It is indeed very similar.

Hearing Paimon's sigh, Yingya nodded seriously and then corrected Paimon's words.

But I think you're wrong about one thing.

Hey, what did I say wrong?

Roman may not have left Haiji Island.

That can't be true... Didn't Xinhai say that she saw the other party leaving Haiji Island by boat?

You are indeed taking a boat, but you may not be able to turn back.

Seeing that Paimon didn't seem to believe it, Yingmei's eyes flashed and she expressed her thoughts.

After meeting Roman several times, she had a certain understanding of him.

Every time the other party shows up, something very important happens.

For example, when we first met Roman, we met while investigating the meteorite incident, and when we met again, it was because of the changes under the giant rock abyss.

So she didn't think that Roman came to Haiji Island just to make a deal with Coral Palace Xinhai.

Because when he was under the giant rock abyss before, Ying discovered that Roman didn't seem to care particularly about money, but was rather interested in various historical legends.

Did the other party come to Haiji Island just to make a material deal with Coral Palace Xinhai?

Haha, no matter how she thought about it, she felt that the news must be false.

I can't believe that Roman is currently hiding somewhere on Haiji Island.

According to what you said, isn't that guy Roman planning to explore the secret again?

After listening to Ying's thoughts, Paimon couldn't help but recall Roman's behavior pattern, and found that it seemed to be similar to what Ying said. The other party was really not interested in Mora, but was interested in various historical legends. Very interested in secrets.

And coincidentally, there really is such a place on Haiji Island.

Thinking of the place called Yunxia Palace that they recently heard from the miko chatting on the island, if Roman knew about it, he would definitely not let this place go.

No, Roman must know.

They all heard about it from the mouth of the miko Luko. There was no reason why Roman, who had stayed on Kaiji Island for a while, didn't know about it.

Who knows, anyway, I don't think I would be surprised to see Roman in the next second.

Ying and Paimon didn't know that when they passed by Wanglong Village, the doll Hanxiao walked out from behind a big tree.

I didn't expect Ying's intuition to be so sharp.

Looking at the backs of Ying and Paimon walking towards the Coral Palace in the distance, the doll Hanxiao also had a look of amusement on his face.

Although the experiments at Yuanxia Palace were suspended for a period of time, the first phase of experiments has basically been completed.

So next, he would have moved the experiment from Yuanxia Palace to the Teyvat continent for implementation.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came out of Yuanxia Palace, he heard Yingmei and Paimon talking about him, and the other party even keenly guessed his previous action of sneaking back to Haizhi Island.

This intuition is really amazing.

But having said that, since Yingdu has guessed his purpose, does the person in the Coral Palace know about it?

Suddenly, the doll Hanxiao couldn't help but have a different view of Coral Palace Xinhai, the military counselor known as the five-star ornamental fish in the game.

After all, games are games and reality is reality.

In the real Teyvat continent, there is a human goddess and witch on the sea island, and the wisdom of the resistance's strategist leader is not really as 'unbearable' as shown in the game.

Thinking about it, being able to lead the residents of an island and fight with Inazuma's main island to this day, but still able to maintain the war at a certain level to avoid drawing out the Thunder God, this skill and wisdom should not be underestimated.

Maybe the other party has already guessed about my plan, but they haven't made it clear yet.

Thinking that Coral Palace Xinhai might have discovered his purpose, the corners of the puppet Han Xiao's mouth couldn't help but curve.

Things are really getting interesting.


Soon, Han Xiao, who was far away in Guili City, heard the latest news from the puppet Han Xiao.

Coral Palace Xinhai... interesting.

After digesting the latest information obtained by the puppet clone, Han Xiao's eyes flashed with interest.

His clone's speculation about Coral Palace Heart Sea did arouse his interest.

If it is true as his clone guessed, Coral Palace Xinhai has already come up with his idea. After Inazuma lifts the national lockdown order, he can actually make the decision to provide more assistance to Haiji Island.

emmm, how should I put it?

Compared to dealing with a silly guy like Thor, who has extremely strong martial arts, Han Xiao prefers to cooperate with smart people like Coral Palace Xinhai.

Especially when smart people are at a disadvantage, they are actually very easy to talk to.

If Coral Palace Xinhai is really such a smart person, when the lockdown order is lifted, she will be able to pay a lot of price when facing the pressure from Inazuma, who urgently needs to restore the living environment of Haiji Island.


Regarding the matter of Coral Palace Xinhai, Han Xiao temporarily put the matter aside after giving an instruction to her puppet clone far away in Inazuma to continue paying attention.

After all, it was still some time before Inazuma lifted the national lockdown order, and it was uncertain whether Coral Palace Xinhai had guessed his purpose, so he chose to leave this matter to his clone.

After all, Han Xiao has a more important thing waiting for him right now.

Chapter 454 The final treatment for Kelai

Seven days passed by in a flash, and soon the time agreed upon by Han Xiao and Ke Lai came.

Early in the morning on the agreed day, when Han Xiao just came out of his house and arrived at the alchemy workshop, Ke Lai and Amber had been waiting for him at the door for a long time.

Mr. Hanxiao!

The first time they saw Han Xiao, Ke Lai and the two men came to greet him.

You're finally here!

You guys came quite early!

Facing the two people who looked a little anxious, Han Xiao first greeted Ke Lai and Amber with a gentle smile, and then put on a serious look and asked:

Miss Kelai, today's treatment is more painful than the previous two times.

Are you ready?

Yes, Mr. Hanxiao.

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Ke Lai also looked at him seriously. There was no hint of fear in his tone, only the determination after making a decision.

Today's treatment is up to you!

Very well, please follow me.

Now that Ke Lai was mentally prepared, Han Xiao didn't waste much time and directly led the two of them to the alchemy workshop.

As before, after entering the temporary 'operating room' inside the workshop, Ke Lai lay down on the operating table skillfully without saying a word.

As for Amber, she remained the same as the previous two times, choosing to lean against the corner of the operating room and silently wait for the treatment to proceed.

In fact, she tried to persuade Ke Lai to give up the final treatment every day in the past seven days, mainly because the treatment plan chosen by Han Xiao was too dangerous.

If he's not careful, Kelai may never get off the operating table again.

Unfortunately, despite her advice, Kelai never changed his mind.

There was no other way, so Amber could only place her hope in Barbatos, the god of wind, to bless Kelai's treatment to go smoothly.

After all, today’s treatment is far more risky than the previous two times.

While Amber stood in the corner silently praying for her friend, Han Xiao once again took out the small box used in the previous treatment from the jade pendant.

But unlike the previous two times, Han Xiao did not directly take out the book from last time, but took the lead in taking out a long transparent test tube.

The test tube also contained a lavender liquid.

Miss Collet, drink this first.

What's this?

After taking the test tube handed over by Han Xiao and looking at the mysteriously lustrous lavender liquid in the test tube, Kelai swallowed subconsciously even though he was mentally prepared, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

The main reason is that the color of the liquid in the test tube really gives people a bad feeling.

This is my exclusive formula, Soul Sleeping Potion. After drinking it, your soul will fall into a state of insensitivity, which can slightly relieve your pain.

Upon hearing Ke Lai's inquiry, Han Xiao didn't hide anything and directly told the effect of the potion.

This is a special potion that he created in the past few days by combining the alchemy skills of several worlds such as World of Warcraft, Teyvat, and Xingyue.

Its main function is to increase the dullness of the soul, and also has a certain degree of anesthetic effect.

Normally, the effect of this potion would seem a bit tasteless. After all, people who drink it will feel a sense of disharmony between their soul and body.

However, for Kelai, the Soul Sleeping Potion is a guarantee that can help increase the success rate of treatment.

There is such a potion?

Hearing what Han Xiao said, Ke Lai looked at the test tube in his hand in surprise.

She really didn't expect that the other party could develop such a strange potion. She had never seen such a thing in Tinari, who was proficient in herbal medicine.

Out of trust in Han Xiao, Ke Lai did not hesitate and reached out to pull out the cork on the test tube. Then he put the test tube against his lips, raised his head and drank all the lavender liquid into his throat.

Corledo was not asked to wait. Just two minutes later, she felt as if she had lost control of her body, and she was paralyzed on the operating table unable to move.

Seeing this, Han Xiao turned around again and took out a cork stick that was only as long as the palm of his hand from the wooden box. There were elastic ropes tied to both ends of the stick.

Under Ke Lai's gaze, Han Xiao stretched out a hand to pinch her chin, causing her to subconsciously open her mouth.

The other hand stuck the cork stick horizontally between the teeth, and at the same time, he did not forget to wrap the rope at both ends around Kelai's head and tie them together.

Emmm, although it looks a bit unsightly, Han Xiao also made preparations to prevent Ke Lai from biting his tongue due to excessive pain during the treatment.

After doing all this, Han Xiao looked at Ke Lai's confused eyes and said slowly:

Miss Kelai, I will start treatment next.

If it hurts, bite the stick and don't pass out.

Blink if you're ready.

As soon as Han Xiao finished speaking, Ke Lai blinked his eyes laboriously.

Very well, then I'm going to get started.

Seeing that Ke Lai was ready, Han Xiao rolled up his sleeves and pressed his left hand directly on the other's warm forehead.

The next moment, a faint blue light lit up on his hand, and penetrated directly into Kelai's head.


In an instant, a severe pain caused Kelai's pupils to shrink suddenly, and he subconsciously let out a scream of pain, but because he was biting the cork stick, the sound directly turned into a muffled groan.

Although he was mentally prepared for the pain he might experience during the treatment, Kelai never expected that he would feel severe pain just after the treatment started.

If she hadn't taken a potion that made her soul feel dull, she might have fainted from the pain just now.

As Han Xiao poured his power into Ke Lai's body, a strong black aura was gathering at the back of his neck where the opponent couldn't see.

Obviously, the sudden power has touched the remains of the demon within the seal.


Feeling the pain one after another in his body, Kelai suddenly heard an extremely unusual muffled sound in his ears.

She knew that this was the sound of the seal being broken open by Han Xiao's power.

Sure enough, the next moment the seal was broken open, the black flame snake that had appeared in the Black Fire Case emerged from Kelai's body again.

The temperature of the entire temporary operating room dropped several degrees in an instant.


The remnant of the demon god that broke free from the seal immediately wanted to devour Kelai's consciousness, but an extremely strong force wrapped up the other party's consciousness, making it impossible for him to start.

In desperation, the consciousness in the demon god's remnants could only choose to appear from Ke Lai's body, trying to interrupt Han Xiao who was disturbing him from reality.

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