Chapter 448: The body cannot bear the treatment

Outside the alchemy workshop.

Miss Amber, please take care of Miss Kelai. Let her have a good night's rest today and come to me at the same time tomorrow.

Looking at Kelai, who was barely able to stand with Amber's support, Han Xiao's eyes flashed with appreciation.

This little girl is really strong.

In Han Xiao's past life history, one of Guan Gong's most famous legendary deeds was scraping bones to cure poison.

Although the authenticity of this matter cannot be confirmed, it is undeniable that the saying of scraping bones to cure poison was made in order to highlight Guan Gong's bravery.

The pain Kelai suffered today was worse than scraping bones to cure poison. You must know that the holy light directly invaded her body to dispel the curse, which was equivalent to using a knife to scrape the diseased area on her soul.

But even with such a painful process, the other party endured it.

That's why Han Xiao showed great appreciation for Ke Lai.

Okay, Mr. Hanxiao.

When she heard that she would have to undergo treatment tomorrow, Ke Lai's face turned pale subconsciously, but she immediately gritted her teeth and agreed.

The treatment process was really painful, but she finally found hope, and she was unwilling to give up just because of a little pain.

Ke Lai, please stop talking. I'll take you back to rest.

Amber looked at Kelai, who was pretending to be strong, with distressed eyes, and then turned to look at Han Xiao:

Mr. Hanxiao, let's take our leave now.

After saying that, she supported Kelai and slowly left the alchemy workshop.


Hanxiao, how was the result of this morning's treatment?

When Han Xiao turned around and returned to the alchemy workshop, Albedo appeared out of nowhere, and his first sentence was to ask about the treatment results of Kelai's magic scale disease.

It kind of works, but it's not very effective.

Walking to the reception area of ​​the workshop, Han Xiao pulled out a chair and sat down. He took out a medical record and wrote down today's treatment process, not forgetting to answer Albedo's questions.

The idea of ​​using holy light to dispel the curse was indeed useful, but the effect was not as good as he imagined.

The demon scale disease sticks to the soul like gangrene attached to the bone and cannot be cured. If you want to completely solve it, increasing the dose of holy light to eliminate the curse at once is the best option.


Ke Lai's physical fitness is not as strong as that of the Great Sage of Conquering Demons. Mandrill can drink the Holy Light Essence as water. That's because there are no major problems with his body, and his physical fitness is far superior to ordinary people. .

But Kelai couldn't. This little girl's physical condition was too weak due to the torture of the magic scale disease.

Even though Han Xiao deliberately used a sacred contract containing weak holy light power for treatment, the other party still suffered torture.

If it were replaced with a larger dose of Holy Light Essence, perhaps the Demon Scale Curse attached to the soul could indeed be eliminated, but Kelai would probably also be directly knocked out of consciousness by the severe painful impact.

That is to say, you have found a treatment now, but you can't do it because of the patient's physical condition, right?

After listening to Han Xiao's explanation, Abedo also pulled up a chair and sat across from Han Xiao. He rubbed his chin with one hand and asked thoughtfully.

Oh...that's what happened.

Han Xiao sighed softly, although the Holy Light did not live up to his hopes and successfully dispelled the curse of the Demon Scale Disease.

But the pain caused by the process of dispelling the curse was beyond his expectation.

It can only be said that the Demon-Conquering Great Sage's performance of drinking the Holy Light Essence as water made Han Xiao successful.

Then what are you going to do next?

Regarding Han Xiao's troubles, Abedo was unable to give any effective advice for a while, so he had to ask the other party how he was going to deal with it next.

I'll try it again tomorrow and see the effect. If the situation can't be effectively improved, I may have to change my approach.

Han Xiao didn't have a particularly good plan for what to do next.

It's not that he didn't make any other preparations besides the Holy Light.

In order to solve the curse of magic scale disease, he had discussed several treatment options with other people in the chat group.

But now these plans have become abandoned.

As for the reason.

Or it was because Han Xiao underestimated the damage caused by magic scale disease to the patient's own body.

The treatment plans he had discussed with his group of friends would more or less cause stress reactions in the body.

With Kelai's body now riddled with wounds from Demon Scale, Holy Light treatment is already the mildest of these options.

Even the Holy Light caused Kelai to suffer so much, let alone other treatment options.

Change the treatment plan?

Seeing that Han Xiao was ready to change the treatment plan, Abedo lowered his head and pondered for a moment. Then, as if he had thought of something, he quickly raised his head and asked with a slightly uncertain tone:

If... Han Xiao... I mean if the root cause of the demonic scale disease can be transferred out, can the pain of the patients be alleviated?

Transfer the root cause of the demon scale disease?

Han Xiao couldn't help but frown and think about it. If magic scale disease was a disease, he might laugh at Albedo's bad idea.

But the problem is, Demon Scale is not a disease but a curse.

The Western fantasy world where Xi Xiao lives does not lack this method of transferring curses, which makes Abedo's idea very feasible.

Of course, it is possible, but how to transfer the curse from the soul is also difficult.

Maybe give it a try.

After thinking about it for a long time, Han Xiao finally decided to use the method mentioned by Albedo as a backup.

Let's wait and see how the treatment goes tomorrow.

If Kelai's body really cannot withstand the damage caused by the Holy Light Purification Curse, then he can only find a way to transfer the Demon Scale Curse that is attached to the depths of his soul.


Early the next morning.

Accompanied by Amber, Kelai once again experienced painful treatment that was worse than death.

Looking at Ke Lai who was even weaker than yesterday on the operating table, Han Xiao slowly gave his conclusion.

Miss Collet, I have good news and bad news here.

What's the good news, Mr. Hanxiao?

Since Kelai was in so much pain that he couldn't speak, Amber stood up next to him, his face full of nervousness and uneasiness.

The good news is that after two days of treatment, Miss Collet's left and right hands have returned to normal.

What about the bad news?

The bad news is that with Miss Kelai's current physical condition, she can no longer withstand the third treatment.

As long as the root cause of the disease has not been eliminated, her hands will return to their original state sooner or later.

Then are there any other solutions?

Hearing that Ke Lai's hands would be taken over by the demon scale disease again, Amber couldn't help but put all her hopes on Han Xiao.

Chapter 449: Kelai has more than just demon scale problems

There are no other ways yet.

Looking at Ke Lai who was completely weak on the operating table, Han Xiao shook her head.

Although Abedo provided him with some ideas, he still can't find a reliable way to implement it.

Mr. Hanxiao...I can do it...

Hearing that Han Xiao had no other way to solve the demon scale disease for the time being, Ke Lai felt that all the bones in his body were about to break apart. He endured the pain and opened his eyes, and spoke with great difficulty.

Demon scale disease has always been a disease with no cure. Now that she finally saw hope of a cure, she didn't want to give up just like that.

Unfortunately, Miss Kelai, you can't bear the third treatment now, and I have to ensure that you are conscious, so I can't use sleeping potion.

Seeing that Ke Lai didn't want to give up, Han Xiao was silent for a moment, and finally told the truth:

The doses I used for these two treatments were very small. If the dose is increased, the magic scale disease can indeed be cured.

But your consciousness will be annihilated in an instant due to the huge pain. The chance of survival is very small. It is very likely that you will become a healthy but unconscious body.

Ke Lai, listen to Mr. Han Xiao, we can't do the third treatment!

Hearing that Ke Lai was likely to be turned into a living dead by the huge pain, Amber quickly grabbed Ke Lai's cold little hand and stammered to persuade him to give up his plan to continue treatment.

Demon scale disease is a terminal disease, but it is better than being treated like a living dead.


Facing Amber's persuasion and Han Xiao's warning, Ke Lai still didn't want to give up.

Having been tortured by Demon Scale Disease for so long, now that hope was in front of her, she wanted to take a gamble that she could survive the third treatment.

Miss Ke Lai, you'd better stay in Guili City to recuperate for the next few days.

Even though Han Xiao was not a real doctor, he still refused Ke Lai's request to continue treatment out of a sense of responsibility.

Please give me some time and I will find a gentler treatment as soon as possible.


Seeing that he could not persuade Han Xiao, Ke Lai was silent for a long time, and finally chose to agree to the other party.

After all, the person in front of her is the only person she has seen in so many years who has hope of solving the demon scale disease. Based on this alone, she is willing to give him a little more trust.


After calling two Qianyan Army soldiers to carry away Amber and Kelai on a stretcher, Han Xiao said goodbye to Albedo and returned home with the treatment records in her hand.

As soon as he got home, he opened the chat group directly and told about the problems he encountered while treating Ke Lai.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Did Holy Light cause severe pain to the patient when treating Demon Scale Disease? This is a bit beyond my knowledge.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: In my understanding, the Holy Light is a very mild energy. Only the undead will be harmed by the Holy Light.

[World of Ingenuity·Hanxiao]: I remember that the magic scale disease is a curse. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the undead. I think there is something wrong with it.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Yuanxiao, that person named Ke Lai also has the eye of God, right?

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Well, what's wrong?

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: The meaning of Xixiao is very simple. Ke Lai from Xumi and Amber know each other. I am afraid that the other party will become a character in the Kingdom of Xumi in the game.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: In other words, if we don't travel through time, we will see Ke Lai when the Xumi map is opened in the game?

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: The chance is almost over 80%. You see, Amber and Kelai's outfits are very similar, plus the other party said she is a trainee ranger.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: So this Kelai Baoqi has the same nature as Amber in the game, and both lead to the existence of a kingdom.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: Doesn't that mean that Yuanxiao actually doesn't have to worry about the demon scale disease, and maybe it will be solved by the protagonist in the game?

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: It should be, but you have taken the topic astray. What I mean is that there seems to be something wrong with the little girl named Ke Lai. Maybe she has more than just magic scale disease.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: I just checked the memories we uploaded in the chat group. What do you think I found?

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: It's just to avoid forgetting to upload the backup memories. Are there any clues in it that we missed?

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: It's true. We haven't read the official comics of Genshin Impact before, but in our memory we have the information we saw when browsing the posts.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Someone among them mentioned that Kelai was once related to the Black Fire case in Mondstadt.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Wait a minute, you mean the Black Fire Case?

Han Xiao was immediately stunned when she saw the information Xingyue found in those messy memory backups.

He actually heard Abbey mention it because of the Black Fire case.

It's just that the other party didn't say much about this at that time, so Han Xiao just knew that there was such a thing.

Now it seems that the Black Fire case seemed to involve a lot of things.

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