Chapter 445 The meeting between Han Xiao and Ke Lai

Whether Han Xiao is a genius or not, in the eyes of Liyue Immortals and Qixing, he is definitely a genius.

Not only is he excellent in vision and pattern, but he is also extremely talented in alchemy, mechanism, etc.

Liuyun Jiufeng Zhenjun has the best say on this point. After all, she has witnessed Han Xiao's transformation from an entry-level novice in the art of mechanism to a master second only to herself in a short period of time.

It is estimated that it won't be long before she surpasses her and becomes the number one person in Liyue's machine arts.

Therefore, Yan Fei had no doubts about Han Xiao's talent.

However, the other party has not shown any interest in medical skills before, and now he is dealing with a terminal disease called Demon Scale Disease, which is a terminal disease that countless famous doctors in the entire Teyvat continent are helpless to deal with.

Can Han Xiao... really do it?

Believe me, Miss Yan Fei.

Seemingly sensing Yan Fei's hesitation, Bai Shu suddenly spoke and attracted the attention of several people.

If we say who in the Teyvat continent is most likely to solve the demon scale disease, apart from the Seven Gods, perhaps Han Xiao is the most promising.

Mr. Bai Zhu, do you believe in Han Xiao so much?

Hearing Bai Shu's categorical judgment, Yan Fei raised her eyebrows and looked at Bai Shu in surprise.

When the other party said this, it seemed that there was something she didn't know about.

Amber and Kelai on the side couldn't help but cast their eyes on Bai Shu after listening to the conversation between the two. Like Yan Fei, they wanted to know why the other party made such a judgment.

Maybe you'll know when you see Han Xiao.

Bai Shu smiled mysteriously and did not directly answer Yan Fei's question.

Even if he said it now, the three of them would probably be skeptical of the research conclusion that Demon Scale is not a disease but a curse.

It would be better to let Han Xiao explain to Yan Fei and the others in person.

And Bai Zhu didn't lie to them. He really believed that apart from the Seven Gods, the person most likely to solve the demon scale disease was Han Xiao.

If you want to ask him why?

emmm, maybe this is the doctor's intuition?

Then we won't disturb you for now.

Since Baizhu said so, Yan Fei did not continue to bother him. Instead, he said a simple goodbye to the other party and left Bubu Lu Fen Pharmacy with Ke Lai and Amber.


After leaving the pharmacy, Amber took Ke Lai and followed Yan Fei all the way to Kuixing Tower. At the same time, she couldn't help but ask the doubts in her heart.

Miss Yan Fei, could the Han Xiao mentioned by Dr. Baizhu be the Tianshu star, one of the seven stars in Liyue? Isn't it the same name?

Yes, that's him.

Yan Fei nodded and explained to the two of them.

The people with the surname Han in Liyue all belong to the Han clan. The Han clan has been inherited for thousands of years, and the names are also based on the rules of the ancestors, so there is only one Hanxiao in Liyue.

After a brief explanation, Yan Fei asked curiously:

Miss Amber seems to know Han Xiao?

Well, I heard Captain Qin and Keli mention it.

Amber directly confirmed Yan Fei's guess.

Although she had never met Han Xiao in person, whether it was Captain Qin, Miss Lisa or Keli, they all mentioned each other's names and spoke very highly of Han Xiao.

In addition, the recent changes in Mondstadt are all caused by Han Xiao and Albedo, so Amber is no stranger to the name Han Xiao, or is very familiar with it.

Of course, after hearing it after hearing it, Amber also had some doubts in her heart like Yan Fei.

So is Han Xiao really the one who can cure the demon scale disease?

You also saw the conversation between me and Baizhu before. I'm not too sure about this matter.

Seeing that Amber had many questions like herself, Yan Fei could only helplessly spread her hands. She didn't know that Han Xiao seemed to have medical skills.

The level is even so high that even Baizhu praises it.

Anyway, let's find him first.


Yan Fei and his party first came to Kuixing Tower. After learning from Xu Wan that Han Xiao was not there, they then went to Han Xiao's home but found no one.

It wasn't until finally that they found Han Xiao in the alchemy workshop.

I finally found you, Han Xiao!

Yan Fei finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Han Xiao sitting in the workshop hall reading with a book in hand.

What's wrong, Yan Fei?

Hearing Yan Fei's voice, Han Xiao put down the books in her hands and saw Yan Fei leading Amber and Kelai towards her at a glance. She immediately stood up and pretended not to know him and asked:

Who are these two?

Hello, Han Xiao, first of all, I am Amber, and this is Ke Lai.

Seeing Han Xiao stand up and look at them, Amber quickly introduced herself and Ke Lai.

It turns out that you are a scout knight of the Knights of the West Wind. I heard Captain Qin talk about you. Hello, I am Han Xiao.

Han Xiao nodded to Amber, and then looked at Ke Lai, who had only half of her body exposed next to her:

This Miss Kelai, judging from her appearance, she must be from Xumi, right?

Yes...yes, I am Ke Lai, the trainee ranger of Daochenglin. Please give me your advice.

Please give me more advice.

After greeting An Bo, Han Xiao had a vague suspicion in his mind, but he still turned to look at Yan Fei and asked:

Yan Fei, why did you come to see me this time?

It's such a cold night. We heard from Baizhu that you are currently studying magic scale disease.

Yan Fei didn't beat around the bush and asked Amber what they wanted to know most.

Demon scale disease, I am indeed researching it.

Seeing that their purpose of coming this time was indeed what he had guessed, Han Xiao's expression remained unchanged, and he nodded slightly and admitted that he was studying the magic scale disease.

So has there been any progress in your research?

There are some clues.

Very good!

Hearing Han Xiao say that he had already gained some insights into the research on magic scale disease, Amber excitedly held Kelai's hand and screamed with excitement.

Mr. Hanxiao, do you have any confidence in curing the magic scale disease?

It's hard to say with certainty, it depends on the clinical effect.

Han Xiao did not confirm Amber's inquiry, but left some room for herself.

After all, the treatment method he is speculating now has not been actually tested on patients with magic scale disease. Han Xiao is not sure about the specific effects.

Mr. Hanxiao.

The person in front of me is the only one who dares to say that he has some knowledge about the research on magic scale disease. Maybe he is the one mentioned by Little Lucky Grass King.

So Kelai, who had always seemed a little shy, mustered up the courage to stand up from behind Amber, then took out the letter addressed to Tinari from his arms and handed it to Han Xiao.

Please take a look at this.


After taking the letter from Ke Lai and reading it carefully, Han Xiao immediately raised her eyebrows and knew that the time was ripe to open up the topic.

So Miss Kelai came from Xumi this time just to see me for medical treatment?

Chapter 446: The first step of treatment

Yes, Mr. Hanxiao.

Under everyone's gaze, Kelai nodded timidly.

The Little Lucky Grass King's decree said that someone in Liyue may have mastered the method of curing the demon scale disease, so I plan to try my luck.

Mr. Han Xiao, if you really have a way to cure the demon scale disease, please be sure to help!

After Ke Lai finished explaining the reason why he came to Liyue, Amber on the side bowed to Han Xiao very solemnly, with a more pleading tone in his tone.

I can try.

Facing Amber's plea, Han Xiao didn't deliberately take advantage of Qiao, and simply agreed.

But before Amber and Kelai could be happy for long, his conversation also changed:

However, I cannot guarantee whether it will have any specific effects. After all, my current research is still based on theory and has not been put into practice.

After saying that, Han Xiao turned his gaze to Ke Lai and asked in a rather serious tone:

Miss Kelai, you are the first demon scale patient I have come into contact with. From a certain perspective, there is no difference between you and the experimental subject.

Are you...really ready?

When he heard the word experimental subject spoken by Han Xiao, Ke Lai's whole body trembled subconsciously, and his immature face couldn't help but turn pale.

Amber next to her hugged the other person's shoulders with a worried look.

Ke Lai, are you okay?

It's okay, Amber.

After calming down, Kelai reluctantly smiled at Amber, and then his panicked eyes gradually became firmer.

Han Xiao's words made her involuntarily recall the scene where she was used as a test subject by a doctor for wanton research.

If it had been in the past, Kelai felt that he might have fallen into the rage of revenge now.

But since being rescued by Amber and being cared for by Master Tinari, she is no longer the revenge-minded machine she was before.

So although Han Xiao's words aroused the fear and anger in his heart, Ke Lai quickly regained his composure.

Mr. Hanxiao, please don't worry, I'm ready.

Is that so?

Han Xiao nodded slightly when he saw that Ke Lai was still standing stubbornly in front of him and staring at him with his head held high even though his body was trembling uncontrollably.

I will arrange for you and Miss Amber to stay today. You can come here tomorrow morning and we will officially start treatment.

Thank you, Mr. Hanxiao.

After confirming the treatment time, Amber and Kelai stood up and left.

Han Xiao, are you really sure?

The door of the workshop warehouse was opened, and Abedo walked out of it while asking Han Xiao a question.

He had heard all the conversation between Amber and Han Xiao just now in the warehouse, but he didn't choose to speak out just so as not to disturb them.

It wasn't until Kelai and the others left that he walked out of the warehouse.

If I'm's probably about 50%.

Hearing Abedo's inquiry, Han Xiao pondered for a moment, and then gave a not particularly accurate judgment.

Although both his own research and the information provided by Baizhu point to magic scale disease as a curse, or the contamination of forbidden knowledge.

But without personal contact, Han Xiao could not give a 100% guarantee that he would be able to purify the demon scale disease.

All I can say is that there is great hope.

Fifty percent, not bad!

When he heard Han Xiao say that he was only about 50% sure, Abedo not only did not criticize Han Xiao for having a low chance, but gave him affirmation.

As for why this is the case, the reason is actually very simple.

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