Adventor Han Xiao, you who have touched the taboo of the earth's veins, will you be my last ally?

In addition to the seven gods, there are many capable people and strangers on the Teyvat continent who have noticed the changes in the earth's veins in the direction of Sumeru.

However, most of them have the same attitude as the God of Thunder and God of Water, and they all show indifference to this abnormal movement of the earth's veins.

Oh, maybe only Alice's attitude is different.


Let us turn our attention back to Han Xiao.

Although he did not know that he had attracted the attention of many special people in Teyvat, he had actually anticipated it before the experiment began.

It's just that Han Xiao doesn't care. Anyway, no one will come to trouble him at this stall where the maintainer of heavenly principles is sleeping.

And even if someone comes to find him, he may not be able to teach anyone a lesson.

Back to the topic.

After the machine started running at high speed, Han Xiao sat down in a corner and quietly waited for the experiment to be completed.

One day, two days.

On the morning of the third day, the machine that had been running erupted with a dazzling light, and then a bedridden figure appeared in the air.

It was his target, Rashmi Trisna, a patient who lost her life due to magic scale disease.

Finally the most critical step has been reached!

Seeing the consciousness scene playing in mid-air, Han Xiao rushed to the machine and pressed the red button on it.

Start the capture process!

As the words fell, the summoning circle surrounded by machines began to glow with blue light.

The next moment, the soul fragments wrapped in the power of the blue power in the earth's veins poured into the body of the doll placed in the center of the magic circle by Han Xiao along the energy flow.

Chapter 472 The Awakened Person

In the earth's veins, the power of power input by Han Xiao is wrapping Rashmi Trishna's soul fragments and moving towards the illusory anchor point at an extremely fast speed.

In just a moment, it rushed into the anchor point and arrived at the Teyvat continent along the passage dug in advance. As soon as it emerged, it poured into the puppet body in the summoning circle under the influence of the summoning circle.

Start awakening consciousness.

After all the soul fragments entered the doll's body, Han Xiao solemnly issued her latest order.

Awakening consciousness, please wait.

At the same time, people in the chat group continued to express their opinions on this matter.

[One Piece: Hanxiao]: Good guy, is this really a heroic spirit summoning ceremony?

[Ip Man·Han Xiao]: Hai Xiao, do you want to say that the technological content of this wave is greater than the extraordinary content?

[jojo·Hanxiao]: I do want to make people complain. In my memory, the summoning of heroic spirits involves reciting a spell, and then building a spiritual core to form a body. Yuanxiao's operation is really wrong.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Well...I can't say that. Although the two are indeed very different in terms of expression, the core is still similar.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Actually, Yuanxiao doesn't want to chant the spell, so we simplified the summoning steps and reproduced the summoning process using a machine made by alchemy.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: I have to say, you guys are playing real flowers.

Everyone in the crowd was dumbfounded by Xingxiao's explanation.

The summoning process in a very extraordinary style was transformed into a technological style by Yuanxiao and the others just because they didn't want to spell.

What's even more amazing is that they actually did it well.

Han Xiao didn't know that his and Xingxiao's modified summoning ritual had been criticized by others in the group. At this moment, all his energy was focused on the experiment, and his eyes were firmly fixed on the puppet in the center of the circle. Don't dare to be distracted.

As the last fragment of the soul was poured into the doll's body, all the machines slowly stabilized and the entire underground laboratory became quiet.


Suddenly, the puppet's joints made a crisp sound, and then the entire upper body sat up.

The next moment, the doll opened its eyes.

Am I...not already dead?

After regaining consciousness, Rashmi Trisna felt as if she had had a long dream, and she was clearly still struggling painfully on the edge of death.

Why did he appear in a strange place when he opened his eyes again?


Rashmi Trisna looked down at her hands, and then looked around at the machines that seemed to her to be quite huge.

A bad premonition emerged in her heart.

She seems to have gotten smaller?

Hello, Miss Trisna.

Just when Rashmi Trishna was confused about the situation in front of her, a male voice suddenly came into her ears.

Looking around, Rashmi Trisna saw a person she had never seen before standing in front of a machine.

Who are you?

What's going on with me?

Looking at the opponent's rather demonic face, Rashmi Trisna was silent for a moment, then slowly opened her mouth and asked in a hoarse tone.

Miss Trisna, I wonder if you can still recall your previous memories?

My previous...memory?

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Rashmi Trisna was stunned for a moment. Then she remembered what happened before she lost consciousness, and her expression immediately changed.

Something is wrong, this is very wrong.

She must have fallen on the roadside due to the onset of magic scale disease, and was later picked up by ranger Kelai and taken back to take care of her.

In the end, he should have died due to the outbreak of the Demon Scale Disease.

It seems that Miss Trisna, you have already remembered.

Seeing the shocked look on Rashmi Trisna's face, Han Xiao finally told her the truth of the matter.

Yes, you did die from an attack of Demon Scales before.

Then now I...

Forgot to introduce my identity to Miss Trisna, Romani Solomon, or just call me Roman.

Facing Rashmi Trisna, who still looked a little confused, Han Xiao directly reported her 'name':

It is I who awaken you again from the abyss of death.

After listening to Han Xiao's explanation, Rashmi Trisna finally understood the cause of the matter.

She had already died of an attack of Demon Scale Disease, and the reason why she woke up again was because the other party 'resurrected' her.

Thank you, Mr. Roman.

After figuring out the whole story, Rashmi Trisna immediately turned her gaze to Han Xiao and thanked her with gratitude.

Don't thank me in a hurry, Miss Trisna.

Seeing Rashmi Trisna thanking herself, Han Xiao quickly raised her hand to stop her, and then slowly said under the other's doubtful gaze:

You are only temporarily awakened by me, and you are not truly resurrected.

So, I should be your experimental subject, Mr. Roman, right?

After looking at the surrounding environment, Rashmi Trisna, a Sumeru person, quickly understood her situation and said calmly:

I wonder if I can make a request of you?

Of course you can.

Han Xiao nodded, a trace of apology flashing across her face.

He was impressed by the other party's calm performance and at the same time felt a little embarrassed.

After all, no matter what, I woke him up from his long sleep without his consent. It is really a good situation that Rashmi Trisna can face the reality so calmly.

When the illness broke out, I didn't have time to say goodbye to my parents. Could you please tell me something?

Rashmi Trisna stated her request quite concisely, and then repeated what she was about to say to Han Xiao.

After doing all this, she relaxed a lot, and her calm attitude could be seen even through the expressionless doll.

Don't worry, Miss Trisna, I will definitely bring your words to you.

Facing such a calm Rashmi Trisna, Han Xiao solemnly made a promise to her.

Thank you very much, Mr. Roman, please continue the experiment.


Seeing that the other party had made a decision, Han Xiao nodded heavily, and then pressed the blue button on the machine in front of her.


The next moment, a stream of Holy Light Essence suddenly sprayed out from the machine on the side towards Rashmi Trishna. Suddenly, streams of black smoke steamed out instantly as if encountering hot oil.

This is...?

Looking at the black smoke coming out of her body, Rashmi Trisna looked a little confused.

When did such a thing exist in her body?

Chapter 473: The Life, Death and Ship of Teyvat

This is the curse of Demon Scale.

Seeing Rashmi Trisna's puzzled face, Han Xiao explained the origin of the magic scale disease to her very understandingly.

It turns out... that Demon Scale is not a disease but a curse?

After listening to Han Xiao's explanation, Rashmi Trisna's eyes flashed with astonishment, and she couldn't help but murmur to herself.

She had always regarded Demon Scale as a terminal disease, and she still thought so even before her death.

I never expected that my perception would be wrong from beginning to end.

As Rashmi Trishna murmured, black smoke gradually precipitated from her body, eventually dissolving into nothingness in the air, and an extremely comfortable feeling surged throughout her body.

Is this the body that does not suffer from the magic scale disease? It feels so relaxing!

Feeling the power flowing out of her body, the corners of Rashmi Trishna's eyes were slightly moist.

This was her first experience with a normal human body.

For this alone, Rashmi Trishna was grateful for the cold night that awakened her from the sleep of death.

Even if the other party may have other intentions.


The next moment, the doll carrying Rashmi Trishna's body fell to the ground without any warning, and then a Sumeru woman with her whole body radiating light appeared above the doll.

Miss Trisna...?

Looking at Rashmi Trisna who had turned into a 'Little Golden Man', Han Xiao asked with some uncertainty.

It's me...Mr. Roman.

Not only Han Xiao was surprised, but even Rashmi Trisna herself was a little surprised by her current state.

However, before Han Xiao could speak, the other party suddenly seemed to hear something, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Mr. Roman, it seems I'm about to get on the 'ship'.

Looking at Rashmi Trisna who was gradually calming down, Han Xiao seemed to understand and asked:

Is it because your wish has been fulfilled, Miss Trisna?

It seems so.

Rashmi Trisna nodded, and then looked at Han Xiao with some regret:

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