no problem!

Knowing that Kelai stopped him because of this trivial matter, Tinari agreed without hesitation.

That Tianshu star cured his little apprentice's demon scale disease, wasn't he just asking to take care of his friend who came to Xumi? It was just a matter of convenience.

What's the name of his friend? Tell me and I'll remember it.

Romani Solomon, most people call him Roman.


When he heard the name announced by Kelai, Tinari's originally casual face suddenly froze, and his whole expression changed drastically in an instant.

I saw him turning around, looking at his young apprentice solemnly, and asked word by word:

Ke Lai, what's the name of that friend from Tianshu Star?

“…Uh, Romani Solomon, what’s wrong, Master Tinari?

Seeing his master's expression changed drastically, although Kelai didn't quite understand what was going on, he still repeated the other person's name honestly.

Is he blond and dressed like a Fontaine?

Hey, Master Tinari, have you already met Mr. Roman?

Hearing Tinari's question, Kelai's eyes widened. Could it be that his master had already met Mr. Hanxiao's friend?

...More than just seeing it!

After confirming that the Roman mentioned by Kelai was the foreigner traveling with his junior brother Abatuyi, the expression on Tinari's face did not change at all, leaving no clue.

But if you look carefully, you can see an extremely solemn look flashing in the other person's eyes.

There are also many doubts in my heart.

A person who had friendship with the Seven Stars of Liyue came to Xumi, but he and Abatui studied intelligent mechanical creations in the depths of the rain forest, and actually discovered a strange existence like Kakata for them.

Apparently, Tinari mistakenly believed that the birth of Kakata was the result of the cooperation between Han Xiao and Abatuyi.

In addition, the two seemed to be planning a bigger plan, and this plan might also involve the Order House.

No... maybe not only the Order Academy is involved, but also a noble person is also involved.

Tinari narrowed his eyes, and a name that was rarely mentioned in Sumeru came to mind.

The second Grass God, the current Little Lucky Grass King.

Romani Solomon has a relationship with Tianshu Xing Hanxiao, one of the Seven Stars of Liyue. According to Kelai, the two are good friends.

However, Tianshu Xinghanxiao was far away in Liyue, and Little Lucky Grass King was in Xumi, but they knew that the other party might have a cure for the magic scale disease.

A grass god who was rarely seen in Xumidu actually had contact with people from other countries.

Thinking of this, Tinari felt vaguely uneasy.

The guy named Roman probably had an intersection with Little Lucky Grass King because he was friends with Tianshu Xing Hanxiao.

Then, all the information about Abatui was deleted in the void system.

I always feel like something big is going to happen.

Sorry, Ke Lai, I have to go to Xumi City quickly. You have a good rest in Huacheng City for a few days. If anything happens, we'll talk about it when we come back.

Tinari, who realized something was wrong, didn't think much about it. He just said a word to Cole and hurried out the door.

This time when he went to Xumi City, in addition to delivering medicine to Dina Zedai, he also wanted to find out what Roman and Abatuyi were planning.


Tinari rushed towards Xumi City in a hurry, but Han Xiao was unexpectedly free.

After persuading Abatui to collect evidence of the great sages within the Order and explore the place where Nasida was imprisoned, he patiently waited for Azar to come to the hotel.

Han Xiao knew very well that these people regarded King Daci Shu as extremely important, so they would definitely conduct a series of demonstrations after getting the plan.

Wait until everything is confirmed before proceeding to the next step.

Therefore, he did not rush to ask the other party about the progress, but just spent a few days in Xumi like an ordinary foreign tourist.

During this period, he also went to the Zubair Theater in the Grand Bazaar to enjoy a dance performance by Nilu. The beautiful dance performance made Han Xiao feel that Abatuyi's words were true. He was indeed an extremely good dancer.

Some people may ask, didn't Han Xiao once tell her childhood sweetheart Yun Jin that she was not very good at appreciating art?

emmm, how should I put it?

It is true that he is not very good at appreciating opera, but he is good at watching young ladies dance!

That waist, those legs...cough cough cough...hold it, hold it.

Let’s get back to the topic.

On this day, Han Xiao returned from visiting the Grand Bazaar just like the previous days. As soon as he walked to the door of the hotel, he saw Setale standing there.

Mr. Roman!

Seeing Han Xiao return, Setale's eyes lit up, then she ran to his side and said:

Lord Azar invites you.

Okay, Miss Setare.

Hearing Setale's words, Han Xiao nodded slightly:

I'll go change my clothes first and I'll be there later.


Mr. Roman!

It was already half an hour later when Han Xiao changed clothes and came to the Order House, and Azar also waited for him for half an hour.

I'm really sorry, Lord Azar.

The moment she saw Azar, Han Xiao apologized to him in a very skillful and formulaic manner:

It took me a while to change clothes, so please forgive me.

It doesn't matter, my invitation was too abrupt.

Contrary to Han Xiao's expectation, Azar, the arrogant great sage whom Abatui had spoken of, shook his head with a smile on his face, indicating that he did not need to apologize, and seemed not to mind Han Xiao's 'slightness' at all.

Seeing Azar's attitude, Han Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly.

It seems that the other party must have confirmed Abatuyi's physical condition and made up his mind?

As expected, Azar enthusiastically invited Han Xiao to the conference room. When only the two of them were left in the empty conference room, he revealed the purpose of inviting Han Xiao to come.

Mr. Roman, I have discussed your plan with several other sages. The puppet technology used on Abatui is also extremely good.

So we unanimously decided that your plan was worthy of our advancement.

As he spoke, Azar paused for a moment, and then asked in a probing tone:

But we also want to know one more thing, that is, how sure are you of your plan?

Chapter 500: The Strength Party of the Teaching Council

When Azar said this, his tone was extremely passionate and he did not hide his urgency.

In the past five hundred years, all the great sages have missed Xumi under the rule of King Daci Shu. They want to go back to the beginning, to the original country under the wisdom of God.

Therefore, every generation of great sages has been moving towards one goal, which is to use all means to maintain the faith of the Great Kind Tree King in Sumeru.

Because they all know that the demon gods on the continent of Teyvat are immortal, and even if they die, there is still hope of Nirvana and rebirth.

For this reason, they even imprisoned the newly born Little Lucky Grass King and blocked any information from the other party at all times, in order to prevent her belief from replacing the Great Ci Tree King.

Five hundred years have passed, and now Hanxiao has finally been waiting for Azar, and he has found the means to resurrect the Great Ci Tree King.

It's no wonder that Azar was so eager and willing to cooperate with Han Xiao even without investigating Han Xiao's identity and background.

Because they waited too long.

Are you sure? If the energy is sufficient, the success rate is over 80%.

Hearing the question from the great sage Azar, Han Xiao thought for a while and then expressed his opinion.

Through two experiments, he has determined that the improved version of the Heroic Spirit Summoning Ceremony can indeed be used on the continent of Teyvat.

The demon god is also part of the Teyvat continent, and part of it will return to the earth's veins after death, so the heroic spirit summoning ritual can also affect the demon god.

The only difference is that the demon god's status is higher than that of ordinary people. To call him back from the depths of the earth's veins, the energy required increases exponentially.

After all, every demon god represents the embodiment of a law. Without enough energy, it is simply impossible to leverage the law to reappear in human form.

Eighty percent! That's enough!

Knowing that Han Xiao was nearly 80% sure, Azar's old face almost broke out in laughter.

This was really the best news he had ever heard!

Thinking of this, Azar quickly asked Han Xiao:

Mr. Roman, when can we start the experiment?

I'm available here at any time, but...

Just what?

Seeing Han Xiao suddenly stop talking, Azar couldn't help but feel anxious, fearing that the other party would say some bad news.

Fortunately, what Han Xiao said next was within his tolerance.

It's just that I need a lot of money and sophisticated instruments.

And of course the most important source of energy.

No problem, whether it's funds or equipment, we can satisfy you.

The great sage Azar nodded without hesitation and agreed to Han Xiao's request, which was just some funds and equipment. He was very familiar with this kind of request.

I don’t know how many Sumeru scholars do the same thing as applying to the Order Council when doing experiments.

As for energy...

Speaking of Han Xiao's last request, Azar struggled slightly, then gritted his teeth as if he had made a difficult decision.

He reached out and slowly took out a shimmering chess piece from his arms, and showed it to Han Xiao.

You said before that as long as you can draw out the power of God's Heart, you can meet the conditions for huge energy, right?


Looking at the Grass God's Heart in Azar's hand, which was slightly different from Zhongli's God's Heart, Han Xiao's eyes showed no signs of confusion and she nodded quite calmly.

Although his target was in the opponent's hands, Han Xiao was still very patient.

In fact, it's not okay to be impatient. After all, he still has a contract with Nasida.

Even if he grabs the Heart of God now and doesn't solve Xumi's trouble, he will never get it.

Some people may ask why not just kill these sages who even the gods dare to imprison, so that the trouble can be cut off quickly.

Well, there is a reason for this.

The first is the limitation of Han Xiao's identity. He himself is the Seven Stars of Liyue. To Xumi, he belongs to the top of other countries. If others don't know, Naxida doesn't know it yet.

If it was up to him to clean up the Order House, even though Han Xiao was confident that his identity would not be revealed, he couldn't just lay the foundation for trouble, could he?

What if Romani Solomon's identity is accidentally exposed in the future? Liyue and Xumi will not have to fight.

Don't say it's impossible. Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. Han Xiao doesn't want to be slapped in the face by something like this in the future.

Secondly, he has not collected enough evidence yet about Azar and his companions imprisoning the grass god, disrespecting the gods, and abusing their power.

It's not that Han Xiao didn't know that Nasida was imprisoned, but what he wanted was evidence, the kind of evidence that could be shown to the public and convict these people.

If Hanxiao takes action to cleanse the Imperial Academy without collecting evidence, not only will the fan organization be pursued and killed, but even the sages who died in its hands will be characterized as heroes who died for the country.

This is not in line with Han Xiao's plan.

After all, he has now signed a contract with Nasida, so he is naturally on her side. Azar and this group of sages are his targets.

And ever since she heard about Nasida's experience and Zhongli's detailed explanation, Han Xiao had despised these so-called sages from the bottom of her heart.

If these people can develop Xumi's academics, then they are quite capable.

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