After learning about this situation, Han Xiao immediately closed the chat group, then hurried back to the alchemy workshop and found Abedo who was doing experiments.


Hey...why are you back again?

Seeing Han Xiao appearing in the workshop, Abedo unexpectedly put down the reagent in his hand.

Albedo, do you know the specific circumstances of the Black Fire case?

Han Xiao did not answer Albedo's question, but asked her own question directly.

...Black Fire Case, why do you suddenly ask about this?

Although some people didn't understand why Han Xiao became interested in the Black Fire case, Abedo truthfully told the other party that he didn't know the specific details of the Black Fire case.

When the Black Fire incident occurred, he was not in Mondstadt but in the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain.

However, Han Xiao seems to be very eager to learn about the Black Fire case, and Abedo also gave his own suggestions:

If you really want to know about the Black Fire case, you can ask Amber or Captain Qin. They know more than me.

Thank you Abedo.

After receiving the advice, Han Xiao first thanked Abeido, then immediately took out her mobile phone from Yu Perry and dialed Qin's number.

As for why he didn't go to Amber, it was because the other party was taking care of Kelai now, and he didn't want to disturb the two of them.

Moreover, as Qin is the acting leader of the Knights of Mondstadt, she should know the most about the Black Fire case.


As the call was connected, Qin's voice also came from the mobile phone.

This is Qin, who is it?

Chapter 450: Han Xiao looking for the cause of the disease

You want to know the whole story of the Black Fire case?

When she learned that Han Xiao's call was to inquire about the Black Fire case in Mondstadt, Qin, who was in the office of the leader of the Knights of the West Wind, frowned and asked on the phone.

Yes, Captain Qin.

Hearing Qin's somewhat unexpected response, Han Xiao on the other side of the phone quickly explained the reason why she wanted to know.

Miss Kelai had a great stress reaction during the treatment. I suspect there is something wrong with her.

I heard that Miss Kelai has some connection with the Black Fire case that occurred in Mondstadt a few years ago, so I want to ask Captain Qin if there is any secret in it.

Mo Xiao's words awakened Han Xiao. Logically speaking, the Holy Light Purification Curse did not produce such a violent reaction as Ke Lai's.

Unless the holy light in the opponent's body is not only dispelling the curse, it is likely to encounter resistance from other things.

Later, Xingxiao found in those messy past life memories that the Mondstadt Blackfire case seemed to be related to Collet, which proved that their speculation was correct.

So that's it.

Hearing Han Xiao's explanation, Qin suddenly understood.

Although she didn't get too involved in this matter at first, her best friend Lisa was indeed one of the parties involved.

So Qin also knows a lot about the details and secrets in the Black Fire case.

Wait a moment, I'll call Lisa over.

Since this involved Cole's treatment, Qin stood up and walked out of the office, went straight to the library and found Lisa who was 'fishing'.

Hey, hey, is it Hanxiao?

Not long after, Han Xiao heard the mature and enchanting voice of Witch Lisa from the receiver of her mobile phone.

I haven't seen Miss Lisa for a long time.

On the other side, in Mondstadt's library.

Seeing that Lisa seemed to be planning to continue arguing with Han Xiao, Qin immediately reminded her with a serious face:

Lisa, let's get down to business.

Alright alright.

Seeing the solemn expression on her best friend's face, Lisa could only shrug helplessly, and then said seriously into the phone:

Han Xiao, are you here to inquire about the Black Fire case because of the problems with Kelai's child?


As soon as he finished speaking, Han Xiao's series of explanations came from the other side of the phone.

I designed a treatment plan for the problem of magic scale disease. After two days of treatment, Miss Kelai's hands have returned to normal, but she herself suffered great pain during the treatment process.

I have now suspended Miss Collet's treatment.

Amazing, Han Xiao, can you really cure magic scale disease?

After hearing what Han Xiao said, Lisa's eyes suddenly lit up, and the expression on her face became extremely excited.

As a genius witch who had studied in Xumi, she had naturally done research on magic scale disease, but the results were not very satisfactory.

Although she found out that Demon Scale is not a disease but a curse, she couldn't find a good solution to the root cause attached to the patient's soul.

Lisa had heard Qin talk about Amber accompanying Kelai to Liyue for medical treatment before. She was actually not optimistic about their trip to Liyue.

However, the fact was beyond her expectation. Han Xiao actually said that his treatment had an effect on the magic scale disease. How could this not make Lisa excited?

Tell me quickly how you did it?

It's very simple. Just find the curse in your soul and purify it.

You are getting more and more incomprehensible, Han Xiao!

Hearing Han Xiao's extremely plain explanation, Lisa couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

As one of the scholars who has studied demon scale disease, doesn’t she still know if others don’t?

Regardless of what Han Xiao said was plain and simple, the other party was able to purify the source of the curse deep in the souls of patients with Demon Scale Disease. This skill alone surpassed 90% of the people in Teyvat Continent who had studied Demon Scale Disease.

You came to Qin this time to ask about the Black Fire case. Is it because during the treatment process, the reaction of the little guy Kelai was beyond your expectations?

Yes, I didn't think anything was wrong at first. I just thought it was a normal phenomenon. But then I realized that my treatment method shouldn't cause so much pain.

I probably know the reason.

After listening to Han Xiao's story, Lisa nodded thoughtfully, and then directly told the specific details of the Black Fire case.

The real ‘murderer’ of the Black Fire case was Collet.

The reason why she became like this is because she was injected with the devil's residue by the Fools, and her spirit was always in an unstable state.

In order to avenge the Fools, Collet came to Mondstadt and triggered the Blackfire case. Finally, with the help of Kaia and Amber, she completed her self-salvation.

Later, Lisa contacted her teacher who was far away in Xumi, and her teacher sent his junior student Seno to seal the demon remnants in Kelai's body, and then brought him back to Xumi.

Lisa felt that Colei showed great pain during Han Xiao's treatment, which was probably related to the sealed demon remnants.

At that time, when Seino sealed the demon god's remnant at Zhaixingya, the other party experienced the kind of pain that might be more terrifying than death.

The devil's remnant, it really didn't exceed my expectations.

Liyue·Alchemy Workshop.

After listening to Lisa's account of the Black Fire case, Han Xiao couldn't help but click his tongue. After discussing with the group of friends before, he had vague doubts about the internal situation of Kelai's body.

Now it seems that his guess was correct.

The devil's remnants...are really haunting things.

After thanking Lisa, Han Xiao hung up the phone.

The original Black Fire case was actually related to the Demon God's residue?

Seeing Han Xiao hang up the communication, Albedo, who was listening to the whole process, also became interested.

He himself was still in the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain when the Black Fire case occurred, so he really didn't know that the Demonic Residue was involved in this case.

This thing is not a good thing.

Yes, I finally know why Kelai had such a strong stress reaction to the treatment.

Hearing Albedo's question, Han Xiao nodded. He now fully understood why the Holy Light suffered so much pain when it dispelled the curse of the demon scale disease in Kelai's body.

The reason for the co-authorship is that he was haunted by the sealed devil residue in his body.

It is different from the residual resentment of the Demon God, or although the two are essentially the same, the difference is that the consciousness contained in the resentment is mostly fragmented, or only one or two thoughts.

As for the demon god's residue, it is different. It contains most of the consciousness and thinking of the dead demon god.

So when the holy light entered Kelai's body, faced with this energy that could pose a great threat to herself, the sealed demon remnants in her body actively chose to resist.

The two sides used Ke Lai's body as a battlefield to 'fight', which caused him great pain.

Chapter 451: The solution to the devil’s residue

Although she understood Ke Lai's physical condition, Han Xiao was caught in a dilemma.

The good news is that the treatment plan using Holy Light can actually continue to be used and is very effective in treating demonic scales.

The bad news is that the demonic remnants are sealed in Kelai's body. In order not to be purified by the holy light, these remnants will actively resist, causing two forces to use her body as a battlefield.

Therefore, if he wanted to cure Ke Lai's demon scale disease, the first thing Han Xiao had to do was to find a way to solve the problem of the demon residue in the opponent's body.

The next day.

When Ke Lai ignored Han Xiao's cultivation order and came to the door accompanied by Amber, Han Xiao informed the two of them of his latest conclusion.

In other words, the reason why it's so painful to treat me is because the demon remnants are resisting in my body?

After hearing Han Xiao's explanation, Ke Lai subconsciously reached out and covered the back of his neck with a look of stomachache on his face.

There was nothing she could do about it. When she thought about the process of 'sealing' that Sano had performed on herself on the Star Picking Cliff, she would feel a faint phantom pain on the back of her neck.

After all, the process was too unforgettable, so until now, whenever this matter is mentioned, Kelai will cover his neck unconsciously.

Yes, the remnants of the Demon God are the remaining bodies that have lost the consciousness of the Demon God. The energy I use to treat them is precisely aimed at these negative existences.

In other words, if you want to completely cure Cole's demon scale disease, the first thing you have to do is find a way to get rid of the sealed demon residue on her body?

Amber was not stupid and quickly understood the meaning of Han Xiao's words.

The main reason why Kelai was so painful during treatment before was not caused by the dispelling of the demon scale disease. Instead, it was caused by the counterattack of the consciousness in the demon remnant in her body to protect herself, and the two opposing forces fought against each other.

As long as the sealed demon residue in Ke Lai's body can be eliminated, Han Xiao can cure the demon scale disease according to the original treatment method.

That's true, but...

Han Xiao nodded, the expression on his face was still quite solemn.

The devil's remnants are not that easy to deal with.

As soon as these words came out, Amber and Kelai, who were originally a little happy because they finally found the reason, fell silent in unison.


They were so happy with it, how could they forget about this?

It is true that Demon Scale is a terminal disease, but the problem of Demon God residue is even more serious than Demon Scale.

There is a consensus on the continent of Teyvat that the demon god is an immortal existence. Even if the body collapses, it will form countless resentments or residues mixed with consciousness.

Ordinary people are generally entangled by these residues with demonic consciousness, and more than 90% of people will be directly swallowed and die on the spot.

Only a small number of people can adapt to the devil's residue.

But even if they adapt, these people will always face the danger of their consciousness being swallowed by the devil's residue.

For example, Ke Lai and Han Xiao's second senior sister Shen He are the most typical examples.

Let’s talk about Ke Lai first. Since she was injected with the Demon God’s reagent by the Fools, she faces the risk of her consciousness being swallowed up by the Demon God’s residue anytime and anywhere.

In comparison, Shen He's current situation is a little better, but not much better.

When she was a child, she faced the remnants of the demon god who wanted to devour her. Her destiny was completely aroused and she successfully killed the opponent. However, it also left the side effect of having a murderous intention that was difficult to control, and she had to use the red rope to lock it together with her emotions.

Facts have shown that encountering the remnants of the Demon God in Teyvat is definitely not a good thing.

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