But there was always a lingering confusion in her mind.

That's why my grandfather chose to leave without saying goodbye.

Thinking that her grandfather was from Liyue, Amber also wanted to find out the whereabouts of her grandfather while accompanying Ke Lai to Guili City for treatment.

It happened that Han Xiao himself was one of the Seven Stars of Liyue and held a high position of authority.

That's why she came to Ke Lai's house while he was almost fully recovered, just to use his high position in Liyue to help her investigate.

A few years ago, we left without saying goodbye?

After listening to Amber's story, Han Xiao frowned subconsciously.

Speaking of what happened in Mondstadt a few years ago, the most famous one was the attack by the demon dragon Ursa on the former owner of Dawn Winery, Cripps Legenfend.

It seems that it was because of this incident that Diluc chose to quit the Knights.

Now Amber's grandfather also left the Knights a few years ago without saying goodbye. Is there some connection between this?

Thinking of this, Han Xiao couldn't help but cast her eyes on Amber and asked at the same time:

Miss Amber, can you tell us in detail what happened in Mondstadt before your grandfather left the Knights, such as... the dragon Ursa?


Hearing Han Xiao's cold questioning about the incident with the demon dragon Usa, Amber's eyes couldn't help but wander around, and she couldn't help but stutter when speaking.

This matter...I...can't go into details.

As for Han Xiao's desire to know about the Demon Dragon Usa incident a few years ago, she really couldn't open her mouth. After all, it involved some scandals within the Knights.

But soon, Amber reacted and looked at Han Xiao with a shocked face:

Wait! Mr. Hanxiao, do you suspect that my grandfather left the Knights because of this incident?

I can only say that the probability is very high.

Han Xiao nodded, thinking that Amber's grandfather probably chose to leave the Knights of the West Wind because of this incident.

There are several main reasons why we think so.

The first is time. The Dragon Ursa incident occurred four years before the game began. Amber's grandfather also suddenly left the Knights during this time.

What a coincidence in terms of timing.

Secondly, according to Amber, her grandfather once said to her, ‘Mond accepted me and it is my hometown, so I choose to guard my homeland. ’ Such words.

From this point of view, Amber's grandfather was not only a master of extraordinary skills, but also a man with his own beliefs.

Han Xiao found it hard to imagine that an old man who had worked in the Knights for decades would choose to 'defect' his second hometown.

To put it bluntly, even if the other party wants to return to his roots before death, he can obviously choose to submit his resignation directly. I believe that Falga, the grand leader of the knights, cannot refuse to agree.

There is no need to leave without saying goodbye.

This is really unreasonable.

Therefore, considering various factors, Han Xiao suspected that the reason why Amber's grandfather chose to secretly leave the Knights was probably inseparable from the incident with the Demon Dragon Usa.

Could it be that...grandfather really chose to leave because he was disappointed with the Knights?

After listening to Han Xiao's speculation, Amber's mind was a little confused for a while.

She was not lying when she said that the Demon Dragon Ursa incident was a scandal for the Knights.

The demon dragon Ursa suddenly attacked the convoy of Dawn Winery, resulting in the death of Diluc's father, the former owner of Dawn Winery, Cripps Legenfender.

As a result, the Knights' Inspector-General at the time, Iloc, refused to promote Cripps Legenfend's name on the grounds that it would damage the reputation of the Knights.

Of course, it was later confirmed that Ilok was a traitor who had colluded with the Fools and was expelled from the Knights.

But it doesn't change the fact that Diluc, the original cavalry opponent, has withdrawn from the Knights.

Moreover, after Han Xiao's speculation, Amber also thought of how lonely her grandfather looked at home at that time.

She didn't care at first.

Now that I think about it, is it possible that his grandfather had already noticed that there was something wrong within the Knights at that time, so he felt disappointed and finally made the same choice as Senior Diluc?

Chapter 461 The puppet Hanxiao returns to Liyue

After informing Amber of his guess, Han Xiao sent the other party away who looked confused.

Originally, he thought that the other party would find out the reason by himself.

Unexpectedly, a few days later, Amber came to the door again.

Mr. Han Xiao, I have contacted Captain Qin, and she agreed that I would tell the details of the original incident.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Han Xiao was slightly surprised by the content of the other party's words.

But soon, a look of interest flashed in his eyes.

In his previous life, the Demon Dragon Usa incident seemed to be a plot in a comic. Since he himself had not read the comics, he only roughly knew about such an incident.

On the continent of Teyvat, the incident was also tightly covered by the Knights, and Han Xiao also did not know the specific details of the incident.

So after learning that Amber could tell some details about the Demon Dragon Ursa incident with Qin's permission, he would naturally be interested.

In this case, please Miss Amber, please explain it carefully to me.

Seeing that Han Xiao was very interested in the Demon Dragon Usa incident, Amber quickly revealed some of the secrets at that time.

Actually, this matter has a very close relationship with the Fools.

Mr. Hanxiao must have heard the news that Captain Falga expelled the Knights' Inspector-General Ilok from the Knights a few years ago.


Han Xiao nodded. Mondstadt's knights actually expelled one of their top leaders. This was a big news in the Teyvat continent at the time.

Of course he had heard of it.

But the next moment, Han Xiao changed the subject and asked her doubts directly:

But I remember the announcement from Mondstadt a few years ago was that Inspector General Ilok was expelled by Captain Falga for accepting bribes?

That's just public rhetoric.

Amber sighed helplessly, and then told the truth of the matter.

The reason why Captain Falga expelled Ilok was mainly because he confirmed that he was a traitor who had colluded with the Fools.

The main purpose of Ilok choosing to conceal Crippus Legenfend's expulsion of the demon dragon Ursa was not for the honor of the Knights as claimed by the other party.

The real purpose is to make Mond owe the Fools a favor.

Hey! Is there such a thing?

After listening to Amber's story about the Demon Dragon Usa incident, Han Xiao couldn't help but sigh.

It turns out that the specific story of the matter turned out to be like this. The emotional fools had already attacked Mondstadt once before the lady went to Mondstadt.

This is really the way to fool people.

Han Xiao couldn't help but think of Zhi Yi when Ilok rebelled against the Knights.

If he hadn't been temporarily captured by Zhongli, he would have become a candidate for Tianshu Star and successfully ran for the election.

I can't guarantee that the senior management of Liyue will also reproduce the scene in Mondstadt.

Yeah...there is such a thing!

Hearing Han Xiao's sigh, Amber also sighed helplessly.

She was still young at the time and was planning to scare her grandfather by hiding in a cabinet in the office.

Unexpectedly, Diluc, who was still the cavalry captain of the Knights at the time, walked into the office with a lot of senior officials, and even let her witness the scene where Diluc quit the Knights.

To be honest, I kind of believe your previous speculation, Mr. Hanxiao.

Thinking of the ugly face of Inspector General Ilok when she hid in the closet, Amber began to believe Han Xiao's speculation. Perhaps her grandfather was aware of the problems within the Knights and was disappointed so he chose Say goodbye without saying goodbye.

By the way, I almost forgot.

Suddenly Amber seemed to remember something, and quickly looked at Han Xiao and told her why she came to him today.

Mr. Hanxiao, I wonder if you have found out the whereabouts of my grandfather in the past few days?

Well, I don't have any specific news, but...

But what?

I found some scattered clues, but I don't know if they are related to your grandfather.

Seeing that Amber came here today to find out if she had found any clues, Han Xiao immediately clicked her tongue and her tone seemed a little hesitant.

In the past few days, he had indeed sent people to search for information about Amber's grandfather in Liyue, but the results he obtained were not satisfactory.

After all, Amber's grandfather left Liyue decades ago. Now most of those old people have passed away, and all that can be found is some scattered information.

Even Han Xiao couldn't confirm whether the person recorded in the intelligence was Amber's grandfather.

As he spoke, he took out the information he had investigated these days from Yu Perry and handed it to Amber, explaining in his mouth:

These are some messages Qian Yanjun found on the Qingce Village message board. Judging from the content, they are very similar to your grandfather's situation.

But I can't guarantee whether it is true or not.

After taking the paper handed over by Han Xiao, Amber read the content very carefully, then pondered for a moment and gave her own judgment.

I think it should be.

The message mentioned old friends whom I hadn’t seen in decades, being a escort together, becoming a knight in Mondstadt, etc.

These are very similar to my grandfather's situation.

In other words, the person who suddenly appeared in Qingce Village is most likely his grandfather.

After realizing that her grandfather had probably stayed in Liyue Qingce Village for a while, Amber also showed an excited look on her face.

After searching for so many years, I finally found some clues left by my grandfather.

Thank you very much for your help, Mr. Hanxiao.

After getting excited, Amber did not forget to salute Han Xiao and thank him for his help.

After all, without the help of the other party, she might not even be able to find this clue.

At the same time, Amber also made up her mind. After Kelai's body was completely recovered, she had to go to Qingce Village. Maybe there were more clues related to her grandfather there.


At the same time, after more than half a month of drifting at sea, the puppet Hanxiao finally returned to Liyue Port.

Captain Beidou, thank you very much this time.

In front of the Liyue Port pier, the puppet Han Xiao, who had just come off the Death Omen Star, bowed to Beidou, not forgetting to thank him.

It's a convenient thing, what's there to be thankful for!

Hearing the puppet Hanxiao's thanks, Beidou waved his hands repeatedly to indicate that the other person didn't need to pay attention.

Since you and Han Xiao know each other, then you are my friend, so there is no need to be so polite.

Then Captain Beidou, I'll take my leave now. I'll treat you to a drink when I get the chance.

Since he had something to do, Doll Hanxiao didn't have to be too polite. After leaving a few words, he said goodbye to Beidou and walked out of the dock.

Although he returned to Liyue, he still had to get to Xumi as soon as possible.

After all, if it's too late, the fools might take advantage of him.

Chapter 462 Beidou: When will I get my ship?

The next day, when Han Xiao saw Beidou appearing in Kuixing Tower, he immediately smiled and said hello:

Hey~ Sister Beidou, are you back?

Yeah, I'm back.

Beidou nodded first, and then said half-jokingly:

So I'm going to come to you to sell off the fake stuff right now!

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