Yan Fei, who looked cool at first glance, appeared in front of Han Xiao.

The white gradient antlers extending outward from both sides of the head also highlight the opponent's identity as half human and half immortal.

Long time no see, Lawyer Yan Fei.

Please take a seat.

Well, I recently went to Mondstadt to hang out with friends for a few days.

Seeing Han Xiao's face full of enthusiasm, Yan Fei was not polite. He generously pulled up a chair and sat across from Han Xiao, joking directly:

I heard from Ningguang that if you come to me for consultation, my fees are very expensive.

Yan Fei is not lying about this. As the most popular legal consultant in Liyue Port, Yan Fei's consulting prices are also among the best.

Even so, there are still countless people who want to make an appointment.

Yes, I would like to invite you, lawyer Yan Fei, to be my legal advisor on behalf of Xincheng District.

Want to ask me to be your consultant? Okay. Each interpretation of the law costs 6,000 molas. Each hour of on-site consultation is 180,000 molas. A single commercial case starts at 710,000 molas. The subsequent specific quotation and draw will be It depends on the situation.”

How about it? It's very affordable, right?

Yan Fei had already estimated that Han Xiao wanted to invite her as a legal consultant before she came, so when Han Xiao opened her mouth, she readily quoted her price.

Money is not an issue, Lawyer Yan Fei.

Han Xiao didn't care about the series of prices in Yan Fei's words that could make ordinary people in Liyue blush, but instead took out a contract that had been prepared and handed it to the other party.

Please take a look at this first.

What's this?

Yan Fei took the contract with some curiosity, and her expression suddenly changed.

Are you kidding? You want to invite me to participate in the formulation of the new city's laws?

Chapter 45 The difference between that one and Puyuan is only 0.01 centimeters

The contract is clearly written, how could it be a joke?

But this is too...

Yan Fei was speechless for a moment. As soon as she returned to Liyue Port, she learned that the Yun Han family, or to be precise, Han Xiao, had opened a factory to produce an extremely excellent building material.

So when Ningguang came to Yan Fei and said that Han Xiao had something to discuss with her, Yan Fei thought that the other party wanted to hire her as the legal consultant of the factory.

But what does she see now?

Han Xiao's purpose of inviting her here was actually to formulate new laws and regulations for the new city.

This is a great temptation for a legal person.


Yan Fei couldn't help but swallow her saliva, and there was a trace of wavering on her face.

This is not in accordance with the procedures. The law should be governed by Ningguang.

After a long time, Yan Fei still resisted the temptation and refused Han Xiao's invitation with difficulty.

Please rest assured, Lawyer Yanfei, I don't mean to completely deny Liyue's laws.

Han Xiao had already expected Yan Fei's rejection, and immediately explained her thoughts to the other party:

I just hope you can improve some regulations based on Liyue's laws.

Many development directions in the new urban area are new to Liyue, so the problems faced are also different.

If old laws are used to restrict new things, I think lawyer Yan Fei also knows the harm involved.

One person is responsible for the shortcomings, and two are responsible for the longcomings. Ningguang also agreed that lawyer Yan Fei will work with her to formulate new laws for the new city.

Ning Guang also agrees?

Now it was Yan Fei's turn to be confused.

The matter of formulating laws in the new city should fall under Ningguang's jurisdiction, but the other party is now willing to give up part of his power.

I couldn't believe it.

Naturally, the general direction is still set by Ningguang. As for the details, I need you, Lawyer Yanfei.

Before leaving Liyue Port, Han Xiao specially met with Qixing and reached an agreement with them on the issue of the new city.

According to the agreement, after the new city is established, all affairs will be jointly managed by Han Xiao and Qixing.

Han Xiao also discussed with Ning Guang the reason for wooing Yan Fei.

In addition to Yan Fei being a top lawyer, her status as a semi-immortal also plays a very important factor.

In this era where humans and immortals have become distanced, it is very necessary to win these half-immortals into Liyue.

This is why Ningguang agreed to give up part of his legislative power.

I need to think about this.

After learning that she was working with Ning Guang to formulate the new law, Yan Fei changed her mind, but she did not immediately agree.

After all, the matter was too big and she needed to weigh it carefully.

Seeing that Yan Fei was wavering, Han Xiao quickly struck while the iron was hot and said:

Lawyer Yan Fei, apart from this, I invite you here to carry out legal education activities for the people of Liyue.

You have said before that you often have a headache with civil disputes. A large part of the reason for this is that Liyue people have a vague understanding of the law.

If they have a clear understanding of the law, it will definitely reduce a lot of unnecessary disputes. Do you think I'm right?

Ah...what should I do? I'm so excited.

It has to be said that Han Xiao's move hit Yan Fei's strike zone.

Han Xiao is right. What she fears most is civil disputes, because many times these things happen because the parties are not clear about the laws and regulations.

If law popularization activities are carried out according to Han Xiao's idea, wouldn't there be many fewer cases in the future.

Thinking of this, Yan Fei's face changed, and she was obviously still a little unsure about paying attention.

Seeing this, Han Xiao used his last attack, which was to draw a pie.

Lawyer Yan Fei, I plan to open a school in Xincheng District and invite top talents from all walks of life to teach students.

Think about it, when you train a group of students, will you be able to carry out legal popularization activities better?

Stop talking, let's talk about salary.

Okay, Lawyer Yan Fei.

The annual salary we have set for you is 20 million molas per year. You will be mainly responsible for formulating laws and regulations in the new city and teaching activities.

Although the money is a little short, I'm definitely not busy. What do you think?

Then it's decided!

It has to be said that Han Xiao is good at painting pie.

Yan Fei, who was still hesitant at first, immediately agreed to Han Xiao's invitation.

She accepted this job!

Great, welcome lawyer Yan Fei to join us!

While Han Xiao was saying compliments, she hurriedly picked up a pile of documents from the table and handed them to Yan Fei.

Here are some typical cases that have occurred in Xincheng District recently. Lawyer Yan Fei, you can handle them first.

Then you can summarize the logic behind these cases and discuss with Ningguang how to formulate new regulations.


Looking at the document handed over by Han Xiao, Yan Fei took it with a blank expression.

Do I have work to do right after I get to work?

Oops, was I deceived?

With her mind full of confusion, Yan Fei left the office with the documents in her arms and Han Xiao's enthusiastic encouragement.


After sending Yan Fei away, Han Xiao couldn't help but cheer for herself in a low voice.

I am really a little genius, and I have found a tool man.

Time flies and the next day comes.

Although he felt that he might have been swayed by Han Xiao, the other party just wanted to find someone to help him handle the documents.

But the contract was signed, and the reasons put forward by the other party made her excited.

So Yan Fei quickly got into work mode.

As a half-human and half-immortal, she directly activated the immortal magic and maintained a long-term connection with Ningguang.

One by one, the laws were discussed and established by them like flowing water.

In just one night, the two of them came up with the general prototype of the new city's laws and regulations.

As for Han Xiao, he also found a new tool man.

What did you do to me again?

Seeing Han Xiao smiling playfully in front of him, Zhongli's face twitched, and he had a vague premonition in his heart.

Since he was 'calculated' last time, he originally wanted to hide from Han Xiao so that the other party could not find anyone.

Anyway, I can monitor Han Xiao with my spiritual thoughts.

Unexpectedly, Han Xiao actually found a new way and developed a new routine.

Yes, after finding out that Zhongli couldn't be contacted, Han Xiao knew that the other party must have done it on purpose.

So he ran directly to a remote and uninhabited place and shouted the name of the Demon-Conquering Great Sage at the top of his lungs. After all, Zhongli had told him that he could call Mandrill's name if necessary.

Originally, Mandrill, who was accompanying Mr. Zhongli, wanted to meet Han Xiao, a person who was favored by the emperor.

But Zhongli stopped him, so Mandrill ignored it.

When she saw that there was no response when she called someone, Han Xiao immediately understood that there must be a scam. She immediately rolled her eyes and came up with a crooked idea.

Then, Zhongli and Mandrill's faces were full of black lines as they heard words popping out of Han Xiao's mouth that made their fists harden.

There is no such thing as a real king who is not tall, a real king who looks up but does not look down when he looks down, a real king who touches porcelain while eating, and so on.

It can be said that if Zhongli hadn't stopped him with words.

That one and Puyuan were about to be inserted directly into Han Xiao's butt.

Chapter 46: Mandrill: I am deeply shocked

Hey, don't I have something important to ask you?

Seeing Zhongli's smiling face, Han Xiao rubbed his hands and moved his body carefully.

After all, behind him, Mandrill was holding up Puyuan and looking at him with a friendly expression.

The tip of the gun was only about 0.01 centimeters away from Han Xiao's butt.

Anyway, he could vaguely feel a hint of coolness, which made Han Xiao couldn't help but think of the feeling when he was a child in his previous life when the doctor pressed him for an injection.

The great sage who conquers demons, can you move away from Pu Yuan just a little bit?

Hmph, no respect for the immortal master.

Mandrill snorted coldly, his face ashen.

Damn, if you say he is short, just say so, and he has so many nicknames.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party was someone the emperor valued, he would have pierced Han Xiao's butt with a second eye.

However, he was still angry, and Mandrill finally put away Puyuan at Zhongli's signal.

Tell me what you have to do with me.

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