Recalling how troublesome the Demon God's remnant was, Amber first glanced at Kelai worriedly, and then looked at Han Xiao with hopeful eyes:

Mr. Han Xiao, there are many immortals in Liyue. I wonder if these immortals have any solution to the demon god's remnants?

As a mixed-race child with Liyue blood, Amber heard her grandfather talk about the legend of Liyue Immortal when she was very young.

In legends, most of the immortals appear in the story to fight against the devil.

So she wanted to know if the Liyue Immortal Family could eliminate the demon remnants in Ke Lai's body.

Yes, there is...

Before Amber could speak, Han Xiao's next words disappointed her.

However, most of the methods used by the Immortal family to eliminate the remnants of the demon god are violent. I have never seen a situation like Miss Kelai's fusion with the remnants of the demon god.

...If we don't get rid of the devil's residue, does that mean that Kelai's disease cannot be cured?


Although she really didn't want to say this, Han Xiao still nodded.

Kelai's condition is now completely clear. She is not only suffering from Demon Scale Disease, but more importantly, she has the remains of the Demon God sealed in her body.

If the interference from the devil's remnant is not resolved, even if Han Xiao uses another method of treatment, he will still be blocked by the other party.

After all, Demonic Residue and Demonic Scale Disease are both negative forces attached to the host, Kelai.

Amber and Kelai, who learned about this situation from Han Xiao, looked at each other, with a slightly disappointed look in their eyes.

Demonic residue, this thing is a big mountain blocking the demon scale disease. As long as it is removed, the demon scale disease can be cured.

But the Demon God's remnants are notoriously difficult to deal with in the Teyvat continent.

Maybe, maybe is just a possibility after all.

Thinking that he had received the news about the possibility of curing the devil scale disease mentioned in the decree of the Little Lucky Grass King before he appeared, Kelai's mood instantly dropped.

Little Lucky Grass King's order is correct. There really is someone like Mr. Hanxiao in Liyue who can cure the devil scale disease.

But what she never expected was that the demonic residue in her body would become an obstacle to healing.

Even though the demon god's residue gave her extremely strong physical strength and speed, Kelai still couldn't help but hate it at this moment.

Just when Ke Lai and Amber fell into silence in disappointment, Han Xiao suddenly spoke to break the silence.

Miss Kelai, and Miss Amber, I actually have another solution here.


The next moment after hearing that Han Xiao seemed to have a way out, Amber and Kelai raised their heads and looked at each other, their eyes showing hope again.

Facing the two people who were looking at her with stern eyes, Han Xiao paused for a moment, and then said solemnly:

It's just that my method is quite dangerous. Even I don't know what the chance of success is.

any solution?

Ke Lai didn't pay attention to Han Xiao's advice that the probability was very low and it was quite dangerous. She just wanted to know how to deal with the demon residue and the demon scale disease in her body.

Take the initiative to break the seal and release the remaining consciousness of the devil. Let me expel it from your body, Miss Kelai.

However, once you do this, your consciousness will most likely be swallowed up by the devil's residue in the first place.

Miss Kelai, this is my method, but what about your wishes?

Chapter 452: The Wanted Yingmei

Take the initiative to break the seal?

No, this is absolutely not possible!

Before Ke Lai could speak, Amber immediately loudly rejected Han Xiao's proposal.

When Xeno, who came to Mondstadt at Lisa's request, sealed the demonic remnants in Kelai's body, he warned him never to break the seal.

Because once the seal is released, the remnants of the demon that have been suppressed for a long time will immediately target Kelai's consciousness and attack crazily until it completely devours his consciousness.

Therefore, in Amber's opinion, the method proposed by Han Xiao had no chance of success.

After the seal was unlocked, Ke Lai's only fate was death.


Ke Lai suddenly reached out and pulled Amber, who looked quite excited, and looked at Han Xiao seriously with his violet-like eyes:

Mr. Han Xiao, since you dare to propose such a method, there must be a solution, right?

To hear that she can still remain so calm now, Miss Kelai is really very tough!

Seeing that Ke Lai was not frightened by his words, but was doing analysis quite calmly, Han Xiao couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, and there was a look of appreciation in his eyes.

Just like what the other party said, since he dares to say such a method that others think is lifeless, he naturally has a certain degree of confidence.

Don't forget, Han Xiao's own power is one of the highest powers in the Teyvat continent.

It can help the devil resist wear and tear and control entropy.

Moreover, he is also a complete demon-god-level existence, so it is quite simple to block the attack of the demon-god's remnants.

Han Xiao's method was actually very simple. He used his own power to wrap up Ke Lai's consciousness, and then took the initiative to break the seal, so that he could force the demon remnants out of the opponent's body.

However, although he can guarantee that Kelai's consciousness will not be swallowed up by the demon's residue immediately, it does not mean that there is no risk.

The consciousness in the demon god's residue is not as simple as the resentment. Faced with this situation that threatens his own safety, he will definitely fight back.

At that time, Ke Lai's body will become a 'battlefield' where Han Xiao and the devil's remnants chase each other.

This was different from the previous time when the holy light entered his body and subsequently caused the resistance of the devil's remnants. The pain that Kelai would suffer during this period was definitely several times higher than before.

After telling Ke Lai his thoughts, Han Xiao looked into Ke Lai's lavender eyes and asked softly:

Miss Collet, what is your decision?

...When does it begin?

Under Amber's worried gaze, Kelai was silent for only a moment, and then made up his mind to ask Xiang Hanxiao directly.

You have just undergone treatment and have not recovered yet. We will talk about it after you have recovered.

Can you give me a specific time?

Based on your cultivation speed, it will take seven days.


After receiving the accurate information, Kelai turned around and slowly walked towards her residence with heavy steps. She now had to go back to recuperate her body and spirit as soon as possible.

After seven days, it will be time to face the test.

Ke Lai, wait for me!

Seeing Ke Lai leaving, Amber also came back to her senses, quickly caught up with her, and helped her slowly disappear from Han Xiao's sight.


Time passed by like a white horse, and three days passed quickly.

During the past three days, Ke Lai has been lying in the room arranged by Han Xiao to cultivate his body, and Amber has been taking care of him.

Today was the same as usual, Amber brought a bowl of rice porridge and carefully fed Kelai.

Thank you, Amber.

After swallowing a mouthful of the hot porridge that Amber brought to his mouth, Kelai's eyes showed gratitude.

You are my friend, so thank you.

In response to Kelai's thanks, Amber rolled her eyes angrily, and then looked at him with a worried expression.

Ke Lai...are you really going to accept Mr. Han Xiao's opinion?

Seno said at the beginning that the seal cannot be opened. Once it is opened, you will be really in danger.

I know, but I believe Mr. Hanxiao.

Hearing Amber's worries, Kelai's face showed no fear that he might die, and he looked extremely calm.

Han Xiao's previous treatment made her hands return to normal, and she has not gotten sick again until now.

In addition, she also caught the flash of confidence in the other person's eyes when he expressed his thoughts.

Based on this, Kelai is very confident about the next treatment.


Knowing that she couldn't convince Kelai, Amber could only sigh helplessly, picked up the spoon in her hand again, scooped out a spoonful of rice porridge, and brought it to the other person's mouth.

Soon, the room fell into silence again.


Kelai is doing his best to train and prepare for the treatment in a few days.

Han Xiao unexpectedly received a piece of news.

The doll Hanxiao who was far away in Inazuma heard the news just after coming out of Yuanxia Palace. The traveler was wanted and fled to Kaiji Island.

As expected, he is still wanted.

After digesting all the information sent by the puppet Han Xiao, the first thing Han Xiao said was to sigh that time flies by so fast.

Although he had already known in the game that Yingmei would be wanted on the road in his previous life, he did not expect that the other party would arrive at Haiji Island so quickly.

After all, Yingmei's arrival on Kaiji Island means that Inazuma's plot has come to an end.

Soon Inazuma will be back on track and the lockdown order will be abolished.

Han Xiao and the other Seven Stars also need to adjust their attitude towards Dao Wife.

After all, after Lei Shen's internal troubles are dealt with, new policies will definitely be issued. Continuing to plunder the wool will easily arouse Lei Shen's wrath.

Nowadays, there is no god's protection on Liyue Ming's face. Even if the top management of Daozhi knows that Zhongli is not dead, they still need to restrain themselves where they should.

In addition, Dao Wife, who has come out of the national lockdown, is full of things to do, and Han Xiao also plans to take this opportunity to cooperate with Dao Wife.

He can use many specialties from Dao Wife, and the demand is not small.

As for whether Kejin's previous wool-gathering behavior would cause displeasure on Dao's wife's part, Han Xiao had no pressure at all on this.

It was not him who issued the order to lock down the country, nor was he the one who drove away the businessmen within Daozhu.

Liyue's harvesting of wool was just taking advantage of the situation. Moreover, Liyue's family was not the only one who took advantage of the lockdown to gather the wool of Dao's wife.

Mondstadt, Zhidong, Xumi and other six countries are more or less involved.

As for Inazuma, she can only blame herself for the country-locking order.

Moreover, after the national lockdown ends, Dao's wife will inevitably fall into weakness. Even if Hanxiao and the others do not intervene, the other party will actively seek cooperation to tide over the period of weakness.

That's why Han Xiao wasn't worried at all that Dao's wife would cause trouble.

Chapter 453: On the intelligence of five-star ornamental fish

Han Xiao received the news from the doll Han Xiao and thought of Yingmei. Yingmei, who is currently serving as the Swordfish Second Division on Kaiji Island, is also talking to Paimon about the doll Hanxiao.

I really didn't expect that Roman had actually been to Haiji Island before. Thinking about it carefully, we are quite destined!

Paimon, who had just accompanied Yingmei back from training with the Swordfish Second Division, admired the beautiful scenery of the Coral Palace and said to Yingmei with a slight sigh.

She had seen Roman's wanted poster in Konta Village before, and she thought he would leave Inazuma directly.

Who would have thought that Roman not only did not leave, but instead ran to Kaiji Island, which was at war with Inazuma's main island.

He even made a big deal with Haiji Island, selling a lot of food to the resistance forces who were struggling with living supplies.

But having said that, Paimon felt that her experience with Yingmei was no better than Roman.

The other party was wanted by the Provincial Government for openly committing a crime on an outlying island. She and Ying also disrupted the Thunder and Lightning Eye Hunting Ceremony in order to save Thomas and were comprehensively wanted by Tianling.

Then, one after another, they all chose to run to Haiji Island to take refuge.

I have to say that the two of them are surprisingly similar to Roman's experience in Rice Wife.

The only difference is that the other party chose to leave after completing the deal with Kaijijima, while she and Ying joined the resistance and chose to fight against General Raiden's Eye Hunting Order and Seokoku Order.

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