through the defense measures you have set up while carrying this burden.

Miss Nasida really thinks about me.

The corners of Han Xiao's mouth rose slightly, and it was obvious that Nasida's words had some effect.

Although based on previous judgments, with the double insurance of the contract and her own power, Nasida should not be able to invade the void system he planned to rebuild.

But since the other party now proposes that his abilities will be limited, he is naturally happy to see it. After all, having an extra layer of insurance is also great.

Soon, the two quickly reached an agreement in this regard.


Just when Han Xiao and Nasida reached a deal on Xumi's future, Elhaysen, who was reading a book at his home, suddenly received an uninvited guest.

The Great Sage Azar...

Looking at Azar who suddenly came to the door, Elhaysen put down the book in his hand and kept the same cold tone as before.

It's really strange. This must be my home. Why do you remember to come to my place?

Elhaysen, there is a task that you need to complete.

Why do you think that I can bother you to come to the door in person and just use the void to deliver it?

This is an undisclosed mission.

Azar didn't care about Elhaysen's attitude, because according to Void's calculation, the other person had such a personality.

Tinari came to see you before, right?

Yes, he asked me about the whereabouts of Seno.

Hearing the question from the Great Sage Azar, Elhaysen, who had been prepared for it, calmly gave the answer he had thought of in advance.

Your mission is to find him and bring him back to the Order.

Where's the reward?

Elhaysen crossed his arms on his chest and looked at the great sage Azar unceremoniously.

Master Great Sage, you should know very well that I will never take action for others unless there is a price that makes my heart move.

Of course I know that.

Azar was not surprised by Elhaysen's request and directly told him the reward he had prepared for the other party;

What about the knowledge of the gods?

The knowledge of the gods, those things that no one can decipher?

Hearing the conditions put forward by the Great Sage Azar, Elhaysen frowned subconsciously.

He also knows what the other party calls 'gods' knowledge'.

Those were all things that the great sage kept in the teaching court five hundred years ago. They are most likely the legacy left by the deceased King Daci Shu.

How's it going? Are you a little interested?

It's really good.

Elhaysen did not refuse the conditions proposed by Azar and directly agreed.

Then I'll wait for your good news.

Seeing Elhaysen agree, the great sage Azar immediately left the other party's room.


As soon as he arrived outside the door, scholar Uday, who had been following Azar, couldn't help but asked:

Lord Azar, is there anything wrong with what you are doing?

Why, do you think Xumi's secretary can't even accomplish this little thing?

No, no, no, that's not what I meant!

Scholar Uday shook his head repeatedly, and then hurriedly whispered in Azar's ear:

Didn't you ask Lord Khawaja to find Tinari before?

Hmph, if he finds Tinari, do I still need to find Elhaysen?

Hearing Uday's words, Azar couldn't help but sneer.

Previously, Khawaja sent Setare with guards to the hotel where the opponent was staying. Unfortunately, no one was caught. Like Seno, he probably hid in the situation.

If not, he would not have given this task to Alhaysen.


Hearing this, scholar Udai couldn't help but show some confusion on his face:

Secretary Elhaysen seems to have been in contact with Tinari before. Aren't you worried that he is deceiving you?

It seems you didn't listen to what I said, Uday!

Hearing scholar Uday's question, the great sage Azar suddenly stopped and a look of anger appeared on his face.

I once told you to believe in the void. Now tell me what is recorded in the void?

Seeing that the great sage was a little angry, scholar Udai quickly operated the void terminal next to his ear.

Soon the conversation between Elhaysen and Tinari appeared in front of him.

The record on the void is indeed exactly what Elhaysen said just now. Tinari came to him to ask for information about Seno.

Lord Azar, how come there is a conversation between the scribe and Tinari in the void?

Seeing the record on the void, scholar Uday couldn't help but exclaimed softly.

That's because I have already manipulated Elhaysen's void terminal.

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