Zhongli had said at the beginning that King Daci Shu did not die in Kanreia, but died due to the pollution of forbidden knowledge.

Therefore, even the other party's soul fragments in the earth's veins also contain these contaminations.

If there is no way to resolve the pollution of these forbidden knowledge, the resurrected opponent is likely to bring devastating disaster to the World Tree, which is extremely important to the entire continent of Teyvat.

The pollution of forbidden knowledge...

After listening to Han Xiao's explanation, Nasida fell into silence.

After a long time, she spoke again, her tone a little more solemn:

Mr. Hanxiao, I may know what the pollution you are talking about is. In the Sumeru realm, there is a phenomenon called the Dead Realm and an incurable disease called Demon Scale.

They should be the manifestation of pollution.

Is there still magic scale disease in the Dead Realm?

Han Xiao repeated Nasida's words in a low voice, with a serious expression on her face.

He had never heard of the phenomenon of the Dead Realm, but he had heard Baizhu talk about a terminal disease like Demon Scale Disease.

It is a terminal disease that, once contracted, will gradually make one's limbs weak and eventually lead to death.

As a doctor, especially a doctor with very good medical skills, Bai Zhu has conducted research on magic scale disease a long time ago.

It's a pity that even he can only barely suppress it and is helpless to cure the demon scale disease.

Han Xiao was also a little surprised when she heard Nasida's speculation.

Originally, he thought that it was because Bai Shu's medical skills were not top-notch enough that he could not cure the magic scale disease.

But now it seems that it's not that Baizhu's medical skills are not good enough, but that magic scale disease is not a disease in itself?

If Demon Scale is not a disease but a disease caused by the pollution of taboo knowledge, can my authority treat it?

Han Xiao couldn't help but start thinking about the possibility of using her own authority to cure the demon scale disease.

Then he came to the conclusion that it was very possible.

After all, his authority can not only reduce the wear and tear on Zhongli and Wendy, but also has good suppression on the power of the abyss.

If the devil's scale disease is really caused by pollution as Nacida suspected, maybe he really has hope of curing this terminal disease.

Moreover, if you want to solve the pollution in the soul fragments of the Great Merciful Tree King, starting with the Demon Scale Disease seems to be a good choice.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao immediately asked Nasida:

Miss Nasida, I wonder if you can introduce me to a patient with magic scale disease. I would like to try to deal with the pollution problem from this aspect.

Here... let me give it a try.

Knowing that Han Xiao planned to use the incurable disease of Demon Scale to solve the pollution problem, Nasida agreed to the other party's request after some thought.

After all, from the words of Senior Yan Shen who warned Han Xiao, she also knew that the Great Ci Tree King was likely to be contaminated, and that the Death Zone and Demon Scale Disease were also probably caused by this pollution.

Only by solving the Demon Scale Disease and the Dead Domain first can they possibly solve the pollution in the soul fragments of the Great Mercy Tree King, and the Heroic Spirit Transformation Plan can continue.

So when Han Xiao wanted to find a few patients with demon scale disease, Nasida planned to give it a try even though she had difficulty moving.

She didn't know where the other party got the confidence to be able to cure Demon Scales, but there were quite a few people suffering from Demon Scales.

That would also be good news for her, if it was indeed treatable.


After telling Nasida to postpone the second phase of the experiment and prepare to start researching the demon scale disease, Han Xiao also returned to his usual pace of life.

For example, I would go to Kuixing Tower every three to five to process documents, or go to the alchemy workshop to do experiments with Abedo.

Of course, he didn't forget to go to Baizhu and get information about magic scale disease from him.

Just when Guili City was calm as always, a small situation occurred in Xumi.

Chapter 427: Followers of Little Lucky Grass King


The famous Humayi family.

No, Dina Zedai, how can you go to Liyue like this!

Seeing the frail daughter standing in front of him, the head of the Humayi family spoke harshly and had an extremely angry expression on his face.


Facing her angry father, Dina Zedei, who was pale and suffering from a long-term illness, straightened her back with difficulty and said solemnly:

Please let me do whatever you want for once!

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Upon hearing his daughter's request, the head of the Humayi family refused without hesitation.

This morning, Dina Zedei suddenly came to him and told him that she wanted to go to Liyue for treatment, which made him very angry.

Of course, the head of the Humayi family was not angry with his daughter, but with the bastard who incited Dina Zedai to go to Liyue to treat the magic scale disease.

As a well-known family in Xumi, in order to treat his daughter's demon scale disease, the head of the Humayi family found all the scholars and famous doctors.

But no matter who it is, they are helpless against the magic scale disease.

Little by little, he watched as his daughter, Dina Zedai, entered the terminal stage of the magic scale disease, and her life began to count down.

The head of the Humayi family is in grief all the time.

So when he learned that someone was trying to persuade his daughter to go to Liyue on the pretext of curing the demon scale disease, he was extremely angry and wanted to find that person out and give him a lesson.

Dina Zedei...tell father who is the person who is encouraging you behind your back!

The head of the Humayi family suppressed the anger in his heart and asked his daughter through gritted teeth.

He is really angry now, and he urgently needs to find someone to vent his anger.

Father, don't you believe that someone can cure magic scale disease?

This is a terminal disease that so many scholars and famous doctors in Sumeru are unable to cure. Dina Zedai, my daughter, how can you make me believe...

Facing his daughter who was still standing in front of him with a slight sweat on his forehead, the head of the Humayi family couldn't help but turned his head, and his tone was a little more choked.

My daughter is obviously so outstanding, why did she get this terminal disease?

Your Majesty, King Daci Tree, would it be great if you were still here!

But I believe it, father!

Hearing her father's almost desperate words, although Dina Zedei's face turned pale, her eyes shone with unprecedented light.

Originally, like you, I had no hope of curing the devil scale disease.

But I believe she won't lie to me!


Lord Little Lucky Grass King!

Dina Zede did not hesitate to name her admirers.

Just a few nights ago, she was tossing and turning in bed and unable to fall asleep as usual because of the pain.

Unexpectedly, she heard the voice of Little Lucky Grass King again in her daze.

Moreover, Mr. Little Lucky Grass King also gave her a suggestion, which is to go to Guili City in Liyue, where there may be a cure for the magic scale disease.

After waking up, Dina Zedei immediately found her father, and the above happened.

Little Lucky Grass King?

The head of the Humayi family frowned instantly.

He still knew that his daughter believed in the Little Lucky Grass King.

Regarding this point, even though the head of the Humayi family still believed in King Daci Shu, he never said a word about his daughter's belief and always followed the other party.

So after hearing Dina Zedai say that this was the advice given by the Little Lucky Grass King himself, the head of the Humayi family was a little hard to make a decision.

He thought that the person who encouraged his daughter was someone with ulterior motives, and he was ready to teach her a lesson.

However, the direction of the matter was completely beyond the situation. It was most likely the little Lucky Grass King who had barely shown his face to give his daughter this advice.

If it was the other party, should he believe it?

Although the head of the Humayi family believed in the former Grass God, the Great Cishu King, he was not very convinced of the Grass God's successor, the Little Jixiang Grass King.

But there was one thing he couldn't ignore.

That is, the Little Lucky Grass King is the current grass god of Xumi, the god of wisdom.

Compared with humans, the wisdom of demons is more trustworthy.

Is it possible that Liyue really has a way to cure magic scale disease?

Father, what do you think of this?

Seeing that her father was vaguely shaken, Dina Zedai immediately struck while the iron was hot and said:

If you are worried, we can find a compromise.

I can still hold on for a while, so father, you can find a demon scale patient to send to Liyue.

If it works, how about sending me to Liyue?

Looking at the firm eyes of his daughter looking at him, the head of the Humayi family sighed deeply, and his voice could not help but become a little lower:


Soon, a messenger walked out of Humayi's house and galloped towards Huacheng City on horseback.


Transform the city.

Ranger Tinari frowned and read the letter in his hand, then nodded to the messenger.

I have read the content of the letter. If you go back and report it to the head of the Humayi family, I will find out.


The messenger who received the reply nodded, and then left Huachengguo and returned to the main city of Xumi.

After the other party left, Tinari locked the door and sat alone in front of the table, looking at the letters on the table and lost in thought.

Because the eldest daughter of the Humayi family, Dina Zedai, and his young apprentice Kelai were both suffering from magic scale disease, the head of the Humayi family once asked him to treat them.

But unfortunately, the opponent's demon scale disease was more serious than Kelai's, and even the herbal medicine prepared by Tinari could only temporarily suppress the disease.

Originally, he was very sorry that such an outstanding young lady from a famous family like Dina Zedai had withered away like this.

But the letter that appeared now left Tinari in a tangled state.

The letter sent by the head of the Humayi family did not contain much content, but it was extremely shocking.

Not only did it describe that Dina Zedei received an order from Lord Little Lucky Grass King who rarely appeared, but the other party also released information that there might be a solution to the magic scale disease in Liyue.

So the head of the Humayi family hoped that he could investigate whether this matter was true.

Believe it or not?

Tinari was unable to judge.

To be honest, if someone said that magic scale disease could be cured, he would never believe it. After all, according to his research, it was probably not a disease at all, but an extremely terrible curse.

However, the person who said this was the Little Lucky Grass King, their second grass god in Sumeru.

This was the reason for Tinari's confusion. He didn't know whether he should trust the successor of the grass god who had basically never appeared in front of the Sumeru people.

Chapter 428: Demon Scale is not a disease

Dong dong dong——

Just when Tinari was extremely entangled, there was a sudden knock on the door, and at the same time, a lively female voice also sounded outside the door:

Master, are you at home?

Wait a mininute.

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