In the next few days, Setale would come to the hotel and Hanxiao to meet with Abatuyi every day, chatting about everything from astronomy to geography, humanities and academics.

It's just that every time the topic is discussed, the other party will subconsciously ignore the information from the Order Academy.

Han Xiao was not in a hurry about this. He knew that Setale was just a person sent by the Order to hold him back. Presumably the sages were secretly investigating his identity.

It's a pity that the Imperial Academy's work was in vain this time.

His identity is not that easy to check.

The fact was just as Han Xiao had expected. After several days of investigation, the Teaching Council was still unable to confirm his identity information.

So after checking for several days, there is still no accurate result?

In the conference room deep in the Apostolic Order, the great sage Azar looked at the investigation report presented by his subordinates, with a haze flashing in his eyes.


Upon hearing Azar's question, a sage sighed deeply:

In the past few days, I have sent people to urgently ask informants from various places for information about Romani Solomon. Except for the traces of him in Mondstadt, Liyue and Daozhu countries, there are no other clues.

It's as if this person popped out of thin air.

As soon as he finished speaking, another sage took over the topic and said:

According to our judgment, it is very likely that the other party used a false name, and the rest is that he made a disguise.

Seeing Azar's increasingly gloomy expression, he still insisted on finishing his suggestion:

Lord Azar, procrastinating like this is not an option. You should make up your mind!

We really can't delay it any longer, Lord Azar, what do you think we should do?

Yes, Master Azar, we all listen to you!

Seeing this, the other sages also spoke in agreement. They all agreed that it would be bad if the delay continued like this and people got angry.

You must know that the other party has come to the door with experimental products according to the terms of the deal. If they are still so perfunctory, it will really be a waste if they can resurrect the Daci Tree King. There will be no place to cry.

I will meet with him tomorrow.

Faced with everyone's unanimous suggestions, Azar was silent for a moment, and finally he could only nod his head and agreed to meet Han Xiao.

It is true that he has not figured out the identity of the other party, but what others said is not unreasonable. Now they have something to ask for from the other party, and delaying it like this is really not the answer.

In order to resurrect King Daci Shu, Azar had no choice but to make a deal with an unknown person.


The next day.

Setare came to the hotel again and finally brought the news that the great sage Azar was going to meet, and then left the hotel and waited for them at the door.

But after waiting, the great sage is really calm enough.

After receiving the accurate information from Setare, Abatuy in the room stood up and stretched, with a hint of teasing in his tone:

Isn't he afraid that you will give up the deal?

Who knows.

Han Xiao shrugged. His current target was only the Heart of God in Azar's hand. As for what the other person was struggling with these past few days, he didn't bother to care.

To put it bluntly, if Han Xiao hadn't still had a contract with Nasida, he wouldn't have had the patience to wait for the other party's reaction.


What's wrong?

Maybe you and I will have to say goodbye from today on.

Hearing Han Xiao's words, Abatuyi couldn't help but pause for a moment, and then he pretended to be calm and said:

Don't worry, I already knew this day would come.

With that said, he turned around to look at Han Xiao and saluted him solemnly.

Although I have thanked you several times, this is probably the last time I want to thank you, Roman!

Thank you for resurrecting me so that I can witness Kakata's transformation.


Soon, Han Xiao and Abatui walked out of the hotel with calm expressions and followed Setale to the Order House, where they met the current person in charge of Sumeru, the great sage Azar.

Lord Azar, I will take my leave now.

After sending the people there, Setale bowed to Azar respectfully, then quickly left the conference room, and even closed the door of the conference room for them thoughtfully.

Only three people were left looking at each other.

The first meeting, Romani Solomon met the great sage of Sumeru.

Looking at Azar who was staring closely at him, Han Xiao took the lead in breaking the silence in the conference room.

Azar, the Sumeru Order, has met Your Excellency Solomon.

Seeing that the other party had already reported his name, Azar responded politely even though he didn't know whether the name was true or false.

Master Azar, just call me Roman.

Han Xiao first used a simple title to bring the two of them closer, and then said straight to the point:

After considering it for so many days, I wonder if Lord Azar has made up his mind?

To be honest, not really.

Azar did not hide anything and expressed his current mood very simply.

Then he looked at Abatuyi who remained silent.

Abatui, we haven't seen each other for a long time, right?

Chapter 495: Both parties reached a deal.

It's rare that Lord Azar still remembers me!

Hearing the great sage Azar suddenly speaking to him, Abatuyi couldn't help but taunted him in a sinister tone.

They had indeed met before, but not long after the meeting, he was expelled from the Order by Setare.

God knows how devastated Abatui was when he learned that he was kicked out of the Order.

It seems that you have been resenting your expulsion from the Order?

Facing Abatui's strange aura, the great sage Azar looked very calm, but the words in his mouth were quite sharp:

The seniors on your path have violated the ban one after another. Since you have chosen this path, you should be mentally prepared.

Tsk... Master Azar seems to be almost the same as me now, right?

Hearing this, Abatui clicked his tongue.

What the great sage Azar said was quite high-sounding, but wasn't the other party walking on the edge of taboo now?

Han Xiao also used many taboo techniques in his experiment to 'resurrection' him, and these were also prohibited from research by the Imperial Academy.

However, the other party's ultimate goal in conducting this experiment was to make a deal with the Order.

Doesn’t this mean that only state officials are allowed to set fires but the people are not allowed to light lamps?

What do you know?

Seeing that Abatui seemed a little unconvinced, the great sage Azar looked at him with contempt and arrogance, with an extremely fanatical expression on his face:

As long as I can bring back Lord Daci Shuwang, any price is worth it!

...King of Great Mercy Tree?

When Azar said the name of the Great Ci Tree King, Abatuyi's expression changed instantly, and he glanced at the expressionless Han Xiao beside him in shock.

It was only at this moment that he finally understood why the Order Council chose to make a deal with Han Xiao even though they knew it violated a taboo.

At the same time, he also realized his use as an experimental subject.

It turns out that all this is preparation for the 'resurrection' of King Daci Shu.

I see!

Roman, Roman, you've been hiding this from me for so long!

Seeing Abatui sighing at him repeatedly, Han Xiao raised the corner of his mouth, looked at Azar and teased:

Lord Azar, is it really okay to say such a secret and important thing like this?

Do you think Abatui can leave the Order House in a short time?

In response to Han Xiao's teasing, Azar folded his hands on his chest and stared at Abatui with the eyes of a perfect experimental subject, without concealing the enthusiasm in his eyes.

This is an excellent 'experimental finished product' in the experiment of resurrecting the Great Ci Tree King. How could he let the other party leave the Order Academy before the end of the experiment.

Therefore, even if Abatui knew the true purpose of the experiment, he didn't care at all.

Then Master Azar must take good care of our Mr. Abatuyi. If the experiment fails due to the Order, I will not be responsible.

Mr. Roman, please don't worry. It's just a physical examination. The Imperial Academy will never interfere with your experiments to any extent.

Although he really wanted to dissect Abatuyi himself to see what was going on, after hearing Han Xiao's somewhat meaningful 'warning', Azar suppressed his curiosity and made a very solemn promise to him.

The other party showed them the 'experiment' of Abatui, which showed that the success rate of the experiment proposed by the other party to become a heroic spirit was still very high.

Therefore, even if he is curious, Azar will not interfere randomly with Han Xiao's experiment. Everything has been resurrected and the Great Ci Tree King is in charge.

When the Great Merciful Tree King is resurrected and the opponent leaves with the Heart of God, Abatui will lose its effect. It will not be too late to study it at that time.

Someone is coming.

Thinking of this, Azar immediately called out, and soon the door to the conference room was opened and two mercenaries walked in.

Take Abatui down and settle him down.


After receiving the order, the two mercenaries stood on the left and right sides of Abatuyi.


Abatuyi took a deep look at Han Xiao, but he followed the mercenaries out of the conference room without saying anything.

Azar and Han Xiao were the only two people left in the entire conference room.

The door was closed again. At this time, the great sage Azar could no longer restrain his eagerness and asked impatiently:

Mr. Roman, it's time to come up with the details about the experiment of the Heroic Spiritualization Project, right?

It's natural!

Seeing Azar's urgency, Han Xiao didn't let the other party wait any longer. He directly reached out and took out the prepared documents from his arms and handed them over.

Quickly taking the file, Great Sage Azar quickly read the contents of the file on the device carefully.

The plan Han Xiao sent before was just a summary. If he used simple words to describe the contents of the summary, it was probably that he drew a big pie for the Imperial Academy.

But the specific steps on how to make the pie are not mentioned at all.

When Han Xiao appeared in front of him with Abatui, a living 'experimental product', Azar naturally acquiesced to the deal between the two parties.

So of course he also wanted to see the specific steps of Han Xiao's next experiment.

Ley veins, soul fragments, energy...

While looking at the specific arrangements for the experiment of the heroic transformation plan in the document, the great sage Azar murmured to himself, with a fiery light flashing in his eyes.

Use special instruments to go deep into the earth's veins, then search for the corresponding soul fragments, and finally use huge energy to awaken your consciousness.

Although the document does not specify what the specially-made instrument is, and how to search for the corresponding soul fragments in the earth's veins.

But Azar didn't care, just thinking that these were Han Xiao's exclusive methods.

After all, with Abatuyi's 'experimental finished product' in front of him, he just needs these things to be put into use directly.

However, there was one thing in the document that made Azar very concerned.

Mr. Roman, are you sure that the experiment requires a huge amount of energy to awaken consciousness?


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