I'm sorry, Mr. Roman, I'm afraid you need to change your experiment.

No...I'm very satisfied to see this scene.

Then...goodbye, Mr. Roman.

Goodbye, Miss Trisna.

As the two men finished speaking, a bright light burst out in the underground laboratory.

When the light gradually dissipated, Han Xiao put down the arm that was blocking her eyes, and Rashmi Trisna's figure had disappeared without a trace.

He was not the only one who witnessed this scene, and a heated discussion immediately broke out in the chat group.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Hanxiao]: Good guy, isn't this reincarnation?

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Reincarnation, going to heaven or becoming a Buddha, you can call it whatever you want, but I am very confused, does Teyvat really have this function?

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: There should be some. Doesn't the Hall of Rebirth manage the boundary between life and death? This should prove that Teyvat has a reincarnation system.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Well, isn't it said that the earth veins are the place where all Teyvat's memories are stored? Could it be that Teyvat's earth veins also serve as the reincarnation function of the underworld?

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: Haixiao, you can't say for sure, maybe someone else has this function!

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: The correlation between earth veins and the boundary between life and death? This is a good research topic.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Indeed, what do you think of Lantern Festival?

[Original God·Hanxiao]: ...

What do I think?

How else could I watch other than standing and watching!

Seeing the conversation among the fun-loving people in the group, Han Xiao couldn't help but twitch her lips.

Well, just kidding.

Looking at the place where Rashmi Trishna's soul disappeared, his eyes also showed thoughts.

There are ghosts in the continent of Teyvat.

For example, Xiao Ming from Wangshu Inn, Xiao Jiujiu, Chang Jiuye’s childhood sweetheart in Wuwangpo, and Alu from Heguan Island.

Moreover, it is mentioned in Hutao’s legendary mission in the game that in places where the earth’s veins are disordered, the boundaries between life and death are easily blurred.

These are enough to show that the continent of Teyvat may have two worlds of 'life' and 'death'.

After hearing Han Xiao's thoughts, other people in the group continued chatting on this topic.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: When Yuanxiao said this, I remembered something. Do you still remember Heguan's mission?

[Locus·Hanxiao]: The mission there gave me a bit of a stomachache, and I forgot about it after I finished it.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: I probably understand what Haixiao is going to say. I also saw certain records when I was looking through my memories before.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: What is it? Tell me quickly!

[Type Moon·Hanxiao]: Tevat probably has an underworld, or a kingdom of death, and its name is probably the moon.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Ha, why is it related to the moon again?

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: I just looked through the memory backup and found something strange after searching with keywords.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: As I said about the point of the moon, there is a boatman in Heguan who will ferry a shining silver boat to the moon on the other side. And Miss Cuisina seemed to have said the word boat just now. ?”

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Let me put it into perspective, is there really a kingdom of death in Teyvat? Then why are there soul fragments and consciousness in the earth's veins?

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Where the earth's veins are disordered, the boundary between life and death will be blurred. The Rebirth Hall exists to maintain this.

After informing the group of friends about the clues he thought of, Han Xiao closed the chat group directly. He now needed to calm down and think carefully.

The clues mentioned by Xingxiao are very important, and he still remembers the introduction words about Nata when the Seven Kingdoms were introduced in the game pv.

The loser is the embers of war, the winner rekindles it.

And its main line title is Fiery Resurrection Poem, and even when translated into English, it also has the meaning of resurrection.

Of course, there is also the ‘ship’ mentioned before Miss Trisna’s soul dissipated.

Taken together, these clues made Han Xiao think that there might be a country of the dead in Teyvat.

Not only that, he now also has a lot of doubts about Zhongli living in the Hall of Rebirth after he turned into a human being.

Why would the other party specifically choose a Rebirth Hall that maintains the boundary between life and death?

To say that this is a coincidence is really hard to believe.

After all, Zhongli is one of the oldest beings in Teyvat. Who knows that he has some secrets that cannot be revealed at will.


Han Xiao couldn't help but sigh when she thought of Zhongli.

This old man is really tight-lipped. If you want to know the secrets from the other party, it is better to investigate it yourself.

Chapter 474 Han Xiao’s alternative interpretation of wisdom

After realizing that he could not figure out what the so-called 'ship' was in a short period of time, Han Xiao temporarily gave up the search.

At present, there is too little information he can obtain, even if the information in the memory of the previous life is added.

And people who know this information, such as Zhongli, probably won't reveal it.

In this case, Han Xiao was too lazy to continue investigating this matter.

Instead of checking blindly like this, it's better to just let nature take its course. Maybe the information will come to your door one day.

For now, let’s continue with the experiments on the Heroic Spirit Transformation Plan.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao restarted the group live broadcast, then stood in front of the machine again and started the next wave of experiments.

Although Rashmi Trisna has boarded the so-called 'ship' and disappeared, it actually represents the success of the second phase of the experiment.

After all, not only did the other party regain consciousness, but the curse of the demon scale disease attached to the soul fragment was also dispelled.

It can be said that Han Xiao's goal of the second phase experiment of the Heroic Spiritualization Plan was perfectly achieved.

Next, he will summon Abatuyi.

With this thought in mind, Han Xiao started the second experiment under the watchful eyes of everyone in the group.

The only difference from the last time was that this time he did not summon Abatuyi immediately after finding the soul fragment.

Instead, he awakened the other party's consciousness in advance and then conveyed his thoughts to him.

So I'm dead?

In the earth veins, a wave of fluctuations suddenly erupted from the soul fragments that had regained a certain degree of consciousness, and then the voice of Abatuyi, who had just woken up from his drowsiness, came out.

Yes, Mr. Abatuyi.

Through the illusory anchor point, Han Xiao slowly said to the radiant soul fragment:

Judging from the intelligence he collected, it was actually normal for Abatuyi to die.

The other party had already been expelled from the Holy Order. Having lost his financial source, he even had no money to buy medicine in order to realize his ideals.

So death is actually the ending that Abatui has already predetermined.

That's really a pity...

After hearing Han Xiao's explanation, although he already knew that something was wrong with him, Abatuyi was still disappointed that he had not completed the task.

It was clear that his research was in the final stage and he was about to develop a self-aware robot, but he never expected that his body would be unable to bear it first.

What a pity...

Hearing the regret in Abatui's words, Han Xiao's eyes flashed for a while, and then he said in a very seductive tone:

Mr. Abatuyi, I wonder if you still want to continue completing your research?

You mean...you can bring me back to life?

Hearing Han Xiao's bewitching words, Abatui's soul fragment suddenly flashed with a bright light, obviously shocked by the other party's words.

that's the truth.

Abatuyi found it quite incredible that Han Xiao could awaken his consciousness in the earth's veins.

Xumi specializes in the study of earth veins, but he has never heard of scholars who can awaken the consciousness of the soul fragments in the earth veins like this.

To be honest, Han Xiao was already amazing just by doing this, but now the other party told him that he could do even more.

Even though Abatui is one of the few researchers in Sumeru who is not very rigid in his thinking, he still can't believe it.

Yes, I can make you have a physical body again.

As if hearing Abatuyi's disbelief, Han Xiao couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth, and a look of confidence appeared on her face.

Just because Xumi scholars can't do it doesn't mean he can't do it either.

And, to put it harshly, Nasida once told him a situation.

That is, since the creation of the Void System, Xumi's academics have been in a state of stagnation, with no progress at all.

Han Xiao also has his own opinion on this point.

That is, the Sumeru people not only unconditionally believe in the Void System, but are also accustomed to obtaining knowledge from the Void System. They are indifferent to the knowledge that the Void System does not allow them to obtain and choose to waste it.

This is somewhat similar to the situation he faced in his previous life.

Han Xiao's previous life was an era of overwhelming information. It was easy for people to obtain so-called 'knowledge', but it was difficult to obtain real knowledge.

When people randomly search for a question on the Internet, they can often get hundreds or thousands of results.

It has become a habit for people to search when they don’t understand. This is actually the same as the Sumeru people obtaining knowledge from the void system.

From a certain perspective, this is indeed a good thing, which greatly shortens the difficulty for people to obtain knowledge.

However, the key point is that the searched knowledge actually contains a lot of knowledge that is simply made up and even fallacious.

This is like a scientist who has been studying a theory for several years without success, and then a short video online said that he solved it in one minute.

If he is such a genius, why is he not published in academic journals?

Therefore, this knowledge is actually bait floating in the ocean of knowledge. If you cannot distinguish it, you will easily be led astray.

The same was true for Hanxiao in the past. Because of his high-intensity Internet surfing, he absorbed all the knowledge, regardless of whether it was correct or not.

It wasn't until he came to the continent of Teyvat that, without the interference of the Internet, he calmed down and slowly mastered the knowledge that was originally on the surface bit by bit. At the same time, he eliminated the excess that was mixed in the knowledge. '.

Even after joining the chat group, Han Xiao did not forget to use the talents she had received to learn instead of just using them.

After all, after Teyvat's experience in the past ten years or so, he has a profound understanding of the truth that true wisdom should allow people to think independently rather than rely on it.

If the knowledge gained is not mastered, it will only be superficial and may even create inertia.

Today, Xumi is trapped in this 'strange circle'.

Having digressed, let’s get back to the topic.

When he learned that Han Xiao could give him a body again, Abatuyi was instantly moved.

This is completely ‘resurrection’!

However, considering the difficulty involved, he still asked with some worry:

Mr. Roman, can you really let me have a body again?

Although it can't be compared to the human body, it's not bad either.

Hearing Abatuyi's question, Han Xiao nodded without hesitation. He was still very confident in his puppet skills.

Maybe the doll's body is not comparable to the human body, but it can still be said to live another life.

Han Xiao believed that the other party would not care about this small difference.

I agree, Mr. Roman!

Sure enough, after hearing his explanation, Abatuyi made a decision immediately.

Chapter 475 Abatui of the Mechanical Faction

Although Han Xiao did not guarantee that he would have a human-like body, Abatuyi decided to agree to the experiment simply by waking him up again.

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