Because he knew very well that there were several extremely profound subjects hidden behind these things.

So this is why a conceited genius like Dotore still obeys the Joker's orders and imitates products such as electric lights.

He just wanted to glean new knowledge from these alchemical creations.

How long will it take, Dotore?

The lady Rosalin, who was far away in Inazuma, appeared in the parliament through the power given by the queen, and couldn't help but ask the doctor her own questions.

As one of the executives who travels the most, she is all too aware of the severe dimensionality-reducing impact a giant steel ship will have on ships sailing on the sea today.

For Rosalin, who suffered a big loss in Liyue just like Dadalia, every improvement in Liyue made her feel unhappy.

If the doctor could rub Liyue's energy, she and Dadalia would also feel very happy.

I have more important things to do. If I want to imitate it, it will take two years no matter what.

After hearing the lady's inquiry and thinking that he had more important things waiting for him, Dotore calculated in his heart and gave an approximate time.

Two years, so long?

Before the lady could speak, Pantalone, another wealthy executive who was full of ill will toward Liyue, also spoke.

This doesn't look like you, Dotore.

Aren't you usually very conceited?

Huh, I'm conceited because those so-called scholars are just trash.

Dotore immediately sneered at the rich man's ridicule.

Although he does look down on those idiots who only follow the steps of their predecessors, he still values ​​​​people with real talents and learning.

It's just that such people are rare, so Dotore often has an attitude of looking down on people.

But people like Han Xiao and Abedo deserve his attention.

The knowledge contained in the science of electricity is so vast that even Dotore had to admit that even he could not understand it.

Two years is acceptable.

After allowing the ladies to quarrel with each other, the clown Piero finally took over the topic.

On the premise that there were other important things at hand, Dotore dared to catch up within two years, which was somewhat beyond his expectations.

Anyway, it's not time to start a full-scale war yet.

It was only two years, but he and Her Majesty the Queen could not afford to wait.

Pierro, don't think about things simply.

Hearing Harlequin's conclusion, Dotore couldn't help but have a sarcastic smile on his lips.

Technical barriers are not so easy to overcome. Two years is enough for those two to iterate on the technology.

Others can't do it, but I believe you can do it, Dotore.

Thank you very much for your trust.

Regarding Piero's trust, the smile on Dotore's face disappeared instantly and was replaced by a solemn look.

Give me two years and I will let you see the results!


Han Xiao was not clear about Dr. Dottore's talk of surpassing himself and Abedo for two years.

But even if he knew, he would probably just laugh.

It's not that Han Xiao looks down on Dotore. He may be regarded as the top scientific research talent in Teyvat, but he and Abedo are not bad either.

Moreover, for himself, who can learn knowledge about other worlds at any time, and for Albedo, who accepts new knowledge from him, Dotore alone wants to bridge the gap between the two sides, and the other party does not have the ability.

If it were the pre-civilized Dr. Mei, Mebius or the current civilized Einstein Nancy next door, Han Xiao might still be wary.

As for Dotore, if he wants to surpass Han Xiao and Abedo, who can absorb a lot of new knowledge at any time, he is looking down on their talents.


Soon, time flew by like a white horse, and half a month passed in a flash.

During this period of time, the Tianheng became famous throughout Liyue. Everyone knew that Guili City had built a giant steel ship that could be called the overlord of the sea.

At this moment, after a long journey, Kelai finally stood outside the gate of Guili City, and beside her was a chestnut-haired girl in red.

Chapter 444 Ke Lai arriving in Liyue

Amber, you really don't have to come with me.

Seeing the endless flow of people returning to the city gate, Kelai couldn't help turning his head and said to the girl with chestnut hair and red clothes beside him.

How could you not come? This is a big deal!

Hearing Kelai's words, Amber, the only scout knight of the Knights of the West Wind, quickly shook his little head and looked at the other party seriously.

Kelai is her good friend. This time the other party traveled all the way from Xumi to Liyue to see a doctor, and did not forget to come to Mondstadt to visit her on the way. How could she leave Kelai alone.

But...does it really not matter?

Seeing Amber's serious look, Kelai pushed the hair behind his ears uneasily.

Amber is Mondstadt's scout knight. Wouldn't it be bad for him to put aside his work and accompany her to Liyue for medical treatment?

Don't worry, I've already asked for leave from Captain Qin, it'll be no problem.

Regarding Ke Lai's concerns, Amber smiled and took the other's hand and explained the reason.

It turned out that after learning that Ke Lai was going to Liyue for medical treatment, she went to the Knights headquarters to find Captain Qin and asked for a few days off.

Of course, in addition to accompanying her friend to see a doctor, Amber herself had something to do that had been pressing in her heart for a long time when she came to Liyue.

Come on, Kelai, let's go into the city.

Oh, good.

Kelai, who was holding his right hand, nodded vaguely, and then was pulled to the city gate by Amber.

After a simple registration, the two successfully entered Guili City.

It's finished Amber...I don't seem to know what that doctor's name is!

As soon as he entered the city, Kelai suddenly realized that he seemed to have forgotten something, and he quickly looked at Amber with a tearful look on his face.

She doesn't seem to know who to contact!

The letter Tinari received originally only said that Xiao Jixiang Grass King mentioned that there was someone in Liyue who might be able to cure the magic scale disease.

But the other party didn't seem to say who the key person was.

At that time, he and his master were only attracted by the idea that someone might be able to cure the demon scale disease, and they also neglected to ask the other person's name.

It's okay Ke Lai, we'll find out first by asking someone.

Seeing that Kelai was still a little confused as before, Amber looked calm.

She was well prepared before coming to Liyue.

Who are we looking for?

Looking at Amber who looked confident, Kelai couldn't help but curiously asked.

Yura has a very good friend Yan Fei in Liyue. She had already written to each other on our behalf before we came to Liyue.

Next we just need to find Miss Yanfei.

It has to be said that Yan Fei's reputation in Guili City is still very high.

After all, from the beginning of the construction of Guili City, the other party has helped the entire city summarize various regulations in the name of legal advisor.

Even the current traffic laws and public security management and punishment laws in Guili City were jointly formulated by Barrister Yan Fei and Lord Tianquan Ningguang.

Moreover, for more than two years, the other party has been taking students to promote law in the city. It can be said that the entire Guili City basically knows Yan Fei's name.

So when Amber asked a passerby for Yan Fei's name, the other party clearly gave the traces of the barrister.

With a clear goal in mind, Amber took Ke Lai directly to the school and found Yan Fei who had just finished teaching the students.

You are the Amber and Kelai that Youla mentioned, right? Hello, I'm Yan Fei.

Looking at the two beautiful girls in similar clothes standing in front of her, Yan Fei immediately remembered what she had mentioned in the letter she had received from her friend Youla.

A smile appeared on her face and she extended her right hand.

Hello Miss Yanfei, I'm Amber.

Seeing the other person's right hand stretched out, Amber quickly reached out to hold the other person's hand, and began to introduce herself and Kelai beside her.

This is Cole.

Hello...Miss Yanfei.

Hearing Amber mention his name, Kelai suddenly whispered softly, his eyes couldn't stop wandering.

She didn't know why, but when she saw Yan Fei, she subconsciously thought of Xeno, and then she became a little scared.

Uh...what are you doing here this time?

Seeing that Ke Lai seemed to be 'scared' of herself, Yan Fei didn't understand the reason for a moment, so she had to turn her attention to Amber and ask her why she came to Liyue.

Is such that...

Although she also didn't understand Ke Lai's changes, Amber still told Yan Fei exactly why she and Ke Lai came to Liyue.

Demon scale disease?

After listening to Amber's story, Yan Fei subconsciously glanced at Kelai who had shrunk behind Amber at some point, and then frowned.

As far as I know, Demon Scale is an incurable terminal disease?


Amber nodded solemnly.

When Kelai was still in Mondstadt, she asked Mondstadt's doctors to diagnose her, but all of them bluntly said that there was no cure.

Even Lisa was helpless after hearing the news and coming to check.

Ke Lai got a message that someone in Liyue might be able to cure the magic scale disease, so Ke Lai and I rushed to Liyue to see the doctor.

Is there anyone in Liyue who can treat magic scale disease?

Yan Fei was stunned for a moment, then fell into deep thought, and began to whisper to herself in a low voice.

Let me think about it...could it be Baizhu?

Is it the doctor Baizhu who doesn't predict the house?

Although Yan Fei's voice was very low, Amber, who had a sharp ear and eyes, still heard the other party's words clearly, and immediately asked with a look of surprise.

I'm not sure either.

Yan Fei shook her head because she couldn't confirm whether it was the other party.

But when it comes to who in Liyue has superb medical skills, Bai Shu must be on the list.

Let's do this. I'll take you to find Baizhu first and ask if it's him.

Then I'll trouble you, Miss Yanfei.


Yan Fei moved very quickly. After a while, she took Amber and Kelai to Bubu Lu Fen Pharmacy in Guili City and found Baizhu.

Unfortunately, although I have studied Demon Scale Disease, I can only suppress it rather than cure it.

After hearing the purpose of Yanfei and others' visit, Baizhu gave an answer that disappointed them all.

But before Yanfei and the others could speak, the other party's next words suddenly made their emotions turn upside down.

As for the issue of Demon Scale Disease, you can ask Han Xiao. He recently took away all the research materials on Demon Scale Disease from me.

And the look on his face seems to be very confident.

Hanxiao is also researching demon scale disease?

Hearing what Bai Zhu said, Yan Fei couldn't help but raise her eyebrows. Could it be that the person Ke Lai and An Bo mentioned who could cure the magic scale disease was Han Xiao?

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