With the beautiful sound of the piano, countless inspirations burst out and defeated my blocked thoughts.

The academic problems that had troubled me for a long time were successfully solved in that moment.

You changed your view on art because you were inspired by a musical?

After listening to Abatui's story, Han Xiao asked with interest.

That's not true.

Abatuyi glared at Han Xiao angrily, wondering how a long-standing concept could be changed by just a musical.

Did something happen next, Mr. Abatuyi?

Nilu on the side was not disappointed, but became even more curious about what happened next.

Well, after the inspiration burst, I quickly solved my academic problems, but the way I obtained inspiration made me question my view of art.

“I began to wonder if it was art that gave me the inspiration to solve my problems?”

So I made a move that many people at the college didn't understand. I started coming to the theater in the Grand Bazaar one day a week.

Gradually, I fell in love with opera, dance, etc... What surprised me even more was that my nerves, which had been oppressed by studying for a long time, were completely relaxed, and my learning efficiency increased instead of decreasing.

My perspective has changed since then.

Regarding the change in his thoughts, Abatuyi gave what he considered to be a more objective summary:

My current view is that art may not be able to actually promote reality like various academic schools.

But whether it is art forms such as opera or dance, they can relieve a person's tense nerves a lot, and they have already played a supporting role.

Chapter 493: Guide Setale

Thank you, Mr. Abatuyi, your words today have strengthened my belief.

Outside the teahouse, Nilu, who was about to leave, solemnly thanked Han Xiao and Abatuyi who stood up to see her off.

Since the celebration of the Flower Goddess’ birthday when she was eight years old, Nilu seemed to have seen thousands of flowers blooming on the stage.

It was from that moment that she fell in love with dancing.

However, being born in Xumi, a city that values ​​reason and wisdom, Nilu knew in her heart that the Order had always looked down on people who sang and danced.

But for her, wisdom is the meaning given to Sumeru by the gods, and art is the meaning that humans pursue.

Now hearing Abatui's personal account of his change in attitude toward art made Nilu more convinced that art is not as useless as the sages of the Order see it.

No need to thank you. I'm glad that my experience can help Miss Nilu.

Then I'll take my leave first. Mr. Roman and Mr. Abatuyi are welcome to come to Zubair to watch my performance if you have time.


I didn't expect that Xumi and Nilu would be such great dancers.

Looking at Nilu's leaving figure, Han Xiao already knew from Abatuyi's previous narration that Nilu was the most famous dancer in Sumeru. This made him feel that the world is really wonderful.

It is obviously a place that is least accepting of art, but a great dance master was born.

Isn't this wonderful?


Hearing Han Xiao's emotion, Abatuyi also agreed with it, and at the same time did not forget to add:

The super-big businessman Sange Mahabhai of Sumeru once commented that Miss Nilu didn't understand her own value at all.

Sange Mahabhai?

Isn't that Dolly?

Knowing that Dolly, who was deeply in love with Amora, had once commented on Nilu, Han Xiao suddenly became interested:

What...what exactly did Sange Mahabhai say?

Seeing that Han Xiao was interested in Mr. Sangge Mahabhai's evaluation of Nilu, Abatui did not hide anything and directly told the news he knew:

She said that Miss Nelu would not be able to maximize her value by just staying in Xumi, and that staying at the Zubair Theater all the time is really too humiliating.

Even if Miss Nelu is willing to hold a tour throughout Tiwat, she will definitely make a lot of money.

It's interesting. It seems I have to find time to see it with my own eyes.

Although she knew that Nilu's dance was very popular among ordinary people in Xumi, Han Xiao did not expect that even Dolly, a person who only cared about Maura, thought that Nilu's dance was very good, and even thought that she would definitely be able to hold a tour show. Make a fortune.

This gave him the idea of ​​seeing Nilu dance with his own eyes.

You will never be disappointed!

Hearing that Han Xiao had the idea of ​​watching Nilu's dance, Abatuyi immediately assured her, patting her chest.

Wait a minute, Abatui.

Just when Abatui was about to continue how beautiful Anlinilu's dance was, the corner of Han Xiao's eyes glanced at a figure that was obviously coming towards them, and he immediately interrupted the other person's words:

We seem to have... guests!


Hearing what Han Xiao said, Abatuyi couldn't help but follow Han Xiao's gaze. When he saw the figure walking towards them in the distance, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows:

Setale, it's her who's here?

Why is she so famous in the Order Academy?

Well, we'll talk about it later, she's here!

Seeing Setale who was almost in front of them, Abatui closed his mouth.

Seeing this, Han Xiaojin suppressed the doubts in his heart and turned his gaze in the direction of Setale.

Long time no see, Abatuyi.

When Setale came to the two of them, she first said hello to Abatuyi, and then looked at Han Xiao:

This should be Mr. Romani, right?

Hello, my name is Setare. I believe Mr. Romani must have heard my name from Abatui.

It seems that you are the envoy sent by the Order to negotiate, Miss Setare?

It's really me.

Setale nodded slightly, confirming Han Xiao's guess.

Sir Azar hopes to find a time to meet with you two. What do you think?

That's why we're here, isn't it?

Hearing Setale's suggestion, the corners of Han Xiao's mouth raised slightly.

These sages in the Order Academy are really interesting.

Mr. Romani must be coming to Sumeru for the first time. Why don't you let me be your guide to show you around first?

Seeing that the other party agreed happily, Setale followed Azar's previous request and extended an invitation to Han Xiao to accompany him.

Hearing this, Han Xiao glanced at Abatuyi subconsciously.

Although he had already gone shopping once before, he did not disappoint the fun, but agreed with a smile on his face:

Then we will be disrespectful!


Under Setale's guidance, Han Xiao and Abatui visited Sumeru again.

What made Han Xiao very concerned was that the place the other party took them to visit happened to be a place Abatuyi had not taken him to see before.

After checking into the hotel specially arranged for them by Setale, as soon as they entered the room, Abatui came to the window and looked down at the other person's leaving back, and said in a faint tone:

Roman, do you know why Setare offered to take us to visit Sumeru?

How could I not see something so obvious?

Hearing Abatui's question, Han Xiao shrugged.

They entered Xumi without any cover-up. Logically speaking, those in the Order should have known through the void that Abatui had taken him around Xumi City.

Even though Setare knew this, she still invited them to visit Sumeru, and even visited places they had never seen before.

I made it clear just to tell them how strong the control of the Order Academy was over Xumi.

Han Xiao had already been mentally prepared for this.

He is more concerned about another thing now.

Abatui, do you know this Setare?

So we know each other.

Abatuyi nodded noncommittally.

She is well known in the Order.

Oh, tell me?

You should see that Setare's skin color is a little different.


Han Xiao thought about it subconsciously, and then said:

It does seem a bit wheaty.

That's because she is a desert citizen.

As he spoke, Abatui sighed:

Most of the people in the desert believe in the Red King, and they have been in conflict with Xumi for hundreds of years.

You said that as a desert citizen who grew up in the Red King's religious environment, Setale could become a highly trusted subordinate of the sages of the Order.

How can such a person not be famous in the eyes of the students of the Teaching Academy?

Chapter 494 Meeting with Azar

People of the desert?

Hearing Abatuyi mention Setale's origin, Han Xiao suddenly realized.

Before coming to Xumi, he had heard that some Xumi people lived in the desert area all year round and were the people of the former Red King.

Because of different beliefs, there have always been conflicts within Xumi.

In this way, Setale, as a desert citizen, is deeply trusted by the sages of the Order. She is indeed quite capable!

While Han Xiao was deep in thought, Abatuyi continued to speak:

And she was the one who informed me when I was expelled from Xumi City.

No wonder you know her.

Han Xiao couldn't help but chuckle when she learned that apart from being famous herself, Setale also had such a connection with Abatuyi.

No wonder the other party's tone was extremely weird when he mentioned Setare.

Let's not talk about this anymore. The Teaching Council has already taken action. What are you going to do next?

Easily ignoring his own embarrassment, Abatui quickly asked Han Xiao how to deal with the Order Academy.

I'm here to make a deal, not to cause havoc.

Leaning her back on the chair and holding her hands in front of her chest, Han Xiao had a calm expression on her face, as if she didn't seem to care about the 'hint' of the Order.

Although he agreed to Nasida's contract to help her solve Xumi's troubles, he would not fall out with the Order immediately.

Firstly, Nacida is also very concerned about the progress of the Heroic Spiritualization Plan, and secondly, the Heart of God is still in the hands of the great sage Azar.

Han Xiao also planned to smoothly take the Heart of God from the opponent's hand, and by the way, complete the final phase of the experiment of the Order Academy's plan to transform the hero into a spirit.

It is indeed possible to take action directly, but doing so will only add to the trouble and is not in his interest.


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