After all, what the other party said is indeed reasonable, but the problem is that not everything in this world is reasonable.

Han Xiao is right, but aren't the reasons given by the Imperial Academy untenable?

Thinking of this, Great Sage Azar felt a little numb.

If this matter is not handled well, wouldn't it mean that the experiment would be over before it even started?

I need to talk it over with the others.

In the end, Sage Azar still couldn't make up his mind and chose to postpone it temporarily.

Then come and talk to me after Master Azar has discussed it.

Han Xiao didn't push for this. Anyway, the initiative in the current transaction was in his hands.

Want to resurrect the Great Ci Tree King?

Okay, hand over the heart of God first!


Xumi City, I haven't been back for a long time.

While Han Xiao was having secret negotiations with Azar at the Order House, Tinari, who had received the magic scale treatment potion from Kelai, also arrived at the main city of Xumi after several days of traveling.

Looking at this familiar city after several years of absence, Tinari was also deeply touched.

He once had a chance to stay in Xumi City. After all, his mentor had always wanted him to stay and teach.


Tinari couldn't help but sigh slightly when he thought about the unflattering behavior he had seen in the Order.

If this hidden danger continues to be buried like this, it will explode sooner or later.

Forget it...why are you thinking so much!

Tinari soon put all these troublesome thoughts behind him, and it was not like there was no one in the Order who saw this as well as him.

I prefer free research, and I don’t have the ability to coordinate the overall situation. It’s better to let those who have the ability to make changes.

Tinari, who put down his thoughts, came directly to the door of a mansion in Xumi City.

This is where the famous Humayi family of Xumiru is located.

Hello, what can I do?

Please help me inform your master that Tinari is visiting.

please wait!

Hearing Tinari's words, the guard guarding the door nodded, turned and walked into the door.

Deng Deng Deng——

Not long after, Tinari, who was standing at the door, heard a rush of footsteps, and then the figure of the head of the Humayi family appeared in front of him.

Mr. Tinari, why are you here?

The first time he saw Tinari, the head of the Humayi family greeted him warmly.

That thing happened again.

In response to the inquiry from the head of the Humayi family, Tinari's expression did not change and he explained the reason for his visit with a calm expression.


In an instant, the Humayi family head's tone couldn't stop rising, and an extremely excited look flashed in his eyes.

Mr. Tinari, please come in quickly!

Suppressing the extremely excited emotions in his heart, the head of the Humayi family introduced Tinari into his house without any disrespect.

When the two came to the study, he immediately ordered his servants:

Go and call Dina Zedei quickly.

Yes, sir.

After doing all this, the head of the Humayi family, Dina Zede's father, looked at Tinari with hopeful eyes.

Mr. Tinari, is there really a cure for magic scale disease?

Well, Ke Lai has returned to Xumi. After my examination, the magic scale disease on her body has indeed disappeared.

Chapter 503: Dina Zedai’s Treatment

That's great! That's great!

Although Dina Zedei's father had already had a premonition when he heard that the servant came to report that Tinari came to the door, he really learned from the other party that the magic scale disease had really been cured, even if he was from a famous family. As the head of the family, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

His daughter Dina Zede was finally saved!

Thank you so much, Mr. Tinari.

Raising his hand to wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes, Dina Zedei's father looked at Tinari with red eyes and kept saying thanks.

No, the real thanks for this are the doctor and Miss Dina Zede.

If it weren't for Miss Dina Zedai, my apprentice Kelai wouldn't have been able to get rid of the evil scale disease.

Hearing Dinazedai's father's thanks, Tinari repeatedly waved his hands to show that he didn't have much credit.

The person who really wanted to thank was Liyue's Tianshu Xing Hanxiao, but because of Ke Lai's instructions, he did not say his name.

In addition, Miss Dina Zedai also contributed a lot.

If she hadn't always insisted on believing in the Little Lucky Grass King, no one would have known that someone far away in Liyue had completely solved the problem that had troubled the Order Academy for hundreds of years.

No, Mr. Tinari, all this is the favor of Mr. Little Lucky Grass King!

Suddenly, a weak female voice came from outside the door, interrupting the conversation between the two. Tinari and Dina Zedei's father followed the sound at the same time.

In front of the door, a pale-faced Dina Zedei was leaning against the door frame, looking at them with a smile on her face.

Dina Zede, come and sit down.

Seeing his daughter arriving, Dina Zede's father quickly walked to the door, helped his daughter into the room, pulled out a chair and let her sit down.

After doing all this, Dinazedai's father turned to look at Tinari:

Mr. Tinari, I would like to arrange for my daughter to go to Liyue for medical treatment. I hope you can help Dinazedai suppress her condition so that it will not relapse in the short term.

Now that it was confirmed that someone in Liyue could cure the demon scale disease, as the head of the famous Humayi family in Xumi, Dina Zedai's father made a very decisive decision.

That is to send his daughter Dina Zedai to Liyue for medical treatment.

It doesn't have to be this way.

Seeing that the head of the Humayi family was eager to leave for Liyue immediately, Tinari couldn't help but sigh that he was really a good father who loved his daughter.

As he spoke, he took out the small box containing the Holy Light Essence from the Eye of God in front of Dinazedai and his father, and explained the source of the potion:

When Ke Lai came back, the doctor learned about the specific situation, so he gave him an injection as a gift. As long as it is injected, he can be cured.

Then trouble Mr. Tinari!

Dina Zedei's father was immediately overjoyed when he learned that the doctor in Liyue who could treat magic scale disease actually asked Ke Lai to send him the medicine.

After all, my daughter is already in the advanced stage of Demon Scale Disease, and her body and bones are already weak.

Even if Tinari's help can temporarily suppress the Demon Scale disease and prevent it from happening, the damage to the body will definitely be inevitable.

It would be great if we could save ourselves the long journey to Liyue.


Tinari nodded, took out the medicine from the wooden box and put it into the syringe. He rolled up the cuffs of Dinazedai to reveal the front end of his pale and thin arm, then inserted the needle into the skin and slowly pushed in the Holy Light Essence.


The moment the holy light essence entered Dina Zedai's body, her whole body made a squeaking sound, and wisps of black 'smoke' also evaporated out at the same time.

At the same time, large drops of sweat oozed from Dinazedai's originally pale face, and her lips trembled involuntarily.

Dina Zede!

Seeing his daughter's face covered in cold sweat and her eyes closed tightly, the head of the Humayi family couldn't help but feel sad and turned his attention to Tinari.

Mr. Tinari, is my daughter really okay?

It's okay, the magic scale disease is indeed disappearing.

Tinari carefully checked Dinazedai's physical condition and gave the other party a reassurance.

But why is my daughter still feeling so uncomfortable?

Knowing that the demon scale disease was disappearing from Dina Zedai's body, the head of the Humayi family was relieved but also a little puzzled.

Because Miss Dina Zedai's body is too weak.

Tinari patiently explained the reason to the head of the Humayi family.

How should I put it, although Dina Zedei did not have the devil's residue in her body like Kelai, which made it difficult to continue the treatment.

But after all, she had been suffering from the magic scale disease for too long, and her body had long been depleted.

As the saying goes, illness comes like a mountain falling, and illness goes away like a thread spinning.

The Holy Light Essence solved the problem of Demon Scale Disease in one fell swoop, but the body's shortcomings could not be replenished in one fell swoop.

Especially when all the sources of disease are removed from the body at once, the brain will immediately feel a sense of extreme mental comfort.

Then when the mental and physical feelings conflict, it will naturally feel a little uncomfortable.

But this is not a big problem. Without the erosion of the magic scale disease, Dina Zedei will be able to regain health after just taking a good rest for a period of time.

Of course, after all, she has been eroded by the Demon Scale Disease for too long. She will definitely not be able to meet the physical standards of ordinary people in a short period of time, and she will appear relatively thin.

But the body is definitely healthy.

That's good, that's good.

Looking at Dina Zedei, whose face gradually turned a little brighter and fell asleep under Tinari's care, the head of the Humayi family couldn't help but murmur to himself.

The crux that had been plaguing their family for so many years finally disappeared.

Thinking of this, the head of the Humayi family gradually suppressed the excitement on his face, and then looked at Tinari seriously:

Mr. Tinari, I cannot thank you enough for your kindness. If the Huachengguo Forest Patrol Team has any needs in the future, just ask.

The Humayi family will definitely help!

I really have something I want to ask you of.

Tinari's eyes lit up when he heard that the head of the Humayi family was so generous. He happened to have something bothering him right now.

I wonder if you can tell me if anything strange has happened in Xumi City recently?

The nearest Xumi City?

Dinazedai's father couldn't help but recall the recent general situation in Xumi City in his mind. After thinking for a long time, he slowly shook his head:

I'm sorry, Mr. Tinari. As far as I know, nothing major or strange has happened in Xumi City recently.

Is that so? Then please help me keep an eye on these two people.

Knowing that there had been no unusual events in Xumi City recently, Tinari described the general appearance of Han Xiao and Abatui to Dina Zedei's father in detail.

Chapter 504 Everyone takes a step back

Abatui and a foreigner named Roman?

Upon hearing Tinari's request, Dina Zedei's father was stunned for a moment. One of the names seemed very familiar.

After thinking seriously for a while, he finally remembered why he felt like he had heard the name Abatui before.

Isn't this the scholar who was expelled by the Ecclesiarchy Council a few years ago?

Why would Tinari find someone who had already been expelled?

Although he was confused, Dinazedai's father was the head of a famous family after all, and he agreed to the other party's request with a serious face.

Don't worry, Mr. Tinari.

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