It's not that Han Xiao has any domineering attitude, which can be believed unconditionally.

The main reason is that Abatui has his own obsession, which is to give life to machinery.

At the same time, it was also because of this reason that he was expelled from the Imperial Academy. As a result, he had to save money and divert research funds. In the end, he died of an illness because he had no money to take medicine.

I thought I would die with regrets, but I didn't expect that my consciousness would be awakened by Han Xiao in the earth veins, and the other party would also make an exciting suggestion to him.

Therefore, Abatuyi, who could not let go of his obsession, chose to agree to Han Xiao's participation in the experiment.


Good view, underground laboratory.

Unlike the mysterious laboratories under dim lights in movies and TV dramas, the entire underground space has long been filled with luminous crystals by Han Xiao.

However, the laboratory environment has changed dramatically.

The machines originally arranged according to the summoning circle had already been put away by Han Xiao, and were replaced by a rectangular operating table in the center of the venue.

Our protagonist is now standing in front of the operating table.

Mr. Roman, I suggest adding three more gear parts to the knee joint.

In front of the operating table, a small doll stood on Han Xiao's shoulder, looking at the mechanical skeleton lying on the operating table seriously and said.

Yes, you read that right, lying on the operating table is a humanoid skeleton made by machinery.


Because it allows me to move my joints more flexibly.

Mr. Abatuyi, are you really sure you want to use machinery to make the skeleton?

After hearing the advice given to her by the doll, Han Xiao couldn't help but put down the tools in her hands and asked her doubts.

The ritual to summon consciousness from the earth's veins was successful, and the fragment of Abatui's soul is now located in the doll body on his shoulder.

His original plan was to carve a human-like body for the opponent to use. Although it was not comparable to the human body, the difference was not that big.

As a result, Abatuyi, who woke up in the doll's body, directly denied his plan after hearing it.

This is also the reason why Han Xiao is currently making a mechanical skeleton.

Because the other party wants to replace all the internal bones of his new body with machinery.

My dream is to make machines come to life. Humanoid machines are my ultimate goal.

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, the puppet carrying Abatuyi's soul jumped from the opponent's shoulder to the operating table. He looked at the mechanical skeleton that was gradually taking shape on the table and slowly expressed his thoughts.

In Abatui's view, Han Xiao's plan to make a doll body for herself to carry her soul was actually a good suggestion.

Just like the doll body he's sitting on now, except that it's a little smaller, it doesn't feel much different from the human body.

However, he is obsessed with mechanical life and is not satisfied with a movable body.

Before, he had no way to transform his body because he had no one to help him and lacked funds.

But isn't there an excellent opportunity right now? With Han Xiao's help, he can become a mechanical life form.

You are really crazy.

After understanding Abatui's thoughts, Han Xiao couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth a few times, and her eyes showed a speechless look.

He really didn't expect that he would encounter followers of the Mechanical Ascension Sect in the continent of Teyvat.

I'm just practicing my academic skills.

Abatuyi didn't mind Han Xiao's comments very much.

His idea was resisted by the Order Council a long time ago, and he was expelled for this reason.


He raised his head and looked at Han Xiao, with a hint of teasing in his tone:

Mr. Roman, your actions are no better than mine.

His thoughts were considered heretical by the Order Council, but Han Xiao's experiment of extracting people from the earth's veins was actually taboo.

Everyone is playing 'taboo', let alone the eldest brother.


Hearing Abatuyi's teasing, Han Xiao couldn't help but chuckle, agreeing with the other party's statement.

The concept of mechanical life is heretical in the eyes of the Order. His hands on the continent of Teyvat are more dangerous than the other party.

If the maintainer of heavenly principles had not fallen into a deep sleep, Han Xiao would not have dared to experiment with the earth veins so openly.

Then shall we continue?

Seeing that Han Xiao agreed with his statement, Abatuyi pointed at the mechanical skeleton on the operating table that had not yet been completely formed.

He can't wait to see the birth of this mechanical body.



Three days flew by.

This morning, Han Xiao suddenly walked out of the underground laboratory and came to the surface of Shan Jianji.

The long-lost sunshine!

Standing there with his head raised, feeling the warmth of the sun shining on his body, Han Xiao couldn't help but narrowed his eyes in comfort.

Although after becoming a demon, the environment will not cause damage to his body, but the habits he has developed over the years still make him prefer the sun.

After bathing in the sunshine for a while, Han Xiao seemed to have thought of something and quickly turned to look at the hole leading to the underground laboratory:

Mr. Abatuyi, why don't you come out and bask in the sun?

Hold on...

Not long after Han Xiao finished speaking, another voice came from the cave, and then he heard the crunching sound of stepping on leaves in his ears.

Soon, a staggering figure came out of the cave.

The only difference from ordinary people is that this figure seems to have not walked for a long time, and it has a shaky feeling when walking.

If I had to describe it, it would be like an old man.

Is it really okay, Mr. Abatuyi?

When the figure wandered from the cave to his side, Han Xiao couldn't help but ask.

I haven't walked for so long that I kind of forgot how to walk. I'll just wait until I get used to it.

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Abatuyi waved his hand in embarrassment.

Maybe it was because I had been dead for a while, and some of my hands and feet were a bit unresponsive after regaining my body. I believe that after a few days of familiarity, I can return to the original state.

That's good.

Looking at the bionic mechanical doll that was exactly the same as Abatui in the sun, Han Xiao couldn't help but turn her gaze to the direction of Xumi City and said faintly:

Mr. Abatuyi, are you mentally prepared for what I'm going to do next?

You're going to the Order Academy, right?

Hearing Han Xiao's words, Abatui, who was playing with his body, also stopped what he was doing and raised his head to look at the other person.

Chapter 476 Han Xiao: I have never touched money

As for why Han Xiao chose to 'resurrection' herself, Abatuyi had already received a clear explanation when he underwent the experiment.

That was because Han Xiao had reached a deal with the sages of the Order Academy, and he was the 'display sample' that was essential in the deal.

In fact, Abatuyi knew very well that once he appeared in front of the sages of the Order Academy, he would definitely undergo a long and extremely strict physical examination.

Even so, facing Han Xiao who could allow him to return to the human world again, he still chose to agree, even if the price behind it was not small.

Because Kakata was still waiting for him, he couldn't just give up.

When do we leave?

So when he heard Han Xiao ask whether he was mentally prepared, Abatuyi just remained silent for a moment before showing his determination to the other party.

No rush, we can take a detour first.

Seeing Abatui's expression of I'm ready to die at any time, Han Xiao couldn't help but chuckle, and then cast his gaze deep into the rain forest.

Your consciousness is...

Following the other person's gaze, Abatui's eyes couldn't help but widen, and his words became stuttering.

Is this the detour that I had in mind?

Under Abatui's expectation, Han Xiao nodded:

Didn't you say before that you have a mechanical creation Kakata? Maybe before going to the Order Academy, we can go and see the other party's current situation.

...Thank you.

Hearing Han Xiao's answer, Abatuyi pursed his lips subconsciously, and then thanked him dryly.


In the next few days, in the underground laboratory, Abatuyi continued to perform physical rehabilitation treatments such as walking, running and jumping, and at the same time, with the help of Han Xiao, he stabilized the inner spirit built based on the soul fragments. nuclear'.

At the same time, in order to prevent Abatuyi's spiritual core from being decoupled from his body, Han Xiao had already engraved the soul-solidifying magic circle inside when building his body.

We're leaving tomorrow, how do you feel?

The day before departure, looking at Abatuyi who was still recovering, Han Xiao asked with concern.

“It’s much better than before, but it’s still a bit out of control from time to time.”

Abatuyi, who was recovering, stopped immediately when he heard Han Xiao's inquiry, and then gave his answer with a troubled expression.

At first he thought he had simply not walked for so long that he had temporarily forgotten his body's behavioral habits.

However, after several days of rehabilitation, although the effect was good, I still couldn't control my body as I wanted, and there were always 'breakpoints' problems from time to time.

Thinking of this, Abatui couldn't help but laugh at himself at Han Xiao:

I heard that magic scale disease can cause patients to lose control of their bodies. Now I feel that my situation is very similar to theirs.

Demon scale disease is much more painful than yours.

Han Xiao glared at Abatuyi for comparing himself to a patient with demon scale disease, and then explained to him the root cause of this situation.

The main reason why your limbs are uncoordinated now is that your soul and body are not completely stable together.

When the two are completely combined, this problem will disappear naturally.

The unstable union of soul and body?

When Han Xiao explained this, Abatuyi suddenly understood.

So my current situation is that two brand new parts are assembled together. Although they match, the running-in is not smooth because no lubricant is added?


After hearing Abatuyi's mechanical explanation, Han Xiao thought about it carefully and found that the explanation was actually quite accurate.

In addition to the bionic muscle tissue in Abatui's current body, all the internal bones have been replaced with mechanical metal.

The parameters of his current body are definitely different from those before. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a new 'part'.

And Abatui's soul has become accustomed to the previous body parameters, so when facing the new body, there will naturally be some discomfort.

That's good.

Abatuyi breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not just that his body hasn't been fully adjusted because of his rehabilitation.

Abatuyi then turned his attention to Han Xiao:

Except for this little problem, everything else is normal. There will be no problem at all when we set off tomorrow.


The next day, early morning.

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