Han Xiao put all the experimental machines into the jade pendant, and then carried out a simple cleanup of the underground laboratory with Abatuyi.

After doing all this, the two set foot on the road to Huachengguo.

According to Abatuyi, his previous laboratory was in the deepest part of the pollution zone not far from Huachengguo.

How did you come up with the idea of ​​putting the lab there?

Walking along the path between the woods, Han Xiao couldn't help but ask the doubts in her heart.

The pollution zone in the Sumeru Rainforest has always been a hot topic among Sumeru people. Even experienced rangers find it quite a headache.

How could Abatuyi, a powerless researcher before him, think of setting up his laboratory in such a dangerous place?

Because I'm poor.

Faced with Han Xiao's doubts, Abatuyi, who was following behind him, simply stated his reasons.

If possible, he would naturally want to choose a location where earth vein activities are frequent and there is no great harm.

But how could there be no harm in a place with frequent earth line activities? The only way to do this was to spend a high price to purchase a purification device from the Order Institute.

A scholar like him who had been expelled from the Ecclesiastical Council and had little research funds himself could not obtain a purification device at all, and even if he could obtain it, he would not be able to afford it.

Therefore, the only option is to set up a laboratory in a contaminated area.

Although the danger increased exponentially, it also allowed him to avoid the attacks of monsters.

What a perfect reason.

Knowing that the reason why Abatui chose to build a laboratory in the pollution zone was because of insufficient funds, Han Xiao had to admit that this was indeed an unsolvable reason.

It seems that Mr. Roman has never had any troubles in this area, which is really enviable!

Seeing Han Xiao's belated look, Abatui's tone couldn't help but turn sour.

He finally figured it out. The owner in front of him seemed to have never been short of money, so he didn't immediately think of the reason.

that's the truth.

Ever since she traveled to the continent of Teyvat, Han Xiao has never been short of money since she was a child.

When I was young, I grew up in a noble family, and all the treatment was basically just a little worse than the main line. In Liyue, I was still at the level of a young master.

After becoming independent, he mastered a unique craft, which not only caused the industry to get involved, but also made a lot of money.

As for now, let alone that.

The current Han Xiao can be just like the person in the previous life, saying in a calm and calm tone, I have never touched money! ’.

Chapter 477 Weird Laboratory

Your place is quite hidden!

A few days later, when Han Xiao, led by Abatuyi, walked around a large contaminated area and finally arrived at the extended experimental site, he couldn't help but sigh.

The other party is really good at drilling.

No one would have thought that someone would build an experimental site in such a dangerous place.

Nonsense. I was expelled by the Order Council in the name of researching a forbidden field. Naturally, I cannot conduct experiments openly.

Hearing Han Xiao's sigh, Abatuyi replied angrily.

If possible, he wouldn't want to build the laboratory in such a dangerous place.

Back then, he didn't even have the eyes of God. He was just an ordinary person. Running to a place like this was no different than seeking death.

Oh no, maybe I got sick and died because I stayed in this polluted area for too long.

Forget it, why are you thinking so much?

Forcibly suppressing the chaotic emotions, Abatuyi turned to look at Han Xiao. Because they had a good relationship during this period of time together, there was a hint of ridicule in his tone:

Speaking of which, Roman, you seem to be no better than me, right?

Your research is more taboo than mine, otherwise you wouldn't have chosen to build a laboratory in an underground cave, right?

Uh...that's right.

Thinking that if he was discovered, he would definitely be chased by the maintainer of heavenly principles to carry out the experiment, Han Xiao suddenly felt that what the other party said was absolutely correct.

The experiments he did were really more dangerous than Abatui's.

Han Xiao, who didn't want to continue this topic, quickly looked around at the dusty experimental site and chose to change the topic:

Where's your mechanical creation Kakata? It looks like no one has been here for a long time?

Honestly, I'm weirded out too.

Hearing Han Xiao talk about business, Abatui, who was standing aside, couldn't help but cast his sights on this familiar experimental site.

Everything here is basically the same as before his death. Even the thick dust on the machines proves that no one has been here for a long time.

However, he had clearly set many programs for Kakata before the illness occurred, just to prevent Kakata from being able to survive according to the program instructions after he was gone.

However, the dusty experimental site clearly told Abatui that Kakata had not been back here for a long time.

I remember that I entered in the command that this is the habitat of Kakata. Why didn't there be any traces left?

Are you sure you entered your instructions correctly?

Han Xiao raised her eyebrows and then expressed her guess:

Could it be that you were too ill at the time and made a mistake in typing?


Facing Han Xiao's hypothesis, Abatuyi denied it without hesitation.

I was indeed very ill at the time, but I had already entered the command before. This command was in effect until I died. There could be no such thing as an input error.

Then the situation before us, can you explain what is going on?

Han Xiao squatted down, stretched out his index finger and lightly scratched the ground, and his fingertips were immediately covered with thick dust.

The dust is so thick that no one has cleaned this place for a long time.

And if you look at it yourself, there is no trace of movement of objects in the entire laboratory. It would make sense if your creation can fly.

Kakata can't fly.

now it's right.

After taking out a handkerchief from Yu Perry and wiping the dust off her fingertips, Han Xiao crossed her arms over her chest and looked at Abatuyi, who had a thoughtful look on his face.

Since it can't fly, do you think it looks like it has been here?


Facing Han Xiao's 'killing' blow, Abatuyi was speechless for a moment.

He had to admit that what the other party said was reasonable. His mechanical creation Kakata might really have left the experimental site after his death and never came back.

What do you think...well, Kakata, right? Where do you think Kakata will go?

I have no idea.

Abatuyi frowned and did not relax at all, and his mind was constantly thinking about why Kakata did not follow the instructions.

I originally thought that I would see Kakata when I arrived at the experimental site, but the other party did not obey the instructions and left. This has never happened before.

Abatui, come quickly!

Just when Abatui was still thinking about Kakata's strange behavior, Han Xiao's voice suddenly rang in his ears.

Looking in the direction of the sound, he found that the other party had walked to a corner of the laboratory while he was thinking, and was standing in front of a large cabinet.


With some doubts, Abatuyi walked quickly to Han Xiao's side and glanced at the inside of the cabinet.

However, this sweep made him stunned.

The inner wall of the wooden cabinet was covered with a thick layer of iron, and the opening was sealed tightly with a layer of transparent glass.

And there are huge ice cubes stored in the cabinet.

Of course, the ice cube is not the point. The point is that there is a person, or a corpse, frozen inside the ice cube.

It is Abatuyi's original body.

Ice freezing and sealing, tsk tsk, this preservation technology is okay!

Looking at the lifeless body in the ice, Han Xiao couldn't help but click his tongue, commented on it with interest, and gave it a high evaluation.

After finishing his review, he turned to Abatuyi, who had turned into a wooden man, with a teasing tone in his voice:

Don't tell me this was also arranged before your death?

...Would you believe me if I said I had no idea what this was all about?

Hearing that Han Xiao was teasing, Abatuyi stretched out his hand to cover his forehead and said with a headache on his face.

To be honest, the moment I saw my body with my own eyes, the shock was really indescribable.

But what confused him even more was that the time between his illness and death was very short, and it was completely sudden.

At that time, his mind was occupied with how to give consciousness to the mechanical body, and he never thought about arranging his own funeral arrangements.

Kakata disappeared mysteriously, and his body was perfectly preserved.

These strange things really confused Abatuyi's mind.

You don't know?

Hearing Abatuyi's answer, Han Xiao subconsciously raised her tone of voice, and looked at the other person with a strange look in her eyes.

But seeing that the other party didn't seem to be lying, he immediately fell silent again, and his eyebrows gradually gathered as he thought.

Soon, after all possible guesses were eliminated, a bold guess slowly took shape in Han Xiao's heart.

Chapter 478 Abatuyi’s Request

Abatui, I have a guess now. Do you want to hear it?

Looking at the other party's perfectly preserved body frozen in ice, Han Xiao pinched her chin and suddenly spoke to break the silence.

What did you think of?

Perhaps your body was restrained and preserved by Kakata.


When he heard Han Xiao's guess, Abatuyi opened his mouth subconsciously, and an incredible look flashed in his eyes.

After a moment, he reacted and shook his head violently, denying loudly:

No, no, no, this is impossible!

How is it impossible?

Seeing Abatuyi's very firm negative attitude, Han Xiao couldn't help but raise her eyebrows and asked directly.

Because I have never set up such a program!

In response to Han Xiao's rhetorical question, Abatui gave his explanation without hesitation.

As a scholar who studies machinery, he did set many program instructions for Kakata, but there was absolutely no instruction to preserve his own body.

Wouldn't it be possible to act according to one's own wishes without program instructions?

what do you mean?

As Han Xiao finished speaking, Abatuyi was stunned and looked at the other party in disbelief.

What is he saying?

Act on your own terms?

How could it be possible? How could Kakata... act according to his own wishes?

Abatuyi was about to retort, but when he saw Han Xiao's serious expression, he suddenly didn't know what to say.

What I mean is simple.

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