When ordinary people face the devil scale disease, the hope of recovery is no more than 10%, or it can be said to be zero.

So Han Xiao can say that he is about 50% sure, which is already a very high success rate.



In the guest room arranged by Han Xiao, Amber was looking worriedly at Kelai who was lying on the table writing a letter to his master Tinari.

Ke Lai...

What's wrong, Amber?

Hearing Amber calling him, Kelai put down the pen in his hand and turned to look at him with a smile.

Are you really going to get treatment tomorrow?

After thinking about it for a long time, Amber finally asked what she wanted to ask.

When he met Han Xiao during the day, he had already made it very clear that he had done theoretical research before, but this was his first time actually coming into contact with a patient with magic scale disease.

She really didn't understand why Kelai could make up his mind so quickly to trust someone he just met?

I know what you're thinking Amber.

Although Amber didn't say what he said next, Kelai still understood the other person's thoughts keenly.

I came to Liyue specifically this time because I followed the advice of Mr. Little Lucky Grass King.

So I don't trust Mr. Han Xiao, I trust Mr. Little Jixiang Grass King.


Seeing Kelai come to Sumeru, all the grass gods moved out, and Amber's words of advice were blocked back.


The next day.

Kelai and Amber woke up early in the morning. After a simple freshening up, they arrived at the alchemy workshop at the agreed time after breakfast.

And Han Xiao was already waiting for them at the door.

You are here, come with me.

Seeing the two women, Han Xiao said a gentle hello, and then motioned to follow him.

Seeing this, Amber and the two didn't bother to say hello, and trotted behind each other into the alchemy workshop.

Taking Amber and Ke Lai to the 'temporary operating room' that was packed out yesterday, Han Xiao pointed to an operating table behind her that was half a person's height.

Miss Kelai, please lie down first.


Looking at the white operating table, Kelai couldn't help but swallow his saliva, and then mustered up the courage to lie down on it.

Amber chose to come to the corner and lean against the wall. She planned to watch the entire treatment process.

Han Xiao didn't pay much attention to this. He pushed a small box to the operating table and looked down at Ke Lai on the operating table:

Miss Kelai, first I want to check your tolerance, so you may feel a little pain next, I hope you can bear it.


Hearing Han Xiao's words, Ke Lai hummed slightly, with no fear on his face.

It was just pain, and it was not like she had never experienced it before.

Seeing that the other party was mentally prepared, Han Xiao reached out to open the small box on the side and took out a rather strange book from it.

Just when Amber was a little confused about why Han Xiao took out a book when he was treating a disease, she saw the other party put the book on the operating table, and at the same time grabbed Ke Lai's left hand and pressed it on the book.


The next moment, the book suddenly began to glow white, and a sound like electric barbecue suddenly sounded in the operating room.


A sharp pain made Kelai groan.

Chapter 447 Temporarily cured left hand

From the moment he lay on the operating table, Kelai had been mentally prepared.

But when she saw Han Xiao taking out a book from the box, she was still a little shocked.

a book? Cure?

Is there something wrong with me or with Mr. Hanxiao?

However, just when her hand was placed on the book, a mysterious power suddenly poured into her body, interrupting the question Kelai was about to speak.

It hurts, it hurts!

With the influx of this power, Kelai felt as if he was being pierced into the body with sharp spearheads by many people.

The pain made her whole body tremble uncontrollably.

At the same time, wisps of black smoke seeped out from Kelai's body accompanied by a sizzling sound. The scene was very scary.

What the hell is going on?

Seeing black smoke oozing out of Kelai's body, Amber, who was standing in the corner, couldn't help but exclaimed, and her eyes were filled with shock.

Is this really treating magic scale?

Amber really couldn't believe what she was seeing. Why did Han Xiao's method, which didn't look like a cure at all, cause Ke Lai to have such a strange reaction?

Han Xiao ignored Amber's exclamation. He just waited for a few seconds before taking Kelai's hand away from the book.

As soon as he took it away, the sizzling sound also disappeared, replaced by the sound of Kelai gasping for breath on the operating table, which was already soaked in cold sweat.

Miss Collet, how do you feel?

Looking at Kelai who looked like he had just been fished out of the water, Han Xiao's expression did not change at all and he asked in a calm tone.


Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Ke Lai on the operating table gasped for a long time before he could barely open his mouth and spit out a word with difficulty.

There was nothing I could do, it hurt too much.

That mysterious power seemed to be in conflict with her. Once it entered the body, it attacked everywhere like crazy. The feeling of her internal organs being torn apart was too painful.

Are there any other feelings besides pain?

Other feelings?

Although Ke Lai didn't quite understand what Han Xiao meant, she still steeled herself to feel her body as the other person said.


This feeling didn't matter, Kelai found that in addition to the pain in his left hand that had just touched the book, the extremely uncoordinated feeling in the past seemed to have alleviated a lot.


It really works!

When he found that his hands were no longer as unruly as before, Ke Lai's face instantly showed a look of surprise, and he immediately shouted to Han Xiao with all his strength:

Mr. Hanxiao...it works!

As soon as these words came out, Han Xiao had not yet responded. An Bai who was beside him could not help but stretched out his hands to cover his mouth, and his big bright eyes were gradually filled with crystal tears.

Kelai's demon scale disease has always been a worry for her but she has been unable to solve it.

Although Han Xiao's 'treatment' method was beyond her understanding, judging from the results, could it be that the problem of incurable demon scale disease was finally solved?

Hearing Ke Lai's answer, Han Xiao was still very calm and not at all excited about solving the incurable disease.

Miss Kelai, don't be anxious now. You can feel it again after the pain passes.


Although he didn't quite understand why Han Xiao asked him to wait any longer, Ke Lai still followed the other party's instructions and lay motionless on the operating table.

The relief of the discomfort in her arms made her understand that Han Xiao's treatment might be the only hope for solving the magic scale disease.

Therefore, Ke Lai did not dare not listen to the doctor's advice that might cure him.

After a while, the pain gradually dissipated and she became calm, and she immediately reported her situation to Han Xiao.

Mr. Hanxiao, I don't feel any pain now.

Very good, Miss Kelai, please try again to see if it works.


After hearing Han Xiao's instructions, Kelai raised his left hand again and tried to make a fist.

The moment her fists were about to be clasped together, the familiar feeling of disharmony flooded into her left hand again, and all the fingers began to tremble exactly as they did when the demon scale disease occurred.

How is this going?

A flash of disappointment flashed in Kelai's eyes. It was clear that there was no sense of disharmony before he clenched his fist, so why did it become the same as before in the next second.

Mr. Hanxiao...

The time to take effect is very short, isn't it?

Before Ke Lai could finish speaking, Han Xiao interrupted the other party's words as if he had expected it.


Although Ke Lai was a little disappointed, he still cheered up and responded to Han Xiao.

After all, this was the first time she felt the disharmony in her hands disappear. You must know that even Master Tinari's herbal medicine can only relieve the pain when the disease occurs.

Therefore, Ke Lai still has high hopes for Han Xiao's treatment.

Then you take a rest first, and we'll try again later.


Soon, another sizzling sound and Kelai's slightly painful moans came from the makeshift 'operating room' in the alchemy workshop.

Time quickly passed from morning to afternoon.

During this period, these two sounds would be heard repeatedly in the operating room at regular intervals.

Let's stay here for today.

Looking at Kelai on the operating table who looked like he had just been fished out of the water, Han Xiao put the books in his hands back into the box.

Seeing Han Xiao's actions, Amber who was standing by could no longer hold back and rushed to the operating table to help Ke Lai up.

Ke Lai, are you okay?

...Never felt so good!

Hearing Amber's worried inquiry, Kelai, who was sweating on his forehead and his face was pale, pulled up the corner of his mouth and smiled with great reluctance.

Han Xiao's treatment was really painful. The feeling that her whole body was about to be torn apart at any time made her want to give up several times, but in the end she survived.

As for the effect of surviving...

Kelai, who leaned all his weight on Amber, lowered his head and looked at his left hand, with an extremely excited look in his eyes.

His left hand was finally his own.

Yes, after a day of 'torture' that was like torture, Kelai found that his left hand seemed to be isolated by the disease, and the uncoordinated feeling in the past no longer appeared.

So even though her whole body was in pain and couldn't walk, her heart was still full of joy.

I have been tortured by Demon Scale Disease for so many years, and now I finally see hope of a cure!

Miss Collet.

After Amber took Ke Lai off the operating table, Han Xiao also took back the box and his jade pendant, and at the same time poured a basin of cold water on the two of them:

The current effect is only temporary. If the root cause of the disease is not solved, your left hand will return to its original appearance sooner or later.

The next treatment may be more painful.

Isn't it just pain? I can bear it!

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