Then why Abatui doesn't need it?

Seeing Han Xiao nodding, Azar couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and directly asked the doubts in his heart.

If a huge amount of energy is required to awaken the sleeping consciousness in the soul fragment during the experiment, then how did Abatuyi wake up?

During this period, the Imperial Academy did not detect any large-scale energy reactions in any area of ​​Xumi.

Abatui itself is only a human being, and naturally it does not require much energy to wake it up.

As he said that, Han Xiao looked at the great sage Azar with a speechless face, and his tone was a little weird:

Lord Azar, don't you think that the consciousness of a demon god can be awakened so easily?

It's easy to awaken human consciousness, but if you want to awaken a demon, you don't have enough energy.

Chapter 496 Why are all geniuses in other countries?

During previous experiments, Han Xiao discovered that it would take a certain amount of energy to reawaken the chaotic state of consciousness in the soul fragments.

Different personalities require different energy when awakening.

Han Xiao's current power level is at the level of a demon. It is easy for him to awaken a human like Abatuyi.

But if Han Xiao were to awaken the demon consciousness of the same person as himself, the difficulty would increase exponentially.

It's not that it can't be done. If Han Xiao mobilizes nearly 80% of her body's power, she can still awaken the sleeping demon consciousness in the soul fragment.

It's just that it's not cost-effective to do so. He must continue to output energy during the awakening ceremony, and cannot be disconnected during this period.

In this way, security cannot be guaranteed.

Han Xiao is not willing to put himself in danger in order to save the gods of other countries. He is not a holy mother.

Huge energy...

After Han Xiao's explanation, Azar also understood that it was much more difficult to awaken the consciousness of a demon than a human.

Thinking about it, demon gods and humans are not on the same level both in terms of life status and strength, so it is normal for there to be differences.


I wonder how you plan to solve the huge energy issue, Mr. Roman?

Lord Azar, don't you have a ready-made energy source in your hand?

You mean...Heart of God?

Hearing what Han Xiao said, Azar reacted immediately.

The only thing in his hand that can be used as a huge energy source by the other party is the Heart of God.

That's right.

Han Xiao nodded, what he was talking about was the heart of God.

Although this thing is not a necessary item for the Seven Gods, it is a kind of icing on the cake, but in fact, the heart of God also contains a lot of power.

As for why Han Xiao knows, don't forget that Zhongli's Heart of God is currently in his hands.

Moreover, Han Xiao and Alice used Zhongli's Heart of God as the core to create a terrain transformation device.

Since Zhongli's God's Heart can be used as the energy core for terraforming decorations, the Grass God's God's Heart must be no different.

I understand, the Energy Council will come forward to resolve the matter.

Then I hope Lord Azar can bring me good news as soon as possible.


After negotiating the arrangements for the follow-up experiment with Han Xiao, and seeing the other party's figure disappear from his sight, Azar went straight to the deepest part of the Teaching Academy without stopping.

Several other sages have been waiting for him here for a long time.

How is he doing?

As soon as he entered the door, Azar couldn't wait to ask several people about Abatuyi's physical examination.

It is indeed him.

One of the sages sent a medical examination record to Azar from the private channel of the Void Terminal, and while the other party was checking it, he also explained to the others:

We have previously blocked all news about Abatuyi in the void. Just now I sent someone to ask him some secrets that only he himself knows, and he answered them all correctly.

The man named Roman doesn't know the news about Abatui, so according to our judgment, he is indeed Abatui himself, not someone else pretending to be him.

After he finished speaking, another sage also stood up.

It's my turn next. After the conversation test, Abatuyi was sent to me for a physical examination.

According to the inspection results, the other party is not human.

Not human?

Hearing the conclusion of the sage who was responsible for Abatui's physical examination, Azar couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and looked at him with surprise on his face.

He had met Abatuyi before, but he didn't feel that he was no longer a human being.

That guy named Roman is very powerful. Abatuyi's body is made of some kind of puppet technology, and the skeleton is even mechanically constructed.

The expression on the face of the sage who was responsible for Abatui's physical examination was extremely complex.

Xumi has always been called the kingdom of wisdom by the other six countries in the Teyvat continent. He is also proud of Xumi's academic excellence. However, today he was taught a lesson by an outsider that there are people outside the world.

He had never seen such complex and perfect puppet technology before, which made him feel very frustrated.

It's actually some kind of puppet technology?

Damn... is it another Albedo?

After listening to the general situation of the sage who was responsible for Abatui's physical examination, the expressions on the faces of the other sages were not very good.

It can be said that the skills displayed by Han Xiao reminded them of Albedo in Mondstadt.

Albedo had single-handedly raised Mond's alchemy level to the highest level of Sumeru. This genius had already dealt a severe blow to their pride.

I never expected that something similar would happen again.

A foreigner who was obviously not a Sumeru person actually mastered puppet technology that far exceeded Sumeru's and a weird and unpredictable 'resurrection' technology.

It is obvious that Xumi is a country of wisdom, with countless scholars and even talented students.

But why has such an astonishing talent who excels in one subject never appeared in Xumi?

Oh no, there is still Sumeru.

For example, a certain clerk who only likes to lie flat has a good ability, but he has never shown it to outsiders.

Another example is Fa Lushan, who just escaped from the ruins.

It's just that these local geniuses in Sumeru either have strange personalities or are far older than the current generation, so they simply can't hang out with the Jiaolingyuan.


While several sages from the Order were frustrated by Abatui's puppet technology, Han Xiao, who returned to the hotel, locked the door as soon as he entered the room.

Then he stood in front of the window and looked outside. After confirming that no one was watching, he closed the curtains and then laid out several magic circles to isolate them.

After everything was done, Han Xiao took out a walkie-talkie, turned on the switch and whispered into the microphone:

Hey, hey, Abatuyi, can you hear me?

After waiting for a short while, Abatuyi's voice finally came from the other side of the intercom.

Yeah, I heard that!

That's good.

Hearing Abatui's voice, the expression on Han Xiao's face relaxed a lot, and she immediately joked with him:

They didn't find out you were carrying a communication system when they gave you a physical examination?

Nonsense, you have installed the communication system inside the skeleton. It's amazing that they can find it!

In a single room somewhere in the depths of the Apostolic Order, Abatui sat cross-legged on a single bed, pressing his tragus with his right index finger, listening to the sounds coming from inside the skeleton, and complained angrily in a low voice.

Chapter 497 Abatui was tricked into the ship

As early as when Han Xiao was making the doll body for Abatuyi, the other party proposed the idea of ​​using machinery to replace the skeleton.

Regarding this request, Hanxiao naturally satisfied Abatuyi.

However, while making the mechanical skeleton, he also added some small functions that might be useful inside the skeleton.

For example, Han Xiao installed a device on the inside of Abatui's skull that could be used for wireless communication.

Another example is the scanning device and thermal imaging sensing device near the eye socket, etc.

Well...we'll talk about these later, so I won't introduce them for now.

Let's get back to the point.

In a single room deep in the teaching compound, Abatui sat cross-legged on a single bed and used thermal imaging sensors to observe the environment outside the door. After confirming that no one was around, he continued to press his tragus and asked:

Tell me about it, Roman. I should be just an experimental subject in your deal with the Order, but you have gone to great lengths to add so many functions to me.

What exactly are you going to do?

It was only then that Abatuyi asked the doubts he had been suppressing in his heart.

He was really curious. Logically speaking, he was just a 'finished product' used by Han Xiao to show the success of the experiment to the great sage Azar.

But the other party not only spent a lot of time with him to find Kakata, but also added many unnecessary life-saving devices to his body.

Such treatment is too generous for an 'experiment'.

If Han Xiao had no other ideas, Abatuyi wouldn't believe it even to death. But since the other party didn't speak, he suppressed his doubts and didn't ask.

Now I have waited for the opportunity.

Before leaving the hotel today, Han Xiao whispered in his ear to remember to contact him.

So after Abatuyi finished his physical examination and was arranged to live in a single room, he has been waiting for the other party to contact him.

As expected, it didn't take long for him to receive Han Xiao's contact message.

So what do you think I'll do?

Hearing Abatuyi's question, Han Xiao in the hotel room also had a smile on his face and immediately asked back.

It's probably something that I don't want the Order to know.

Abatuyi thought for a while and gave his guess.

Han Xiao was so secretive just to use herself to do some things other than transactions in the Order Academy.

But aren't you afraid that I'll betray you temporarily?

Do you know?

Of course not. My relationship with the Order is not that good.

As he spoke, Abatuyi paused, and then made his own guess:

And, if I guess correctly, Roman, you should have a backup plan, am I right?

Very correct.

Regarding Abatuyi's guess, Han Xiao on the other side of the communicator smiled noncommittally.

Of course he had a backup plan.

Abatui himself was resurrected by relying on the heroic spirit transformation plan, and the original heroic spirit summoning had a command spell system.

Perhaps this command spell system is useless against powerful demons, but it is still very effective for humans.

Therefore, Han Xiao did not immediately eliminate the command spell function when conducting experiments, but temporarily retained it as a back-up tool.

After all, no one knows whether the summoning will cause any changes. If an unconscious monster is summoned, he can use the command spell system to directly obliterate the opponent.

At the same time, it was precisely because of the command spell system as a back-up that Han Xiao could safely contact Abatui who was inside the Order Academy without fear of the other party leaking the secret.

I knew it...

Hearing Han Xiao's affirmative answer, Abatui couldn't help but curled his lips. How could a master who dared to make taboo transactions with the Order in private be careless?

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