Without worrying too much about this matter, he asked Han Xiao directly:

Forget it, answer my question first, what exactly are you planning to do?

Seeing that Abatuyi was not angry, Han Xiao finally told his true thoughts.

In the next period of time, most of the attention of the Order will be focused on me, so I hope you can take this opportunity to help me find the passage to Jingshan Palace.

What place are you talking about... Jingshan Palace?

Could your target be... the Little Lucky Grass King?

Upon learning Han Xiao's true purpose, Abatui was shocked and looked in disbelief.

He never thought that the other party's real purpose was the little Lucky Grass King who had been staying in the Jingshan Palace behind closed doors.

Roman, are you too brave?

I will show you my cards now. The deal I made with the Order is just a cover. My real purpose is to rescue the little Lucky Grass King who is imprisoned in Jingshan Palace.

...Wait, you're not joking, are you?

Han Xiao's words were like a bomb that shook Abatui's whole body to the point where his head was buzzing.

Little Lucky Grass King is imprisoned?

Thinking that the Sumeru people have never seen the Little Lucky Grass King in so many years, the news they got was that he was pursuing wisdom in the Jingshan Palace.

He was completely confused.

The reason why the co-author Xiao Jixiang Grass King didn't show up was because his feelings were imprisoned?

Could this be the work of the Order Council?

Imprisoning the gods, how could the great sage dare to do such a heinous and unethical thing?

Does this seem like something you can joke about?

Hearing the panic in Abatui's words, Han Xiao spoke without any hesitation.


Faced with Han Xiao's decisive tone, Abatuyi swallowed subconsciously.


What's wrong?

Do you think it's too late for me to quit now?

He knew that Han Xiao had his own ideas while making deals with the Order, but who knew there was such a big secret hidden behind it.

To be honest, Abatuyi already felt a little panicked, how could he get involved in such a thing.

If you know something bad, the whole of Sumeru will be in an 'explosion' state because of it.

Sorry, do you think you can still escape now?

...Thank you so much!


After Han Xiao's persuasion, Abatuyi finally agreed to his request and helped him find a way to the Jingshan Palace while most of the energy of the Order was on experiments.

The reason why I agreed is very simple.

Abatuyi knew that he had fallen into it, and he had to choose a side between Hanxiao and the Order.

Considering that the Jiaoling Yuan actually did such a treasonous thing as imprisoning a god, and the relationship between him and the Jiaoling Yuan was not very harmonious.

So after thinking about it, Abatuyi chose to side with Han Xiao.

Well...it's definitely not because Han Xiao has a backdoor in his body, absolutely not!

He chose to fight against evil forces like the Order Council for the sake of God!

Chapter 498: Ke Lai returns to Xumi

Just as Han Xiao met up with the great sage Azar, Kelai finally returned to Xumi after a long journey.

Collet, are you back from Mondstadt?

Long time no see Miss Nasrin!

How was your outing, little Cole?

Hey, that's great!

Walking on the road to Huachengguo, Kelai greeted Naslin, a familiar ranger member, with a smile on his face, and did not forget to ask about Tinari's location.

Miss Nasreen, where is Master Tinari?

Mr. Tinari is working inside the house.

Nasrin pointed at Tinari's house, and then looked at the rosy-faced Kelai with some surprise:

Little Kelai...

What's the matter, Miss Nasreen?

You look good.


Hearing Nasreen's words, Kelai's eyes couldn't help but turn into crescent moons. This was the first time since she got sick that someone said she looked good.

However, because Han Xiao had told her not to leak the news about the cure of the magic scale disease to too many people, she did not tell the truth, but made an excuse at random:

Master Tinari said that keeping a good mood is good for the body. I went to Mondstadt to meet Amber this time. It is probably because of this reason.

Stop talking about Miss Nasrin, I'm going to find Master Tinari!

After saying that, Kelai waved to Nasreen and ran towards the house where Tinari was.

A good mood?

Looking at Kelai's leaving figure, Naslin couldn't help but narrow her eyes.

The entire ranger team basically knew that Kelai was suffering from Demon Scale Disease. Even when he was in good condition, his face would look sick.

Although a good mood can indeed alleviate the pain to a certain extent, Ke Lai's appearance just now seemed to be completely transformed. His whole cheeks were as red as a juicy peach, and he did not look sick at all.

This can't be explained by just saying I'm in a good mood.

never mind...

Why are you thinking so much? Isn't this good?

Nasrin quickly put the doubts in her mind behind her.

Recently, Mr. Tinari locked himself in his room as soon as he returned to the camp, with a rather heavy expression on his face.

If he saw Ke Lai's rosy complexion, he would definitely feel a lot better.


Master Tinari, I'm back!

Following the direction Nasreen pointed, Kelai came to the room where Tinari was located and pushed the door directly in. He did not forget to call out to the other party loudly as he entered.


Hearing the voice of his little apprentice, Tinari, who was sitting at his desk writing something, put down the pen in his hand, looked back and saw an energetic and rosy-faced Kelai standing behind him.

Your complexion...

The first time he saw Kelai, Tinari was keenly aware of the changes in his apprentice and immediately spoke.

But before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Ke Lai with a smile:

You look good, don't you? That's what Miss Nasrin said just now.

So, your illness...is cured?

Seeing Kelai's energetic look, Tinari raised his eyebrows and asked thoughtfully.

Well, thanks to Mr. Hanxiao, my illness has been cured!

Kelai nodded vigorously, his face full of joy of being reborn after a disaster.

Maybe it was because of meeting her master that she, who had always behaved very maturely, finally opened her heart and quickly told Tinari about her experiences during this period, and her words were filled with joy.

As for why I am glad, the reason is also very simple.

If Dina Zedai had not always believed in the Little Lucky Grass King, the Grass God would not have issued an edict to inform the other party that someone in the Liyue area might have the means to cure the magic scale disease.

At the same time, if it weren't for his master's superb medical skills, he wouldn't have known Dinazedai's father, and the other party wouldn't have asked for help from Tinari when he was unsure of paying attention.

He would not have this opportunity to cure the demon scale disease.

Therefore, Ke Lai knew very well what kind of coincidence happened that his illness could be cured, and it was natural to feel lucky.

Don't move yet, let me check.

After listening to Ke Lai's experience during this period, Tinari was happy for his young apprentice, but he was also curious about the treatment methods of the Liyue Seven Star.

Later, with the cooperation of Collet, Tinari conducted a careful inspection of it.

What a miraculous method.

After some inspection, Tinari put the auscultation tools back into the box with a look of admiration on his face.

Through examination, he found that his little apprentice's symptoms caused by the magic scale disease had all disappeared, and his physical condition was as healthy as ever.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Tinari wouldn't have believed that the so-called terminal disease Demon Scale had actually been cured.

By the way, Master Tinari.

Seeing Tianali's expression of admiration, Kelai seemed to have remembered something and hurriedly took out the potion Han Xiao gave her from the space of the Eye of God.

This is the potion that Mr. Hanxiao asked me to bring back to Dina Zedai.

Reaching out to take the box, Tinari opened the lid and looked at the 'Devil Scale Medicine' containing golden liquid inside. He couldn't help but ask:

Ke Lai, has Liyue Qixing ever said whether this potion can be produced in large quantities?

Master Tinari, I asked Mr. Hanxiao this question.

Hearing that his master immediately thought of the production of potions, Ke Lai shook his head helplessly.

Mr. Han Xiao said that it is currently very difficult to obtain the raw materials for this kind of medicine, and mass production is basically impossible.

That's it...

Although Tinari was a little disappointed that the 'Demon Scale Potion' could not be mass-produced, he had already expected it.

Come to think of it, the reputation of Demonic Scale Disease as a terminal disease was not given casually. It was given because countless doctors were helpless to do anything about it.

The fact that Liyue Qixing named Han Xiao was able to prepare a potion to cure the demon scale disease was already a big event that was enough to cause a stir in Teyvat.

If the medicine to cure Demonic Scale was well prepared, Demonic Scale would not be called a terminal disease.


Closing the lid of the box containing the potion, Tinari very carefully put it into his God's Eye space.

I will leave for Xumi City immediately. With this potion, Miss Dina Zedai's illness will surely be cured soon.

You just came back, take a good rest for a few days.

Wait, Master Tinari!

Seeing that Tinari was about to leave, Kelai quickly stretched out his hand to block his way.

What's wrong, Cole, is there anything else?

Seeing his young apprentice stop him, Tinari couldn't help but asked in surprise.

Chapter 499: Tinari senses something is wrong

That's right, Master Tinari.

After blocking Tinari's way, Kelai didn't waste any time and quickly told Han Xiao what he had asked her to do.

When I left Liyue, Mr. Hanxiao said that he has a friend who is currently in Xumi and hopes that we can take care of him if we meet him.

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