Even Ning Guang was very interested in cement and proposed to invest in the cement, but unfortunately the Yun Han family declined.

If all the cement currently produced is not used to build river embankments, and the output is not enough for its own use, I believe that Ningguang will definitely purchase cement in large quantities to renovate Liyue Port.

No way, I just made a little money.

Han Xiao waved her hands repeatedly and said in a rather 'modest' way.

Actually, the Yunhan family is currently experiencing pain and happiness.

If you want to say that cement makes money, everyone can see that.

Things like slag and gypsum are worth a few dollars, but the finished cement produced can definitely make a lot of money.

But the key point is that the materials for cement production are now officially purchased from Liyue, and the benefits obtained by the Yunhan family are not much higher than the cost price.

Coupled with the fact that workers still have to be paid, the money they make from one trip to another is much less than expected.

However, Han Xiao came to the Yunhan family in person and explained that after Gui Liyuan's busy period was over, the two families could set a market price to sell to the other six countries.

Therefore, the Yunhan family is looking forward to the new city being built as soon as possible than anyone else.

After all, seeing a large sum of money slip away from you would make anyone feel distressed, right?

Chapter 42 Han Xiao’s plan (Part 2)

So what's next?

What are you going to do next?

After making a small joke about Han Xiao, Keqing continued the topic in a blink of an eye.

The benefits brought by cement road construction are enough to excite Liyue people, so she has no objection to Han Xiao's plan.

The next step will be more complicated.

Han Xiao pointed to the area planned as an urban area on the map and said:

“I have only planned a small part of the new city area so far.”

First of all, the new city plays two roles. One is to expand Liyue's crop production, and the other is to form a trade area with Mondstadt.

My idea is to open a warehouse area in the new city area, where various chambers of commerce in Liyue will settle in and create a cargo transshipment center.

I believe that in order to save costs, the Liyue Chamber of Commerce will be happy to store the goods in the new city.

I agree with that.

Ke Qing also agreed with Han Xiao's idea.

Compared with Liyue Port, the location of the new city is closer to Mondstadt, and both parties can effectively reduce the transportation costs of goods.

In addition to the warehouse area, there is an agricultural area. When the crops are ready, I hope that the new urban area can form a one-stop process of raw materials → processing → sales.

Next is the commercial street in the center of the city. I plan to build a large shopping mall that will sell special products from the seven countries.

Then there will be hospitals, residences, schools and other areas. I am still planning this part.

Wait, school? You mean private school?

Ke Qing suddenly interrupted Han Xiao's speech and frowned slightly.

Han Xiao, the school you are talking about is probably a private school. The relationship here is very complicated.

I know what you're going to say.

Although Ke Qing's words were unclear, how could Han Xiao not know the twists and turns.

Qixing has also been vigorously developing education over the years, but unfortunately the results have been limited.

There are private schools in Liyue, but all children who go to school need to pay a hefty tuition fee.

Faced with high tuition fees, ordinary families often have no choice but to stop reading after their children learn to read.

There are even some poor families who cannot even afford the money to educate their children.

Only children from well-known families like Han Xiao, Keqing and Xingqiu can receive a good education.

The children of miners are still miners, and the children of officials are still officials.

If it weren't for the existence of something like the Eye of God that could break down hierarchies, coupled with Morax, Liyue might have locked up his upward path long ago.

Since you know...

But this is not Liyue Port, this is my new city!

Before Ke Qing could finish her words, she was interrupted by Han Xiao, whose words revealed a domineering tone that could not be refused.

Han Xiao, who is well aware that knowledge can change destiny, has long decided to reform the education system in Xincheng District.

It's just that there are many difficulties in reforming Liyue's education. If Keqing hadn't asked, he wouldn't have wanted to reveal that he wanted to reform Liyue's education so early.

After all, as Keqing said, the water is too deep.

But now that this point has been mentioned, Han Xiao will tell the truth.

Liyue Port is complex and it doesn't matter if he can't move it, but he must have the final say on education issues in the new city.

It's not easy for anyone to come. Even if Zhongli comes, he still dares to confront him.

As a former Key Sage, Han Xiao is very confident that he can definitely put Zhong Li in a dilemma.


Looking at Han Xiao, who was showing off her brilliance in front of her for the first time, Ke Qing felt dizzy for a moment.

In the past, the image of lazy and salty Hanxiao was completely shattered.

Gradually, the other party's face full of dominance and confidence appeared again.

Hey, Ke Xiaoqing, why are you blushing?

Han Xiao, who was about to hear what Ke Qing had to say about her plans, saw Ke Qing suddenly silent and a blush rising on her pretty face, and couldn't help but ask curiously.

Ah...it's nothing, nothing, just keep talking.

Ke Qing, who suddenly woke up, quickly lowered her head and pretended to look at the map, urging Han Xiao to continue talking.

But my heart was like a deer bumping around.

My heartbeat...beating so fast, what's wrong with me?

Han Xiao's mind was now filled with the planning plan for the new city, so she took a quick look at Ke Qing and found that there was nothing wrong with Ke Qing's body, so she stopped thinking about it and continued to talk about her own plan:

Look, I plan to open a school near the residential area so that the children of residents in the new city can attend school and receive education.

Of course I won't teach them everything. First, I will teach them reading and literacy, and then I will provide some courses to teach them how to make a living.

Finally, we can invite some Xumi scholars to come over to provide in-depth education to those students who want to continue their studies, and to cultivate our own talents in Liyue.

Let me tell you, I have even selected the candidate for the school principal. He is definitely a super boss with profound knowledge and rigorous style.

That's right, although Xincheng District's horoscope has not yet been revealed at this moment, Han Xiao has already thought about leaving the school to Zhongli.

He even thought of a reason for the other party.

In terms of knowledge, among the scholars in Liyue and even Xumi, no one dares to say with absolute certainty that he can win the throne of the Rock King.

And you, Morax, have to check what knowledge can and cannot be taught.

As for Zhongli rejecting it?

Humph... You, Morax, don't want Liyue's talents to wither and slowly fall behind the other six nations.

As he thought about it, Han Xiao couldn't help but reveal a 'cruel smile' on his face.

Didn’t you ‘threaten’ me to sit in the Hall of Purity before?

Then come over and teach the next generation, hahahaha!

Well, I support your idea.

Ke Qing didn't know that Han Xiao had already begun to plot against a certain retired old man. She reluctantly suppressed the throbbing in her heart and seriously thought about the other party's plan.

Leave the education issue for later. Do you have any other plans?

“The next step is some additional planning.”

Han Xiao also put aside her secret thoughts and picked up a pen to circle Mingyun Town and Yaoguangtan on the map.

The mines in Mingyun Town have ceased production. I plan to use that area in the future to build a villa area or a tourist village.

As for Yaoguang Beach, this coast can also be developed into a tourist attraction.

Regarding Yaoguangtan, Han Xiao still has some ideas.

After the new city is built, people should not only make money but also relax.

Sun, sand, surf and cactus, phew! Wrong.

Cactus doesn’t have it, but bikini does!

Liyue even has high-tops and bikinis.

At that time, we will build a few seaside holiday villas.

At night, sit around the fire and have a barbecue with beauties in bikinis.

Hiss...I feel happy just thinking about it.

Chapter 43: Two people stabbing each other in the back

Business center, warehouse area, residential area, industrial area, living and education area.

The Mingyun Town side can also be used, but the bridge must be repaired first.

Yaoguang Beach can consider fish farming. Of course, I recommend turning it into a tourist area.

That's all the planning for now. The specific details will be implemented after the urban area is established.

Putting away the pen, Han Xiao stopped talking.

There was also a slight pity in his heart. If it weren't for the vigorous development of technology that might cause trouble, he actually still had a lot he could do.

Now we just hope to use elemental power to find a development path suitable for Teyvat.

But Han Xiao is not worried. Teyvat actually has a lot of resources, and with the addition of alchemy, it is very simple to find a way out.

It's a pity that many people don't think about how to leave or dare not leave.

After all, the example of Kanrea is there, which is enough to dissuade some people from their bold ideas.

But Han Xiao was different. In his opinion, as long as he didn't come into contact with the earth's veins and abyss, it might not be impossible to use elemental power and Teyvat's local resources to find a way.

Moreover, isn't there a retired old man behind him?

Let Zhongli tell you some taboos. As long as you avoid these pitfalls, Liyue will definitely become the brightest 'cub' on the Teyvat continent.

While Han Xiao and Ke Qing were still measuring Guiliyuan, Abedo also followed the convoy towards Liyue.

On the carriage, Albedo was looking at the information provided by the Knights and Diluc.

There are a large number of workers building embankments on the Guiliyuan River. It seems that the plan for the new city in Liyue has already begun.

Brother Abedo, what are you looking at?

Suddenly, a little head came close to Abedo, curiously looking at the documents in Abedo's hand.


I'm going to Liyue to discuss business. You have to be good and think about what Captain Qin said.

Yeah, yeah, Keli knows, Keli will listen to brother Abedo obediently.

Seeing Keli approaching him and nodding excitedly, Abedo's expressionless face became a little helpless.

Originally, he didn't plan to bring Keli with him.

But the solitary room where Keli often stayed was next to the group leader's office.

When he was discussing with Captain Qin and others, he happened to be overheard by Keli in the solitary room.

Now it's better, as soon as I heard that Abedo was going to Liyue.

Keli was immediately excited.

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