Chapter 455 Treatment Completed

Snake of Black Flame...

When she saw the familiar black flame snake reappearing from Kelai's body, Amber subconsciously murmured to herself, and her memory was dragged back to Mondstadt a few years ago.

At that time, it was this power that killed several diplomats of the Fools and caused extremely bad effects, almost putting Mond at a diplomatic disadvantage.

If it weren't for Kaia's design, Kelai would never have woken up from the wrath of resurrection.

Amber was lost in memories, but Han Xiao had no intention of relaxing at all.

The moment he saw the Black Flame Snake, he knew that his plan had achieved temporary success.

At least under the protection of his own power, Kelai's consciousness was not swallowed up by the demon's remnants immediately.

Then the next thing to do is very simple, just kill the opponent.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao's left hand continued to send his power to Ke Lai's forehead to protect the opponent's consciousness.

The other hand quickly pulled out a golden syringe from the wooden box and plunged it into Kelai's neck.


When all the golden Holy Light Essence was injected into the body as Han Xiao pushed the syringe, Ke Lai's whole body felt as if he had been hit hard, and he struggled crazily on the operating table.


Accompanied by several sounds of machine operation, four shackles suddenly rose from both sides of the operating table and locked the opponent's wrists and ankles firmly.

At this time, Kelai was like a fish struggling out of water. The fierce struggle even made the operating table make a harsh sound of creaking and scraping against the ground.

At the same time, large beads of sweat oozed from her forehead, her face turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the muscles all over her body were shaking crazily and uncontrollably.


When the golden Holy Light Essence was injected into Ke Lai's body by Han Xiao, the Black Flame Snake, which was composed of the remains of the Demon God, immediately sensed the fatal threat.

He immediately roared towards Han Xiao and did not forget to pounce on him.

Well done!

Seeing the black flame snake rushing towards him, Han Xiao, who had been prepared before the treatment, narrowed his eyes. He quickly threw away the syringe in his right hand and took out the book-like Holy Deed directly from the wooden box. .

Then he activated the power of the Holy Pact and struck hard at the Black Flame Snake.


Caught off guard, the Black Flame Snake came into close contact with the Holy Pact, and suddenly the entire operating room sounded like a noise like butter being melted by flames.

Of course, in addition to this slightly harsh sound, the Black Flame Snake also roared in pain, and its entire body kept twisting in mid-air.

It has to be said that the power of the Holy Light is worthy of being the natural enemy that restrains all negative forces. The Black Flame Snake, which is composed of the consciousness in the remnants of the Demon God, seems to have fallen into a frying pan. The scene is simply cruel.

Being caught off guard, the Black Flame Snake looked at the Holy Deed in Han Xiao's hand with fear, and then began to swim slowly in the air, trying to find the opponent's flaws.

Facing the black flame snake that started to swim away, Han Xiao's left hand placed on Ke Lai's forehead showed no sign of moving.

The right hand holding the Holy Deed is like holding a brick, always ready to strike again at the Black Flame Snake.


Just when Han Xiao and the Black Flame Snake were in a confrontation, Ke Lai on the operating table felt as if he had fallen into hell.

She only felt as if her whole body was being cut back and forth with a blunt knife at the same time, and the pain that was stronger than the last surged through her body like a tide.

If he hadn't taken the potion prepared by Han Xiao in advance and his consciousness was enveloped by the other party's power, he might have gone crazy with pain.

Even so, Kelai still felt like he was about to die from the pain.

Mr. Han Xiao was indeed right, this time it hurt even more than the previous two times.

Holding back the heartbreaking pain all over his body, Ke Lai couldn't help but think of Han Xiao's advice to him before the treatment started.

Amber...Master Tinari...

In order to prevent himself from losing consciousness in pain, Kelai kept recalling every detail of his life with Amber, as well as the scene where Master Tinari took great care of him.

Just when her consciousness was about to become blurred by the pain, a sudden warmth surged throughout her body.

In an instant, the continuous pain seemed to disappear, and Kelai, who had been on the edge of blur, suddenly became more awake.


What is this roaring?

Feeling a little miserable?

Feeling the seemingly distant roar in her ears, Kelai opened her eyes with difficulty, and through the gap in Han Xiao's palm covering her forehead, she saw a familiar scene.

A giant snake made of black mist was twisting its body in mid-air, roaring in pain.

Taking a closer look, it turned out that Han Xiao's other hand was holding the golden book that had been used to treat her before and was constantly slapping the black flame snake.

With every slap, the mist of the Black Flame Snake will become lighter.

At the same time, Kelai also found that the mist accompanying the Black Flame Snake was getting thinner and thinner due to the golden light of the books, and the warmth in his whole body was gradually increasing.

it works!

It really works!

Feeling that the pain in his body was slowly easing, Ke Lai immediately cheered up. His consciousness that was originally hovering on the edge of blur immediately became clearer, and his senses gradually recovered.


Han Xiao naturally saw Ke Lai's change. Seeing that the other party was so strong, he admired him in his heart, and the movements in his hands became more and more fierce.


Seeing that Han Xiao had no intention of leaving a way for him to survive, the consciousness in the devil's remnant also became fierce. He shouted and rushed towards the opponent regardless of the situation.

That weird power has made it impossible for him to return to Kelai's body. If he continues like this, he may be completely defeated by the opponent.

Rather than sit back and wait for death, it is better to make a final counterattack.

Even if he couldn't succeed, he would still give the guy in front of him a hard blow.

It's a pity that although his idea is good, Han Xiao has long been on guard against the other party's desperate attempts.

Try this!

Han Xiao threw away the holy contract in his hand, and a large flask filled with holy light essence appeared out of thin air in his hand, and then poured it on the black flame snake coming towards him.


The next moment, the entire body of the Black Flame Snake, which was splashed with the essence of Holy Light, evaporated instantly, and even the air made a series of explosions like cold water being poured into hot oil.


With the last vicious roar of the Black Flame Snake, the remnants of the demon god that had troubled Kelai for many years finally disappeared completely.

Chapter 456: Fighting Fire with Fire

The Black Flame Snake was just dealt with?

Seeing the giant snake composed of black mist evaporate under the golden liquid poured out by Han Xiao, Amber couldn't help but open her mouth wide, and her eyes showed a look of astonishment.

You must know that it is a black flame snake composed of the remains of the demon god, and it is not a mainland product.

Even the Xumi Gale Disciplinary Seno and the genius witch Lisa could only seal existences that could not be dispelled. How could they be solved so easily by Han Xiao with a bottle of water?

This ‘water’ with its golden light is so magical! can only be said that Amber is overthinking, or that Han Xiao's performance confused her.

Although the Holy Light Essence can purify negative forces, it is indeed quite harmful to the devil's residue.

But if you want to use a bottle of Holy Light Essence to dispel the consciousness of the devil's remnants in Kelai's body, you will have to be a being of Naaru's level.

Han Xiao is neither a paladin nor in World of Warcraft. If we really want to compare the bottle of holy light essence he threw out, it is probably a bottle of concentrated sulfuric acid.

The damage is indeed not small, but it cannot cause death immediately.

As for why the demon god's remnants completely dissipated after being splashed with holy light essence, the main reason was that he was possessed by Han Xiao.

The consciousness in the remnants of the demon god has experienced the power of the Holy Light Essence, so it knows that although this thing can cause damage, it will not cause death immediately after being hit once or twice.

So when he saw Han Xiao pouring Holy Light Essence on him in his last ditch effort, he chose to resist, just to get close to the opponent and cause damage.

But what the consciousness in the demon god's remnants never expected was that Han Xiao would activate his own power while splashing out the essence of holy light.

As mentioned before, Han Xiao's power is comparable to the power of Teyvat's highest level, and it is highly targeted to the world under the Sea of ​​Trees system.

So when he poured the Holy Light Essence onto the Demon God's remnant, this highly targeted power was like a sharp blade in the darkness, quietly delivering a fatal blow.

This is the entire process of the demon god's residue dissipating in the essence of holy light.


After getting rid of the Black Flame Snake, Han Xiao could finally have his hands free to deal with Ke Lai's problem.

But when his eyes fell on the operating table, the 'miserable' sight in front of him still shocked him.

Kelai, who was originally lying on the operating table, was now seeing black blood oozing from the pores on her skin, so that her whole body seemed to be wrapped in a black-red shell, looking extremely... Infiltrate people.

Obviously, the dissipation of the devil's residue still caused considerable damage to the untied body.

Seeing this, Han Xiao didn't dare to neglect, and quickly stretched out his right hand to open Ke Lai's closed eyelids with his fingers. When he saw that the other person's eyes were not dilated, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.


It just looks a bit miserable, but there's nothing wrong with it.

Without the interference of the devil's remnants, Han Xiao immediately started treatment.

As the Holy Light Essence was injected into Kelai's body again, this time it finally did not cause her as much pain as before.

The left hand that has been pressed against his forehead can also feel the other person's brow gradually relaxing.

Soon, the magic scale curse attached to Kelai's soul began to peel off bit by bit under the wash of the holy light essence, flowing out along the bleeding pores.

As soon as they came out, these cursed fragments were wiped cleanly by Han Xiao using his power.

When the last trace of the demon scale curse was stripped away from Ke Lai's soul and eliminated, Han Xiao withdrew his left hand that had been attached to the other man's forehead.

When Kelai's consciousness reconnected with his body, he directly took out the sleeping potion he had prepared from the wooden box beside him and injected it into his neck.

The reason why Kelai was not allowed to fall asleep during the previous treatment was because he wanted to protect the other person's consciousness from being attacked by the demonic remnants.

Now that the treatment has been completed, you can naturally let her sleep with peace of mind.

And there is another point. Although the treatment is completed, Kelai's body is probably as if he has been run over by a heavy truck.

So now you can let the other party fall asleep and suffer less.

Mr. Hanxiao...has the treatment been completed?

When he saw Han Xiao taking the wooden box back to his jade pendant, Amber, who had watched the entire treatment process, first glanced at the bloody Kelai with distressed eyes, and then asked cautiously.

Well, it's done.

Hearing Amber's question, Han Xiao walked to the pool nearby and began to wash her bloody hands, while nodding in response.

That demon scale disease...

Miss Kelai no longer has the magic scale disease.

After cleaning the blood on her hands, Han Xiao wiped the water droplets on her hands with a dry towel and gave Amber a positive answer with a smile.

To be honest, if the demonic residue inside Kelai's body hadn't interfered with his judgment before, he might have already confirmed that the Holy Light was effective against the Demon Scale Curse and had no such major side effects.

To put it simply, if the person receiving treatment this time was not Kelai, but an ordinary patient with magic scale disease, perhaps just a shot of Holy Light Essence would be enough to solve the curse.

Instead of making it as complicated as it is now.

...It's that simple?

Amber was excited at first when she learned that the demon scale disease in Kelai's body was completely eliminated, but after the excitement, she couldn't help but feel a little confused.

She could clearly see the previous treatment from beginning to end. During the entire treatment process, Han Xiao had been competing with the demon scum.

After dispelling the demonic remnants, it seemed like he just stuck a needle in Kelai's neck?

This means that apart from fighting against the remnants of the demon god, the actual treatment of demon scale disease only requires a single injection?

Isn't it said that Demon Scale is an incurable disease and that countless famous doctors in Teyvat Continent are helpless?

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