The two of them walked into Han Xiao's office while laughing and chatting.

Sister-in-law, what's going on with Dao Wife recently?

After entering the office and waiting for Beidou to sit down, he asked him about the latest situation at Inazuma's side.

After all, Doll Hanxiao basically stayed on Haiji Island and never left, and most of the news he received was relatively scattered.

Beidou was different. She had been docked at the outlying island dock for a while, and she held a lot of the latest information about Inazuma.

You'd be right to ask her.

It's still the same, it's a mess.

After hearing Han Xiao asking him about the recent situation, Beidou crossed his arms over his chest and shrugged helplessly.

As long as the national lockdown order and the eye hunting order are not lifted for one day, the situation on Inazuma's side will not be much better.

Is there anything else worth noting?

Han Xiao was not too surprised by Beidou's answer. What he really wanted to know was not the situation of Ina Wife, but the movements of the 'behind the scenes' hidden in the Ina Wife turmoil.

Other points of note...

Beidou first lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then seemed to think of something and quickly raised his head to look at Han Xiao:

Don't tell me, there is something worth noting.

Before Han Xiao could continue to ask questions, she told her everything that seemed strange:

There has been a widely circulated rumor on the remote island recently. It is said that there is a arrogant female guest of the Kashin Shoshin Residence who recently went to Inazuma Castle.

Judging from the descriptions of the island residents, they look very much like the executive lady of Fools who visited Mondstadt before.

In addition, Wulang also said that something is not right on the Bayou Island recently. He has discovered many traces of man-made destruction of the Demon God's town.

After finishing speaking, Beidou suddenly remembered that he almost missed one, and quickly opened his mouth to make up for it.

One more thing. The traveler who helped us in Liyue a lot earlier has been ordered to be wanted by the God of Thunder himself because he made a scene at the Eye Hunting Order Collection Ceremony.

The lady who went to Inazuma Castle, the destroyed demon town on Yaoji Island, and the girl who was wanted by the God of Thunder.

Slowly comparing the information that he already knew or had just learned with the memories in his mind, Hanxiao soon had a rough grasp of the development of Inazuma's situation.

It seemed that Lady Rosalyn's life was coming to an end.

Thinking of the pitiful and hateful Executive Officer No. 8, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Ms. Rosalin's life experience can indeed be considered tragic. After all, she just went to Xumi to study, and her lover died in a battle with a dragon.

But as time went by, she was determined to take revenge and eventually got lost in hatred, and instead became the creator of hatred.

Even Han Xiao didn't know how to evaluate such a person.

Perhaps, as some bosses in previous lives concluded, the real Rosalin had already 'died' with her lover Rustan five hundred years ago.

The only ones who survived were the Foolish Executive ladies who chose to seek revenge by any means necessary.

No, for Han Xiao, a dead lady is a good lady.

Who would have thought that when they were in Liyue, the other party deliberately attracted the remnant power of the whirlpool to attack Guili City.

Based on this alone, even if the lady does have a tragic past, he has no intention of saving her, but just sits and watches her perish.

Thank you, eldest sister.

After figuring out Dao's current situation, Han Xiao thanked Beidou.

No need to thank me for this little thing.

Seeing the other party's serious expression of thanks, Beidou waved his hands repeatedly. She was just bringing back the news she had inquired about by the way and telling him about it. There was no need to be so solemn.

As the topic ended, Beidou immediately changed the topic and looked at Han Xiao with a more attentive look on his face:

Well... Han Xiao, let me ask you something.

What's the matter? Just ask, eldest sister.

I heard what the name of that ship is... Oh, the steel steamship Tianheng has been officially commissioned recently, right?

It's true.

Very good!

Speaking of Tianheng, Beidou seemed extremely excited.

Since returning to Liyue, she has heard from many people in Liyue discussing news related to the Tianheng.

emmm, actually this is understandable.

After all, the Tianheng is far superior to the current ships in Liyue at a technical level, so it has been the hottest topic in Liyue for more than half a month since it was launched into service.

After learning that the Tianheng had officially entered service, Beidou went to the opponent's patrol route to observe it carefully.

It didn't matter at this glance, the Tianheng's huge body and hard weapons made her heart flutter.

Han Xiao, now that the Tianheng has begun service, how long will it take to get my ship?

Thinking about the promise she had received from Han Xiao, she would also have a steel steamship of the same level as the Tianheng.

Only then would Beidou abandon the brothers of the Southern Cross fleet and rush to Guili City to find Han Xiao, just to ask himself how long it would take to get the ship.

She now feels that every time she waits, she suffers more.

So when he saw Han Xiao nodding and confirming that the Tianheng had officially entered service, Beidou couldn't wait to ask his question.

If this is the case...

When Beidou asked about the ship promised to her, Han Xiao couldn't help but clicked her tongue and looked a little embarrassed on her face.

I'm afraid it won't be possible in the short term.

...The reason?

Knowing that he could not get his own steel steamship yet, Beidou frowned slightly and tried to analyze the reason.

Is it because the production capacity is not enough?

After thinking about it, she could only think of this reason.

Han Xiao promised to allocate one to him after the Liyue Navy installed a certain number of Tianhengs, but now it is clear that the first steel steamship has officially entered service.

Logically speaking, Beidou only needs to wait a certain amount of time to get it.

Why can't Hanxiao Club give an accurate time?

She just wanted to know when she could get the steel steamship, not that she wanted to get it in advance.

That's not true...

Han Xiao scratched his head and explained the real reason to Beidou with some embarrassment.

The reason why he was unable to give an accurate time was mainly due to the time of ship construction.

Chapter 463 Beidou: Are you kidding me?

It turned out to be due to time...

When he learned from Han Xiao that the reason why the other party did not dare to give accurate information was actually because he could not guarantee how long it would take to build the ship, Beidou was speechless.

She thought it was because there were not enough materials to build the ship, or there were differences among the Seven Stars.

After working on it for a long time, it turned out that it was just a matter of time.

Can you tell me specifically what's going on?

Beidou now also wants to hear what kind of time problem prevented Han Xiao from giving an accurate answer.

Actually, you will understand as soon as I say it.

Seeing that the other party really wanted to know, Han Xiao simply explained to him.

Sister, how many ships do you think an integrated fleet needs? must be ten ships anyway.

Hearing Han Xiao's question, Beidou pondered slightly, and then gave an answer that she thought was good.

In Liyue, a fully-equipped fleet must start with at least ten ships. For example, after so many years of development, her Southern Cross fleet would probably have thirty or forty ships if it were fully-equipped.

The same goes for the fleets of other chambers of commerce, with basically no less than ten ships.

In that case, let's calculate it as ten ships.

Han Xiao stretched out her right hand to show an index finger to Beidou, and asked:

If you want to develop the current Liyue Navy, is it okay to build a fleet of ten Tianheng ships?

no problem.

Regarding Han Xiao's statement, Beidou immediately nodded and said there was no problem at all.

Liyue's coastline is so long, and ten Tianheng ships are already the lowest baseline in her opinion. If they really want to maintain sea power, they must at least double the number.

Sister, do you know how long it takes to build a Tianheng?

Before Beidou could speak, Han Xiao's fingers quickly changed and showed four fingers again.

According to Albedo's and my calculations, it would take four months to build one under the best conditions.

But the reality will definitely not always be in an ideal state, so it takes six months on average to build a Tianheng.

Six months, about two ships are built in a year, and three ships can be built in the sky.

After hearing this, Beidou finally understood why the other party didn't give him a sure word before.

At this rate, it would take three to four years for the Liyue Navy to field a maritime fleet.

In other words, if she wants to get the ship Han Xiao promised her, she will have to wait at least a few more years.

Hanxiao, can't you think of a way to make it faster?

When he thought that he still had several years to get a steel steamship like the Tianheng, Beidou couldn't help but look at Han Xiao with hopeful eyes.

A few years are enough for the other party and Abedo to develop a second-generation warship. By then, it will become a backward product as soon as it is obtained. Who can bear this?

Liyue's current industrial scale is just there, so it really can't be done any faster.

Regarding Beidou's thoughts, Han Xiao shrugged helplessly.

He also thought that those industrial powers during World War II in his previous life were able to make dumplings every few days. The key point was that Liyue didn't have the ability to know.

Even though Han Xiao has brought machine tools and other industrial equipment to Liyue, Liyue's industrial system has just started, and four to six months is already the limit for one ship.

Unless True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng could trick Lord Cutting Moon and Building Yang and the others into working together in Guili City, the time might be shortened a lot.

Does this mean that if I want to get the boat, I have to wait until a few years later?

After listening to Han Xiao's explanation, Beidou couldn't help but have a slightly disappointed look on his face.

If she could only get the steel steamships of the previous generation after the new generation of warships came out, wouldn't her choice to join the Liyue Navy be in vain?

Sister, if you want to get it as soon as possible, there is actually nothing you can do.

Seeing that Beidou seemed to be regretting his previous decision, Han Xiao quickly spoke again to give him a little hope.

any solution?

When Han Xiao said this, Beidou's somewhat depressed mood suddenly disappeared, and he immediately stared at the other party with burning eyes.

It seems that he wants to hear what advice the other party will give him to get the steel steamship in advance.

Isn't there a shipyard in Liyue Port?

Pointing in the direction of Liyue Port, Han Xiao smiled meaningfully at Beidou.

Sister, if you can find Ningguang's investment, you may not be able to get it in advance!


After hearing Han Xiao's suggestion, Beidou didn't know how to answer for a while.

The other party's proposal is indeed more reliable.

First of all, Ningguang's financial resources can completely cover the cost of privately building a steel steamship.

Secondly, although steel steamships are armaments, Seven Stars are still qualified to build them.

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