Hearing the sound outside the door, Tinari quickly gathered the letters on the table and put them into his arms, then quickly walked to the door and opened it.

With a creak, the door slowly opened.

Outside the door, a green-haired girl wearing a feather hairpin appeared in Tinari's sight.

The girl was wearing a short dress that exposed her armpits, with a light green cloak around her neck, and a pair of long light yellow satin pieces behind her. The hands wear sleeves that are slightly fatter at the front, and a pair of archer gloves that interlock with the middle fingers.

The knee-high black socks are of different lengths. There are three small dark yellow pieces on the upper side of the right sock, and the upper end of the shorter left sock is fixed with a ring strap.

Wearing a pair of fish-mouth high-heeled boots on both feet, they have tongues and velvet designs.

It was his student, Xumi Daochenglin's trainee forest patrol officer, Ke Lai.

Master, why did you close the door in broad daylight?

Seeing Tinari opening the door and appearing in front of him, Kelai asked curiously.

I was just dealing with something.

In response to his student's inquiry, Tinari did not tell the truth, but changed the subject with a casual and perfunctory sentence:

What brings you to me, Collet?

Master, have you forgotten that we are going to patrol soon?

Hearing Tinari's inquiry, Kelai looked at the other party in surprise, and even murmured in his heart.

what happened?

What happened to my master today?

Why did you forget that work time was up?

Oh yes, I'll go clean it up first.

Tinari then remembered that he still had work to do today, and quickly turned around and went into the house to get the tools he would need for patrol later.

It's just that he didn't notice the strong curiosity bursting out of Cole's eyes behind him.

If something is weird, there is definitely something wrong!

Seeing Tinari walking into the room to collect tools, Kelai had only one thought in his mind, that is, something was very wrong with his master today.

On weekdays, my master takes his work very seriously and never delays his forest patrol for other reasons.

But today, the other party completely forgot about the forest patrol work because of some things.

This is so abnormal.

Thinking of this, Kelai took small steps and rushed behind Tinari. While watching the other party pack his tools, he asked tentatively:

Master, what were you dealing with just now?

Why do you ask?

Tinari, who was packing the tools, shook his hands, but soon continued to move as if nothing had happened, and asked a question not caring.

Because there is something really wrong with the master today!

Hearing Tinari's rhetorical question, Kelai didn't hide anything and directly expressed his doubts.

A master would never forget his job of patrolling the forest.

Is it because of faith?

Tinari did not speak to his apprentice's explanation, because he knew that he was indeed different today than usual.

And the 'culprit' that caused his bad state today was lying quietly in his arms.

Although the tone of the letter from the head of the Humayi family was polite, it boiled down to one meaning, that is, he hoped that he could find a patient with magic scale disease to go to Liyue to try it out, and the other party would be responsible for the cost of the journey and the medical fee.

If this is true, Liyue can indeed cure the magic scale disease, and the other party can send his daughter for treatment.

But if what Little Lucky Grass King said is wrong, the head of the Humayi family will not lose too much, and will only lose some molas.

Although Tinari understood that the head of the Humayi family did this for the sake of his daughter, this kind of behavior that did not care about the safety of other patients still made him, a doctor, slightly dissatisfied.

It's just... I'm obviously planning to reject the other party's proposal, so why can't I make up my mind?


Master Tinari!

Huh? What's wrong?

Tinari, who was interrupted by Kelai's sudden shout and came back to his senses, couldn't help turning his head to look at his apprentice, and asked with a forced calm on his face.

I should be the one to ask you this, right master.

Seeing Tinari's reply, Kelai crossed his arms and stared at his master with a 'scrutinizing' look.

I always feel that you are hiding something from me, master.

How could it be? You think too much, Kelai!

Hearing Kelai's intuitive answer that something was wrong, Tinari quickly lowered his head to prevent the other party from seeing the look on his face at this moment.

The hands that packed the tools also involuntarily sped up.

After the packing was completed, Tinari stuffed the tools into the space of the Eye of God.

Come on, let's go patrolling the forest.

After saying that, Tinari walked around Kelai in front of him and walked straight out the door.

But before he reached the door, Ke Lai's faint words came from behind him:

Master, the thing in your arms is exposed.


Tinari subconsciously lowered his head and looked at his chest. Sure enough, most of the letter he had hurriedly stuffed into his arms was exposed at some point.

It seems that the content written in this letter should be something that the master wants to conceal.

Collet thought thoughtfully as he looked at Tinari who was taking the letter out of his arms and quickly stuffing it into the Eye of God.


While Tinari was dealing with Ke Lai, Han Xiao also found Baizhu who was studying HeLa cells on Liyue's side.

Didn't I give you all the notes about Demon Scale Disease?

Baizhu's face was also full of displeasure when his research was interrupted by the other party. All his thoughts were now on HeLa cells.

He really didn't want to spend too much energy on magic scale disease or something like that.

After all, information is just information. I want to hear your views on Demon Scale Disease with my own ears.

Regarding Baizhu, who was all focused on HeLa cells, Han Xiao shrugged and directly expressed his thoughts.

Since he agreed to Nasida's attempt to deal with the magic scale disease, he naturally had to find someone who was familiar with the situation to learn more about it.

Atractylodes can give so much information about magic scale disease, and he must have his own unique views on magic scale disease.

After all, there are some things that are very inaccurate simply based on written records.

My opinion, my opinion is that Demon Scale is not a disease at all.

After hearing Han Xiao's plan, Baizhu expressed his opinion without hesitation.

According to my previous research, it is more accurate to say that Demon Scale is a curse than a disease.

Chapter 429 Atractylodes’ research on magic scale disease

Oh, that's what you think about magic scale disease. Can you tell me more about it?

When Bai Zhu said that magic scale disease was probably not a disease but a curse, Han Xiao's eyes burst with intense interest.

It’s a bit interesting.

Although he knew that Bai Shu's medical skills were unique in Liyue, he didn't have a specific idea of ​​how powerful he was.

After all, most difficult and complicated diseases can always be solved easily in Baizhu's hands. It is this ease that makes people unaware of how high his level is, only that he is very powerful.

But now, Han Xiao feels that she can have a more accurate judgment on Bai Shu.

Not many people on the continent of Teyvat know that Demon Scale Disease is a curse. Apart from the Demon God, only a few people who know many secrets understand this matter.

Moreover, the characteristics of demon scale disease are no different from those of serious illness. Therefore, there are only a few people on the Teyvat continent who can study the true condition of demon scale disease.

Bai Shu can analyze the magic scale disease through pure medical skills, which is probably not a disease but a curse. This alone can prove that the other party's medical skills are probably ranked among the best in the Teyvat continent.

The information I gave you before contains the data from my experiments.

Seeing that Han Xiao was so interested in magic scale disease, Baizhu, who wanted to go back and continue studying HeLa cells, knew that if he didn't tell the truth, the other party might not let him go easily.

So Baizhu could only patiently describe his findings to Han Xiao briefly.

I won't tell you the specific process of the experiment. After all, you don't understand medical skills. I'll just tell you the conclusion.

According to my experiments, although the demonic scale disease also showed the external manifestations of abnormal conditions in the human body, after in-depth research, I found that there were no lesions in the patient's body.

It just doesn't make sense.

As he spoke, Baizhu spread his hands, his face full of helplessness.

Generally speaking, as long as you are sick, lesions will appear in your body, even if it is a minor ailment such as a toothache or a cold.

It doesn't mean that there are no lesions on the body of patients with Demonic Scale, but after research, he found that they are all complications caused by the late stage of Demonic Scale.

All the complications can be found, except for the demon scale disease, which seems to appear out of thin air.

After discovering this reason, Bai Zhu made a special trip to Xumi and hired several patients with late-stage magic scale disease to cooperate with him in his research.

The final conclusion he reached was what he said to Han Xiao before.

Demon scale is not a disease, it is probably a curse emanating from the soul of the patient.

It seems that you have done a lot of research on magic scale disease. Why haven't you continued your research?

Hearing that Baizhu's understanding of the magic scale disease was indeed deeper than he thought, Han Xiao couldn't help but curiously asked.

That's because Baizhu believes that magic scale disease cannot help achieve his goal.

Before Bai Shu could speak, Bai Snake Changsheng, who had been wrapped around his neck and rarely spoke, suddenly opened his mouth to explain.

It's not like you don't know his purpose. Not only is the magic scale disease difficult to cure, it also has no benefits. Baizhu will not put his energy into it.

As for hurting me like this, Changsheng!

Bai Shu's face was full of helplessness in response to the series of sudden changes in Bai Changsheng.

Although he does think so in his heart, don't say such things out loud!

After some inner discussion, Bai Shu turned his attention to Han Xiao and explained in a half-embarrassed and half-serious manner:

Although magic scale disease is indeed inconsistent with my ultimate goal, this is only one factor that led me to give up research. There was a more important factor that made me make this decision.

What factors?

The reason is very simple and practical. I don't have the means to cure the magic scale disease.

Bai Zhu shrugged and bluntly stated the main reason why he gave up researching the magic scale disease.

Although studying immortality is his ultimate goal, as a doctor, how can he not feel itchy when he sees difficult and complicated diseases.

He originally went into research with the intention of solving the demon scale disease.

However, after constant and in-depth research, a cruel reality was placed in front of him, that is, with his current ability, he was completely helpless against the magic scale disease.

At best, it can only be temporarily suppressed. Wanting to completely cure it is basically a fantasy.

In addition, the magic scale disease would not be of much help to his goal of immortality, so Baizhu weighed it again and again and finally gave up the research on the magic scale disease.

So, you don't have any solution to the demon scale disease?

Hearing what Bai Zhu said, Han Xiao was slightly disappointed.

After all, before the actual operation, he could not guarantee whether his power of authority could clean up the contamination of the magic scale disease.

If not, then he can only rely on people with medical skills like Baizhu to give him some advice.

If you want to use pure medical skills to solve the magic scale disease, then I can tell you for sure that there is absolutely no hope.

In response to Han Xiao's inquiry, Baizhu gave his answer without hesitation, but the next moment, his conversation changed:

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