But luckily for them, Xumi's academic level has basically not increased much in the past five hundred years, and he has been resting on his laurels.

It’s not that the Teaching Order is inactive. There are still many scholars in the Teaching Order who have been working on solving the dead realm and the demon scale disease.

It’s just that the leading sages like Azar are the so-called ‘strength party’.

These scholars first believed that Sumeru could not live without gods, so they found the new grass god.

But when the scholars welcomed back the new god, they slowly discovered that the so-called Sumeru Grass God's mind and strength were no different from that of a child, and could not be compared with the Great Kindness Tree King, so they chose to imprison Nasida.

This operation left Han Xiao speechless after hearing this fact from Zhongli.

Of course, he didn't know that there was something even more extreme in the game.

In the game, this group of sages headed by Azar are obsessed with knowledge. In order to have a chance to get in touch with the gods and even the ultimate mysteries of the world, they do not hesitate to use the void system to absorb the computing power of the masses of Sumeru, making the entire city The people are trapped in a cycle of step after step.

They are even proud that their wisdom can create a new god to replace the Little Lucky Grass King.

Hmm... Taking the inheritance left by the previous Grass God to the Little Lucky Grass King, he imprisoned the current Grass God Nasida, and used these inheritances to create new gods to replace him.

This operation is also perfect.

Mr. Roman, please rest assured that the Apostolic Order can do this.

Azar, who didn't know that Han Xiao was already planning how to bring him down, gave his assurance after thinking for a moment.

Chapter 501: Xumi people can’t dream


Lord Azar, this is the Heart of God. Are you sure the Order Academy can really do it?

Han Xiao immediately seemed a little surprised when he heard the great sage Azar assure him that the Order Institute could guide the power of the trance heart.

According to his investigation, Xumiru has been resting on his laurels and has not reached the academic peak for a long time.

With this kind of performance, the other party actually dares to boast that their Order Academy can guide the power within the Heart of God?

Is this true or false?

No wonder Han Xiao was so surprised. After all, the Heart of God is not a simple thing. It is some kind of 'permission' given by Sky Island to the seven rulers in the world.

Although there is a sense of surveillance in it, and it is just the icing on the cake for the devil, the Heart of God is God's creation after all.

Even if ordinary people get the Heart of God, they cannot activate the power within it.

As for why Han Xiao is so sure, it is naturally because he has tried it.

After all, Zhongli's Heart of God is now in his hands, and it has even been transformed into a 'terrain modifier' and the core energy source of the city's protective shield system.

Therefore, Han Xiao naturally has a say in the use of God's Heart.

As for why he can do something that ordinary people can't do, such as drawing out the power from the Heart of God, the reason is also very simple.

One is that Han Xiao's own power is special. Even though he has not yet entered the level of the demon god when he obtained the Heart of God, the special nature of the Heart Flower makes his abilities converge to power.

They are all powers and laws. There is no difference in status. The interaction between powers of the same level is very simple.

In addition, Han Xiao also has a helper, Miss Alice.

This is one of the countless hidden bosses in Teyvat, and he is also a boss who can guard the borders of Teyvat.

You must know that outside the borders of Teyvat is the Dark Sea, where there are many demons who fled to the Dark Sea after the defeat of the Demon God War.

Being able to maintain the borders of Teyvat surrounded by these demon gods, no one would believe that Alice is not strong, right?

Therefore, with his own ability to affect the Heart of God, and with the help of a hidden boss, Alice, Han Xiao was able to use the Heart of God as the energy core.

Now that the great sage Azar was boasting about Haikou in front of him, how could Han Xiao not be surprised.

Yes, I can assure you.

Faced with Han Xiao's doubts, the great sage Azar's expression remained unchanged and he calmly repeated his assurance just now.

Their teaching institute can completely handle the huge energy source required for the experiment of the Heroic Spiritualization Plan.

Lord Azar, this is the Heart of God that ordinary people cannot activate at all. I am not kidding,

I'm not kidding either.

Seeing that Han Xiao still didn't believe it, the great sage Azar decided to properly reveal some of Xumi's secrets to him.

Immediately, he stretched out his finger and pointed at the 'green tooth' beside his ear... ahem, it should be the Void Terminal.

Isn't it just to drive the heart of God? Void Terminal can do it.

Are these leaf-shaped green teeth that are very similar to Bluetooth in the previous life?

Perhaps the topic was opened, and the great sage Azar looked confident after opening his mouth.

He is indeed the same as the previous generations of great sages, and they are all elderly people without the eyes of God. Generally speaking, they cannot control the heart of God.

But they have the legacy of King Daci Shu!

The void system links the entire sea of ​​consciousness of adults in Sumeru, which can be regarded as taking away the dreaming ability of all adults in Sumeru in exchange for extremely huge computing power.

This power cannot be underestimated.

In the main storyline of the game Inazuma, the protagonist, who was unable to defeat Thor at the time, was able to fight the opponent back and forth with the blessing of a wish.

Even if the thunder movie at that time did not use all its strength, it is enough to show that the human spiritual power is an extremely powerful force when gathered together.

In the game, it's just the wish power of a hundred God's Eye owners, but Xumi's ability is the ability of adults in the entire country to dream.

There is absolutely no problem in using this power to drive the Heart of God.

So this is the real reason why Xumi people can't dream?

After hearing the secrets about Xumi revealed by the great sage Azar, Han Xiao was surprised and couldn't help but sigh.

The other six nations of Teyvat have always known that the Sumeru people regard dreaming as a sign of individual immaturity, because they believe that dreams often make no sense and have no logic.

For the Xumi people who advocate reason and wisdom, dreaming is foolish wisdom.

Originally, he thought that this was just the unique ideas and concepts of the Xumi people and a unique custom.

I never expected that behind this was actually the result of the Secretariat's use of five hundred years to subtly propagate PUA?

Thinking of this, Han Xiao couldn't help but raise her eyes to look at the great sage Azar, and asked in confusion:

Lord Azar, this should be a secret that the Order has kept for a long time. If you just tell me as an outsider, aren't you afraid that I will expose your lies to the Sumeru people?

Mr. Roman, cooperation is about trust.

Hearing Han Xiao's question, Azar's lips slightly raised, and he explained calmly:

And this concept has been circulating in Xumi for five hundred years and has already become the mainstream thought.

As you said, you are a foreigner. Do you think the Sumeru people will believe what you say?

Azar wouldn't worry about Han Xiao telling this matter.

At present, the Teaching Council has the right to speak about Xumi, and even if the other party tells it, no one will believe it.

Moreover, Han Xiao's current experiment is a taboo experiment that is explicitly prohibited in Xumi.

Once it is exposed, it can be said that the Ecclesiastical Order can get rid of the suspicion of being deceived by the other party.

As for Han Xiao, he will probably be hunted down by all the discipline officers of the discipline agency.

Azar believed that the other party would not make such an 'unwise' choice.

Master Azar is really direct in his words.

Hearing the explanation from the great sage Azar, Han Xiao suddenly clicked his tongue.

Good guy, he thought about his escape route before the experiment, he is such a master of pushing the blame.

If he really reported it without preparation, Bao Buqi would be blamed for everything as the other party said.

I said, cooperation is about trust.

Regarding Han Xiang's evaluation, Azar seemed quite calm and repeated his words unhurriedly.

Let's talk ugly beforehand, so we won't have so many troubles when we cooperate.


Han Xiao shrugged, skipped the topic and got down to business:

Then Lord Azar, when do you plan to hand over the Heart of God to me?

Chapter 502 The extreme pull between Han Xiao and Azar

The heart of God cannot be entrusted to you yet.

When Han Xiao asked him when he would get the Heart of God, Azar gave the answer that the sages discussed together without hesitation.

That is, the heart of God cannot be given to the other party for the time being.

After all, the purpose of Han Xiao's deal with them was for the heart of God.

Only with this thing in hand will the other party do their best to complete the experiment of resurrecting the Great Mercy Tree King.

If the heart of God is handed over to Han Xiao in advance, who knows whether the other party will run away halfway.

Then when can you give it to me?

Of course the experiment is successful and the Great Ci Tree King comes to the world again.

Master Azar, you are not sincere in this way.

Hearing what the great sage Azar said, Han Xiao couldn't help but frown, and his tone became much stiffer.

He clearly stated in the plan that demon gods and ordinary people have different personalities.

The heroic transformation plan can only awaken part of his consciousness from the chaotic ley lines.

The rest is up to the demon gods to slowly gather the scattered fragments of his consciousness and soul, and then come back to life.

It would take a long time for a demon god to take back the fragments of his soul and consciousness that were scattered after his death.

If, as Azar said, he had to wait until the demon god was completely revived before giving him the Eye of God, then Han Xiao would have to wait a long time.

Not to mention hundreds or thousands of years, at least several decades should be needed.

It would take decades to get the Heart of God, and by then the day lily would be cold, so why would Hanxiao go to all the trouble?


After hearing Han Xiao's worries, the great sage Azar couldn't help but fall silent. Now he was forced into a dilemma by the other party's words.

It is absolutely impossible for the Order Academy to be willing to hand over the Heart of God to Han Xiao in advance because it is too unsafe.

However, if he keeps holding back the Heart of God, Han Xiao will feel that it is not worth the time and will choose to give up cooperation.

It’s not okay to give it, and it’s not okay not to give it.

For a while, Azar didn't think this matter was quite difficult to deal with.

Mr. Roman, what do you think of this?

After a long silence, the great sage Azar seemed to have made up his mind and said in a difficult tone:

After the experiment begins, where the Heart of God needs to be used, the Order will send someone to supervise it.

But when the Great Merciful Tree King wakes up, the issue of the Heart of God will be left to the Grass God to decide. What do you think?

Lord Azar, I feel very sorry for you to say that. If the Great Ci Tree King is not willing to give the Heart of God to me according to the deal, then wouldn't it be in vain?

After hearing Azar's suggestion, Han Xiao pursed her lips, obviously not satisfied with the other person's idea.

Although according to the underlying logic of Teyvat, the lover of the devil, the God's heart will not be held when the Great Merciful Tree King wakes up.

But there are always exceptions. Who knows whether the Great Ci Tree King who wakes up from the earth's veins will still abide by the underlying logic of the devil's lover.

And there is another point. The Daci Tree King who has just recovered is in an extremely weak state, and the Heart of God happens to be a thing that contains huge energy.

For Demon Gods in their prime or with extremely high martial arts, they may not appreciate the power of the Heart of God, but for a Demon God who is extremely weak and in urgent need of supplements, it is really a good thing.

So it's no wonder that Han Xiao is hypocritical. He must first ensure that he can indeed get the Heart of God, otherwise everything will be false.


Faced with Han Xiao's well-founded questions, Azar was at a loss.

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