They have already suffered a lot in Liyue, but now that Liyue's coastal defense has been strengthened again, how could the fools not pay attention to it.

Ningguang said it was the other countries, but in fact, the only one he really cared about was Zhidong.

That's right.

Seeing that Han Xiao had exposed his thoughts, Ningguang nodded simply.

Just as the other party had guessed, she didn't really care about the Xumi Kingdoms. The only thing that really concerned her was Zhidong.

Even though the Fools had not taken any advantage in Liyue before, but were tricked by him and Han Xiao several times, Ningguang never dared to underestimate the country of Zhidong.

Not to mention anything else, the last time Zhidong just sent the executive officer Mo Xi, it caused a lot of trouble for Liyue.

Moreover, the lady in the eighth seat and the rich man in the ninth seat even just supported from the sidelines and did not help.

Even if the emperor's connivance was involved, the other party's ability should not be underestimated.

What's more important is that whether they are the last prince, the lady or the rich, they are just the lowest ranking among the executives.

What’s really tricky are the first few in the sequence.

The chief clown, the second maiden, the third doctor and the fourth captain.

These few people represent the top combat power of the Fools.

Judging from the intelligence he had collected from various sources, Ning Guang found that the power of the top four executive officers was probably not inferior to that of the immortals.

Maybe it's not just immortals...

After listening to Ning Guang's analysis, this was the first thought that flashed through Han Xiao's mind.

Although Ningguang's intelligence was not weak, it was ultimately not as accurate as the information he had received.

You must know that from the mouths of Zhongli, Wendy and Nasida, they all revealed a piece of news, that is, the power of the top three in the Fools can be compared to the devil.

Of course, even demon gods have strengths and weaknesses, and the top three executive officers are not as good as Zhongli and others, but this is enough to show how terrifying the Fools are.

With a top-level Demon God, Queen Zhidong, and three lower-level executives, Zhidong, who has four Demon Gods at the same time, is worthy of Wendy's description of the strongest force in the mainland.

Hanxiao, I'm afraid there's one more thing you don't know yet.

Ningguang, who didn't know what Han Xiao was thinking, suddenly changed the topic.

According to the information I received, Zhidong has begun to imitate electric lamps and other alchemical creations.

Oh, that's interesting news.

Hearing that Zhi Dong was making alchemy creations such as electric lamps at the village, Han Xiao couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and became interested.

He had no doubts about whether Zhi Dong could succeed. There was a ruthless person among the executives who dared to slice himself into pieces.

Interesting, why don't I think so?

Seeing that Han Xiao didn't take the news to heart, Ningguang couldn't help but roll her eyes at the other party and said angrily:

The other party can imitate electric lights now, but in the future, they will definitely keep an eye on the Tianheng.

Chapter 442 Strengthening the confidentiality measures of the Tianheng

A few days ago, intelligence personnel sent by Liyue to Zhidong came back with news that Zhidong also saw the benefits of electric lights and other creations to a country, so he had already begun to order people to imitate them.

It happened that Ningguang knew very well that the doctor who was the third executive officer of the Fools was an out-and-out scientific madman.

Maybe the other person may be a little neurotic, but his scientific research strength cannot be underestimated. It shouldn't be difficult for him to imitate electric lights.

So after witnessing the launch of the Tianheng, Ningguang couldn't help but feel worried in his heart.

She knew very well that alchemy creations such as electric lamps were fine, but even if Zhi Dong succeeded in imitating them, they would only increase national power in disguise and not be considered a particularly big threat.

After all, Zhi Dong is already the strongest among the Seven Kingdoms of Teyvat, and being stronger is just the icing on the cake.

But Tianheng is different.

The emergence of the Tianheng can be said to have directly broken the pattern of Liyue's navy being ranked behind the Seven Kingdoms, and it has become a top maritime force that can stand shoulder to shoulder with Fengdan.

How could Zhidong not pay attention to this kind of 'big killer'?

Ningguang estimated that perhaps the information about the Tianheng was already on the table of the fools.

If Zhidong successfully imitates the Tianheng, then Zhidong's national power will increase not just a little bit but exponentially.

Don't worry, even Zhidong's current capabilities are not enough to imitate the Tianheng.

After hearing Ningguang's worries, Han Xiao repeatedly waved her hands to indicate that the other party didn't need to worry so much.

If you're not afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of the worst. We can't place our hopes on each other.

Seeing that Han Xiao didn't seem too worried, Ningguang's face didn't relax at all.

Maybe Han Xiao used some difficult-to-imitate means during the construction of the Tianheng, so he didn't take Zhidong's side to heart.

But she has never been the kind of optimistic person. Who told Liyue that there is an old saying that nothing is absolute.

Maybe the doctor over at Zhidong suddenly exploded and researched the core technology.

No one can tell whether this is good or not.

It's not that I'm confident, it's just that it's true.

Looking at Ning Guang, who still hadn't let go of her worries, Han Xiao slightly raised her forehead, not knowing how to explain to the other party.

Even though the steam engine developed by him and Abbedo seemed very simple, in fact it was a shortcut.

For example, Han Xiao has sufficient knowledge of natural science, and there are ready-made physical models in the chat group.

Similarly, Abedo also understood a lot of natural science knowledge after receiving knowledge infusion from Han Xiao, so the two of them were able to quickly master steam engines and steel ships.

On the other hand, the doctor has formed his own set of scientific research concepts and methods, and is accustomed to using black technology with a metaphysical color to make artifacts.

If you want to imitate a steam engine, the first thing a doctor needs is to understand the principle of a steam engine.

Of course, this will certainly not trouble the other party.

However, Han Xiao said that he and Abedo were not freeloaders. As long as technical barriers existed, the two of them could keep suppressing Dr. Dotore in terms of research progress.

Doctor Dotore is a genius, aren't he and Albedo the same?

Furthermore, Han Xiao installed a self-destruction mechanism inside each steam engine. As long as someone wanted to study it, he could directly destroy the body and eliminate traces.

Without a physical object, no matter how talented Dotore is, it will take a long time to build a steam engine by himself.

As long as there is enough time, even if the doctor imitates the Tianheng, Liyue may not have been upgraded to a second- or third-generation ship long ago, and it will still be able to beat the opponent.

Even so, it's still best to be careful.

After listening to Han Xiao's series of arrangements, the gloomy color on Ningguang's face faded slightly, but she still did not give up her vigilance and gave a warning.

Yeah, I understand.

Han Xiao nodded. Although he felt that he had taken several insurance measures, Mingyun Town was still guarded by the immortal Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun. It was almost impossible for Dr. Dotore to steal the core technology.

But he still listened to Ningguang's persuasion.

After all, this is the continent of Teyvat where black technology is everywhere. Han Xiao, the doctor alone, is not worried. He and Abedo are fully capable of suppressing each other.

However, considering that the chief executive officer was from Canria, it would indeed be a problem if the other party was with the doctor.

So after listening to Ningguang's advice, Han Xiao prepared to leave a few more back-ups on the steam engine, and at the same time prepared to once again strengthen the security defense of Mingyun Town.


Han Xiao didn't know that the actual situation was almost consistent with Ningguang's prediction.

On the day of the launching ceremony of the Tianheng, on a higher mountaintop somewhere in Guiliyuan, the intelligence agents of the Zhidong Kingdom lurking in Liyue witnessed everything. They even did not miss the trial voyage of the Tianheng in the next few days. .

After confirming that Liyue had indeed developed a new generation of ships, a secret letter filled with the situation of the Tianheng quietly left the territory of Liyue and headed straight for Zhidong.

In just a few days, the letter reached the hands of Piero, the chief buffoon, the chief executive of the Fools.

As a result, he couldn't help but convene a meeting among colleagues after a long absence.

Let's take a look. This is the latest information from Liyue.

It turns out to be news from Liyue. I'm very interested in this.

Before anyone else could speak, the young master Dadalia, who was wearing the Limited Edition cape of the Executive Officer of Fools, picked up the information in front of him with great interest.

The reason why he attaches so much importance to Liyue is mainly because he suffered an unforgettable loss in Liyue last time.

Therefore, Dadalia is now very interested in all the news about Liyue, not to mention that this news is brought by the chief.

The information recorded in it must be significant for their chief executive officer to pay attention to.

Seeing Dadalia picking up his intelligence document, the others also reached out and picked up the intelligence in front of them and read it.

Hey, is it true?

Looking at the records in the intelligence documents, Dadalia couldn't help but exclaimed, and his eyes showed disbelief.

I've only been away from Liyue for less than a year, so how much has changed?

Not only Dadalia was surprised, but the wealthy Pantalone and the lady Rosalin who had previously been in charge of Liyue affairs also looked a little surprised.

They also couldn't believe it. If the information recorded in the intelligence was accurate, then what exactly did Liyue eat and why did she become so terrible in just one year?

The clown Piero didn't care about the shocked mood of the young masters. Instead, he turned to look at the young man standing next to him wearing a pointed-nosed mask and asked:

How about it, Dotore, are you sure?

Chapter 443 Dotore’s Confidence

Interesting design, a steel ship with new power.

Looking at the information recorded in the intelligence in his hand, Dr. Dotore, the third executive officer, could not help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Even though the mask on his face covered most of his face, everyone else present could see that the other person was in a very happy mood at this time.

Dotore, how about it?

Are you sure?

Piero the Harlequin took the trouble to ask again.

As a remnant of Camrea, he did not find the giant steel wheel strange, because the original Camrea already had such a thing.

It's just that Piero himself is not responsible for this aspect, so he doesn't know how to build it.

Later, Kanria was destroyed, all the information was destroyed in the war, and this giant steel ship was gradually forgotten by him.

It wasn't until he learned from intelligence that Liyue had just launched the Tianheng that Piero recalled it from his long-lost memory.

So there was a scene where he asked the doctor. After all, among the executives, Dotore had the strongest scientific research ability.

I need time.

After carefully reading the information on the intelligence, Dotore pondered for a moment and then gave his answer.

He can handle this, but it may take a little more time.

After all, if you want to drive a huge steel ship, its energy and power technology must not be simple.

At present, he has some of the technological heritage of Canreia given by Piero, but unfortunately it does not contain the unique energy technology of Canrea.

Therefore, if you want to create a power source from scratch, even a genius like him will need a certain amount of time.

So we will soon have a giant steel ship like Liyue's?

Hearing what the doctor said, Dadalia on the side immediately said excitedly.

When he left Liyue, he was carried back to Zhidong. Thinking about that scene still makes him depressed.

At first glance, the Tianheng was Liyue's recently developed secret weapon. If Dotore could imitate it in a short time, it would be a relief for him.

Unfortunately, that won't be possible in the short term.

Dotore glanced sideways at the excited Dadalia, and then poured a bucket of cold water on her.

It is true that he is a genius, but those two in Liyue are not vegetarians either.

As a top scientific researcher who is confident to the point of arrogance, Dotore did not take Han Xiao and Abedo seriously at first, even though the reputation of the other alchemist master had already spread among the seven countries.

Not to mention Han Xiao, who was not very famous at that time, he looked down upon her even more.

However, when Liyue developed alchemical creations such as electric lights, electric vehicles, and mobile phones that could change the social structure of Liyue, Dotore's views changed.

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