She had secretly taken a trip to Liyue before and encountered many large lizards with strange patterns.

That time she was so happy.

If it weren't for the fear of being discovered by Captain Qin after staying outside for a long time, I would have continued to play for several days no matter what.

So when Keli overheard the conversation between Abedo and Captain Qin, she ran out without thinking and begged them to let her go and play for a few days.

Although Qin didn't want to agree at first, after all, Keli's level of trouble was too high.

The last incident in Wangfeng Mountain scared the West Wind Knights half to death, but no one was injured in the end.

By the end, Jean and Abedo thought about the dozen or so confinements that Keli had spent over the past few months.

Finally, he agreed to let Abedo bring Keli to Liyue.

But before leaving, Qin also gave Keli a serious warning. If she dared to blow up things randomly, she would guarantee that she would never see the sun tomorrow.

Well, it refers to the fact that you can’t see the sun in the confinement room, so it’s not a life threat (laughs).

Brother Abedo, we still have a few days to get to Liyue.

We'll arrive at Guiliyuan in two or three days.

Seeing that Keli's face looked a little tired, Abedo couldn't help but ask:

Keli, take a rest first. You have been very excited from the beginning until now. This is not good for your health.

Okay, Brother Abedo, Keli is going to rest now.

Although I really want to play, I think that I will arrive in Liyue in two or three days, and then I can sneak away while Brother Abedo is not around.

Keli nodded obediently, got into the sleeping bag prepared by Abedo and took a nap.


Seeing Keli sleeping obediently, Abedo felt a little worried.

He'd better be ready to apologize first.

If Keli can be obedient, Captain Qin won't have such a headache.

The rooftop of Liyue·Wangshu Inn.

Zhongli was standing in front of the railing, looking at the lively scene on the river bank in the distance. He couldn't help but overlap with the scene in his mind when Liyue Harbor was first built.

It’s a sight I haven’t seen in a long time.

And beside him stood a short and handsome man.

Ah, no, it’s the Great Sage Mandrill.

Emperor, there are so many resentments in Guiliyuan, is it inappropriate to allow them to build a city here?

Mandrill looked at the workers working in the distance and expressed his worries.

He has dealt with several incidents of resentment outbreaks these days. Although they are all small and extremely small, he is still a little worried about what if he continues to dig like this, what if a large-scale resentment breaks out?

It doesn't matter.

Zhongli shook his head and told Mandrill not to worry at this time.

The power of Mark Hughes's old friend has never faded, and a large-scale outbreak of resentment is impossible.

As for some small resentments, you don't have to worry about them and leave them to Han Xiao to resolve.

Then...Emperor, should I inform Han Xiao?

No, he wants to build a new city. How can he cultivate the indomitable spirit of the people of Liyue without experiencing suffering.

Regarding Mandrill's proposal, Zhongli thought for a while and chose to reject it.

He planned to release the demon god in Liyue Port to see how the people of Liyue could overcome the difficulties with their own strength.

Since the new city also belongs to Liyue, no matter what, we have to accept the test from Emperor Yanwang.

You see what I said is right, little friend Hanxiao.

I understand, Emperor.

Seeing that Zhongli was planning to let Han Xiao handle the matter, Mandrill stopped talking.

But if Han Xiao came to his door, he decided to help in private.

After all, this is Yaksha's duty.

Zhongli had actually seen Mandrill's decision, but he didn't stop it.

From the last conversation with Han Xiao, Zhongli already knew that Han Xiao had an idea for the new city itself.

That is to use ‘human rule’ to get rid of the spiritual dependence on the Rock King Emperor.

Zhongli also agreed with this.

During the time when he was walking in Liyue Port in his incarnation, Zhongli discovered that the people of Liyue had begun to blindly worship Emperor Yanwang.

Obviously many things did not happen to Emperor Yan Wang, but in the end, the Liyue people pinned him down.

Even Liyue has begun to forget many people who have made great contributions to Liyue in history over the years, as if all Liyue's achievements are attributed to Prince Yan.

Zhongli was very dissatisfied with this.

Chapter 44 Han Xiao: I need help! (Additional update)

The next day, dawn breaks.

It's a new day.

The sea breeze gently blew Gan Yu's long hair. She stood on the pier and looked at the sun that had just risen in the sky, with many thoughts in her heart.

It has been some time since the new city plan was released.

Because of the regulations issued before Hanxiao, prices in Liyue Port have generally remained at the same level.

While walking on the road during this period, Gan Yu often saw smiling residents.

You can often hear people in Liyue discussing whose family went to work in Xincheng District and sent a large amount of money home.

In short, because the new city suddenly took away one million people, Liyue Port also inexplicably gained a lot of vitality.

Facing the situation in Liyue Port, which is getting better and better, Gan Yu should be happy.

But she just couldn't be happy.

The main problem is Han Xiao's attitude towards Xincheng District.

He didn't seem to want the immortal to interfere too much.

This puts Gan Yu in a dilemma.

As a human-immortal hybrid, she originally positioned herself as a link, a node connecting Liyue and the Xian family.

But now, Han Xiao's thoughts revealed a flavor of 'human rule'.

Gan Yu suddenly seemed a little confused.

The time of the people of Liyue is short, but in this short time, the people of Liyue experience a wonderful or difficult life.

But as for her, she couldn't understand it despite her long life.

Even if you have some nostalgia, it will eventually be blown away by the passing wind.

As an immortal, Gan Yu could only watch as time passed by and everything in Liyue continued to change.

As a human being, Gan Yu cannot integrate into it because of his relatively static time.

That's why she was confused and felt overwhelmed by Han Xiao's actions.

Maybe it's time to make a choice?

Gan Yu thought this way.

Just when Gan Yu had the idea of ​​skipping work in advance because of Han Xiao's actions, Han Xiao was too busy to take any time off.

After a detailed discussion with Keqing yesterday.

The other party was full of energy early in the morning and left the station with the exploration team.

Then everything fell on Han Xiao's head.

No, if you keep doing this, people will die.

Looking at the various documents that needed approval on the table, Han Xiao looked desperate and muttered to herself.

This is too much.

I need help!

Thinking of this, Han Xiao quickly called the secretary loudly:

Xu Wan, come quickly.

Lord Hanxiao, do you have anything to give me?

Didn't Ningguang send an alchemist over there and ask him to use the immortal magic to contact Ningguang?

Just say that I am in urgent need of talents.

I understand, Master Hanxiao, I will deal with it right away.

Secretary Xu Wan nodded, turned around and left to find the alchemist who had been staying in the camp.

Soon, Ningguang received the news from Han Xiao.

I understand. Baiwen, please send the news to the General Affairs Department and ask them to issue an announcement.

After listening to Han Xiao's request, Ningguang nodded, and then asked his personal secretary to convey the news to the General Affairs Department.

Not long after, a crowd of onlookers appeared in front of the General Affairs Department bulletin board.

There is a shortage of people in Xincheng District again. I don't know if I can sign up.

Are you signing up? Wake up. Look at the requirements above. What we need are management talents.

That's right, this is not a job recruitment, so you'd better not have any wild ideas.

No matter how much I think about it, I can't do it. Maybe Master Hanxiao will hire me.

Seeing that Han Xiao was recruiting high-end talents this time, these people turned around and started talking and laughing.

They are very self-aware and would still sign up if they were looking for jobs.

But if they recruit management talents, they won't humiliate themselves.

But none of the onlookers saw that there was a person staring at the message on the bulletin board, with struggle on his face.

In the end, he chose to turn around and leave, but his steps felt a little heavier.

Let us turn our attention back to the new city.

Although the announcement for recruiting talents has been sent out, that will be in the future, and the current work still needs to be done.

So Han Xiao could only read the documents patiently.

The things are not big, they are basically trivial things, but there are too many to deal with.

It seems that the regulations of the new city will be formulated as soon as possible. I don't know if Ningguang has talked to Yanfei about it.

Yes, Han Xiao had been eyeing Yan Fei, the master of law, even before the new city was established.

Before coming to Xincheng District, he had visited Yan Fei's door, but she was not at home at that time, so Han Xiao had to leave a letter to Ning Guang, asking Yan Fei to notify her when she came back.

Judging by the time, it should be here soon.

Lord Hanxiao.

At this moment, secretary Xu Wan suddenly walked in.

Lawyer Yan Fei is here and wants to see you.

Please come in quickly.

Han Xiao's eyes lit up when he heard this. He really said that Cao Cao had arrived, and he quickly ordered Xu Wan to invite Yan Fei in.

Hello, Hanxiao.

Soon, she was wearing a red crown to hold down her coral waist-length hair, a red and white scarf with a red top, a black skirt with a red round scarf tied on the left side. A yellow bow.

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