Thinking that the Heart of the Grass God that he had to obtain might be changed due to the interference of the fools, the doll Hanxiao immediately decided to leave Inazuma and set off directly for Xumi.

He wanted to complete the second stage of the experiment in Xumi, and go to the Order Academy with the success, and then get the Heart of the Grass God from Azar before the Fool Executives.

After confirming his next itinerary, the puppet Han Xiao subconsciously looked in the direction of the Coral Palace, with a look of pity on his face.

Originally, he wanted to see the process of Yingmei solving the rice wife problem in reality, but now it seems that there is no hope.

With a slightly regretful expression, the puppet Hanxiao directly got on the wave boat and set off towards the location of the outlying island.

He hoped that Beidou's Southern Cross fleet was still in the waters near Inazuma so that he could catch a favorable wind, otherwise he would have to adopt a backup plan.

As for what the backup plan is, it is actually very simple. The doll Hanxiao teleported to Daozhime, and he carried with him the materials for building the portal in the secret room of Hanxiao's home.

After all, Dao Wife is currently in a state of lockdown. Considering that he needs to leave Dao Wife urgently in case of some special circumstances, Han Xiao has prepared all the materials to build the portal.

I never expected that this hand, which was originally prepared as the final trump card, might actually come in handy at this time.


The puppet Han Xiao immediately started taking action after receiving the news, while Han Xiao focused on Ke Lai.

After all, whether the Demon Scale Curse will recur is also a question worthy of attention.

As an equally important part of the Heroic Spirit Transformation Plan as the first stage, he couldn't ignore the situation here just because of the stupid people.

The day after communicating with Nasida, Han Xiao came to the place where Kelai and Amber temporarily stayed early in the morning.

Dong dong dong——

Looking at the closed door, Han Xiao raised her hand and knocked three times rhythmically.


Soon, Amber's voice sounded from inside the room.

With a creak, the door was slowly pushed open, and Amber's figure appeared in Han Xiao's sight.

Mr. Hanxiao? Come in quickly!

Seeing Han Xiao knocking on the door, Amber was stunned for a moment, then immediately realized and welcomed him into the room with great enthusiasm.

I came here today to see if Miss Kelai is awake, and to do a follow-up examination.

Han Xiao followed the other party's guidance and walked into the room, explaining the reason for his visit.

Wake up, Kelai woke up last night!

Hearing that Han Xiao was here for a review, Amber quickly informed him that Ke Lai had woken up.

Chapter 459 Ke Lai’s Surprise

Following Amber into the bedroom, Han Xiao first saw Ke Lai sitting on the bedside.

At this time, her face was slightly paler than before, and her mental state was also a little depressed. It was obviously due to the lack of energy caused by excessive blood loss during the treatment.

Mr. Hanxiao!

Seeing Han Xiao following Amber into the bedroom, Ke Lai's face immediately burst into a passionate smile, and an extremely bright color suddenly burst out of his violet-like eyes.

Miss Collet, I heard from Amber that you're awake.

Han Xiao found a chair and sat beside the bed, looked at Ke Lai lying on the bedside, and asked with a gentle smile:

how do you feel?

“Better than ever!”

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Ke Lai quickly replied with a respectful tone.

Although she had not been in good spirits since she woke up due to excessive blood loss, and there was still a dull pain all over her body, she needed to stay in bed for at least a while to recover.

But her heart had never been so relaxed.

As the saying goes, a long illness makes a good doctor.

Having been plagued by Demon Scale Disease for so many years, Kelai has long been accustomed to the pain that makes him unable to control the feeling and pain in his hands and feet.

The moment she woke up from her slumber, she realized that the demon scale disease in her body had been cured without anyone having to remind her.

So even though the treatment made her physically very weak, and she even lost energy due to excessive blood loss, Ke Lai's heart was still full of excitement.

After all, not only did she get rid of the long-standing demon scale disease, she even got rid of the demon remnants that were sealed in her body.

Therefore, when Han Xiao, the great benefactor who helped him get rid of his illness, appeared in front of him, Ke Lai naturally showed unprecedented respect.

You still need to rest more during this time.

Regarding Ke Lai's answer, Han Xiao just smiled, and then gave the other party advice to cultivate more.

Yes, Mr. Hanxiao.

Now Han Xiao's status in her heart is not low at all, so when the other party told her to take a good rest, Ke Lai nodded in agreement without hesitation.

After telling the other party some issues that needed to be paid attention to during this period, Han Xiao did not forget his other purpose of visiting Ke Lai.

He reached out and took out a syringe containing the Holy Light Essence from the jade pendant, then took out a small box and put the syringe in it and handed it to Kelai:

This is a special potion for treating magic scale disease. After Miss Kelai's body has been restored, I will trouble you to bring back Xumi to Miss Dina Zedai.

...I see.

Hearing Han Xiao's request, Ke Lai couldn't help but look at the other party deeply with his violet eyes, and then agreed.

She was very familiar with the golden liquid in the syringe. It was the 'medicine' that the other party used to treat her magic scale disease.

What really surprised Ke Lai was that Han Xiao actually entrusted her to bring a potion back to Xumi, and even specifically told herself that the potion was for Dina Zedai.

Things are no longer simple this time.

Why did I come all the way from Xumi to Liyue to seek medical treatment?

That's because the letter from the head of the Humayi family in Xumi to Master Tinari mentioned that Liyue might have a way to cure the demon scale disease.

Although it turned out that what the other party said was indeed correct, Han Xiao had really cured his demon scale disease.

But the problem is that few locals in Liyue know about Han Xiao's 'medical skills'. How did the head of the Humayi family in Xumi know about it?

The answer is simple. The eldest daughter of the Humayi family, Dina Zedai, who is also a patient with magic scale disease like herself, got the news from the Little Lucky Grass King.

Kelai knew very well that the opportunity to seek medical treatment did not belong to her, but to the eldest daughter of the Humayi family, Dina Zedei.

The reason why it fell on him was because the head of the Humayi family was suspicious of the news, so he sent this opportunity to Master Tinari through conspiracy.

After finally getting the news from her master, she came to Liyue to seek medical treatment with the mentality of taking a chance.

Kelai never mentioned this matter to anyone else, not even Amber.

How did Han Xiao know about Dina Zedai?

Thinking of this, and then thinking about the information that Dina Zedai got from the Little Lucky Grass King, Kelai had a bold guess in his heart.

The Little Lucky Grass King may know Mr. Han Xiao, so the Grass God told Dina Zedai Liyue that there is a method to cure the magic scale disease.

As for how Mr. Han Xiao, who was in a high position in Liyue, got to know the Little Lucky Grass King who was not very familiar to the locals of Xumi, this was beyond the scope of Ke Lai's understanding.

However, facing the benefactor who could be said to have given her a chance to survive, since the other person had no intention of explaining, she just pretended that she didn't know what to do.

But there was one thing that Kelai felt he had to ask.

She did whatever came to her mind and directly asked Han Xiao the question in her mind:

Mr. Hanxiao, how many medicines are there for treating magic scale disease?

I'm sorry Miss Collet.

Han Xiao understood the other party's plan instantly, and immediately explained to him in a helpless tone:

This kind of drug is extremely rare. It can treat three or five people without any problem. But if you want to treat it in large quantities, I'm afraid it won't be feasible.

...That's it.

Hearing Han Xiao's words, although Ke Lai was slightly disappointed, he was not surprised.

Come to think of it, Demon Scale is a terminal disease that has been plaguing doctors and scholars all over the Teyvat continent.

It was quite difficult for Han Xiao to find a drug to treat it. If this drug were very common, the magic scale disease would have been solved long ago.


A few days have passed quickly since Han Xiao visited Kelai.

Kelai's body is gradually recovering under Amber's careful care, and he is now able to move slowly on the ground again.

I believe it won't be long before the other party can turn back into the trainee ranger who can run and jump., it should be said that he has become stronger than before.

Although the Demonic God's residue once put Kelai's life in danger at any time, it actually brought him fast movement speed and strong physical strength.

Even though the remnants of the demon god have now been cleared away by Han Xiao, those amplifying effects have remained.

Well...this is probably a blessing in disguise.

Just as Ke Lai entered the recovery period, Han Xiao's puppet clone, far away from Dao Zhi, seemed to be infected with Liyue's good luck.

When he quietly sneaked back to the outlying island, the Southern Cross fleet was planning to set off from the dock back to Liyue.

As a result, the doll Hanxiao successfully boarded the boat after talking with Beidou.

Chapter 460 Amber’s Grandfather

As Ke Lai entered the recovery period, the next half month in Guili City was quite peaceful.

On this day, just as Han Xiao was walking out of his house as usual, planning to go to the alchemy workshop to catch a fish, Amber suddenly found him.

Miss Amber, what do you want from me?

Looking at Amber who suddenly appeared in front of him, Han Xiao couldn't help but be confused.

Shouldn't the other party be taking care of Kelai, who is still recovering? Why did he come to the door alone today?

This is Mr. Hanxiao.

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Amber smiled sheepishly, and then told her the reason for her special visit.

I have something personal I want to ask you about.

What's up?

I wonder if you, Mr. Hanxiao, can help me find out the whereabouts of my grandfather.

Your grandfather?


Amber nodded.

She came to Liyue this time not only to accompany Kelai to treat the magic scale disease, but also to investigate the news about her grandfather.

Although Amber is from Mondstadt, she is actually a mixed race.

Her grandfather was not from Mondstadt, but from Liyue.

Just because he was attacked by a monster while escorting the caravan, and was later rescued by the Knights of the West Wind. Out of the injury and the mentality of repaying gratitude, Amber's grandfather chose to join the Knights, and single-handedly established a team of reconnaissance knights, personally trained and Lead them on their mission.

Soon after, he met the person he loved and started a family in this strange land.

Moreover, the original scout knight team was not like Amber alone now.

At that time, the Scout Knight Squad, led by Amber's grandfather, was responsible for the defense work around Mondstadt. It was deeply loved by the people of Mondstadt and was a very important squad in the Knights.

By the way, even Youla was the disciple brought out by Amber's grandfather, which shows that Amber's grandfather is not weak in strength.

However, things completely changed one day a few years ago.

On that day, Amber's grandfather left the knight's coat of arms and sword with the Knights, and left without leaving a message to anyone.

Subsequently, the Scout Knight team lost its backbone, became disorganized and slow, and its status became increasingly marginalized.

Although the team retains its organizational structure, it has ceased to exist in name only. The knights have either transferred to other departments or retired and returned home.

What's more serious is that some people regard grandfather's departure as a defection.

Those days were the most difficult years of Amber's life, although in the end she successfully proved to the Mondlanders that she was capable of taking over the job of Scout Knight.

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