Hearing Han Xiao's sigh, Abatui couldn't help but have a look of recollection on his face.

When he was studying in Xumi City, whenever he was overwhelmed by the complicated studies, he would choose to come to the Grand Bazaar to relax.

Let's go, I'll take you for a nice walk!

Then I want to experience it.


On the other side, while Han Xiao and Abatuyi were visiting the Grand Bazaar, the Great Sage Azar also selected a candidate.

Setare, do you understand the mission?

Yes, Great Sage.

The scholar named Setale bowed respectfully to the great sage Azar, and then said seriously:

Go to the Grand Bazaar to find the once-expelled scholar Abatui and his companions, and understand their purpose of coming to Xumi.

very good.

Azar nodded with satisfaction and immediately waved his hand.

Setare, I'm waiting for your good news.


Watching Setale leave, another scholar Uday came out from the corner behind Azar.

Lord Azar, is it really okay to entrust such an important task to her?

Uday, do you think I sent Setare to get information as I said?

Azar's eyes were still looking at the direction Setale left, and he said quietly:

Ha...it would be strange if the information could be obtained so easily.

Then why are you?

Uday couldn't help but be surprised when he heard Azar's truth.

Since there is no hope that Setale can get information from Abatuyi, why send her there?

Seemingly sensing Uday's confusion, Azar withdrew his gaze, turned his gaze to the other party, and explained meaningfully:

The reason why I sent Setale is just to inform the other party that the Order is paying attention to them.

Azar didn't care at all whether Setale could complete her mission.

He was just conveying a message to Abatui and the mysterious Romani Solomon through Setale.


His eyes turned back to Han Xiao.

This is the most famous Zubair Theater in Xumiru.

After taking Hanxiao to eat, drink and have fun in the Grand Bazaar, Abatuyi took him to the last large theater and introduced him proudly:

Every night, dancers from all over Sumeru will perform on the stage at Zubair Theater.

The most famous dancer among them is Miss Nelu.

Tsk, it seems you are really familiar with this place. Did you come here often when you were in school?

Seeing Abatuyi's introduction that was not unfamiliar at all, Han Xiao couldn't help but clicked her tongue, and then teased him with a smile on her face.

You're right. Whenever I'm stuck in school, I come here to watch a show.

Contrary to Han Xiao's expectation, in the face of his ridicule, Abatuyi admitted without hesitation that he did come here often to watch performances.

Oh, didn't it mean that Xumi scholars have always looked down on dance and other artistic activities?

Seeing Abatuyi's generous admission, Han Xiao was a little confused.

Judging from the information I got from Nasida before, doesn't it mean that scholars in Xumi are very resistant to cultural activities such as dance, thinking that these have no effect on academics?

Even if some scholars like it, they will choose to hide it because of the influence of the general environment. Why is it the other way around when it comes to Abatuyi?

The other party didn't seem to shy away from being a frequent visitor to the Zubair Theater, and seemed quite proud of it.

This is really strange.

Hey, this involves a divergence of two ideas.

Seeing Han Xiao mentioning the Imperial Academy's views on dance, Abatui immediately sneered.

Since the founding of the nation of Xumi, under the leadership of King Daci Shu, Xumi has become a kingdom of wisdom, spawning a large number of scholars who advocate reason and wisdom.

Under the influence of this ideological trend, relatively perceptual art does not occupy a mainstream position.

Although there were some signs of this situation when King Daci Shu was still there, at least the two parties were harmonious and there was no major conflict.

But since five hundred years ago, the situation has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Art genres that focus on sensibility, such as dance and singing, have been suppressed by the Imperial Academy in an unprecedented way.

After five hundred years of fermentation, art based on sensibility has basically disappeared in Xumi, and now only the Grand Bazaar has some remnants.

At this time, Xumi, once you say that you like dancing, you will immediately be looked down upon by other students in the teaching academy.

Is the disagreement so serious?

After hearing Abatui's explanation, Han Xiao couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

In the previous life on earth, art and science also had differences, and there were also people who shouted that art was useless.

I didn't expect to see this scene in Teyvat.

But he soon came back to his senses and set his sights on Abatuyi:

Then why are you not like other students of the Teaching Academy? It stands to reason that you also grew up accepting this concept, right?

“Originally, my attitude towards art was indeed similar to other people’s.”

Upon hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Abatuyi's eyes moved slightly, and he spoke of his past encounters in a sad tone.

Growing up in a country like Xumi that values ​​reason and wisdom, he was no different from other people when he was a child. They all felt that art could neither be used for research nor bring substantial progress to people's lives, and was a useless thing. thing.

This concept stayed with Abatui until he entered the Order Academy to study.

Then how did you change?

Knowing that the former Abatui, like most people in the Order Academy, looked down on art, Han Xiao immediately became interested.

He wanted to know what was the reason for the other party to undergo such earth-shaking changes.

I want to know too!

Suddenly, a melodious female voice sounded in their ears, interrupting their conversation.

Han Xiao and Abatuyi looked around at the same time and saw a beautiful red-haired girl standing behind them from unknown time, looking at them apologetically.

I'm really sorry for accidentally overhearing the conversation between the two of you!

Chapter 492: The Change of Abatuyi’s Thoughts

The girl who appeared in front of Han Xiao and Abatuyi had waist-length red twin-tail hair and emerald green eyes.

The whole body is dressed in a sea blue hollow dance costume designed to imitate the figure of the legendary Flower Goddess. The split design of the skirt fully shows off the girl's graceful figure.

Miss Nilu?

Seeing the appearance of the visitor, Abatuyi shouted in surprise.

Is this the top dancer Miss Nilu you mentioned before?

Hearing Abatuyi call out the name of the person, Han Xiao subconsciously looked at the red-haired horned girl standing in front of them, with a look of surprise on her face.

Although he hasn't seen the other party's dancing yet, his good looks and dance clothes that highlight his figure are already very beautiful.

Sir, you are joking. Top dancers are too complimentary.

Regarding Han Xiao's comments, the red-haired girl, or Nilu, smiled sheepishly. She was really flattered by this straightforward compliment.

No, no, no, this is not a compliment but a fact!

Abatuyi, who came back to his senses, couldn't help but reveal the excitement of the fans when they saw their idol, and he spread his words of praise as if they were free of charge:

Deep in Sumeru, you must not miss Miss Nilu's performance. This is the consensus of many Sumeru people!

Calm down Abatuyi!

Han Xiao glanced at Nilu, whose face turned red after being praised, raised her hand and gave Abatui a 'death grip' on the head.

Ah...Roman, it hurts!

Pressing Abatuyi's head with one hand and applying slight force, Han Xiao said apologetically to Nilu as he cried out in pain:

I'm sorry, Miss Nelu, my name is Romani Solomon, you can just call me Roman.

This is Abatuyi. He is your fan so he may be a little excited to see you. Please don't take it personally.

It's okay Mr. Roman, just call me Nilu.

Nilu first saluted Han Xiao, then looked at Abatuyi who was holding his head:

And Mr. Abatuyi, thank you for your love for me.

Miss Nilu...hiss!

Seeing that Abatui seemed to be going crazy again, Han Xiao interrupted him unceremoniously:

Miss Nilu, there is a teahouse over there, why don't we sit down and talk slowly?

Then I would be disrespectful.

Hearing Han Xiao's invitation, Nilu nodded happily.

Then the three of them came to the teahouse and found a relatively secluded place to sit down.

As soon as they sat down, Nilu took the lead and apologized to the two of them:

I accidentally overheard your conversation, Mr. Roman, and spoke without permission. I'm really sorry.

Don't worry, Miss Nilu.

Han Xiao waved her hand to indicate that the other party didn't have to do this. They weren't talking about anything secret.

Then he turned his attention to Abatuyi, who was rubbing his head with his hands.

Presumably Miss Nilu also wanted to know why Abatui changed her views on art before subconsciously speaking. Am I right?


Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Nilu hummed softly.

She had just finished training and was about to go home from the theater. When she passed by Han Xiao and Abatuyi, she happened to hear the conversation between the two.

Then she was attracted by the content of their words, and it wasn't until she heard that Abatuyi's views on art had changed that she couldn't help but speak.

Thinking of this, Nilu turned her gaze to Abatuyi who had calmed down:

Mr. Abatuyi, could you please continue what we just said?

No problem at all!

In response to Nilu's request, Abatui nodded without hesitation. After sorting out his thoughts, he told the two of them about the change in his thoughts.

As I just said, from a young age to the first two years of studying at the academy, my views on art were no different from those of most students at the Academy. They all believed that art was not helpful to academics.

Until I encountered an academic problem, my whole mind was completely blocked. It was really uncomfortable at that time.

Talking about the days when his thoughts were blocked, Abatuyi still has lingering fears.

The feeling of having a problem right in front of you but not having a single solution in your mind can really drive you crazy.

I was troubled by my studies because I couldn't solve the problem, so I lived in a haze every day, and my mind was a mess.

It was at this time that I accidentally walked to the Grand Bazaar, which I didn't like to come to on weekdays. When I came to my senses and was about to leave, a beautiful piano sound stopped me in my tracks.

Following the sound of the piano, I came to the Zubair Theater at that time, and what was presented to me was a grand musical.

The refreshing melody and elegant dance posture suddenly stopped me in place. The disdain for art in the past suddenly disappeared, and all that was left was my thoughts dancing to the melody.

Recalling the way he was stunned at the bottom of the stage, Abatuyi smiled with nostalgia.

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