Seeing that the other party was frozen in place, looking at a loss, Han Xiao sighed deeply, with a strange sigh on his face:

Perhaps the numerous instructions you entered have made you lose your ability to judge. Perhaps Kakata was able to act according to his own subjective wishes a long time ago. impossible.

When Han Xiao made a conjecture that he had never dared to think about, Abatuyi subconsciously wanted to deny it.

It's just that... looking at the other party's serious expression, and thinking of a series of unconventional situations in the experimental site, it seems to prove that Han Xiao's guess may be true.

Nothing is impossible.

Han Xiao stretched out her hand and knocked on the glass cover that sealed the wooden cabinet. Every knock seemed to hit Abatuyi's heart hard.

Obviously your wish is to give machines life consciousness, so why is it you who refuses to believe it in the end?


Facing Han Xiao's soul questioning, Abatuyi always remained silent.

He didn't know how long it took before he slowly opened his mouth and said in a slightly hoarse tone:

Because this is beyond my knowledge, Roman.

As mentioned before, as a scholar studying the field of machinery, Abatui's own abilities and knowledge reserves are not bad.

But he has always been very clear that at his own level, he is still a little short of giving machines life and consciousness.

But for his dream, Abatuyi did not choose to give up and kept moving towards his goal until his death.

But now that Han Xiao told him that his research might have been successful long ago, this was really unacceptable to Abatuyi intellectually.

Obviously Kakata had never behaved strangely during his lifetime...

Is there really no difference, or did you subconsciously ignore it?

After listening to Abatuyi's explanation, Han Xiao moved his eyes away from the other party, fell on the frozen body in the wooden cabinet again, and said in a faint tone.

Unfortunately, when faced with Han Xiao's questions, Abatuyi chose to respond with silence.

The conversation between the two ended in silence.


After half a day, Han Xiao and Abatuyi finally cleaned the dusty laboratory.

However, during this period, Abatui remained silent, as if he had not recovered from the previous conversation.

Han Xiao did not interrupt the other party's thinking.

After all, Abatuyi needs to figure this out himself.

As the experimental site became tidy, the sky gradually became darker.

A bonfire was lit by Han Xiao, and he and Abatuyi sat around the bonfire.

Crack - crack -

The sound of burning and crackling firewood rang in their ears. Looking at the flames twisting in the air, Abatuyi, who had been silent all afternoon, suddenly spoke to break the silence.


What's wrong?

Maybe you are right. In the past half day, I have recalled all Kakata's behavior from the time he was born to my death.

As you said, Kakata has actually had abnormal behavior a long time ago, but I never noticed it.

Picking up a piece of firewood and throwing it into the bonfire, Abatui stared at the firewood swallowed by the flames, and his tone became a little more decadent.

Because the answer Han Xiao gave was too unexpected, Abatuyi had to carefully recall Kakata's daily behavior during the half day.

With this recollection, he discovered that Kakata had indeed behaved beyond the program instructions a long time ago.

It's just that at that time, I was so focused on research that I completely ignored this subtle change.

Little did he realize that Kakata had actually achieved his research purpose.


Hearing Abatuyi's somewhat dejected explanation, Han Xiao just sighed, picked up the fire with a wooden stick, and comforted him in a soft tone:

You're just blinding your eyes, it's not too late to react now.

A leaf blinds the eyes...that's really an accurate description.

Abatuyi smiled to himself.

Han Xiao was right, the overly cumbersome instructions made him ignore the changes in Kakata.

What are you going to do next?

Mr. Roman, can you give me a few more days of grace?

Upon hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Abatuyi raised his head and looked at the other party, with a look of pleading in his eyes.

He knew that the reason why he was 'resurrected' was entirely because of the deal between Han Xiao and the Order Academy.

Logically speaking, he is just an experimental sample, and there is no need for the other party to accompany him back to the laboratory to find Kakata.

Han Xiao's behavior made Abatui realize that the other party was not the kind of indifferent person. Now that Kakata's whereabouts are unknown, he wants to find it.

You want to find Kakata?

Facing Abatui's request, Han Xiao did not make a decision immediately, but asked directly.




Hearing this, Abatui suddenly raised his head and looked at Han Xiao, with a look of surprise on his face.

Originally, he was prepared to be rejected. After all, it was very humane that the other party was willing to accompany him back to the experimental site.

Unexpectedly, Han Xiao actually agreed to his request again.

Chapter 479 Teacher ‘Xiao Liang’ from Huachengguo

Of course it's true.

As if sensing Abatuyi's surprise, Han Xiao still held the branch in his hand to support the fire, without any look of embarrassment.

Although Abatui was pulled out of the leyline as a sample in the trade.

But because of Rashmi Trishna, he had already consulted Abbatui before ‘resurrecting’ him.

So Han Xiao will naturally respect Abatuyi's idea.

As for the transaction, the second phase has been successfully completed, and the situation on Inazuma's side has not yet been completely resolved. The Fools probably haven't invested their energy in Sumerai yet.

So there is still plenty of time.

Finally, for Kakata, who had transcended the constraints of program instructions, he also wanted to see this 'miraculous' existence with his own eyes.

Thank you!

It's getting late, go to bed early, we'll go find Kakata tomorrow.



A night of silence.

Early the next morning, Han Xiao and Abatuyi set off for Huachengguo.

Are you sure you can find Kakata in Huachengguo?

Walking on the road to Huachengguo, Han Xiao stepped on the dirt covered with leaves and asked Abatuyi a question.

After getting up early this morning, he asked the other party where to start, and the other party directly gave him the personalized city.

To be honest, Han Xiao was not optimistic about this location, because he had come from here before, and at that time he had not heard anything about machine-created things from the rangers and adventurers stationed in Huachengguo.


Hearing Han Xiao's question, Abatuyi immediately shook his head.

He has been dead for a long time, and Kakata has also broken away from the program instructions. How could he possibly know the whereabouts of the other party.

Then why do you still want to go to Huachengguo?

Of course I plan to ask someone.

Thinking that Han Xiao was not a native of Xumi, Abatuyi patiently explained the reason why he did this.

In Xumi, everyone has a consensus.

That is, if you want to find something in the Sumeru Rainforest, it is better to seek help from the ranger than to search blindly.

Because the rangers are the ones who know the most about the entire Sumeru Rainforest.

If you want to find Kakata in the huge rainforest, you may have to ask a ranger for help.

Soon, Han Xiao and Abatuyi walked through the leafy rainforest and arrived at Huachengguo.

Hey, isn't this Mr. Roman?

When the two entered Huacheng Guo, the ranger Naslin stationed at Huacheng Guo immediately spotted each other and came up to them immediately.

Long time no see, Miss Nasrin!

Seeing the ranger who had entertained him before, Han Xiao also said hello to him with a smile.

haven't seen you for a long time.

Naslin responded with a smile, then turned to look at Abatui, who was standing next to Han Xiao.

For some reason, this man in Xumi clothing always felt familiar to her, as if she had seen him before somewhere.

This gentleman looks familiar. Who are you...?

Hello, Miss Nasrin, I am Abatui.


After repeating the name several times, Nasrin suddenly thought of something, her eyes widened, and she stared at Abatui with a look of surprise:

Wait a minute, are you the scholar Abatuyi who was taken out by the Order Council?'s really me.

Originally, Abatui thought Nasreen looked familiar because she might have seen her photo in Tinari's place.

It took her a long time to realize that it was because of her expulsion from the Order Council that she felt familiar with it.

Abatuyi was also a little helpless about this. He was considered to be 'famous' in Xumi, right?

Although this way of becoming famous was a bit beyond his expectation.

Mr. Roman, do you and Mr. Abatuyi... know each other?

Knowing that the other party was indeed the scholar who was expelled from the Order Academy, Naslin couldn't help but turn her gaze back to Han Xiao, with a look of surprise on her face.

A traveler who had recently arrived in Xumi, and a scholar who had been expelled from the Order Council. The combination of these two people was really a bit strange.

Yeah, we met on the road.

Han Xiao did not deny it, but followed Naslin's words and compiled it:

At the same time, Mr. Abatuyi is also my guide in the rainforest.

That's right!

Knowing that Abatui was serving as Han Xiao's guide, Naslin nodded immediately.

Miss Nasrin.

At this moment, Abatuyi could not restrain his anxious mood and directly interrupted Nasrin who was about to speak.

We came specifically to ask for help from the rangers this time.


Upon hearing Abatui's words, Nasrin's previously interrupted words were immediately swallowed back, and her whole person became serious.

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